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jesus fucking christ (israel bill)
posted in World Events
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I know a lot of lawmakers dutifully line up behind whatever AIPAC says, but this is ridiculous


I know a lot of lawmakers dutifully line up behind whatever AIPAC says, but this is ridiculous
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All_Over_RSTL;DR?The bill prohibits U.S. persons engaged in interstate or foreign commerce from:

requesting the imposition of any boycott by a foreign country against a country which is friendly to the United States; or
supporting any boycott fostered or imposed by an international organization, or requesting imposition of any such boycott, against Israel.



The bill prohibits U.S. persons engaged in interstate or foreign commerce from:

requesting the imposition of any boycott by a foreign country against a country which is friendly to the United States; or
supporting any boycott fostered or imposed by an international organization, or requesting imposition of any such boycott, against Israel.[/quote]

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While I support Israel's right to exist, and hold in contempt the genocidal maniacs seeking the destruction of that nation, I do not see how attacking the rights of Americans is the way to help our ally. Almost any time the interstate-commerce clause is used, I find it to be some sort of overreach on the part of the federal government. If the federal government decides not to award contracts to companies boycotting Israel, OK; seeking to profit by our system whilst overtly harming our ally? No contract for you. Private companies and citizens? They may conduct themselves as they wish within the law.

I'm surprised I hadn't heard much of this before; it was introduced almost four months ago.

All in all, I think it would be much better to simply cut off US funding to the UN until such time as it reverses the anti-Israel resolution of January 2017.

While I support Israel's right to exist, and hold in contempt the genocidal maniacs seeking the destruction of that nation, I do not see how attacking the rights of Americans is the way to help our ally. Almost any time the interstate-commerce clause is used, I find it to be some sort of overreach on the part of the federal government. If the federal government decides not to award contracts to companies boycotting Israel, OK; seeking to profit by our system whilst overtly harming our ally? No contract for you. Private companies and citizens? They may conduct themselves as they wish within the law.

I'm surprised I hadn't heard much of this before; it was introduced almost four months ago.

All in all, I think it would be much better to simply cut off US funding to the UN until such time as it reverses the anti-Israel resolution of January 2017.
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this world events thread wont go to shit because everyone thinks this is retarded


this world events thread wont go to shit because everyone thinks this is retarded

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HalWhile I support Israel's right to exist, and hold in contempt the genocidal maniacs seeking the destruction of that nation, I do not see how attacking the rights of Americans is the way to help our ally. Almost any time the interstate-commerce clause is used, I find it to be some sort of overreach on the part of the federal government. If the federal government decides not to award contracts to companies boycotting Israel, OK; seeking to profit by our system whilst overtly harming our ally? No contract for you. Private companies and citizens? They may conduct themselves as they wish within the law.

I'm surprised I hadn't heard much of this before; it was introduced almost four months ago.

All in all, I think it would be much better to simply cut off US funding to the UN until such time as it reverses the anti-Israel resolution of January 2017.

important to note that opposition to israel does not mean "death to all israelis" or "jews out of palestine" but rather "replace israel, an apartheid state predicated on the subjugation of palestinians, with a single democratic state in the region"

[quote=Hal]While I support Israel's right to exist, and hold in contempt the genocidal maniacs seeking the destruction of that nation, I do not see how attacking the rights of Americans is the way to help our ally. Almost any time the interstate-commerce clause is used, I find it to be some sort of overreach on the part of the federal government. If the federal government decides not to award contracts to companies boycotting Israel, OK; seeking to profit by our system whilst overtly harming our ally? No contract for you. Private companies and citizens? They may conduct themselves as they wish within the law.

I'm surprised I hadn't heard much of this before; it was introduced almost four months ago.

All in all, I think it would be much better to simply cut off US funding to the UN until such time as it reverses the anti-Israel resolution of January 2017.[/quote]

important to note that opposition to israel does not mean "death to all israelis" or "jews out of palestine" but rather "replace israel, an apartheid state predicated on the subjugation of palestinians, with a single democratic state in the region"
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if you own a business and refuse to follow this: http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:50%20section:4607%20edition:prelim)
you can get a $1,000,000 fine and 20 years in prison.
Basically you can't partake in the boycott if you're a business owner. If you refuse to do business with Israel based on the fact that it's Israel, you can get the fine.You also can't do business with other businesses that partake in the boycott.

if you own a business and refuse to follow this: http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:50%20section:4607%20edition:prelim)
you can get a $1,000,000 fine and 20 years in prison.
Basically you can't partake in the boycott if you're a business owner. If you refuse to do business with Israel based on the fact that it's Israel, you can get the fine.You also can't do business with other businesses that partake in the boycott.
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oy vey

oy vey
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Daggerif you own a business and refuse to follow this: http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:50%20section:4607%20edition:prelim)
you can get a $1,000,000 fine and 20 years in prison.
Basically you can't partake in the boycott if you're a business owner. If you refuse to do business with Israel based on the fact that it's Israel, you can get the fine.You also can't do business with other businesses that partake in the boycott.

Right to work laws? Businesses should be allowed to do whatever they want to people, let the states decide
Don't wanna do business with someone your government likes? Fuck you idiot

god bless america everyone

Show Content
but mostly bless israel
[quote=Dagger]if you own a business and refuse to follow this: http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:50%20section:4607%20edition:prelim)
you can get a $1,000,000 fine and 20 years in prison.
Basically you can't partake in the boycott if you're a business owner. If you refuse to do business with Israel based on the fact that it's Israel, you can get the fine.You also can't do business with other businesses that partake in the boycott.[/quote]

Right to work laws? Businesses should be allowed to do whatever they want to people, let the states decide
Don't wanna do business with someone your government likes? Fuck you idiot

god bless america everyone

[spoiler]but mostly bless israel[/spoiler]
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a drop in the ocean of bullshit anti-business laws in the US, really

a drop in the ocean of bullshit anti-business laws in the US, really
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alimportant to note that opposition to israel does not mean "death to all israelis" or "jews out of palestine" but rather "replace israel, an apartheid state predicated on the subjugation of palestinians, with a single democratic state in the region"

While "opposition to Israel" is not synonymous with the genocidal maniacs I mentioned, there is no doubt that such groups do indeed oppose Israel and must be included in that broader category. It is just as profound to say that American patriotism does not mean jingoism and hotheads.

Further, referring to Israel as an "apartheid state" is ironic. Where else in the Middle East can Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. live among each other in peace (minus the rockets, bombs, and bullets of the aforementioned genocidal maniacs)? Israel is not perfect, but that nation is by far the most civilized and decent in the region.

I am curious as to how a single state might be created in the region which would justly serve the peoples making it up; Hamas, the ruling power in Palestine, flatly denies that Israel has the right to exist. This is in Hamas's charter. Not that its borders are too generous; not that it has this or that dispute with Israel; Israel has no right to exist. This is what is known as an irreconcilable difference.

Until Israel's neighbors, who have on multiple occasions staged invasions of that country, recognize the right of Jews to have their state in their ancient homeland, there can be no true peace.

important to note that opposition to israel does not mean "death to all israelis" or "jews out of palestine" but rather "replace israel, an apartheid state predicated on the subjugation of palestinians, with a single democratic state in the region"[/quote]

While "opposition to Israel" is not synonymous with the genocidal maniacs I mentioned, there is no doubt that such groups do indeed oppose Israel and must be included in that broader category. It is just as profound to say that American patriotism does not mean jingoism and hotheads.

Further, referring to Israel as an "apartheid state" is ironic. Where else in the Middle East can Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. live among each other in peace (minus the rockets, bombs, and bullets of the aforementioned genocidal maniacs)? Israel is not perfect, but that nation is by far the most civilized and decent in the region.

I am curious as to how a single state might be created in the region which would justly serve the peoples making it up; Hamas, the ruling power in Palestine, flatly denies that Israel has the right to exist. This is in Hamas's charter. Not that its borders are too generous; not that it has this or that dispute with Israel; Israel has no right to exist. This is what is known as an irreconcilable difference.

Until Israel's neighbors, who have on multiple occasions staged invasions of that country, recognize the right of Jews to have their state in their ancient homeland, there can be no true peace.
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Dagger If you refuse to do business with Israel based on the fact that it's Israel, you can get the fine.

That seems difficult to prove. I would imagine a decent business owner could contrive plausible reasons for not doing business with another entity.

[quote=Dagger] If you refuse to do business with Israel based on the fact that it's Israel, you can get the fine.[/quote]

That seems difficult to prove. I would imagine a decent business owner could contrive plausible reasons for not doing business with another entity.
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HalDagger If you refuse to do business with Israel based on the fact that it's Israel, you can get the fine.
That seems difficult to prove. I would imagine a decent business owner could contrive plausible reasons for not doing business with another entity.

Yes. This is exactly why these kinds of anti discrimination laws don't work.

[quote=Hal][quote=Dagger] If you refuse to do business with Israel based on the fact that it's Israel, you can get the fine.[/quote]

That seems difficult to prove. I would imagine a decent business owner could contrive plausible reasons for not doing business with another entity.[/quote]
Yes. This is exactly why these kinds of anti discrimination laws don't work.
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Death to America,
of course,

Death to America,
of course,
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lol only commies care about palestinians.

edit good thing i am a commie now

lol only commies care about palestinians.

edit good thing i am a commie now
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