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HUD editing: short questions, quick answers
posted in Customization
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i have a some what updated version of jayhud and in koth the time is hidden behind the casual ui, since the new causal ui is really good i dont want to disable it but i kinda need to see these times, i never updated a hud before if some1 can just send me a fixed copy or tell me what to do if its simply pls help

i have a some what updated version of jayhud and in koth the time is hidden behind the casual ui, since the new causal ui is really good i dont want to disable it but i kinda need to see these times, i never updated a hud before if some1 can just send me a fixed copy or tell me what to do if its simply pls help
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Mono72i have a some what updated version of jayhud and in koth the time is hidden behind the casual ui, since the new causal ui is really good i dont want to disable it but i kinda need to see these times, i never updated a hud before if some1 can just send me a fixed copy or tell me what to do if its simply pls help

koth timers are in resource/ui/hudobjectivekothtimerpanel.res
xpos=left to right
ypos=top to bottom
increase ypos values for everything in the .res file and it should be moved down

does anyone know how to change tooltips in the main menu? I could remove some by deleting the tooltips in gamemenu.res but there are some other buttons that aren't there and I can't find anywhere else

[quote=Mono72]i have a some what updated version of jayhud and in koth the time is hidden behind the casual ui, since the new causal ui is really good i dont want to disable it but i kinda need to see these times, i never updated a hud before if some1 can just send me a fixed copy or tell me what to do if its simply pls help

koth timers are in resource/ui/hudobjectivekothtimerpanel.res
xpos=left to right
ypos=top to bottom
increase ypos values for everything in the .res file and it should be moved down

does anyone know how to change tooltips in the main menu? I could remove some by deleting the tooltips in gamemenu.res but there are some other buttons that aren't there and I can't find anywhere else
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Hey. What command to make health point to be shown near nickname, not above the head?

Hey. What command to make health point to be shown near nickname, not above the head?
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fiestaHey. What command to make health point to be shown near nickname, not above the head?
tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1 // health shows in targetid instead of above player

^^ should be an advanced option as well afaik

[quote=fiesta]Hey. What command to make health point to be shown near nickname, not above the head?[/quote]
[code]tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1 // health shows in targetid instead of above player[/code]
^^ should be an advanced option as well afaik
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WiethoofdfiestaHey. What command to make health point to be shown near nickname, not above the head?
tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1 // health shows in targetid instead of above player
^^ should be an advanced option as well afaik

Seems like I didn't checked adv.options. Thanks dude c:

[quote=Wiethoofd][quote=fiesta]Hey. What command to make health point to be shown near nickname, not above the head?[/quote]
[code]tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1 // health shows in targetid instead of above player[/code]
^^ should be an advanced option as well afaik[/quote]
Seems like I didn't checked adv.options. Thanks dude c:
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what file do i have to delete to delete friends list on main menu? i've done it before but i installed a new hud and don't know how to anymore

what file do i have to delete to delete friends list on main menu? i've done it before but i installed a new hud and don't know how to anymore
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Does it is possible to remove gates animation from matchmaking??

Does it is possible to remove gates animation from matchmaking??
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hi, because I'm a huge inconvenience I was wondering if it's possible to get the ahud spectator hud onto my own hud, which is mainly central delihud but with the m0rehud main menu and ahud scoreboard (my friend did this because he's nice and clever but couldn't figure out how to do the spec thing)

When he tried to do it he got this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403272078930870277/477549129484992523/20180810204929_1.jpg i think he has the right shaped panels but it's pink lmao

And when I made my pathetic attempt I got this
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403272078930870277/477544045393215498/20180810192917_1.jpg right colours but wrong shapes i think

This is the current version of the hud (without the mess of a spectator hud) https://www.dropbox.com/s/21ghpfdbr9dsoz4/delim0reyeshud.rar?dl=0 and this is ahud https://www.dropbox.com/s/td53txpk34wtz1i/ahud-master.rar?dl=0

preferrably if you say how to fix it rather than give like a full version because there's more random stuff i've changed

Any help would be appreciated :)

edit: casual match hud also doesnt exist btw not exactly sure why I have tf_use_match_hud 1

edit again: no taunt menu in this broken mess either

final edit: the solution was to use ahud thanks bye

hi, because I'm a huge inconvenience I was wondering if it's possible to get the ahud spectator hud onto my own hud, which is mainly central delihud but with the m0rehud main menu and ahud scoreboard (my friend did this because he's nice and clever but couldn't figure out how to do the spec thing)

When he tried to do it he got this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403272078930870277/477549129484992523/20180810204929_1.jpg i think he has the right shaped panels but it's pink lmao

And when I made my pathetic attempt I got this
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403272078930870277/477544045393215498/20180810192917_1.jpg right colours but wrong shapes i think

This is the current version of the hud (without the mess of a spectator hud) https://www.dropbox.com/s/21ghpfdbr9dsoz4/delim0reyeshud.rar?dl=0 and this is ahud https://www.dropbox.com/s/td53txpk34wtz1i/ahud-master.rar?dl=0

preferrably if you say how to fix it rather than give like a full version because there's more random stuff i've changed

Any help would be appreciated :)

edit: casual match hud also doesnt exist btw not exactly sure why I have tf_use_match_hud 1

edit again: no taunt menu in this broken mess either

final edit: the solution was to use ahud thanks bye
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I'm using bwhud and would like to remove the ubercharge% next from the crosshair. How would I do that? Thank you already in advance.

I'm using bwhud and would like to remove the ubercharge% next from the crosshair. How would I do that? Thank you already in advance.
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What do I edit to change the position of the experience bar in the post-casual scoreboard screen?

What do I edit to change the position of the experience bar in the post-casual scoreboard screen?
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edinwhat file do i have to delete to delete friends list on main menu? i've done it before but i installed a new hud and don't know how to anymore

in mainmenuoverride.res there should be a section called friends list or something. just delete that

paiCI'm using bwhud and would like to remove the ubercharge% next from the crosshair. How would I do that? Thank you already in advance.

Hudmediccharge.res. Look for chargelabeltiny and delete it

[quote=edin]what file do i have to delete to delete friends list on main menu? i've done it before but i installed a new hud and don't know how to anymore[/quote]

in mainmenuoverride.res there should be a section called friends list or something. just delete that

[quote=paiC]I'm using bwhud and would like to remove the ubercharge% next from the crosshair. How would I do that? Thank you already in advance.[/quote]

Hudmediccharge.res. Look for chargelabeltiny and delete it
0 Frags +

I want to make crosshair switcher only for scout with r_drawviewmodel 0 and 3 colors for each weapon(primary, secondary and melee), how do I make it?

I want to make crosshair switcher only for scout with r_drawviewmodel 0 and 3 colors for each weapon(primary, secondary and melee), how do I make it?
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so I realise there is a bug where sometimes you will respawn and the game displays the low ammo colour, but why does my hud keep displaying these random colours?

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what is causing this? is there a predefined set of colours in my clientscheme that aren't being used in the regular version of the hud?

any help is appreciated - ideally I want to remove these colours.

so I realise there is a bug where sometimes you will respawn and the game displays the low ammo colour, but why does my hud keep displaying these random colours?

[spoiler][url=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/955213564522942503/0685252AD83B89CE894B41D772545D2758089D58/]this is what the ammo looks like by default[/url][/spoiler]

[spoiler][url=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/955213564522940303/318294B781D985A3AAD889FB9261F1421379F409/]this is one variation of the colour bug[/url][/spoiler]

[spoiler][url=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/955213564522933817/69FE51D0ACA0208AA5F8D8C72E1D986139679958/]and another (notice the reserve ammo is now a shade of grey/blue)[/url][/spoiler]

what is causing this? is there a predefined set of colours in my clientscheme that aren't being used in the regular version of the hud?

any help is appreciated - ideally I want to remove these colours.
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#5475 i have the same problem for years

#5475 i have the same problem for years
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#5475 & #5476
put this into your hud animations

event HudSnapShotReminderIn
    RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseStop 10.0
    RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseStop 10.0
    RunEvent HudLowAmmoPulseStop 10.0
    RunEvent HudMedicChargedStop 10.0
#5475 & #5476
put this into your hud animations

[code]event HudSnapShotReminderIn
RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseStop 10.0
RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseStop 10.0
RunEvent HudLowAmmoPulseStop 10.0
RunEvent HudMedicChargedStop 10.0
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-1 Frags +
deguput this into your hud animations
event HudSnapShotReminderIn
    RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseStop 10.0
    RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseStop 10.0
    RunEvent HudLowAmmoPulseStop 10.0
    RunEvent HudMedicChargedStop 10.0

That is actually brilliant! Making sure certain things properly reset when you're dead, because that's the only time the Screenshot Reminder shows up

[quote=degu]put this into your hud animations

[code]event HudSnapShotReminderIn
RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseStop 10.0
RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseStop 10.0
RunEvent HudLowAmmoPulseStop 10.0
RunEvent HudMedicChargedStop 10.0
That is actually brilliant! Making sure certain things properly reset when you're dead, because that's the only time the Screenshot Reminder shows up
0 Frags +
driftaso I realise there is a bug where sometimes you will respawn and the game displays the low ammo colour, but why does my hud keep displaying these random colours?
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what is causing this? is there a predefined set of colours in my clientscheme that aren't being used in the regular version of the hud?

any help is appreciated - ideally I want to remove these colours.
Wiethoofddeguput this into your hud animations
event HudSnapShotReminderIn
    RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseStop 10.0
    RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseStop 10.0
    RunEvent HudLowAmmoPulseStop 10.0
    RunEvent HudMedicChargedStop 10.0
That is actually brilliant! Making sure certain things properly reset when you're dead, because that's the only time the Screenshot Reminder shows up

but where do the random(?) colours come from and why? just curious

[quote=drifta]so I realise there is a bug where sometimes you will respawn and the game displays the low ammo colour, but why does my hud keep displaying these random colours?

[spoiler][url=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/955213564522942503/0685252AD83B89CE894B41D772545D2758089D58/]this is what the ammo looks like by default[/url][/spoiler]

[spoiler][url=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/955213564522940303/318294B781D985A3AAD889FB9261F1421379F409/]this is one variation of the colour bug[/url][/spoiler]

[spoiler][url=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/955213564522933817/69FE51D0ACA0208AA5F8D8C72E1D986139679958/]and another (notice the reserve ammo is now a shade of grey/blue)[/url][/spoiler]

what is causing this? is there a predefined set of colours in my clientscheme that aren't being used in the regular version of the hud?

any help is appreciated - ideally I want to remove these colours.[/quote]
[quote=Wiethoofd][quote=degu]put this into your hud animations

[code]event HudSnapShotReminderIn
RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseStop 10.0
RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseStop 10.0
RunEvent HudLowAmmoPulseStop 10.0
RunEvent HudMedicChargedStop 10.0
That is actually brilliant! Making sure certain things properly reset when you're dead, because that's the only time the Screenshot Reminder shows up[/quote]

but where do the random(?) colours come from and why? just curious
1 Frags +

It's a mix between the actual colours they're meant to be, and the colours you're animating them to to indicate low ammo.

It's a mix between the actual colours they're meant to be, and the colours you're animating them to to indicate low ammo.
0 Frags +

Usually it is because you die with either low ammo, mid non-uber charge, get fully charged headshot when buffed that the animation events to change colors have already started but the 'Stop' event doesn't get triggered properly.

The screenshot reminder shows when you are dead, so with that animation you can actually trigger the Stop animation events; which usually reset colors of various elements, so they don't get stuck anymore.

Usually it is because you die with either low ammo, mid non-uber charge, get fully charged headshot when buffed that the animation events to change colors have already started but the 'Stop' event doesn't get triggered properly.

The [i]screenshot reminder[/i] shows when you are dead, so with that animation you can actually trigger the [i]Stop[/i] animation events; which usually reset colors of various elements, so they don't get stuck anymore.
0 Frags +

oh that's pretty genius, will it work in every situation after dying though? even with instant respawn and/or freezecam disabled?

oh that's pretty genius, will it work in every situation after dying though? even with instant respawn and/or freezecam disabled?
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driftaoh that's pretty genius, will it work in every situation after dying though? even with instant respawn and/or freezecam disabled?

I would imagine that this solution would not work in those circumstances.

[quote=drifta]oh that's pretty genius, will it work in every situation after dying though? even with instant respawn and/or freezecam disabled?[/quote]

I would imagine that this solution would not work in those circumstances.
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I can confirm it is not a fool proof solution, played some MvM, where for obvious reasons the freezecam screenshot reminder is disabled, but for the rest of the time it works quite well.

The alternative would possibly reuse the trick also utilized by the medigun charge tracking scripts and add the 'Stop' RunEvent triggers to the opening of one of the voice menus, so you can at least trigger the color fix manually.

I can confirm it is not a fool proof solution, played some MvM, where for obvious reasons the freezecam screenshot reminder is disabled, but for the rest of the time it works quite well.

The alternative would possibly reuse the trick also utilized by the medigun charge tracking scripts and add the 'Stop' RunEvent triggers to the opening of one of the voice menus, so you can at least trigger the color fix manually.
0 Frags +

Anyway to make text wrap to the next line instead of being clipped?

Anyway to make text wrap to the next line instead of being clipped?
3 Frags +


"wrap" "1"


"wrap" "1"
0 Frags +

is there a way i can change the TeamPlayerCount on the scoreboard to just be a number and not # Player(s)?
is this possible in labeltext? changing the wide value isnt it because i just get ... after the number

is there a way i can change the TeamPlayerCount on the scoreboard to just be a number and not # Player(s)?
is this possible in labeltext? changing the wide value isnt it because i just get ... after the number
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I haven't played in a long while. Clicking my "find game" button makes the game crash-to-desktop.
I don't expect anyone to troubleshoot that outright, but does anyone have the link to the steamdb dump of TF2 files that changed from patch-to-patch? I can't seem to find it, and that's how I used to update my HUD elements.

Never mind, found it https://steamdb.info/patchnotes/?appid=440


[s]I haven't played in a long while. Clicking my "find game" button makes the game crash-to-desktop.
I don't expect anyone to troubleshoot that outright, but does anyone have the link to the steamdb dump of TF2 files that changed from patch-to-patch? I can't seem to find it, and that's how I used to update my HUD elements.[/s]

Never mind, found it https://steamdb.info/patchnotes/?appid=440
1 Frags +
EliotNessis there a way i can change the TeamPlayerCount on the scoreboard to just be a number and not # Player(s)?
is this possible in labeltext? changing the wide value isnt it because i just get ... after the number

Go to the resource folder of your hud, create a TXT File named "chat_english", and copy-paste this inside it:

"Language" "English"
"TF_ScoreBoard_Player" "%s1"
"TF_ScoreBoard_Players" "%s1"

You can also do more than that: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-TF2/blob/master/tf/resource/tf_english.txt

[quote=EliotNess]is there a way i can change the TeamPlayerCount on the scoreboard to just be a number and not # Player(s)?
is this possible in labeltext? changing the wide value isnt it because i just get ... after the number[/quote]

Go to the resource folder of your hud, create a TXT File named "chat_english", and copy-paste this inside it:

"Language" "English"
"TF_ScoreBoard_Player" "%s1"
"TF_ScoreBoard_Players" "%s1"

You can also do more than that: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-TF2/blob/master/tf/resource/tf_english.txt
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Also it is possible to get something like this for tournament?

Also it is possible to get something like this for tournament?
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xXx_n00b_D3stR0y3r_xXxAlso it is possible to get something like this for tournament?

but the icons themselves are private and doubt they will ever be publicly available

[quote=xXx_n00b_D3stR0y3r_xXx]Also it is possible to get something like this for tournament?
but the icons themselves are private and doubt they will ever be publicly available
1 ⋅⋅ 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 ⋅⋅ 233
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