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Signed Up March 20, 2017
Last Posted July 24, 2024 at 1:37 AM
Posts 570 (0.2 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 38
#9 A very serious discussion about rainoflight in TF2 General Discussion
okyaaaWhy all the concern now? RoL had been showing signs of falling into a depression pit for years now. People brushed it off. Now that it has turned into serious threats, NOW we should be concerned?

while i agree with the sentiment that we aren't considerate enough to each other generally, there's nothing hypocritical about being more concerned when someone starts making threats of harm to themselves and others imo

posted 3 days ago
#64 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion

funny to try and keep up with the 5ish different instances being described only to read that rgl is being as strict as possible, like im pretty sure its possible to be stricter lmao

posted 1 week ago
#39 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic
glassremember that it's easy to hate things

is it really so surprising that people write ai off completely when most peoples exposures to "ai" are just shitty spam advertisements. Or generating a non-consenting persons likeness, including for use in pornography. Or all the underhanded attempts to get consent (or complete disregard thereof) to use peoples data to train models. Or see memes mocking some allegedly revolutionary chatbot utterly failing to grasp basic common sense. Or see their already trash insurance, internet, bank, etc company replace their customer service (which people already notoriously hate) with some shitty chatbot that serves as noting more than a hurdle to speak to an actual person. Or the fact that so many public advocates of the magic of ai look, sound, and act the same as crypto shills.
add on to the fact that the outputs of generative ai is often so bland and devoid of anything interesting that it seems like the most interesting thing about it is that a computer made it, a novelty which wears off extremely quickly.

posted 4 weeks ago
#11 Save tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
mousiopethat its not what I meant at all maybe i didnt explained myself properly
I meant that if they wanted to force valve to actually do something, they shouldve been more vocal on the racist, transphobic and homophobic shit the bots say instead of I cant play a videogame because the bots ruin my experience because they are cheating
im not saying they shouldnt be upset because they cant enjoy the game anymore fuck i quit the game because of that but valve letting racism remarks slide in their games it would bring a far more negative publicity and force them no fix the game since we all know they dont give a fuck about the cheating part

ok yeah in that case i probably agree

posted 1 month ago
#6 Save tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

is it really so shocking that pubbers are upset that they can barely play casual when tftv has a thread every few months over mild inconveniences, obviously people care about what affects them. proudly declaring that you don't actually care about the thing that other people do doesn't make you cool

posted 1 month ago
#181 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

there should be a separate rating that only captains can see that tell you if the player youre picking took a bong rip just before queueing

posted 1 month ago
#8 * RGL Season 15 preview in News

all this in a lan season is gonna make s15 one of the most memorable invite seasons in a while
even low-mid invite looks like anyone's game at a glance

posted 1 month ago
#41 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
hYm3nSl4yris it really though? as a demo, would you rather have hit the first pipe or put the roller down?

yes every roller is a missed pipe which just hitting wouldve been better but likewise every splash rocket is just a missed direct but we all understand that splash is still a very useful tool
while rollers of course are extremely nice to have for unintentional chip damage, even ignoring that rollers have the unique ability of lingering without being shootable like a sticky so they are still absolutely useful as an intentional stalling measure to reload a couple more stickies to continue holding a choke, or stalling to help escape like in the example of the clip in the video

posted 1 month ago
#23 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

this is actually a fine example to counter the stance that rollers are barely purposefully used with a very clear example of the usefulness of rollers being used intentionally
even among players who dont want to play with the loch, people were openly mocking etf2l's official position on the ban because it just reads like someone whos never played against the weapon wrote it with help from chat gpt, and that part of the video is talking about that in a totally normal way
like its fine to ban the loch if you want and i wouldnt even care if it got banned in na but at least be honest about the reasons and say that its unfun to play against or that random cross-map pipes are too much or really any of the actual reasons rather than trying to launder the ban under some other pretense that sounds nicer to say

posted 2 months ago
#8 new valve hero shooter in Off Topic

i think making it lane-based is a good solution to isolate smaller fights rather than the heal blob bullshit we see in similar games
wont be playing it but good luck i guess

posted 2 months ago
#7 new alfa doc in TF2 General Discussion
Crit_Noobarent u addicted to tf2? dont try to play that card lmfao

yeah but i didnt get permanently banned for being a manipulative sex pest and trying to play innocent by continuing to focus on pointless shit and leaving out necessary details

posted 2 months ago
#3 new alfa doc in TF2 General Discussion

alfa should consider himself lucky he dodged a courtroom its sad that hes so hopelessly addicted to tf2 that hes still trying to slither back in

posted 2 months ago
#1 Every point tierlist in TF2 General Discussion

Tierlist for every 5cp point, rank your favorites here and post results

posted 2 months ago
#1 What makes bagel better? in TF2 General Discussion

in NA bagel is by now the most popular and well-liked koth, but what elements make it so good? Is it the fast cap allowing teams to convert a cap off of even minor advantages like damage and positioning? is it the fast spawns leading to a more aggressive sack-heavy style? is it the discrete separation into houses making spamming the point a more committed option for soldiers while also isolating fights?
or is it just that product and clearcut have more obvious flaws that bagel doesnt have?

posted 2 months ago
#6 froyo yight in TF2 General Discussion
brodyYUSE IT

b4nny tried so hard to be mad https://clips.twitch.tv/PiercingCutePineapplePastaThat

posted 2 months ago
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