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0 Frags +

I'm surprised that there hasn't been a thread made about this on TFTV given that its the 5th most trending hashtag right now.

I'm surprised that there hasn't been a thread made about this on TFTV given that its the 5th most trending hashtag right now.
83 Frags +

r/tf2 yells at cloud

r/tf2 yells at cloud
10 Frags +


17 Frags +

i support Big Joey Slap Nuts

i support Big Joey Slap Nuts
56 Frags +


-22 Frags +

Guys if we get it to #1 on trending valve will HAVE to fix tf2!

Guys if we get it to #1 on trending valve will HAVE to fix tf2!
22 Frags +

welp it’s better than nothing at least, may as well support it

welp it’s better than nothing at least, may as well support it
-25 Frags +

Regarding comp, Valve will never pay attention to it because they want TF2 to be a party game.
Regarding casual, I would play on Uncletopia regardless if the bot situation got fixed because I prefer the nocrits and nospread on those servers, and they have enough that one is always full.

Regarding comp, Valve will never pay attention to it because they want TF2 to be a party game.
Regarding casual, I would play on Uncletopia regardless if the bot situation got fixed because I prefer the nocrits and nospread on those servers, and they have enough that one is always full.
-10 Frags +

I hate all the videos I keep getting in my recommended by all of these nn YouTubers I Do Not Care!

I hate all the videos I keep getting in my recommended by all of these nn YouTubers I Do Not Care!
60 Frags +

new players are the bread and butter of any game series. how many of you guys had tf2 as your first steam game? how many played it because it was f2p? how many of you were kids and you weren't aware of community severs and comp or any of the shit you are aware of now? new players are kids that download tf2 cause its free and load up casual. this is the bulk of whats important. new players will boot up the game, see how poorly it runs on modern hardware, see the bots insta killing them. then they will uninstall and never play the game again. you cannot make an argument against the fact that no new players will join the game if casual is left in the state that it is. idc if you post some bs or whatever this twitter trend is better then being a pessimistic pussy and doing nothing for the game you love playing. Post on the #savetf2 and post whatever, the more traction this gets the worse it looks for valve to continue to leave tf2 the way that its been left.

new players are the bread and butter of any game series. how many of you guys had tf2 as your first steam game? how many played it because it was f2p? how many of you were kids and you weren't aware of community severs and comp or any of the shit you are aware of now? new players are kids that download tf2 cause its free and load up casual. this is the bulk of whats important. new players will boot up the game, see how poorly it runs on modern hardware, see the bots insta killing them. then they will uninstall and never play the game again. you cannot make an argument against the fact that no new players will join the game if casual is left in the state that it is. idc if you post some bs or whatever this twitter trend is better then being a pessimistic pussy and doing nothing for the game you love playing. Post on the #savetf2 and post whatever, the more traction this gets the worse it looks for valve to continue to leave tf2 the way that its been left.
-14 Frags +
b0nes_NAthis twitter trend is better then being a pessimistic pussy and doing nothing for the game you love playing

It's not pessimism, it's realism. The only "announcement" Valve has made about the bot crisis is someone recording Gaben saying a vague, "We have a plan" solution with their phone. It's been years and the bot crisis has gotten worse with silence from Valve. Valve took down TF2Classic and OpenFortress and nobody knows when or if they're coming back, nobody even asked them to do that but they decided they wanted to kill their own game anyway. But you think it's a shitty attitude to acknowledge that Valve is done with TF2 when that's 100% what has happened? A hashtag in the face of a billion dollar company is nothing. There are people who actually do something concrete and end up having it fail horrifically, it's not pessimistic to believe that a Twitter hashtag will do nothing. I could flip the script and say you're not being optimistic, you're being delusional.

[quote=b0nes_NA]this twitter trend is better then being a pessimistic pussy and doing nothing for the game you love playing[/quote]
It's not pessimism, it's realism. The only "announcement" Valve has made about the bot crisis is someone recording Gaben saying a vague, "We have a plan" solution with their phone. It's been years and the bot crisis has gotten worse with silence from Valve. Valve took down TF2Classic and OpenFortress and nobody knows when or if they're coming back, nobody even asked them to do that but they decided they wanted to kill their own game anyway. But you think it's a shitty attitude to acknowledge that Valve is done with TF2 when that's 100% what has happened? A hashtag in the face of a billion dollar company is nothing. [url=https://i.ibb.co/YRSNwyr/Untitled.png]There are people who actually do something concrete and end up having it fail horrifically[/url], it's not pessimistic to believe that a Twitter hashtag will do nothing. I could flip the script and say you're not being optimistic, you're being delusional.
-19 Frags +

Valve don’t care about little babies crying on the internet or else half life 3 would clearly be here

Valve don’t care about little babies crying on the internet or else half life 3 would clearly be here
-21 Frags +

b0nes angry he can't pubstomp anymore but he spittin probs, idk didn't read the whole thing

b0nes angry he can't pubstomp anymore but he spittin probs, idk didn't read the whole thing
21 Frags +

love and care? when has that ever accomplished anything?

start pissing in bottles and throwing them at their company's front door in Seattle, seems more effective than some twitter hashtags

love and care? when has that ever accomplished anything?

start pissing in bottles and throwing them at their company's front door in Seattle, seems more effective than some twitter hashtags
-18 Frags +

new players are the bread and butter of any game series. how many of you guys had tf2 as your first steam game? how many played it because it was f2p? how many of you were kids and you weren't aware of community severs and comp or any of the shit you are aware of now? new players are kids that download tf2 cause its free and load up casual. this is the bulk of whats important. new players will boot up the game, see how poorly it runs on modern hardware, see b4nny with six medics insta killing them. then they will uninstall and never play the game again. you cannot make an argument against the fact that no new players will join the game if casual is left in the state that it is. idc if you post some bs or whatever this twitter trend is better then being a pessimistic pussy and doing nothing for the game you love playing. Post on the #savetf2 and post whatever, the more traction this gets the worse it looks for valve to continue to leave tf2 the way that its been left.

new players are the bread and butter of any game series. how many of you guys had tf2 as your first steam game? how many played it because it was f2p? how many of you were kids and you weren't aware of community severs and comp or any of the shit you are aware of now? new players are kids that download tf2 cause its free and load up casual. this is the bulk of whats important. new players will boot up the game, see how poorly it runs on modern hardware, see b4nny with six medics insta killing them. then they will uninstall and never play the game again. you cannot make an argument against the fact that no new players will join the game if casual is left in the state that it is. idc if you post some bs or whatever this twitter trend is better then being a pessimistic pussy and doing nothing for the game you love playing. Post on the #savetf2 and post whatever, the more traction this gets the worse it looks for valve to continue to leave tf2 the way that its been left.
36 Frags +
it's not pessimistic to believe that a Twitter hashtag will do nothing. I could flip the script and say you're not being optimistic, you're being delusional.

whats the worst that can happen? I'm fully aware this is likely to fail and if it does, we're in the same spot and nothing changes. If even the smallest change happens or there is a response then its worth posting a meaningless # on twitter.

Valve don’t care about little babies crying on the internet or else half life 3 would clearly be here

Valve cares about their company image, other gaming news media is starting to bring attention to the issue and its becoming more public.
Half life 3 is one thing that would require years and years of the company putting many resources into developing it. tf2 is already made, the anti-cheat for the bots themselves have been implemented into severs like uncletopia. mastercom has made a mod of tf2 that fixes the vast majority of bugs and optimizations to take the game to 2022
I've put actual thought into ways valve can update and fix and continue to develop tf2 without actually needing to take their staff away from other projects. I mean we have literally been doing it ourselves forever, so why can't we convince them to give certain members of the community that we can fix it ourselves if they let us.
this isn't unrealistic its completely within the realm of reason that these things can happen. It is however on valve to hand the keys over to us.

and if they still do nothing then its proof that they would rather see tf2 dead then actually try to profit from one of their most iconic ip's

[quote] it's not pessimistic to believe that a Twitter hashtag will do nothing. I could flip the script and say you're not being optimistic, you're being delusional.[/quote]
whats the worst that can happen? I'm fully aware this is likely to fail and if it does, we're in the same spot and nothing changes. If even the smallest change happens or there is a response then its worth posting a meaningless # on twitter.
[quote]Valve don’t care about little babies crying on the internet or else half life 3 would clearly be here[/quote]
Valve cares about their company image, other gaming news media is starting to bring attention to the issue and its becoming more public.
Half life 3 is one thing that would require years and years of the company putting many resources into developing it. tf2 is already made, the anti-cheat for the bots themselves have been implemented into severs like uncletopia. mastercom has made a mod of tf2 that fixes the vast majority of bugs and optimizations to take the game to 2022
I've put actual thought into ways valve can update and fix and continue to develop tf2 without actually needing to take their staff away from other projects. I mean we have literally been doing it ourselves forever, so why can't we convince them to give certain members of the community that we can fix it ourselves if they let us.
this isn't unrealistic its completely within the realm of reason that these things can happen. It is however on valve to hand the keys over to us.

and if they still do nothing then its proof that they would rather see tf2 dead then actually try to profit from one of their most iconic ip's
-43 Frags +
b0nes_NA it's not pessimistic to believe that a Twitter hashtag will do nothing. I could flip the script and say you're not being optimistic, you're being delusional.whats the worst that can happen? I'm fully aware this is likely to fail and if it does, we're in the same spot and nothing changes. If even the smallest change happens or there is a response then its worth posting a meaningless # on twitter. Valve don’t care about little babies crying on the internet or else half life 3 would clearly be hereValve cares about their company image, other gaming news media is starting to bring attention to the issue and its becoming more public.
Half life 3 is one thing that would require years and years of the company putting many resources into developing it. tf2 is already made, the anti-cheat for the bots themselves have been implemented into severs like uncletopia. mastercom has made a mod of tf2 that fixes the vast majority of bugs and optimizations to take the game to 2022
I've put actual thought into ways valve can update and fix and continue to develop tf2 without actually needing to take their staff away from other projects. I mean we have literally been doing it ourselves forever, so why can't we convince them to give certain members of the community that we can fix it ourselves if they let us.
this isn't unrealistic its completely within the realm of reason that these things can happen. It is however on valve to hand the keys over to us.

and if they still do nothing then its proof that they would rather see tf2 dead then actually try to profit from one of their most iconic ip's


[quote=b0nes_NA][quote] it's not pessimistic to believe that a Twitter hashtag will do nothing. I could flip the script and say you're not being optimistic, you're being delusional.[/quote]
whats the worst that can happen? I'm fully aware this is likely to fail and if it does, we're in the same spot and nothing changes. If even the smallest change happens or there is a response then its worth posting a meaningless # on twitter.
[quote]Valve don’t care about little babies crying on the internet or else half life 3 would clearly be here[/quote]
Valve cares about their company image, other gaming news media is starting to bring attention to the issue and its becoming more public.
Half life 3 is one thing that would require years and years of the company putting many resources into developing it. tf2 is already made, the anti-cheat for the bots themselves have been implemented into severs like uncletopia. mastercom has made a mod of tf2 that fixes the vast majority of bugs and optimizations to take the game to 2022
I've put actual thought into ways valve can update and fix and continue to develop tf2 without actually needing to take their staff away from other projects. I mean we have literally been doing it ourselves forever, so why can't we convince them to give certain members of the community that we can fix it ourselves if they let us.
this isn't unrealistic its completely within the realm of reason that these things can happen. It is however on valve to hand the keys over to us.

and if they still do nothing then its proof that they would rather see tf2 dead then actually try to profit from one of their most iconic ip's[/quote]
-19 Frags +
b0nes_NAwhats the worst that can happen?

It fails and it causes people who were fans of TF2 and still stuck around to keep playing despite the bots decide to drop the game entirely because they start to believe it's a dying game. And then the whole "TF2 is dying" mantra gets louder.

I mean realistically, if you've stuck around with TF2 for this long, you love the game and very little will actually sway you to stop playing, but most of the people I know who play TF2 are competitive players and they're a bit harder to push away from the game than a casual player who could probably be convinced to stop playing.

And regarding the whole, "Valve cares about public image" or "Here are community fixes by fans" thing, look again to OpenFortress and TFClassic. Both were out for a long period of time and then got taken down with rumors of, "Higher-ups are Valve didn't even know these mods were going on". They took those down despite it being a negative mark on their rep. If Valve actually wanted the community's help, Mastercom's would've been in-house optimizing the game years ago.

I just think you're vastly overestimating how much TF2 news or community content employees at Valve actually receive. I would be greatly surprised if a bunch of people who had the power to do something TF2-related even heard of Mastercoms.

[quote=b0nes_NA]whats the worst that can happen?[/quote]
It fails and it causes people who were fans of TF2 and still stuck around to keep playing despite the bots decide to drop the game entirely because they start to believe it's a dying game. And then the whole "TF2 is dying" mantra gets louder.

I mean realistically, if you've stuck around with TF2 for this long, you love the game and very little will actually sway you to stop playing, but most of the people I know who play TF2 are competitive players and they're a bit harder to push away from the game than a casual player who could probably be convinced to stop playing.

And regarding the whole, "Valve cares about public image" or "Here are community fixes by fans" thing, look again to OpenFortress and TFClassic. Both were out for a long period of time and then got taken down with rumors of, "Higher-ups are Valve didn't even know these mods were going on". They took those down despite it being a negative mark on their rep. If Valve actually wanted the community's help, Mastercom's would've been in-house optimizing the game years ago.

I just think you're vastly overestimating how much TF2 news or community content employees at Valve actually receive. I would be greatly surprised if a bunch of people who had the power to do something TF2-related even heard of Mastercoms.
40 Frags +

I just liked sharing that I enjoyed TF2 and what it meant to me. I hope at least if Valve reads it, they know how much the game means to the community and that they're appreciated for what they've made. In the end, I don't expect much to change but hopefully it's something in the back of their mind, to know how valuable TF is to so many people.

I just liked sharing that I enjoyed TF2 and what it meant to me. I hope at least if Valve reads it, they know how much the game means to the community and that they're appreciated for what they've made. In the end, I don't expect much to change but hopefully it's something in the back of their mind, to know how valuable TF is to so many people.
18 Frags +

I'm glad that comp community is capable of keeping TF2 playable without relying on Valve to do anything. Not sure why some people still prefer casual over community servers, is leveling up your menu badge really that appealing?

I'm glad that comp community is capable of keeping TF2 playable without relying on Valve to do anything. Not sure why some people still prefer casual over community servers, is leveling up your menu badge really that appealing?
9 Frags +
dqzI'm glad that comp community is capable of keeping TF2 playable without relying on Valve to do anything. Not sure why some people still prefer casual over community servers, is leveling up your menu badge really that appealing?

nah it's more for the fact that it's easier to get 2-6 in a party and queue up than it is to join a community where it can possibly be full. you can also be able to join a map of your choice instead of what the majority wants if you just wanna solo queue.

[quote=dqz]I'm glad that comp community is capable of keeping TF2 playable without relying on Valve to do anything. Not sure why some people still prefer casual over community servers, is leveling up your menu badge really that appealing?[/quote]

nah it's more for the fact that it's easier to get 2-6 in a party and queue up than it is to join a community where it can possibly be full. you can also be able to join a map of your choice instead of what the majority wants if you just wanna solo queue.
36 Frags +
dqz Not sure why some people still prefer casual over community servers, is leveling up your menu badge really that appealing?

If I'm a new player, I'm not gonna know what the hell a community server is. The bot problem is cutting off a new generation of players from playing tf2, and that shit will ACTUALLY kill the game.

It won't mean anything to experienced players in the short run but if any change comes from this it will help every single person who plays this game in the long run

[quote=dqz] Not sure why some people still prefer casual over community servers, is leveling up your menu badge really that appealing?[/quote]
If I'm a new player, I'm not gonna know what the hell a community server is. The bot problem is cutting off a new generation of players from playing tf2, and that shit will ACTUALLY kill the game.

It won't mean anything to experienced players in the short run but if any change comes from this it will help every single person who plays this game in the long run
13 Frags +

A lot of people end up cringing out and will grind this game while trying to say they don't care about it and the community. while the whole save tf2 notion might not persuade valve, it'll certainly have the potential to inspire people to actually do things as a community instead of being emo and hopeless while still clearly involving themselves in the community.

As to that I'd point to how many content creators there are getting behind this. While that may not mean as much to us, it's much more likely to mean something to more casual audiences and their fanbase. Regardless of how well it turns out on paper, it shows us what we can do as a community when we come together and unite rather than letting ourselves continually fragment.

In all fairness it's probably more about getting closure, and a potential lack sense of closure from valve responding/continuing to not respond to all of this is what's needed to get people to realize that we have to become self reliant as a community, it's absolutely a good thing. Games without dedicated servers or official casual scenes are able to live on their own, as the community does their best to keep itself alive.

It really is just time for people to ask themselves why they're still here, and to find their own answers. If yours is to state that we're doomed and to point out the meaningless of this all for the sake of realism, that's fine but telling the people who do care to not care goes nowhere. It's never going to be about the practicality of things; as is the case with the majority of online communities.

i mean idk if making less than the minimum wage from competitive is your prerogative, that's cool tho. it's just always about the unique social opportunities that being involved with these games are, and it's infinitely more cringe to show that you don't care than it is to admit that you care in some form and to show that's why you're still here. the fact that we all partake in these discussions and or play the game shows that we still care in some shape or form, and that's the only realism to be found here.

And even if this does nothing in a social sense directly, the content creators aren't gonna just stop milking this. however valve responds is gonna give them fuel, and they're gonna redirect the lack of a response towards their own community servers and advertising them; stuff like that. I mean look at most drama focused content creators and how they like to keep revisiting topics. there's attention and profit to be made from seeming like a person who's doing good is all i mean to say. and now there's the opportunity for them to do it in synchronization with dozens of other content creators all with their own audiences; and that's another angle for a bit of our issue to get alleviated at some point.

All i mean to say, is that these people are giving us a chance to do more things ourselves. if you don't realize that, the only person you have to blame is yourself. it doesn't have to mean much to you, but you gotta see what it might mean to others here. with all the goodwill, discussion, and cohesion around, it's basically the best time one can have to spread awareness about whatever they want to.

TLDR: Be as realistic as you want, but don't act like you're being more realistic than anyone else here lmfao. look for the good and you'll find it together, look for the bad and you'll find a thousand more things to try to critique to the help of absolutely no one.

A lot of people end up cringing out and will grind this game while trying to say they don't care about it and the community. while the whole save tf2 notion might not persuade valve, it'll certainly have the potential to inspire people to actually do things as a community instead of being emo and hopeless while still clearly involving themselves in the community.

As to that I'd point to how many content creators there are getting behind this. While that may not mean as much to us, it's much more likely to mean something to more casual audiences and their fanbase. Regardless of how well it turns out on paper, it shows us what we can do as a community when we come together and unite rather than letting ourselves continually fragment.

In all fairness it's probably more about getting closure, and a potential lack sense of closure from valve responding/continuing to not respond to all of this is what's needed to get people to realize that we have to become self reliant as a community, it's absolutely a good thing. Games without dedicated servers or official casual scenes are able to live on their own, as the community does their best to keep itself alive.

It really is just time for people to ask themselves why they're still here, and to find their own answers. If yours is to state that we're doomed and to point out the meaningless of this all for the sake of realism, that's fine but telling the people who do care to not care goes nowhere. It's never going to be about the practicality of things; as is the case with the majority of online communities.

i mean idk if making less than the minimum wage from competitive is your prerogative, that's cool tho. it's just always about the unique social opportunities that being involved with these games are, and it's infinitely more cringe to show that you don't care than it is to admit that you care in some form and to show that's why you're still here. the fact that we all partake in these discussions and or play the game shows that we still care in some shape or form, and that's the only realism to be found here.

And even if this does nothing in a social sense directly, the content creators aren't gonna just stop milking this. however valve responds is gonna give them fuel, and they're gonna redirect the lack of a response towards their own community servers and advertising them; stuff like that. I mean look at most drama focused content creators and how they like to keep revisiting topics. there's attention and profit to be made from seeming like a person who's doing good is all i mean to say. and now there's the opportunity for them to do it in synchronization with dozens of other content creators all with their own audiences; and that's another angle for a bit of our issue to get alleviated at some point.

All i mean to say, is that these people are giving us a chance to do more things ourselves. if you don't realize that, the only person you have to blame is yourself. it doesn't have to mean much to you, but you gotta see what it might mean to others here. with all the goodwill, discussion, and cohesion around, it's basically the best time one can have to spread awareness about whatever they want to.

TLDR: Be as realistic as you want, but don't act like you're being more realistic than anyone else here lmfao. look for the good and you'll find it together, look for the bad and you'll find a thousand more things to try to critique to the help of absolutely no one.
14 Frags +


Personally I'm hopeful, but we'll see what happens


Personally I'm hopeful, but we'll see what happens
11 Frags +

we did it reddit

we did it reddit
27 Frags +

Personally I'm hopeful, but we'll see what happens

This is the exact same shit gaben said when he was at that new zealand school QnA event
Say something to shut up the masses off your back
Then go on your day like normal

At this point, expect the worse and hope for the best


Personally I'm hopeful, but we'll see what happens[/quote]

This is the exact same shit gaben said when he was at that new zealand school QnA event
Say something to shut up the masses off your back
Then go on your day like normal

At this point, expect the worse and hope for the best
3 Frags +

Personally I'm hopeful, but we'll see what happens

This is the exact same shit gaben said when he was at that new zealand school QnA event
Say something to shut up the masses off your back
Then go on your day like normal

At this point, expect the worse and hope for the best

we should propose actual solutions to the game in that case, we should keep the pressure up!


Personally I'm hopeful, but we'll see what happens[/quote]

This is the exact same shit gaben said when he was at that new zealand school QnA event
Say something to shut up the masses off your back
Then go on your day like normal

At this point, expect the worse and hope for the best[/quote]
we should propose actual solutions to the game in that case, we should keep the pressure up!
36 Frags +

kind of crazy that the cycle of
1. players begging valve for any sort of recognition on a problem with the game
2. valve dropping a basic pr "were listening" announcement only when absolutely necessary
3. without any results yet people are happy just to get a response
4. absolutely no result or a half assed one, potentially making things worse
has gone from players wanting competitive support and major balance changes to now just begging for the most fundamental upkeep on their main servers
and yet i still see people scolding others for being too harsh to valve? lmao

kind of crazy that the cycle of
1. players begging valve for any sort of recognition on a problem with the game
2. valve dropping a basic pr "were listening" announcement only when absolutely necessary
3. without any results yet people are happy just to get a response
4. absolutely no result or a half assed one, potentially making things worse
has gone from players wanting competitive support and major balance changes to now just begging for the most fundamental upkeep on their main servers
and yet i still see people scolding others for being too harsh to valve? lmao
15 Frags +

Personally I'm hopeful, but we'll see what happens

This is the exact same shit gaben said when he was at that new zealand school QnA event
Say something to shut up the masses off your back
Then go on your day like normal

At this point, expect the worse and hope for the best
we should propose actual solutions to the game in that case, we should keep the pressure up!

Ah, giving valve the solutions, something that has worked every time ever when valve always listened and implemented those solutions, every time, always.


Personally I'm hopeful, but we'll see what happens[/quote]

This is the exact same shit gaben said when he was at that new zealand school QnA event
Say something to shut up the masses off your back
Then go on your day like normal

At this point, expect the worse and hope for the best[/quote]
we should propose actual solutions to the game in that case, we should keep the pressure up![/quote]
Ah, giving valve the solutions, something that has worked every time ever when valve always listened and implemented those solutions, every time, always.
8 Frags +

sticky det bug ?

sticky det bug ?
1 2 3
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