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I63 Preview
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Hello lads. Lan is now only a few weeks away and therefore I think it is best that we have a nice little gander some of the top teams heading into the event. There isn’t really anywhere that lists the rosters of the teams who aren’t in the immediate top 4 so I’m just going to guess who’s on the roster and assume that any additional roster shakeups won’t really matter. Teams will be listed in the order that I think they will place. Objectivity was my number 1 priority when creating this list and therefore your opinions on who’s going to win don’t matter cause my list is and will be correct.

1. Froyotech
The titans. The undying kings. Banny is on a quest for world domination of a kids game that 4 people in the world actually care about and I don’t see anyone in Europe being able to stop his reign of terror. His squad is made up of the absolute elites of na including garbuglio (absolute tank) and arekk (shouldn’t say bad words to people who uberchain likes). The possibility of any team being able to topple the kings is undoubtedly the central storyline of this lan, but like every other time froyo have looked half decent and don’t have muma on their team it seems like the answer will be a solid no.

2. Se7en

3. Faint Gaming
Coming in hot after a victory in the div 1 finals against their eternal rivals Quaint Gaming, Faint Gaming are looking to make a splash at i63. Lead by legendary demo Alle this squad has proven to be better than pretty much every prem team, even 7, according to this log. Normally you would write off one log of a 20-minute game as a bit of a one off and a fluke but lan is structured in such a way that there is at least one team every year who shows up and gets the one off victory they and the spectators so desire. There is undeniably some rivalry between faint and 7, including the fact that se7en cut seeds for a worse med. I actually have a lot of things I want to say about 7 but I thought calling them virgins was funnier than me ranting about how cutting seeds was questionable at best along with thalash’s 500-euro chair.

4. SVIFT sponsored by STN.TF
SVIFT lost to 7 in the finals and they will probably lose again. SVIFT features a healthy mix of nunya traitors (chris, papi and condawg) as well as a fossil, funs virgin scout and smirre the tank. Top players on every role and I really do expect them to provide some interesting games on lan but lets be real here they don’t beat banny they don’t beat the bug+worm combo and they certainly don’t beat samski.

5. Bin Mix
Now we arrive at the lower tiers of the event. The rankings of every team from here on out can pretty much be mixed and matched depending on what scout brings his 500 euro gaming chair along with his 240hz monitor and which soldier decides that he wants to buy a new pair of shoes instead of getting a rental pc (oops). Anyway, the bin has some very solid players, especially with the 4-meter-tall 2-meter-wide MONSTER that is uubrs. Hopefully his dietary expertise can help fix the mental degeneracy of some of his teammates and lead them to victory and blast their opponents all the way to the French Southern and Antarctic islands.

6. The Bus Crew
If I place the bus crew any lower ill be in serious danger of tobs walking to my house and spilling my guts so I put them here on the list. Please don’t hurt me tobs. Albas a nice lad. Yohn was almost 2 hours late for our match last lan and he fucking showed up as we were speaking to heny about getting a default. We lost the game. Cheers mate.

7. Ora Elektro
I live in a caravan and have 14 sisters guess which ora elektro player I am. Yep it’s me iatgink, eskimo got cut for being toxic (no clue if he got cut for being toxic).

8. Nuze team
Nuze has the largest brain in the game and this definitely reflects in his team. His rigorous schedule of watching 20000 demos every weekend has amplified his abilities to the point of perfection. Velocity have a solid roster with great players all around. However, Nuze seems to be hampered by colds, so hopefully he keeps a strong diet and lifestyle before lan so he doesn’t choke on his own snot. When I consulted with uubrs on what nuze could do to stay in tip top shape he simply replied with “nope”

9. Ascent EU
French players are good but are they going to beat any of the other teams already mentioned on this list? Don’t think so. Ascent have a lot of more interesting matchups with the other teams from the open bracket but It’s actually impossible to find any info on these teams, so they don’t get mentioned.

Lan is on the horizon. The community is buzzing. Who will walk away making history by breaking even in tf2? Who will walk away as losers, forgotten in history? We all find out later this month. Are you going to watch? I probably wont watch most of it. Imagine spending your weekend watching a dead kids game lol.

Hello lads. Lan is now only a few weeks away and therefore I think it is best that we have a nice little gander some of the top teams heading into the event. There isn’t really anywhere that lists the rosters of the teams who aren’t in the immediate top 4 so I’m just going to guess who’s on the roster and assume that any additional roster shakeups won’t really matter. Teams will be listed in the order that I think they will place. Objectivity was my number 1 priority when creating this list and therefore your opinions on who’s going to win don’t matter cause my list is and will be correct.

1. Froyotech
The titans. The undying kings. Banny is on a quest for world domination of a kids game that 4 people in the world actually care about and I don’t see anyone in Europe being able to stop his reign of terror. His squad is made up of the absolute elites of na including garbuglio (absolute tank) and arekk (shouldn’t say bad words to people who uberchain likes). The possibility of any team being able to topple the kings is undoubtedly the central storyline of this lan, but like every other time froyo have looked half decent and don’t have muma on their team it seems like the answer will be a solid no.

2. Se7en

3. Faint Gaming
Coming in hot after a victory in the div 1 finals against their eternal rivals Quaint Gaming, Faint Gaming are looking to make a splash at i63. Lead by legendary demo Alle this squad has proven to be better than pretty much every prem team, even 7, according to this[url=http://logs.tf/2084197] log[/url]. Normally you would write off one log of a 20-minute game as a bit of a one off and a fluke but lan is structured in such a way that there is at least one team every year who shows up and gets the one off victory they and the spectators so desire. There is undeniably some rivalry between faint and 7, including the fact that se7en cut seeds for a worse med. I actually have a lot of things I want to say about 7 but I thought calling them virgins was funnier than me ranting about how cutting seeds was questionable at best along with thalash’s 500-euro chair.

4. SVIFT sponsored by STN.TF
SVIFT lost to 7 in the finals and they will probably lose again. SVIFT features a healthy mix of nunya traitors (chris, papi and condawg) as well as a fossil, funs virgin scout and smirre the tank. Top players on every role and I really do expect them to provide some interesting games on lan but lets be real here they don’t beat banny they don’t beat the bug+worm combo and they certainly don’t beat samski.

5. Bin Mix
Now we arrive at the lower tiers of the event. The rankings of every team from here on out can pretty much be mixed and matched depending on what scout brings his 500 euro gaming chair along with his 240hz monitor and which soldier decides that he wants to buy a new pair of shoes instead of getting a rental pc (oops). Anyway, the bin has some very solid players, especially with the 4-meter-tall 2-meter-wide MONSTER that is uubrs. Hopefully his dietary expertise can help fix the mental degeneracy of some of his teammates and lead them to victory and blast their opponents all the way to the French Southern and Antarctic islands.

6. The Bus Crew
If I place the bus crew any lower ill be in serious danger of tobs walking to my house and spilling my guts so I put them here on the list. Please don’t hurt me tobs. Albas a nice lad. Yohn was almost 2 hours late for our match last lan and he fucking showed up as we were speaking to heny about getting a default. We lost the game. Cheers mate.

7. Ora Elektro
I live in a caravan and have 14 sisters guess which ora elektro player I am. Yep it’s me iatgink, eskimo got cut for being toxic (no clue if he got cut for being toxic).

8. Nuze team
Nuze has the largest brain in the game and this definitely reflects in his team. His rigorous schedule of watching 20000 demos every weekend has amplified his abilities to the point of perfection. Velocity have a solid roster with great players all around. However, Nuze seems to be hampered by colds, so hopefully he keeps a strong diet and lifestyle before lan so he doesn’t choke on his own snot. When I consulted with uubrs on what nuze could do to stay in tip top shape he simply replied with “nope”

9. Ascent EU
French players are good but are they going to beat any of the other teams already mentioned on this list? Don’t think so. Ascent have a lot of more interesting matchups with the other teams from the open bracket but It’s actually impossible to find any info on these teams, so they don’t get mentioned.

Lan is on the horizon. The community is buzzing. Who will walk away making history by breaking even in tf2? Who will walk away as losers, forgotten in history? We all find out later this month. Are you going to watch? I probably wont watch most of it. Imagine spending your weekend watching a dead kids game lol.
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Why are you forgetting crunge eSports?

Why are you forgetting crunge eSports?
-11 Frags +

there's a maros/polygon/nasboi team in the works btw

there's a maros/polygon/nasboi team in the works btw
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Ultimatehorrible post fuck you wandum

shut up virgin

[quote=Ultimate]horrible post fuck you wandum[/quote]
shut up virgin
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wheres my interview from twitch chat

wheres my interview from twitch chat
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Condawgwheres my interview from twitch chat

FUCK im so sorry

[quote=Condawg]wheres my interview from twitch chat[/quote]
FUCK im so sorry
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I needed this. thank you

I needed this. thank you
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maybe banny will suck like he did at i61

go alle!

maybe banny will suck like he did at i61

go alle!
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yo u wanna be a fuckin tftv writer???

email me at noreply@microsoft.com

yo u wanna be a fuckin tftv writer???

email me at noreply@microsoft.com
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article 100% on point

article 100% on point
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