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Signed Up June 15, 2015
Last Posted May 25, 2024 at 12:09 PM
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 103
#12 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Banning market gardener and lnl when people start using it is mad cringe, we are all shit.

posted 2 months ago
#2 A quick note from me in TF2 General Discussion


posted 3 months ago
#4 rahThread: Perspectives on death in TF2 General Discussion

Simply, everyone dies. The sooner you can accept that the sooner you can free yourself from fear and anxiety related to death. I sometimes feel like if someone close to me died, provided they had lived a full and long life I could be okay with it. That's the best we can hope for, right? Although sometimes it still scares me of course.

posted 5 months ago
#51 lack of postive energry in the community in TF2 General Discussion
why the fuck does this character always look like they are recovering from the plague

he has TB in the movie

posted 5 months ago
#9 Bring over one weapon from other game in tf2 but m in TF2 General Discussion

Medic crossbow that gives ammo instead of hp

posted 6 months ago
#11 Research Study - Full Team Recordings & Interviews in Projects
Prime-Sanitysuperherotf2diemossuperherotf2Nasty fucking piece of shit with a emo profile wont get off my dick keeps telling the same shit to me in every thread
You bring shame to the legacy of funny TFTV alt accounts.
Ofc u got a shitty ass emo profile too why wouldnt u be having his back
Shut yo bitch ass up. You are too much of a fucking pussy to post on a main so you just shit talk others so you can't deal with any backlash.

damn flick called out

posted 6 months ago
#10 eSports scene in Esports

Stop the cs slander here

posted 6 months ago
#1 Outer Worlds + all DLCs free today in Off Topic

The outer worlds is free on the epic games store only for today, use code nicky

posted 6 months ago
#35 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion
dannythe only reason you are crying about entropy but not about sultry is because sultry was made to be "league ready" when it was added to rgl and they essentially did what you are supposed to be doing with entropy

Here is a video of sultry from the first season it was added in RGL. It looks 99% the same as it does now

posted 9 months ago
#25 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion
flickI like testing new maps but not when lan has just been announced :(

This is really the problem I have with the map pool. I have nothing against entropy but realistically it will be removed for polish LAN, probably for granary. The ETF2L admins have always had a problem with structuring their seasons around big events.

For example in the season before i63 sunshine was removed from the map pool for cardinal. Then after that season sunshine was added back into the map pool for i63. In the deciding map of the grand final froyotech won 5-0 against se7en on sunshine (this is the last time se7en would ever play froyo).

I don't like that there are asterisks for tournament results because the admins are meddling with the map pool. This isn't CS where there are lans every month, we need to try and make the most of every event and keep the competitive integrity high.

posted 9 months ago
#15 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion

Also apologies for the flippant thread equal. I know map making is hard work and I didn’t mean to disrespect that.

posted 9 months ago
#14 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion

You guys are trying so hard to make this a ‘people dont want to test new maps!’ thing, but as far as I’m aware no one has an issue with sultry being in the map pool. Sure entropy hasn’t been tested at a top prem level for many years but some maps are clearly more ready than others.

posted 9 months ago
#3 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion
enthrowyeah I bet you're scared huh

*gulp* n-no *sweats*

posted 9 months ago
#1 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion

I dont wanna play entropy

posted 9 months ago
#6 have u guys tried 100 player tf2 yet in TF2 General Discussion
BumFreeze1000 uncles changed my life

i'm trying to make a party of 999 other uncles to play this with me. please comment in this thread if you're down

posted 9 months ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 103