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SteamID64 76561198103660553
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Country Jordan
Signed Up April 20, 2015
Last Posted July 26, 2024 at 1:46 PM
Posts 1305 (0.4 per day)
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#12 Guide for how to not be a creep on teamfortress.tv in Site Discussion

Signed Up July 25, 2024
Last Posted July 26, 2024 at 1:34 PM
Posts 41 (41 per day)

posted 8 hours ago
#386 Most aids log? in TF2 General Discussion


Cup golden cap

posted 2 weeks ago
#9 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Feck man we need to allow the gas passer and impossibly ban people from throwing it through walls, for the future of tf2...

posted 2 months ago
#7 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

I will be there no matter what

posted 2 months ago
#6974 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization


How can I make the TargetID not flash when low

posted 2 months ago
#36 best player in tf2 if you only saw their frag vids in TF2 General Discussion


Unreal medic video

posted 4 months ago
#18 Democall poland.tf 2024 in LAN Discussion


posted 4 months ago
#15 poland.tf thank you thread in LAN Discussion

Shoutout to the Warsaw-Lodz train people (Funs, Hobnobs, Tiram, yak, Jordy, Teo, Lupus, Tob)
Shoutout to my team for being the only team to not have to pay for our seats (6 rounds won in 9 maps)
Shoutout to wg+leth for the breakfasts during the weekend
Shoutout to yak for getting me to do 5km parkrun in the rain at 9am when I had 4 hrs sleep
Shoutout to buud, ko, warped, haunts and voxi for being able to talk to me when I was being drunk and loud on first 2 nights
Shoutout to teo for helping me book all my shit and finding my hat with adysky
Shoutout to sneaky for vindication
Shoutout to the production people I met, you were all very lovely to talk to
Big big shoutout to the really cool people (they know who they are)

Big thank you to supra and rest of the staff for an amazing event and being super helpful all weekend

Loved talking to you all thank you

I didn't take nearly enough photos unfortunately :(

posted 4 months ago
#55 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion

If we reach 700 euros do we still get irl drunk nubbi + trum stream? They seem really fun and cool :D

posted 5 months ago
#11 joke games based off tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

I actually first started playing tf2 because of this minecraft map

posted 6 months ago
#8 Words or phrases in your language that don't have in Off Topic

بلعن تاريخك - I will damn/curse your history

posted 9 months ago
#15 OMG 5 in TF2 General Discussion
springrollsto get night terror of all people to upload this lmao

broda was not available sadly

posted 9 months ago
#51 poLANd.tf 2024 #winter in LAN Discussion

I will be there no matter what

posted 9 months ago
#3 viewmodel bindtoggle happening w/lawena in Q/A Help

you can try doing

r_drawviewmodel 1; 
alias r_drawviewmodel "";

and then you will stay with viewmodels on until you restart your game

posted 10 months ago
#13116 stream highlights in Videos


posted 10 months ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 87