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Signed Up June 15, 2016
Last Posted July 26, 2024 at 6:16 PM
Posts 1329 (0.4 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 88
#12 shitposter tier lsit in Off Topic
Wandumpootis fazbear wrote a whole banny isekai and u put him in a tier i will not stand for this slander

i am terrified that the man behind pootis fazbear is telephone fan which i do not want to be true

posted 3 hours ago
#8 shitposter tier lsit in Off Topic
Prime-SanityWhere am I at?

you are just a low quality poster

posted 4 hours ago
#4 shitposter tier lsit in Off Topic
hpqoeui feel like theres a significant amount of names missing. wheres pankyman

i agree there are many missing, these are the ones i remembered off the top of my head. use mine as a base and add your own

posted 5 hours ago
#1 shitposter tier lsit in Off Topic

considering the new combatant freshly entering the ring, i thought i would grade this holy online crucible's greatest warriors. please tell me who else should be included

make your own

posted 5 hours ago
#5 Guide for how to not be a creep on in Site Discussion

this is finally a tftv troll account that i can get behind

posted 8 hours ago
#70 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

this is the best thread in a while

posted 12 hours ago
#3 Who the fuck is aimisadick & why are you creepy in Site Discussion

you should get on a team for the TI, there's a lot of money in dota for the taking considering you mastered it in a single match

posted 1 day ago
#23 Average time practicing? in TF2 General Discussion
brodythats not what forced and unforced errors are

posted 1 day ago
#9 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

your steam reviews have made me realize you are trolling and i will no longer engage with your strange post

posted 1 day ago
#6 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
TynnyriI'll focus on the main part of your reply: You are defending the current arbitrarily constructed meta by pointing out that it has been constructed arbitrarily at all: Instead, it is intended to maximise skill expression.

the 6v6 meta was not decided on "arbitrarily,'" like i just said, this game is old as dirt, and 6v6 has been played for twice as long as overwatch the video game has existed. the format has been arrived upon by a consensus of the people who actually play the format, determining that the standard setup is what works best both for maximizing winning potential, fun for all players involved, and to maximize the pace of the game. nobody just threw darts at a board and decided how many of each class you get to have on one team.

TynnyriSo then, why would there be an exception for Medic? Medic is the most important class in the game, but far from the most skill expressive. Without medics, lot of stalemates would never even happen. After all, you are less punished from taking damage when you have a medic in your team. Wouldn't that be a source of negative skill expression? Medic makes the game easier, and patches your mistakes.

i actually agree that medic is devoid of a meaningful amount of skill expression that makes him fun enough to actually want to play. there's plenty of evidence of this, especially when you look at how few medic players there are on RGL pugs (though that has other contributing factors unrelated to the format lol)

the issue is that medic is a necessary evil. tf2's entire design, no matter what server you're playing in, is hinged around ubercharge. many a choke would be nigh impossible to push without it, and even in pubs, the medic is the most important class in the game. he enables you to be able to explosive jump and engage with the most fun part of tf2, its movement. he minimizes downtime to keep you engaged in actual combat, and he breaks stalemates when the other team doesn't have means of countering the uber (by way of their own or other things like explosive or airblast denying)

i think if you've played a decent enough amount of tf2, you can realize how disingenuous this argument about medic is. the game literally is built around him. i do certainly wish he was more fun and still expressive to play, but honestly surfing damage and hitting arrows is already more fun than fucking Pootis.

TynnyriYou also mentioned that Pyro has weaknesses that Soldier doesn't have, and therefore it makes no sense to switch to Pyro. And that's a perfect explanation for why 6v6 games tend to slow down: As you said, the current arbitrarily chosen meta (2 scouts, 2 soldiers) revolves around the fact that Soldier and Scout have very few weaknesses to exploit. (...).Your explanation of weaknesses gives an eloquent explanation to the source of stalemates, giving light to how stalemates might be solved: By weakening team compositions.

your solution to stalemates in 6v6 is to... make everyone play Worse classes that are Less fun...?

posted 1 day ago
#5 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

im gonna make a double post to say this too:

if you're new to competitive tf2 and you think people dont play full time off-classes because they just hate fun or whatever, i encourage you to make a 6s team and devise a plan around playing with those offclasses full time. you will very quickly see the weaknesses of your class and realize that the 6v6 format is called "competitive TF2" for a reason. the other classes do not provide enough or are just straight up too bad to be useful with that player count. i also dont understand the obsession with off-classes being made viable in 6v6 because highlander is right there dude. you want to play full time sniper? wanna get backstabbed every 30 seconds? wanna play with 18 people in the server? its literally all right there for you

posted 1 day ago
#3 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

heavy can be played by an armless toddler, forcing him to be run 24/7 by either buffing him or changing the comp config like you're suggesting would not "raise the competitiveness" of the game. you'd be substituting out a player on an objectively more skill expressive and difficult class onto one that is not only orders of magnitudes easier, but less interesting to play as, against, and in front of spectators.

pyro has a light degree of more skill expression with being able to reflect stuff, but during a stalemate that's all the class can do. it can't get in (without getting instagibbed), it can't transition from space to space very quickly (without making yourself vulnerable), and it's again substituting a class that's more skill expressive for one that slows the game down

every pubber that says stuff like this seems to neglect that tf2 is almost old enough to go join the army. you're not the first guy to think of what the game would be like with a full time heavy. teams have tried it for entire seasons, on top of running a sniper or a pyro or whatever. the classes have pretty debilitating weaknesses in the main competitive game mode, 5CP. if you wanted to make the argument that these classes should be used more, you'd have an easier time pointing out how poorly favored these classes are on comp maps even in pubs. heavy in a 5CP pub against even moderately decent players is hard, let alone against an organized group of players dedicated to winning

posted 1 day ago
#21 Average time practicing? in TF2 General Discussion
brodyhow could chess have a forced error

an unforced error in chess is more commonly called a blunder, it results from a lack of experience in the game to realize an immediately weak move. a forced error would be taking advantage of a move that would normally otherwise be tactically sound, but has a minor weakness that is exploited many moves in advance

posted 2 days ago
#19 Average time practicing? in TF2 General Discussion

in chess, we call this thread an Unforced Error

posted 2 days ago
#32 B4nny's future financial wellbeing (SERIOUS) in The Dumpster

i've said it before and i'll say it again, some people just aren't good enough to handle the power that comes with 5 ping. b4nny is one of those people

posted 4 days ago
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