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Signed Up May 3, 2015
Last Posted August 29, 2024 at 11:25 AM
Posts 1656 (0.5 per day)
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#1 Dortmund ticket swap thread in LAN Discussion

Making this beforehand. The second wave has happened.
Final player tickets are selling out as I'm typing this

With there being teamless players with player tickets, and full teams without 6 tickets it's only logical the solo players will want to recoup some of the damage and teams want to secure tickets still

If you are a team with 6 players, but not 6 player tickets
If you are a solo player ticket owner, post here

This way we can organize ticket swaps as a community. Or perhaps players want to lend their setups during the tournament for teams, and play pugs themselves during downtime
Also this way solo players can be contacted by teams like mine which have 5 players (with 5 player tickets) but need a 6th player

EDIT: also the discord has an lft/lfp channel and one for ticket exchanges

posted 3 weeks ago
#69 new valve hero shooter - Deadlock in Off Topic
vecci dont understand who the game is for, is it for smite players overwatch players or dota players

super monday night combat players

posted 3 weeks ago
#6 Favorite part about Tf2's gameplay? in TF2 General Discussion

In the competitive format TF2 has a nice balance of team effort and individual execution
Every game has its ratio of it, but 6v6 hits the sweet spot for me

Every game feels like I'm testing myself. At the same time I try to figure out how my team likes to play
Learning how other people play and how to enable them to do so is a great feeling
Every season is an opportunity to find a formula that works for any given roster

posted 1 month ago
#100 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion

posted 1 month ago
#7 wtf in TF2 General Discussion

very epic

posted 2 months ago
#17 cheating in premiership in 2024 in TF2 General Discussion

Was hoping for some funny HL cheating drama in here. Unlucky. But I'll throw this one in here anyway

posted 2 months ago
#3 struggling with consistency in aim in TF2 General Discussion

in order of practicality
#1 play more
lock in as per Seinfeld's advice. Are you already playing the amount of hours you can muster without suffering in terms of grades/social life/etc? Think of how to use your time more efficiently. 30 minutes of scrims is worth a lot more than 30 minutes of pubbing as an example

#2 rocketjump on a variety of maps
different jumps will force you to be consistent with both precise mouse movement and flicks

#3 aim trainer games
They're overrated and you need to do it right. variety in flicks, tracking, scenarios that require full 360 movement, horizontal and vertical, etc. Rocketjumping takes less effort because you just join a server and go

#4 different settings, mouse accel, etc
I do not recommend relearning your muscle memory. But I'll post it just to have it listed. That new crosshair or HUD wont make the difference either

posted 2 months ago
#38 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion


posted 3 months ago
#1455 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
fiadoes anybody have or know anything about dynamic melee crosshairs like the one in this video? I've tried looking it up and can't find anything but people asking if its possible lol

it's definitely possible and quite customizable once you get the hang of it

the crosshair is pretty much a VTF speedometer. You can use the VTF speedometer as a base and go from there.
It's a VTF and VMT file, so nothing stops you from using it as a crosshair by putting it in the weapon text files

It's multiple layers of crosshairs in one image, like an animation with frames. But instead of looping like a gif, the VMT takes your velocity and tells the game to show frame 100 if your velocity is 100, for example

posted 3 months ago
#6 No girls ever in any tf2 games? in TF2 General Discussion

If you hang around in bigger TF2 groups and make friends, you'll see TF2 is very diverse
But by default most of them will not trust strangers
I'd put TF2 above CS2 in terms of diversity, though I've no stats to back that up. Just a gut feeling

There's plenty of all demographics in tf2.
The difference is most of these other games have incentives to not harass ppl.
As in being reported can have actual consequences if the game has ranked ladders and such
In TF2 pubs there's little incentive to be a decent person. There's rarely any consequences to your actions
So a lot of ppl avoid being harassed by not revealing their identities online

Another aspect is companies like Riot push for diversity and inclusivity within their scenes. Valorant is a great example. Apex Legends too. Valve doesn't care all that much. They'll do what is needed, but their focus has always been on developing things. Not maintaining or growing communities

posted 5 months ago
#14 Songs you only associate with TF2 in Off Topic

this is a quick scroll through part of my daily playlist. I've been listening to some of these songs for years. Some remind me of fragvids I found them through. Some remind me of the players who'd play the songs on their stream. Some songs I know certain TF2 ppl like so the songs forever remind me of those ppl. It's kinda nice because this playlist goes back like 8 years so it's a culmination of bits and pieces from ppl ive met both online and irl.
To provide context for each one would require an essay worth of text, but ppl can guess some of them

Show Content
posted 5 months ago
#1442 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
hifdoes anyone have a smaller version of seekerOL? i use a low res so seeker looks kinda pixely and is way too big

made one thats about 2/3 of the size (_hif). also included another one I made for hai, a thalashseeker.
comparison png file in folder. the one with the _hif suffix hasn't been tested in-game. just a quick resize and shadow added. so let me know if it's not working/looking properly

if you need an even smaller one I have a mini version here

posted 5 months ago
#14 Your Perfect Gamemode in Map Discussion

modify map pool with vscript

short term goal to have a vscript layer on top of the entire map pool. No need to have plug-ins other than logs/STV uploads, no need to make sure the cfg is correct. 5cp_ splits from cp_ as a vscripted gamemode and has the lower round timers etc.

long term goal to maybe balance weapons and game mechanics ourselves if the community wants to go that direction instead of using whitelists

posted 5 months ago
#10 my ideas for new tf2 game modes in TF2 General Discussion

sorry for the double post i also want to add for 7cp it can cause some type of confetti effect idk

posted 6 months ago
leifgG; (our engi) contracted Dengue fever

ngl i read this as contacted so for a sec I thought there was an RGL admin called Dengue Fever

posted 6 months ago
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