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HUD editing: short questions, quick answers
posted in Customization
1 Frags +

Okay, so I started to use Rayshud/Raysfiyah. I customized it to the max, but I want this certain Health Cross Image from another HUD called 7Hud.

Here is the thing I am talking about:

Health Cross Images(Top Rayshud/Bottom 7Hud): http://imgur.com/a/r0Zmj

Reply to me as soon as possible.

Okay, so I started to use Rayshud/Raysfiyah. I customized it to the max, but I want this certain Health Cross Image from another HUD called 7Hud.

Here is the thing I am talking about:

Health Cross Images(Top Rayshud/Bottom 7Hud): http://imgur.com/a/r0Zmj

Reply to me as soon as possible.
0 Frags +

how do i edit http://prntscr.com/953p2h to mkae it that when i have low health it will flash on the health not the health cross

how do i edit http://prntscr.com/953p2h to mkae it that when i have low health it will flash on the health not the health cross
2 Frags +
Drdeathtfhow do i edit http://prntscr.com/953p2h to mkae it that when i have low health it will flash on the health not the health cross

Shameless plug.

[quote=Drdeathtf]how do i edit http://prntscr.com/953p2h to mkae it that when i have low health it will flash on the health not the health cross[/quote]

[url=https://youtu.be/w2NHpSC-0cw?t=104]Shameless plug.[/url]
-3 Frags +


Guys, please.


Guys, please.
0 Frags +
Panda-how do i get rid of the halloween 2015 main menu background

under mainmenuoverride.res, put // under Background where it says if_operation so it should say

// if_operation
// {
// "image" "../console/title_team_halloween2015"
// }

[quote=Panda-]how do i get rid of the halloween 2015 main menu background[/quote]

under mainmenuoverride.res, put // under Background where it says if_operation so it should say

// if_operation
// {
// "image" "../console/title_team_halloween2015"
// }
0 Frags +
LuigiEver since the Halloween update and them releasing manpower into an official game mode I have had that damn unused warlock icon stuck over my health, anyone know where the manpower hud elements are located or whatever controls that because it is annoying as fuck.


Don't know the exact element name, something with warlock.

[quote=Luigi]Ever since the Halloween update and them releasing manpower into an official game mode I have had that damn unused warlock icon stuck over my health, anyone know where the manpower hud elements are located or whatever controls that because it is annoying as fuck.[/quote]


Don't know the exact element name, something with warlock.
0 Frags +

Some of the ammo numbers in my BXHUD clip, it's nothing big but I was wondering if I could fix it

Show Content
Some of the ammo numbers in my BXHUD clip, it's nothing big but I was wondering if I could fix it

0 Frags +

How do I move the "overtime" elements on the koth hud?


How do I move the "overtime" elements on the koth hud?

0 Frags +

I don't see anything wrong with the animation "code" but even after i use all my uber the animation is still there.
Please watch the video.



Show Content

// Flash the medic charge hud when we have full charge

event HudMedicCharged
Animate ChargeLabelShadow FgColor "FullUber" Linear 0.0 0.3
Animate ChargeLabelShadow FgColor "FullUberFlash" Linear 0.3 0.3
Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "FullUber" Linear 0.0 0.3
Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "FullUberFlash" Linear 0.3 0.3

Animate ChargeMeter1 FgColor "0 221 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter2 FgColor "0 221 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter3 FgColor "0 221 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter4 FgColor "0 221 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0

RunEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 0.6

// call to loop HudHealthBonusPulse
event HudMedicChargedLoop
RunEvent HudMedicCharged 0.0
RunEvent ChargeLabel 0.0
RunEvent ChargeMeter 0.0
RunEvent ChargeLabelShadow 0.0
RunEvent ChargeMeter 0.0

event HudMedicChargedStop
//StopEvent HudMedicCharged 0.0
//StopEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 0.0
StopEvent ChargeLabel 0.0
StopEvent ChargeMeter 0.0
StopEvent ShadedBarThinLow 0.0
StopEvent ShadedBarThinFull 0.0
StopEvent ChargeLabelShadow 0.6
StopEvent ChargeMeter 0.6

Animate ChargeLabelShadow FgColor "DarkG" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeLabelShadow FgColor "DarkG" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate IndividualChargesLabel FgColor "Black" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "White" Linear 0.0 0.0

Animate ChargeMeter1 FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter2 FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter3 FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter4 FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0


I don't see anything wrong with the animation "code" but even after i use all my uber the animation is still there.
Please watch the video.

// Flash the medic charge hud when we have full charge

event HudMedicCharged
Animate ChargeLabelShadow FgColor "FullUber" Linear 0.0 0.3
Animate ChargeLabelShadow FgColor "FullUberFlash" Linear 0.3 0.3
Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "FullUber" Linear 0.0 0.3
Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "FullUberFlash" Linear 0.3 0.3

Animate ChargeMeter1 FgColor "0 221 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter2 FgColor "0 221 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter3 FgColor "0 221 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter4 FgColor "0 221 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0

RunEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 0.6

// call to loop HudHealthBonusPulse
event HudMedicChargedLoop
RunEvent HudMedicCharged 0.0
RunEvent ChargeLabel 0.0
RunEvent ChargeMeter 0.0
RunEvent ChargeLabelShadow 0.0
RunEvent ChargeMeter 0.0

event HudMedicChargedStop
//StopEvent HudMedicCharged 0.0
//StopEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 0.0
StopEvent ChargeLabel 0.0
StopEvent ChargeMeter 0.0
StopEvent ShadedBarThinLow 0.0
StopEvent ShadedBarThinFull 0.0
StopEvent ChargeLabelShadow 0.6
StopEvent ChargeMeter 0.6

Animate ChargeLabelShadow FgColor "DarkG" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeLabelShadow FgColor "DarkG" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate IndividualChargesLabel FgColor "Black" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "White" Linear 0.0 0.0

Animate ChargeMeter1 FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter2 FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter3 FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0
Animate ChargeMeter4 FgColor "255 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0


2 Frags +
SmesiI don't see anything wrong with the animation "code" but even after i use all my uber the animation is still there.
event HudMedicChargedStop
//StopEvent HudMedicCharged 0.0
//StopEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 0.0

Uncomment those out. With these commented you're not actually ever stopping the loop, so even though the stop animation fires the uber animation keeps going.

[quote=Smesi]I don't see anything wrong with the animation "code" but even after i use all my uber the animation is still there.

[quote]event HudMedicChargedStop
//StopEvent HudMedicCharged 0.0
//StopEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 0.0[/quote][/quote]
Uncomment those out. With these commented you're not actually ever stopping the loop, so even though the stop animation fires the uber animation keeps going.
0 Frags +
JarateKingUncomment those out. With these commented you're not actually ever stopping the loop, so even though the stop animation fires the uber animation keeps going.

I completly forgot to uncomment those,i actually added them like a few days ago to test some stuff and never got rid of them.


Uncomment those out. With these commented you're not actually ever stopping the loop, so even though the stop animation fires the uber animation keeps going.[/quote]

I completly forgot to uncomment those,i actually added them like a few days ago to test some stuff and never got rid of them.

0 Frags +


How do I remove the black background? Pretty sure it's not in mapinfomenu.res


How do I remove the black background? Pretty sure it's not in mapinfomenu.res
0 Frags +

I use a modified by myself version of eve hud, and now I'd want to add a button on the main menu to connect to a specific server. As a matter of fact, several buttons to several servers.

Is it possible to directly invoke the pop-up you get when you right click on a server in the browser and select "view server info"?
Thanks in advance.

I use a modified by myself version of eve hud, and now I'd want to add a button on the main menu to connect to a specific server. As a matter of fact, several buttons to several servers.

Is it possible to directly invoke the pop-up you get when you right click on a server in the browser and select "view server info"?
Thanks in advance.
-1 Frags +

im a prince from nigeria, and i want to add colored health numbers to flamehud instead of health crosses. i was able to disable the crosses, but no idea on the hp font coloring. any tutorials about this?

im a prince from nigeria, and i want to add colored health numbers to flamehud instead of health crosses. i was able to disable the crosses, but no idea on the hp font coloring. any tutorials about this?
0 Frags +

Check in HudPlayerHealth which element has the %health% labeltext, then find this in /scripts/hudanimations_tf and change the colors in the appropriate events for overheal/low health.

Check in HudPlayerHealth which element has the [i]%health%[/i] labeltext, then find this in /scripts/hudanimations_tf and change the colors in the appropriate events for overheal/low health.
0 Frags +

Where can I change the size/position of ready up stuff for mp_tournament?

Where can I change the size/position of ready up stuff for mp_tournament?
0 Frags +

Where is the color for the stuff in the playerlist of the scoreboard defined?

Where is the color for the stuff in the playerlist of the scoreboard defined?
-3 Frags +

i need to know how to change crosshair color cause when i do it on options it has this weird outline so any idea ?

i need to know how to change crosshair color cause when i do it on options it has this weird outline so any idea ?
0 Frags +

Guys i recently started using pvhud, and the ammo and health numbers are too big for my screen

how do i reduce their size? i went into HudAmmoWeapons and HudPlayerHealth, but there's no font size there, just "HudFontHUGE". I tried changing it to "HudFontMedium" and "HudFontSmall", but the ammo and health just get like fucked up, really small. so i don't think it's intentional.

Guys i recently started using pvhud, and the ammo and health numbers are too big for my screen

how do i reduce their size? i went into HudAmmoWeapons and HudPlayerHealth, but there's no font size there, just "HudFontHUGE". I tried changing it to "HudFontMedium" and "HudFontSmall", but the ammo and health just get like fucked up, really small. so i don't think it's intentional.
1 Frags +
QuertGuys i recently started using pvhud, and the ammo and health numbers are too big for my screen

how do i reduce their size? i went into HudAmmoWeapons and HudPlayerHealth, but there's no font size there, just "HudFontHUGE". I tried changing it to "HudFontMedium" and "HudFontSmall", but the ammo and health just get like fucked up, really small. so i don't think it's intentional.

There is a definition for HudFontHuge in Clientscheme.res, try changing tall from 80 to 50-60

[quote=Quert]Guys i recently started using pvhud, and the ammo and health numbers are too big for my screen

how do i reduce their size? i went into HudAmmoWeapons and HudPlayerHealth, but there's no font size there, just "HudFontHUGE". I tried changing it to "HudFontMedium" and "HudFontSmall", but the ammo and health just get like fucked up, really small. so i don't think it's intentional.[/quote] There is a definition for HudFontHuge in Clientscheme.res, try changing tall from 80 to 50-60
0 Frags +

that worked. thanks!

that worked. thanks!
0 Frags +

Where are hud combattext numbers located? I'm talking specifically about combat text that shows over players heads, and more specifically the bonus points (+1 on sandvich give, +1 on extinguish, +2 on med drop). I'm trying to modify lawena's kill notices only hud to enable these.

EDIT: Never mind, I was originally thinking that huddamageaccount.res only dealt with the static damage numbers shown near your health, but apparently it also deals with overhead damage text.

Where are hud combattext numbers located? I'm talking specifically about combat text that shows over players heads, and more specifically the bonus points (+1 on sandvich give, +1 on extinguish, +2 on med drop). I'm trying to modify lawena's kill notices only hud to enable these.

EDIT: Never mind, I was originally thinking that huddamageaccount.res only dealt with the static damage numbers shown near your health, but apparently it also deals with overhead damage text.
0 Frags +

Whats the file for the KillFeed?

Whats the file for the KillFeed?
0 Frags +
vermsWhats the file for the KillFeed?

Hudlayout and search for HudDeathNotice

[quote=verms]Whats the file for the KillFeed?[/quote]

Hudlayout and search for HudDeathNotice
0 Frags +

Where/what/how do you disable the static/3D player model?

Where/what/how do you disable the static/3D player model?
0 Frags +
PendjiWhere/what/how do you disable the static/3D player model?

cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0

[quote=Pendji]Where/what/how do you disable the static/3D player model?[/quote]

cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0
0 Frags +
fiestaPendjiWhere/what/how do you disable the static/3D player model?
cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0

I don't think that always gets rid of it;

Alternatively try going into "hudplayerclass.res" in your huds resource folder and changing visible and enabled to 0

[quote=fiesta][quote=Pendji]Where/what/how do you disable the static/3D player model?[/quote]

cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0[/quote]

I don't think that always gets rid of it;

Alternatively try going into "hudplayerclass.res" in your huds resource folder and changing visible and enabled to 0
0 Frags +

Yeah t

STOGEfiestaPendjiWhere/what/how do you disable the static/3D player model?
cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0

I don't think that always gets rid of it;

Alternatively try going into "hudplayerclass.res" in your huds resource folder and changing visible and enabled to 0

Yeah that's the issue. By default it's the static class logo. People started implementing it into huds again since you could make it into the 3D model, but I just want rid of it all together.

"HudPlayerClass" set to 0 did it, thanks.

Yeah t[quote=STOGE][quote=fiesta][quote=Pendji]Where/what/how do you disable the static/3D player model?[/quote]

cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0[/quote]

I don't think that always gets rid of it;

Alternatively try going into "hudplayerclass.res" in your huds resource folder and changing visible and enabled to 0[/quote] Yeah that's the issue. By default it's the static class logo. People started implementing it into huds again since you could make it into the 3D model, but I just want rid of it all together.

"HudPlayerClass" set to 0 did it, thanks.
0 Frags +

Ever since the gun mettle update I've been getting incorrect weapon descriptions only in the killcam itempanel, is there a fix for this?

Also, Sometimes item labels don't show up in the class loadout panels, not sure if this is a bug or my hud.

Ever since the gun mettle update I've been getting incorrect weapon descriptions only in the killcam itempanel, is there a fix for this?

Also, Sometimes item labels don't show up in the class loadout panels, not sure if this is a bug or my hud.
0 Frags +

Can the top bar of charinfopanel.res be made less tall?


Can the top bar of charinfopanel.res be made less tall?

1 ⋅⋅ 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 ⋅⋅ 234
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