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Signed Up November 27, 2015
Last Posted July 26, 2024 at 10:54 AM
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#2 Hey! I want to edit the Main Menu in Customization

This might be a good first resource to look at. There's even a tutorial section which is sick: https://github.com/JarateKing/TF2-Hud-Reference

If you have specific questions once you get a grip on the basics: https://www.teamfortress.tv/19073/hud-editing-short-questions-quick-answers

posted 11 hours ago
#43 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

run a cup or shut up

posted 1 day ago
#29 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
TynnyriWeird line of inquiry. I want 6v6 to be a good competitive format. I don't know my intentions any more than that, I guess I just find competitive things neat.

Apologies if my line of inquiry wasn't clear. Generally, when someone writes as many words as you do the purpose of those words is self evident. I am saying that up until now that purpose was not.

If you "don't know your intentions beyond that", you should do some introspection. You seem to be confused as to why people on here are engaging with you in bad faith. It is because your criticisms are:

  • Easily addressed by playing the format. Your ideas are intuitively bad if you have played enough.
  • Absolutely radiating insecurity and negativity. You seem to fancy yourself a game developer/ level designer and yet only engage with content in that vein negatively. When you do that you look insecure.

6v6 is a community made game mode. It exists and is as popular as it is because of demand for it. It is community maintained. There are channels for changing the gamemode as it is played in RGL, the prerequisites of which are to have played the last full season in the league. There is also nothing stopping you from simply running an experimental cup or league with all of your changes. You can just do that! You can also just play a different gamemode! People have brought up prolander a lot in this thread, and you can simply play prolander. You will not find many people to play with you because the issues with it are painfully obvious if you have played it. But you can play it!

Text dumping every issue you have with a very niche and unsupported gamemode is weird. It is weird because you clearly want a different gamemode entirely, and on some level maybe you know that, but complaining makes you feel like you are better than the people actively putting in work to maintain that gamemode as well as the playerbase keeping it alive.

posted 1 day ago
#25 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

What are your intentions with this post? I am confused as to why people from the outside come into the 6s community and complain about anything, let alone class restrictions.

You pretty clearly don't play this format. Are you upset that others are playing a format you don't understand the appeal of? Is there some delusion here that daddy Valve will come back from the store with a pack of smokes if the most popular competitive format is run with more class diversity? I do not understand.

Why did you type all those words? What sort of specific result are you looking for with a post like this?

posted 1 day ago
#45 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion
untamedI'm willing to even accept the 4 demo failures at this point, however people are making the point that a ringer shouldn't bring a penalty to the team but instead to the individual player, I don't know how it's setup in the rules but if there's a loophole that people are willing to hear them out.

The rules are like that because nobody writing the rules thought it was possible a team could be so braindead that they rack up 4 demo failures and aren't doing so maliciously. Hopefully RGL will address their oversight to better accommodate the IQ of the average open player.

posted 1 week ago
#42 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion

Recording your demos and then not slipping on a banana peel and losing them is essentially the only league related thing you have to do on match days if you aren't a team leader. It is your only task. It is one thing. It is a comically small ask by RGL.

Imagine if there was still a client you had to play on. There's no way the average demo forgetter would be physically capable of installing their government mandated bitcoin miner.

posted 1 week ago
#3 I'll Cast Your Games in TF2 General Discussion

1 legged goat returns

posted 2 weeks ago
#10 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic

gpt is an excel formula and regex generator but with an attitude, a third valid use case has yet to be discovered.

posted 2 months ago
#16 post your unorthodox keybinds in Customization

mouse3 kill since 2014

posted 3 months ago
#40 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion
jetzif like 95% of the people in the division who have to play someone think that person is cheating they should probably just get autobanned tbh. basically everyone who's been witch hunted over the past few years was actually cheating lol.

I don't know about autobanned, but you have a point. If the eye test is playing a huge role in determining the outcome of cheating cases anyways it makes sense to have more qualified eyes involved in the decision. Input from the players in an accused player's division could be leveraged more than it is. I'm not comfortable having it be the only metric, or even a majority metric, but I'd be curious to know if other active players besides yourself disagree on that point.

posted 3 months ago
#36 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion

There is such a gap between what the community expects out of AC vs what its actually capable of. I am not affiliated with AC in any way, but my understanding is that the methods for catching cheaters in TF2 are still in the stone age. VAC doesn't work, we don't play on any sort of client, server side AC solutions do almost nothing. There may be tools available to staff that are better than the eye test, but I doubt they're much better.

What do you guys actually want here? For staff to act immediately on every video compilation of STV demos? I am pretty convinced that these players are cheating, but how would you feel if community consensus was the bar for major bans? I feel like if they did that there would be equivalent backlash to what we're seeing now. Barring some massive improvement in anticheat tech, I just don't see this problem getting better and I do not think RGL is at fault.

We're just at a point in TF2's lifecycle that when you sign up to play a season of competitive TF2 you should know there's a 50% chance there's going to be cheaters, they're going to be fairly blatant but not blatant enough to be confidently banned, and that its going to take a small volunteer staff banging two rocks together quite some time to build a satisfactory case against them. That sucks.

posted 3 months ago
#2 Trying to make a medkit dissapear in SFM in Videos

you're gonna want to make the camera close its eyes after scout eats med pack

posted 3 months ago
#12 Did tf2 ever get you into trouble in TF2 General Discussion
blakeeenthrowyeah this game heavily contributed to me dropping out of high schoolbro don't admit that online that's crazy embarrassing

I'm literally thriving dude, weird for you to be embarrassed on my behalf.

posted 4 months ago
#3 what map!??!?!?!?! in Q/A Help


posted 4 months ago
#8 Did tf2 ever get you into trouble in TF2 General Discussion

yeah this game heavily contributed to me dropping out of high school

posted 4 months ago
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