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SteamID64 76561198374045865
SteamID3 [U:1:413780137]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:206890068
Country Pirate
Signed Up March 20, 2020
Last Posted July 21, 2024 at 8:49 PM
Posts 307 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 5.2
Windows Sensitivity no
Raw Input yes
1024 768
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Mousepad no
Headphones no
Monitor yes
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#388 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

*DEAD* FROYO b4nny: !pause

posted 5 days ago
#12 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/18/24 (Summer 2024 Update) in TF2 General Discussion
mastercomsHmm, alias disconnect shouldn't be working. Are you sure it is?

you misunderstand the post

posted 1 week ago
#2 disable damage particles under sv_pure 2 in Customization

That's the 'low violence' version of the blood particles. If you want you can replace it with the blood particles by enabling all of the violence_ cvars. Not sure if there's any way to get rid of both.

posted 1 month ago
#9 TF2 constantly laggy in Customization

You can try cl_showerror 2 to see if there are prediction errors

posted 2 months ago
#24 UGC MGE server makes PC feel like ass in TF2 General Discussion

cl_disablehtmlmotd in tf2 is enough to prevent that lol, you don't have to disable chromium in steam.

Regardless though, it doesn't solve the problem. The ugc mge server is a laggy mess with its MOTD or without it, there's not too much difference.

posted 2 months ago
#776 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

You're saying the "-no_texture_stream" launch option affected performance for you by over 25%?

posted 2 months ago
#6 Server Connection Issue in Q/A Help

Next time it happens, try to get a screenshot/recording of net_graph 4, whether or not it's a network issue should be readily apparent from that.

posted 2 months ago
#5 Server Connection Issue in Q/A Help

It's hard to imagine it being a network issue when chat still works while you're frozen, voice chat still works while you're frozen, and you can connect to other servers fine. It's possible that large packets aren't making it somewhere along the way due to MTU issues or similar, but that point is definitely not at your wireless card.

posted 2 months ago
#3 Server Connection Issue in Q/A Help
NeoTenicwe've narrowed it down to likely having something to do with the wireless card

Nope, certainly not that.

It's most likely an issue with the server you're playing on (perhaps caused by plugins), unless you experience it on all servers.

posted 2 months ago
#9 Are Pre-07-25-23 demos playable anymore? in TF2 General Discussion

Of course. I'm really not sure what changed. If you have a specific demo file that should work, send it and I can try playing it back.

posted 3 months ago
#7 Are Pre-07-25-23 demos playable anymore? in TF2 General Discussion
BoistopmotionTo clarify, Pre 07-25-23 demos are working for you now?

Seemingly so, the only things I would have changed was I tried killing steam after starting tf2 to see if demos would play then (they didn't, it crashed), and I also tried replacing steam_api.dll and steamnetworkingsockets.dll in the old version with the versions from the latest release of tf2.

I reverted everything I did, yet somehow demos play back fine now without crashing tf2. The demos I tested were the mastercomfig benchmark_test.dem and benchmark1.dem from the tftv benchmarks thread, as I knew both of those are supposed to be able to play in this version of tf2.

posted 3 months ago
#5 Are Pre-07-25-23 demos playable anymore? in TF2 General Discussion

You're right, same for me, yet another crash when trying to actually start playing a demo. Probably also Steam related, no clue how to get around it though.

Edit: demos started to play back fine for me now, I don't know what changed

posted 3 months ago
#2 Are Pre-07-25-23 demos playable anymore? in TF2 General Discussion

It seems to work still, but as before you continue to need Steam in offline mode. Steam in online mode -> crashes.
Steam not running at all -> crashes.

posted 3 months ago
#4 Lawena 64 bit fix in Projects
BvPS: If someone can tell me what the mac executable got renamed to that'd be great! (Currently figuring out the linux one)

Mac executable has been presently removed, it's likely done.

posted 3 months ago
#2 how to add custom font to net_graph? in Customization

"DefaultFixedOutline" font in resource/sourcescheme.res

posted 3 months ago
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