Account Details
SteamID64 76561198049312442
SteamID3 [U:1:89046714]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:44523357
Country Turkey
Signed Up April 15, 2017
Last Posted July 26, 2024 at 8:47 PM
Posts 1477 (0.6 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.4
Windows Sensitivity 7
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Mamba Wireless
Keyboard sure
Mousepad yes
Headphones ATH-M50X + modmic 4.0
Monitor agon
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 98
#9 What did y'all eat today in Off Topic

i cooked scrambled egg w/ smoked salmon on sourdough toast SHMEARED with cream cheez. heavy on the black pepper, garnish with parsley and lemon juice.


posted 1 hour ago
#22 shitposter tier lsit in Off Topic


posted 2 hours ago
#17 shitposter tier lsit in Off Topic

no nutshiny?

posted 2 hours ago
#21 Who the fuck is aimisadick & why are you creepy in Site Discussion
TynnyriWho the fuck is aimisadick & why are you creepy


posted 10 hours ago
#79 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

Buddy, you're starting to creep me out with your obsessive posting. This is a small community where everyone knows each other, why should we welcome you with open arms? Your constant pestering and jostling of my neighbours is really starting to creep me out, so cut it out? Go for a nice bike ride or something bro please.

posted 10 hours ago
#37 A very serious discussion about rainoflight in TF2 General Discussion
ima just lay this here...

when goons were doxxing u and trying to smear u as a pedo i thought it was wrong and called for anyone with morals to distance from those people. hell i was doing it before that when u were still hanging out with them after they got banned for cheating. the screenshot is of me typing back to some other anti social goon that loves to attack ppls appearances and identities despite never showing his face or never going to a lan (coward bitch behaviour). I just want ppl to behave how they would at a lan. the only thing i regret is giving bad actors like u ammo with that screenshot.

posted 1 day ago
#17 A very serious discussion about rainoflight in TF2 General Discussion
brimstonei do want to say that i think funhaver is right that the average person who's just trying to enjoy the game can't on an individual level do much about this kind of thing and obviously isn't "at fault", but i think what dish and okya are getting at is that there is a palatable apathy against, and in some circles of the community, tacit approval, in the way those who are not considered socially standard are treated, and it is a contributing factor to results like this.

Massively agree, too much niceness/apathy to people that no one should have to put up with. If you stick up for yourself against these bastards or otherwise just say openly "these people are horrible and shouldn't be people i have to join a server with if they keep behaving in this way" you risk getting called soft or obsessed by even people who can correctly recognise how horrible some of these behaviours are, or end up getting punished for it.

posted 2 days ago
#3 (ETF2L) The offseason is 4 months long. Thoughts? in TF2 General Discussion

ye tbf people have asked for longer breaks between szns, 4 is on the longer end but u cant nitpick this stuff too hard. damned if u do damned if u dont

posted 1 month ago
#20 are there any fun games left guys? in Other Games


posted 1 month ago
#4 are there any fun games left guys? in Other Games

ur on a teamfartress forums asking for games to play

posted 1 month ago
#4 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

soyest video ive ever seen

posted 2 months ago
#9 HARD SCREENSHOTS in TF2 General Discussion

posted 2 months ago
#6 cant use voice chat in Q/A Help

^ also on, issue is definitely that steam/tf2 isn't detecting my microphone properly? or at least my microphone doesnt work properly on those (despite working perfectly fine on mumble/discord).

i can probably sort it out cause it seems to be device issue rather than tf2 issue thanx for youre times

kek my bad i had exclusive mode on for my microphone in mumble

edit again my shit is still fucked? now i can hear voice chat but i still cant talk to people (despite my mic working fine on the test your mic section in-game and on steam). idfk wat to do im so sad

posted 3 months ago
#4 cant use voice chat in Q/A Help


also not the case checked for that, current thing i need to toy around with is steam microphone settings, cause my steam voice chat also wasnt working (no microphone detected) will upd8 here if that fixes it

posted 3 months ago
#1 cant use voice chat in Q/A Help

i have voice_enable 1 on and v bound to +voicerecord but whenever i try and use voice chat im not getting the pop up in the bottom left that im transmitting audio. its also definitely not the case that its transmitting audio and that the hud element is missing (tested with friends). i have voice chat enabled in my mastercomfig modules too. all started after i updated my mastercomfig a week ago or so.

edit: also seems i cant hear anything in voice chat despite voice_enable 1 being on.

posted 3 months ago
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