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mastercomfig - fps/customization config
posted in Customization
9 Frags +
QLIQI'm curious about this, I don't know anything about configs. I set mine to auto so it switches depending on hitscan or projectile and when I'm looking at net_graph, my lerp in the mge server stayed at 30.3 regardless of class, I don't know about stuff changing in the console/config when I was in-game and switching classes. is that a good lerp? before I put the config in my game, my lerp shown on net graph was a orange 15 from some other config customizer, but that one didn't give me the .vpk files, I think that one changed the .cfg files

how did you change it?

AimIsADickI dislike the renaming of the user folder. It's the user's fault that they hide the extension in their file manager, not the config layout. It's an unnecessary deprecation.

You can still setup a symlink to the user folder if you really want to continue to use the user folder. (Symlinks don't seem to work in VPKs.)

This "user error" mentality is why Linux desktop is not used by 99% of people.

[quote=QLIQ]I'm curious about this, I don't know anything about configs. I set mine to auto so it switches depending on hitscan or projectile and when I'm looking at net_graph, my lerp in the mge server stayed at 30.3 regardless of class, I don't know about stuff changing in the console/config when I was in-game and switching classes. is that a good lerp? before I put the config in my game, my lerp shown on net graph was a orange 15 from some other config customizer, but that one didn't give me the .vpk files, I think that one changed the .cfg files[/quote]
how did you change it?

[quote=AimIsADick]I dislike the renaming of the user folder. It's the user's fault that they hide the extension in their file manager, not the config layout. It's an unnecessary deprecation.

You can still setup a [url=https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link]symlink[/url] to the user folder if you really want to continue to use the user folder. (Symlinks don't seem to work in VPKs.)[/quote]
This "user error" mentality is why Linux desktop is not used by 99% of people.
-14 Frags +
mastercomsAimIsADickI dislike the renaming of the user folder. It's the user's fault that they hide the extension in their file manager, not the config layout. It's an unnecessary deprecation.

You can still setup a symlink to the user folder if you really want to continue to use the user folder. (Symlinks don't seem to work in VPKs.)
This "user error" mentality is why Linux desktop is not used by 99% of people.

Source on the 99%? (OS demographics are flawed because people use faked user-agents.)

Also, I agree that gatekeeping Linux from new users is bad; but there is a limit to how much leniency the user can have, before the fault can be applied to the user. e.g Blame a user for not clicking a button to install a program, when the button clearly works and is usable; but don't blame the user when the button doesn't work.

[quote=AimIsADick]I dislike the renaming of the user folder. It's the user's fault that they hide the extension in their file manager, not the config layout. It's an unnecessary deprecation.

You can still setup a [url=https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link]symlink[/url] to the user folder if you really want to continue to use the user folder. (Symlinks don't seem to work in VPKs.)[/quote]
This "user error" mentality is why Linux desktop is not used by 99% of people.[/quote]

Source on the 99%? (OS demographics are flawed because people use faked user-agents.)

Also, I agree that gatekeeping Linux from new users is bad; but there is a limit to how much leniency the user can have, before the fault can be applied to the user. e.g Blame a user for not clicking a button to install a program, when the button clearly works and is usable; but don't blame the user when the button doesn't work.
0 Frags +
AimIsADickpeople use faked user-agents.

for what purpose? i don't think anyone does that

[quote=AimIsADick]people use faked user-agents.[/quote]
for what purpose? i don't think anyone does that
-11 Frags +
turbochad69AimIsADickpeople use faked user-agents.for what purpose? i don't think anyone does that

uh, Privacy. [1][2]

[quote=turbochad69][quote=AimIsADick]people use faked user-agents.[/quote]
for what purpose? i don't think anyone does that[/quote]
uh, Privacy. [url=https://blazingseollc.com/blog/most-common-user-agents/][1][/url][url=https://www.bounteous.com/insights/2020/05/27/tracking-user-agents-adobe-analytics-google-analytics/][2][/url]
0 Frags +

sending a fake user agent achieves the polar opposite of whatever you seem to think it does

sending a fake user agent achieves the polar opposite of whatever you seem to think it does
-8 Frags +
turbochad69sending a fake user agent achieves the polar opposite of whatever you seem to think it does

Well what do you think I am thinking of?

[quote=turbochad69]sending a fake user agent achieves the polar opposite of whatever you seem to think it does[/quote]
Well what do you think I am thinking of?
20 Frags +
Source on the 99%? (OS demographics are flawed because people use faked user-agents.)

Also, I agree that gatekeeping Linux from new users is bad; but there is a limit to how much leniency the user can have, before the fault can be applied to the user. e.g Blame a user for not clicking a button to install a program, when the button clearly works and is usable; but blame don't the user when the button doesn't work.

my dude it's a single folder

and to everyone else, i really don't want this thread trashed with a long argument like this guy has done to 99% of threads here, so just ignore the irrelevant nonsense please.


Source on the 99%? (OS demographics are flawed because people use faked user-agents.)

Also, I agree that gatekeeping Linux from new users is bad; but there is a limit to how much leniency the user can have, before the fault can be applied to the user. e.g Blame a user for not clicking a button to install a program, when the button clearly works and is usable; but blame don't the user when the button doesn't work.[/quote]
my dude it's a single folder

and to everyone else, i really don't want this thread trashed with a long argument like this guy has done to 99% of threads here, so just ignore the irrelevant nonsense please.
-19 Frags +
Source on the 99%? (OS demographics are flawed because people use faked user-agents.)

Also, I agree that gatekeeping Linux from new users is bad; but there is a limit to how much leniency the user can have, before the fault can be applied to the user. e.g Blame a user for not clicking a button to install a program, when the button clearly works and is usable; but blame don't the user when the button doesn't work.
my dude it's a single folder

OK. That can still matter.

mastercomsand to everyone else, i really don't want this thread trashed with a long argument like this guy has done to 99% of threads here, so just ignore the irrelevant nonsense please.



Source on the 99%? (OS demographics are flawed because people use faked user-agents.)

Also, I agree that gatekeeping Linux from new users is bad; but there is a limit to how much leniency the user can have, before the fault can be applied to the user. e.g Blame a user for not clicking a button to install a program, when the button clearly works and is usable; but blame don't the user when the button doesn't work.[/quote]
my dude it's a single folder[/quote]

OK. That can still matter.

[quote=mastercoms]and to everyone else, i really don't want this thread trashed with a long argument like this guy has done to 99% of threads here, so just ignore the irrelevant nonsense please.[/quote]
11 Frags +

9.9.0 released with FPS increases, stability improvements and bug fixes.

Support me

This release took 20 hours to produce. If you like the work I do, consider supporting me!

I tried improving performance for mid/big fights, let me know if anything gets better or worse.

[url=https://mastercomfig.com/app]9.9.0[/url] released with FPS increases, stability improvements and bug fixes.

[url=https://docs.mastercomfig.com/page/support_me/]Support me[/url]

This release took 20 hours to produce. If you like the work I do, consider supporting me!

I tried improving performance for mid/big fights, let me know if anything gets better or worse.
0 Frags +

i am trying to enable hitscan tracers using the modules and setting "effects" to medium. i have made a modules.cfg in my directory below, what am i missing here?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg\overrides


this is my setup above, i can't get tracers to show up.

i am trying to enable hitscan tracers using the modules and setting "effects" to medium. i have made a modules.cfg in my directory below, what am i missing here?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg\overrides


this is my setup above, i can't get tracers to show up.
1 Frags +
dadi am trying to enable hitscan tracers using the modules and setting "effects" to medium. i have made a modules.cfg in my directory below, what am i missing here?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg\overrides


this is my setup above, i can't get tracers to show up.

remove the spaces around the =, also if you're on the verylow preset you need particles=low or higher, or cl_particle_batch_mode 1.

[quote=dad]i am trying to enable hitscan tracers using the modules and setting "effects" to medium. i have made a modules.cfg in my directory below, what am i missing here?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg\overrides


this is my setup above, i can't get tracers to show up.[/quote]
remove the spaces around the =, also if you're on the verylow preset you need particles=low or higher, or cl_particle_batch_mode 1.
15 Frags +

9.9.1 released with FPS increases, Spy hitreg improvements, visibility tweaks.

Support me

This release took 43 hours to produce. If you like the work I do, consider supporting me!

[url=https://mastercomfig.com/app]9.9.1[/url] released with FPS increases, Spy hitreg improvements, visibility tweaks.

[url=https://docs.mastercomfig.com/page/support_me/]Support me[/url]

This release took 43 hours to produce. If you like the work I do, consider supporting me!
3 Frags +

I don't know if it's just a coincidence or something but I feel like after the latest tf2 update my performance has suffered significantly. Running the latest mastercoms.

I don't know if it's just a coincidence or something but I feel like after the latest tf2 update my performance has suffered significantly. Running the latest mastercoms.
7 Frags +

9.9.2 released with bug fixes.

Support me

This release took 10 hours to produce. If you like the work I do, consider supporting me!

This may alleviate the freezing problem some people are having on the freezecam, though I'm not sure it would be fully solved (seems like a game issue).

[url=https://mastercomfig.com/app]9.9.2[/url] released with bug fixes.

[url=https://docs.mastercomfig.com/page/support_me/]Support me[/url]

This release took 10 hours to produce. If you like the work I do, consider supporting me!

This may alleviate the freezing problem some people are having on the freezecam, though I'm not sure it would be fully solved (seems like a game issue).
-2 Frags +

Isn't it not possible to change your interp while in-game? How does snapshot_buffer auto work?

Isn't it not possible to change your interp while in-game? How does snapshot_buffer auto work?
0 Frags +
sAvenIsn't it not possible to change your interp while in-game? How does snapshot_buffer auto work?

it changes when you switch classes

[quote=sAven]Isn't it not possible to change your interp while in-game? How does snapshot_buffer auto work?[/quote]
it changes when you switch classes
0 Frags +

With net_graph set to 1, it doesn't show any lerp changes if you switch from scout (0.030) to demo (0.01515) during a game.

With net_graph set to 1, it doesn't show any lerp changes if you switch from scout (0.030) to demo (0.01515) during a game.
0 Frags +
sAvenWith net_graph set to 1, it doesn't show any lerp changes if you switch from scout (0.030) to demo (0.01515) during a game.


[quote=sAven]With net_graph set to 1, it doesn't show any lerp changes if you switch from scout (0.030) to demo (0.01515) during a game.[/quote]
0 Frags +
sAvenWith net_graph set to 1, it doesn't show any lerp changes if you switch from scout (0.030) to demo (0.01515) during a game.

did you put snapshot_buffer into the modules cfg?

[quote=sAven]With net_graph set to 1, it doesn't show any lerp changes if you switch from scout (0.030) to demo (0.01515) during a game.[/quote]

did you put snapshot_buffer into the modules cfg?
0 Frags +

Ok i guess it fixed itself. Don't know why it was not working in the first place. I guess i thought it didn't work because using cl_interp in console during a game causes an error message in the console saying that you gotta leave your game before you can change it.

Ok i guess it fixed itself. Don't know why it was not working in the first place. I guess i thought it didn't work because using cl_interp in console during a game causes an error message in the console saying that you gotta leave your game before you can change it.
8 Frags +

9.10.0 released with app weapons customization and class binds, minor optimizations.

Support me

This release took 95 hours to produce. If you like the work I do, consider supporting me!

[url=https://mastercomfig.com/app]9.10.0[/url] released with app weapons customization and class binds, minor optimizations.

[url=https://docs.mastercomfig.com/page/support_me/]Support me[/url]

This release took 95 hours to produce. If you like the work I do, consider supporting me!
10 Frags +

This is how it looks:


This is how it looks:

12 Frags +

The app has been updated, with a style refresh which will make the experience easier and more pleasant.

We have also launched a new crosshair UI, bringing along with it new crosshairs from Leth, Tob, wavesui, CPMA and Quake!



The app has been updated, with a style refresh which will make the experience easier and more pleasant.

We have also launched a new crosshair UI, bringing along with it new crosshairs from Leth, Tob, wavesui, CPMA and Quake!


0 Frags +

gonna be honest, it took a bit more time and digging than id like to admit to learn that the customize menu was a dropdown.

gonna be honest, it took a bit more time and digging than id like to admit to learn that the customize menu was a dropdown.
2 Frags +

Is there a reason why someone would want footsteps removed? Silly question maybe, just thought it was odd.

Is there a reason why someone would want footsteps removed? Silly question maybe, just thought it was odd.
0 Frags +
BrockIs there a reason why someone would want footsteps removed? Silly question maybe, just thought it was odd.

pretty sure it's for fps

[quote=Brock]Is there a reason why someone would want footsteps removed? Silly question maybe, just thought it was odd.[/quote]
pretty sure it's for fps
4 Frags +
BuildBruhgonna be honest, it took a bit more time and digging than id like to admit to learn that the customize menu was a dropdown.

I'll try to make it more obvious for now, but in the future the app is going to be redesigned to move customization to be at the forefront.

[quote=BuildBruh]gonna be honest, it took a bit more time and digging than id like to admit to learn that the customize menu was a dropdown.[/quote]
I'll try to make it more obvious for now, but in the future the app is going to be redesigned to move customization to be at the forefront.
1 Frags +
mastercomsThis release took 95 hours to produce. If you like the work I do, consider supporting me!

I want to support you but don't have liberapay or ko-fi so I added you on Steam to send you some stuff.

This release took 95 hours to produce. If you like the work I do, consider supporting me![/quote]

I want to support you but don't have liberapay or ko-fi so I added you on Steam to send you some stuff.
0 Frags +

Quake crosshair 6 is bugged and tiles for some reason. I haven't touched any tf_weapon files related to it either.
I just installed the crosshairs yesterday.

Quake crosshair 6 is bugged and tiles for some reason. I haven't touched any tf_weapon files related to it either.
I just installed the crosshairs yesterday.
1 Frags +

Some of the cmpa and quake vtf's are 32x32, and not 64x64. the ones that are broken should be these

Some of the cmpa and quake vtf's are 32x32, and not 64x64. the ones that are broken should be [url=https://pastebin.com/aj3GttME]these[/url]
1 ⋅⋅ 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
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