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b4nny discussion
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can we do somethin about this guy in pughub man

can we do somethin about this guy in pughub man
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Guys you don’t understand you can’t ban him because he’s invite and he’s been around for too long guys it’s just impossible

Guys you don’t understand you can’t ban him because he’s invite and he’s been around for too long guys it’s just impossible
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Anyways all I’m saying is that if this guy had the skill of a main player and treated people like this he would’ve been banned long ago.

Anyways all I’m saying is that if this guy had the skill of a main player and treated people like this he would’ve been banned long ago.
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we can start by banning him from Pug Hub

we can start by banning him from Pug Hub
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It's really a shame that a guy that's such an awful role model of how to be a good leader and teammate is the most prominent figurehead of competitive TF2.

It's really a shame that a guy that's such an awful role model of how to be a good leader and teammate is the most prominent figurehead of competitive TF2.
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i often get frustrated at pugs, but it would have been polite to apologize to his teammates

i often get frustrated at pugs, but it would have been polite to apologize to his teammates
Twitch Prime
82 Frags +

B4nny is in need of a major re-evaluation of where he is and who he wants to be when he grows up. I saw him tell a child at a Lan "your dog is going to hell" and "your dog doesn't love you enough to stay alive" and "other dogs go to heaven but not yours because you main Pyro."

B4nny is in need of a major re-evaluation of where he is and who he wants to be when he grows up. I saw him tell a child at a Lan "your dog is going to hell" and "your dog doesn't love you enough to stay alive" and "other dogs go to heaven but not yours because you main Pyro."
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b4nny has me muted both in game and in discord just because im brown

b4nny has me muted both in game and in discord just because im brown
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banny responds to his medic dying the same way 15 year olds in stgggs videos who get prop blocked in gmod

banny responds to his medic dying the same way 15 year olds in stgggs videos who get prop blocked in gmod
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I was on a family holiday at Disneyland Anaheim, and b4nny was there and he picked up my 12 year old son Jebediah and fed him into a woodchipper.

I was on a family holiday at Disneyland Anaheim, and b4nny was there and he picked up my 12 year old son Jebediah and fed him into a woodchipper.
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b4nny once muted everyone on pug team except the one guy who tier 3 sub him on twitch then call us retard

b4nny once muted everyone on pug team except the one guy who tier 3 sub him on twitch then call us retard
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gwen putting in work but the big bad wolf had to tear them down

gwen putting in work but the big bad wolf had to tear them down
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b4nny has always been known as one of the hardest tf2 players to defeat, but people often neglect to account for some of his major weaknesses. For example, he can be easily stunlocked by initiating an argument, potentially causing him to miss a match entirely.

b4nny has always been known as one of the hardest tf2 players to defeat, but people often neglect to account for some of his major weaknesses. For example, he can be easily stunlocked by initiating an argument, potentially causing him to miss a match entirely.
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Its crazy to watch a guy be so flabbergasted by the concept of having fun or being respectful to people

edit: This is just wild to see. There's a group of 5 people trying to tell this guy that he, a human, is making 5 other humans have a negative experience. He is making people feel bad, and the only response his brain is capable of formulating is "Don't you want to win?"

Like its wild to watch the very concept of a human interaction just whoosh past b4nny. He is so far removed from society as a whole that he has lost his understanding of common human decency. The idea of interacting with another human being on a level other than winning a game of Team Fortress 2 doesn't compute in his slowly balding head. Its genuinely sad to see.

Its crazy to watch a guy be so flabbergasted by the concept of having fun or being respectful to people

edit: This is just wild to see. There's a group of 5 people trying to tell this guy that he, a human, is making 5 other humans have a negative experience. He is making people feel bad, and the only response his brain is capable of formulating is "Don't you want to win?"

Like its wild to watch the very concept of a human interaction just whoosh past b4nny. He is so far removed from society as a whole that he has lost his understanding of common human decency. The idea of interacting with another human being on a level other than winning a game of Team Fortress 2 doesn't compute in his slowly balding head. Its genuinely sad to see.
53 Frags +

you guys are bitching and moaning but look at it from this mans perspective, he is (and remains) the king of the realms since time immemorial. All around him, empires and dynasties crumble, yet he remains. Unfortunately, he is forced to play with the likes of us (who are like noobs to him), so of course he is going to be a little peeved off at incompetence, but it's a byproduct of being at the top, as I'm sure it gets very lonely up there. Stay humble, b4nny will forgive you.

you guys are bitching and moaning but look at it from this mans perspective, he is (and remains) the king of the realms since time immemorial. All around him, empires and dynasties crumble, yet he remains. Unfortunately, he is forced to play with the likes of us (who are like noobs to him), so of course he is going to be a little peeved off at incompetence, but it's a byproduct of being at the top, as I'm sure it gets very lonely up there. Stay humble, b4nny will forgive you.
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the allocation of what aspects make up b4nny's maturity are lopsided and focus less on his emotional maturity and empathy rather than the other things that would make you think b4nny is a mature person like his business skills, life experience, and intelligence. I think someone like b4nny would respond better to the same (fairly accurate imo) explanation of our collective armchair psychology in a more non-confrontational context.

the allocation of what aspects make up b4nny's maturity are lopsided and focus less on his emotional maturity and empathy rather than the other things that would make you think b4nny is a mature person like his business skills, life experience, and intelligence. I think someone like b4nny would respond better to the same (fairly accurate imo) explanation of our collective armchair psychology in a more non-confrontational context.
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that being said:


that being said: [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/930102383596425256/1047722494511038494/3dgifmaker39214.gif[/img]
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RoLthe allocation of what aspects make up b4nny's maturity are lopsided and focus less on his emotional maturity and empathy rather than the other things that would make you think b4nny is a mature person like his business skills, life experience, and intelligence. I think someone like b4nny would respond better to the same (fairly accurate imo) explanation of our collective armchair psychology in a more non-confrontational context.

the second half of wat ur saying literally doesent even matter because thats not the context at all

ik ur a 15 year b4nnysub inmate but nonconfrontational or not, you think someone hasent pulled him aside before or after a stream and tried to talk to him about why he, a 30 somethin year old man acts like he does in the 1000 years hes played this game?

i dont even watch his streams for more than 5 mins, just heard of what bs he gets up to when he was berating niggas every night and watch clips but i deadass refuse to believe that habib or anyone on the pre-make a wish froyo team that exists currently didnt try to tell him wat he was doing every night was gonna make everyone leave lmfao

yet here he is just still chuggin along

[quote=RoL]the allocation of what aspects make up b4nny's maturity are lopsided and focus less on his emotional maturity and empathy rather than the other things that would make you think b4nny is a mature person like his business skills, life experience, and intelligence. I think someone like b4nny would respond better to the same (fairly accurate imo) explanation of our collective armchair psychology in a more non-confrontational context.[/quote]

the second half of wat ur saying literally doesent even matter because thats not the context at all

ik ur a 15 year b4nnysub inmate but nonconfrontational or not, you think someone hasent pulled him aside before or after a stream and tried to talk to him about why he, a 30 somethin year old man acts like he does in the 1000 years hes played this game?

i dont even watch his streams for more than 5 mins, just heard of what bs he gets up to when he was berating niggas every night and watch clips but i deadass refuse to believe that habib or anyone on the pre-make a wish froyo team that exists currently didnt try to tell him wat he was doing every night was gonna make everyone leave lmfao

yet here he is just still chuggin along
-9 Frags +
indecencythe second half of wat ur saying literally doesent even matter because thats not the context at all

ik ur a 15 year b4nnysub inmate but nonconfrontational or not, you think someone hasent pulled him aside before or after a stream and tried to talk to him about why he, a 30 somethin year old man acts like he does in the 1000 years hes played this game?

i dont even watch his streams for more than 5 mins, just heard of what bs he gets up to when he was berating niggas every night and watch clips but i deadass refuse to believe that habib or anyone on the pre-make a wish froyo team that exists currently didnt try to tell him wat he was doing every night was gonna make everyone leave lmfao

yet here he is just still chuggin along

in a comparison I'd definitely say he's not very receptive either way, but even less receptive when streaming or someone's angry or throwing harsh words at him because it's harder for really most people to understand, talk about, or accept their own vulnerabilities in that situation, that doesn't just apply to him

[quote=indecency]the second half of wat ur saying literally doesent even matter because thats not the context at all

ik ur a 15 year b4nnysub inmate but nonconfrontational or not, you think someone hasent pulled him aside before or after a stream and tried to talk to him about why he, a 30 somethin year old man acts like he does in the 1000 years hes played this game?

i dont even watch his streams for more than 5 mins, just heard of what bs he gets up to when he was berating niggas every night and watch clips but i deadass refuse to believe that habib or anyone on the pre-make a wish froyo team that exists currently didnt try to tell him wat he was doing every night was gonna make everyone leave lmfao

yet here he is just still chuggin along[/quote]
in a comparison I'd definitely say he's not very receptive either way, but even less receptive when streaming or someone's angry or throwing harsh words at him because it's harder for really most people to understand, talk about, or accept their own vulnerabilities in that situation, that doesn't just apply to him
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did a shit job but I don't know what I'm doing just like when I play tf2
lol cmon I worked hard on learning how to make this

did a shit job but I don't know what I'm doing just like when I play tf2
lol cmon I worked hard on learning how to make this
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RoLbut even less receptive when streaming or someone's angry or throwing harsh words at him because it's harder for really most people to understand, talk about, or accept their own vulnerabilities in that situation

yet one thing is common with every time someone mentions b4nny in this light when a situation like this is involved, hes almost always the initiator and the problem

but even less receptive when streaming or someone's angry or throwing harsh words at him because it's harder for really most people to understand, talk about, or accept their own vulnerabilities in that situation[/quote]

yet one thing is common with every time someone mentions b4nny in this light when a situation like this is involved, hes almost always the initiator and the problem
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I think we all knew that b4nny was toxic

I think we all knew that b4nny was toxic
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why does he call like hes annoyed he even has to say any of it out loud

why does he call like hes annoyed he even has to say any of it out loud
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indecencytry to tell him wat he was doing every night was gonna make everyone leave lmfao

eh froyo's had more roster continuity than any other team. if habib was gonna leave froyo for getting yelled at he would have done it in like 2017. was always really impressed how he just laughed it off every time

[quote=indecency]try to tell him wat he was doing every night was gonna make everyone leave lmfao[/quote]

eh froyo's had more roster continuity than any other team. if habib was gonna leave froyo for getting yelled at he would have done it in like 2017. was always really impressed how he just laughed it off every time
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