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first time u played tf2
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I played the whole tutorial while using a crappy laptop, said no to graphics config at that time.

I played the whole tutorial while using a crappy laptop, said no to graphics config at that time.
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I got a free trial or some shit from a friend of mine and played vs him on this orange_x3 server. I got slammed repeatedly but decided to buy The Orange Box a bit later. I then proceeded to try all the classes on that same server and settled on playing too much sniper.

I got a free trial or some shit from a friend of mine and played vs him on this orange_x3 server. I got slammed repeatedly but decided to buy The Orange Box a bit later. I then proceeded to try all the classes on that same server and settled on playing too much sniper.
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I bought a soda popper from the steam store.

I bought a soda popper from the steam store.
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After completing the tutorial I proceeded to play against bots for 100 hours

After completing the tutorial I proceeded to play against bots for 100 hours
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First proper time, on my dad's mac around christmas 2012, after a player I know irl got me into it. I remember the game running surprisingly well, I played a lot of spy.

Technical first time, on my 2005 grade GPU-less windows xp computer. About 1fps. 2010 or 2011 maybe?

First proper time, on my dad's mac around christmas 2012, after a player I know irl got me into it. I remember the game running surprisingly well, I played a lot of spy.

Technical first time, on my 2005 grade GPU-less windows xp computer. About 1fps. 2010 or 2011 maybe?
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irl friends introduced me, first thing i played was a LAN server on dustbowl as demoman, spammed 4 pipes across map and proceeded to become a spy main

irl friends introduced me, first thing i played was a LAN server on dustbowl as demoman, spammed 4 pipes across map and proceeded to become a spy main
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I was in a runescape private server clan in ~2012 where they constantly talked about buying and trading hats in some steam game. I said they were idiots for treating items like they had real value. so I downloaded the game and joined a saxton hale server. I played nothing but saxton hale and deathrun for 2 months because I didn't realize that wasnt the main focus of the game.

I remember getting really mad and yelling at the spies who would somehow still live even after i saw them die. Then i learned about the deadringer.

I was in a runescape private server clan in ~2012 where they constantly talked about buying and trading hats in some steam game. I said they were idiots for treating items like they had real value. so I downloaded the game and joined a saxton hale server. I played nothing but saxton hale and deathrun for 2 months because I didn't realize that wasnt the main focus of the game.

I remember getting really mad and yelling at the spies who would somehow still live even after i saw them die. Then i learned about the deadringer.
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actually before i ever played the game i got it in the good ol orange box cause i was a half life fan and decided to get it for hl2. after like 3 months i tried and i remember finding myself on some 32man dustbowl server and i always waited for the 3rd stage of the map cause i hated the other two. Also i remember reading about strange weapons and i thought if you got a certain amount of kills any weapon would turn into strange so i farmed sydney sleeper kills for a week.

actually before i ever played the game i got it in the good ol orange box cause i was a half life fan and decided to get it for hl2. after like 3 months i tried and i remember finding myself on some 32man dustbowl server and i always waited for the 3rd stage of the map cause i hated the other two. Also i remember reading about strange weapons and i thought if you got a certain amount of kills any weapon would turn into strange so i farmed sydney sleeper kills for a week.
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As retarded as it sounds, was playing a deathrun minigame in roblox when I was 10 and saw they had a link to the game they got the deathrun sounds and minigame idea from. Saw it was TF2, didnt really understand it was an FPS and DL'd it. Spent 15 minutes on a hightower server trying to figure the game out, then went to YouTube, googled TF2, and ended up on a VanillaTV cast. Been watching since then, but was never able to install steam/tf2 again until 2012 when I got my first laptop since my parents saw it was a shooter and went into overreact mode.

As retarded as it sounds, was playing a deathrun minigame in roblox when I was 10 and saw they had a link to the game they got the deathrun sounds and minigame idea from. Saw it was TF2, didnt really understand it was an FPS and DL'd it. Spent 15 minutes on a hightower server trying to figure the game out, then went to YouTube, googled TF2, and ended up on a VanillaTV cast. Been watching since then, but was never able to install steam/tf2 again until 2012 when I got my first laptop since my parents saw it was a shooter and went into overreact mode.
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2007 release date-remembered seeing my dad play it on some shitty laptop sub 1 fps
he played pyro and killed a demoman on some desert map

2008 - then he gave me a computer and i played sniper only like i remember not even touching another class for at least 3 months, spent most of my time either playing 2fort or on surf maps and i used to mic spam and be annoying as fuck lol

2007 release date-remembered seeing my dad play it on some shitty laptop sub 1 fps
he played pyro and killed a demoman on some desert map

2008 - then he gave me a computer and i played sniper only like i remember not even touching another class for at least 3 months, spent most of my time either playing 2fort or on surf maps and i used to mic spam and be annoying as fuck lol
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rowpieces2007 release date-remembered seeing my dad play it on some shitty laptop sub 1 fps

2008 - then he gave me a computer and i played sniper only like i remember not even touching another class for at least 3 months, spent most of my time either playing 2fort or on surf maps and i used to mic spam and be annoying as fuck lol

you were 8 when u started playing? jeez

[quote=rowpieces]2007 release date-remembered seeing my dad play it on some shitty laptop sub 1 fps

2008 - then he gave me a computer and i played sniper only like i remember not even touching another class for at least 3 months, spent most of my time either playing 2fort or on surf maps and i used to mic spam and be annoying as fuck lol[/quote]

you were 8 when u started playing? jeez
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I remember I played on a 2fort pub with some friends and I immediately bought myself a soda popper because it seemed like the coolest weapon in existence.

I remember I played on a 2fort pub with some friends and I immediately bought myself a soda popper because it seemed like the coolest weapon in existence.
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I first started out on TF2Lobby.com before the popo took it down

I first started out on TF2Lobby.com before the popo took it down
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"I feel bad for this bomber kid he must be playing on a gameboy or something" in the chat, I remember it to this day

"I feel bad for this bomber kid he must be playing on a gameboy or something" in the chat, I remember it to this day
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Back in 2007, right after the release. I was 14 at the time and I'm pretty sure I was trying to be a spy main while spamming 2fort and dustbowl. Good times.

Back in 2007, right after the release. I was 14 at the time and I'm pretty sure I was trying to be a spy main while spamming 2fort and dustbowl. Good times.
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All i remember was that it was mvm, I kept trying to join my friend, it was actually pretty funny.

All i remember was that it was mvm, I kept trying to join my friend, it was actually pretty funny.
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i remember being too scared to play with real people so i played with bots for a month

i remember being too scared to play with real people so i played with bots for a month
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Irl friends got me to play, I joined a Minecraft trade server they were on immediately and played only engineer and sniper for 2-3 weeks on that map. I thought that was all there was to the game for a while.

Irl friends got me to play, I joined a Minecraft trade server they were on immediately and played only engineer and sniper for 2-3 weeks on that map. I thought that was all there was to the game for a while.
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2fort engineer

2fort engineer
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harvest, soldier, 010 or 09? i think

harvest, soldier, 010 or 09? i think
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2fort for a week because it was the only map I knew from TFC.

2fort for a week because it was the only map I knew from TFC.
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Played bots as heavy on viaduct for the first 50 hours cuz I was scared to play actual people

Played bots as heavy on viaduct for the first 50 hours cuz I was scared to play actual people
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Played a little, first tutorial then maybe 20hrs bots and pubs, then took a break ~6 months because I thought it was stupid game. Then came back and now I'm 1200 hrs and bought premium in january 2015, around 1 year after playing.

Played a little, first tutorial then maybe 20hrs bots and pubs, then took a break ~6 months because I thought it was stupid game. Then came back and now I'm 1200 hrs and bought premium in january 2015, around 1 year after playing.
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