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TF2 player vocabulary
53 Frags +

"i am having safe and consensual sex with the entire enemy team" just doesn't seem the same

"i am having safe and consensual sex with the entire enemy team" just doesn't seem the same
12 Frags +

this thread fucking rocks I really hope it doesn't get locked

this thread fucking rocks I really hope it doesn't get locked
55 Frags +


0 Frags +

i know many autistic people that describe others as autsitic
i am, and a few of my friends are gay, we call others fags all the time
i knew a guy in a wheelchair that called other people disabled
know way too many girls that make "haha women useless" jokes all the time
who cares? you're gonna offend someone no mater how you use language and many words just have double meanings. when you're saying "they're raped in choke" you're obviously not saying they've been sexually assaulted. nobody is going to get offended from that kinda shit and if you know people that are then they have a problem of being too sensitive. now, obviously theres exceptions to all of this but generally, you should be taking gamer trash talk this seriously lol.

also, has anyone (outside of LANs ofc) actually met someone irl that describes shit how they do online? like, who do you know that unironically describes something damaged irl as "raped" or someone that thought they saw something as "shizo"? this is shit only said online

i know many autistic people that describe others as autsitic
i am, and a few of my friends are gay, we call others fags all the time
i knew a guy in a wheelchair that called other people disabled
know way too many girls that make "haha women useless" jokes all the time
who cares? you're gonna offend someone no mater how you use language and many words just have double meanings. when you're saying "they're raped in choke" you're obviously not saying they've been sexually assaulted. nobody is going to get offended from that kinda shit and if you know people that are then they have a problem of being too sensitive. now, obviously theres exceptions to all of this but generally, you should be taking gamer trash talk this seriously lol.

also, has anyone (outside of LANs ofc) actually met someone irl that describes shit how they do online? like, who do you know that unironically describes something damaged irl as "raped" or someone that thought they saw something as "shizo"? this is shit only said online
11 Frags +

if we cant say "retard" can we atleast say bismillahi arahmani rahim kulhua allahu ahad ahed allahu samad lamyallid walam waled yoled walam ya holloho qufuan ahad ahed allahu akbar?

if we cant say "retard" can we atleast say bismillahi arahmani rahim kulhua allahu ahad ahed allahu samad lamyallid walam waled yoled walam ya holloho qufuan ahad ahed allahu akbar?
48 Frags +
bearodactylI promise u will be perfectly fine with any number of other words that don’t make those of us who Go Outside and interact with normal humans IRL feel uncomfortable

hey bear, arent u the guy who really defended alfa on that lan party lol ahaha

I promise u will be perfectly fine with any number of other words that don’t make those of us who Go Outside and interact with normal humans IRL feel uncomfortable[/quote]
hey bear, arent u the guy who really defended alfa on that lan party lol ahaha
34 Frags +

i cant even describe a play as jew anymore i dont know what to do

i cant even describe a play as jew anymore i dont know what to do
25 Frags +

FUCK man, I hate this fucking guy bro. [Voice gets even higher] He's so fucking neurologically atypical why does he do that shit bro?

FUCK man, I hate this fucking guy bro. [Voice gets even higher] He's so fucking neurologically atypical why does he do that shit bro?
15 Frags +

If you've sucked your own cock can you say the f slur?

It felt AT LEAST gay adjacent


If you've sucked your own cock can you say the f slur?

It felt AT LEAST gay adjacent

2 Frags +
Menachemit sucks that the person who started this thread has apparently been one of the worst offenders in the past, kinda puts the whole motivation for posting into question.

Because hopefully it means he has changed, however if Bear does continue to use slurs then it's questionable. In the post with the logs of all the slurs it looks like the last one was in 2018, 4 years is a decent amount of time. I could be mistaken though and I hope I'm not

[quote=Menachem]it sucks that the person who started this thread has apparently been one of the worst offenders in the past, kinda puts the whole motivation for posting into question.[/quote]

Because hopefully it means he has changed, however if Bear does continue to use slurs then it's questionable. In the post with the logs of all the slurs it looks like the last one was in 2018, 4 years is a decent amount of time. I could be mistaken though and I hope I'm not
36 Frags +

i hate women

i hate women
-5 Frags +

Everytime I play on a team with people that use slurs and are bigoted, the team goes completely emo and it becomes increasingly awkward and shitty to play. I learned some lessons and i'll be honest its way better to play with mature people who dont say dumb shit than it is to hold on to your "based" ideology because its funny. Your only limiting the people who will play with you by saying all this nonsense even if its just in comms.

Everytime I play on a team with people that use slurs and are bigoted, the team goes completely emo and it becomes increasingly awkward and shitty to play. I learned some lessons and i'll be honest its way better to play with mature people who dont say dumb shit than it is to hold on to your "based" ideology because its funny. Your only limiting the people who will play with you by saying all this nonsense even if its just in comms.
63 Frags +


34 Frags +

what 6 months livin in the netherlands does to a fella

what 6 months livin in the netherlands does to a fella
11 Frags +

stop being offended in behalf of someone else

stop being offended in behalf of someone else
44 Frags +

i have a proposition:
if you win your division (main or higher) you get a slur pass of any slur you want, redeemable once at any time. the higher the div, the more passes u get (1 for main, 2 for adv, 3 for invite). anybody in invite who beats b4nny will get a slur pass as well, and 2 passes if u roll him 5-0. an undefeated season awards another slur pass as well.

this accomplishes two things:
1. it gives another incentive to win
2. it keeps the shitties from getting the passes. if u suck at the game and u want the pass ur probably gonna suck at using it too. u gotta be at least decent.

passes must be blessed by a member of the minority group the pass is a slur for. if you cant find even one guy to do it for ur team you don't deserve it. you may contact me for queerphobic or anti-italian-american slurs.

RGL please consider and respond soon. thank you.

[h]i have a proposition: [/h]
if you win your division (main or higher) you get a slur pass of any slur you want, redeemable once at any time. the higher the div, the more passes u get (1 for main, 2 for adv, 3 for invite). anybody in invite who beats b4nny will get a slur pass as well, and 2 passes if u roll him 5-0. an undefeated season awards another slur pass as well.

this accomplishes two things:
1. it gives another incentive to win
2. it keeps the shitties from getting the passes. if u suck at the game and u want the pass ur probably gonna suck at using it too. u gotta be [i]at least[/i] decent.

passes must be blessed by a member of the minority group the pass is a slur for. if you cant find even one guy to do it for ur team you don't deserve it. you may contact me for queerphobic or anti-italian-american slurs.

RGL please consider and respond soon. thank you.
-5 Frags +
scrabIf you've sucked your own cock can you say the f slur?

It felt AT LEAST gay adjacent


why men do yoga

[quote=scrab]If you've sucked your own cock can you say the f slur?

It felt AT LEAST gay adjacent

why men do yoga
26 Frags +
subhumani have a proposition:
if you win your division (main or higher) you get a slur pass of any slur you want, redeemable once at any time. the higher the div, the more passes u get (1 for main, 2 for adv, 3 for invite). anybody in invite who beats b4nny will get a slur pass as well, and 2 passes if u roll him 5-0. an undefeated season awards another slur pass as well.

this accomplishes two things:
1. it gives another incentive to win
2. it keeps the shitties from getting the passes. if u suck at the game and u want the pass ur probably gonna suck at using it too. u gotta be at least decent.

passes must be blessed by a member of the minority group the pass is a slur for. if you cant find even one guy to do it for ur team you don't deserve it. you may contact me for queerphobic or anti-italian-american slurs.

RGL please consider and respond soon. thank you.

The B4nny twitter rant would go crazy

[quote=subhuman][h]i have a proposition: [/h]
if you win your division (main or higher) you get a slur pass of any slur you want, redeemable once at any time. the higher the div, the more passes u get (1 for main, 2 for adv, 3 for invite). anybody in invite who beats b4nny will get a slur pass as well, and 2 passes if u roll him 5-0. an undefeated season awards another slur pass as well.

this accomplishes two things:
1. it gives another incentive to win
2. it keeps the shitties from getting the passes. if u suck at the game and u want the pass ur probably gonna suck at using it too. u gotta be [i]at least[/i] decent.

passes must be blessed by a member of the minority group the pass is a slur for. if you cant find even one guy to do it for ur team you don't deserve it. you may contact me for queerphobic or anti-italian-american slurs.

RGL please consider and respond soon. thank you.[/quote]
The B4nny twitter rant would go crazy
8 Frags +


-18 Frags +

yo delete this thread bro...

yo delete this thread bro...
12 Frags +

fat people are disgusting and selfish

fat people are disgusting and selfish
-35 Frags +

One of the threads of all time

One of the threads of all time
24 Frags +
amperestop being offended in behalf of someone else

This is such a nothing argument.

There are, in fact, people belonging to marginalized groups who have expressed wanting those with privilege to speak up against slurs n shit, because many marginalized people are exhausted by having to do it all themselves. Of course, there are some belonging to marginalized groups who say they don't care, or to stfu, but they don't speak for their entire community. At a certain point you have to decide if it's more important to you that some guy who doesn't give a shit continues to be comfortable with the status quo, or that people who are asking to not be hurt anymore are heard and hurt less.

To the best of my ability, I don't say offensive shit in public. But I also have the ability to know my audience, so in private settings with friends who commiserate on queerness or neurodivergencies, I might say offcolor things.

Honestly, this shit really isn't that hard. It's really not hard to care about others a little bit, and not act like an unfiltered freak with no object permanence who forgets there's human beings on the other end.

[quote=ampere]stop being offended in behalf of someone else[/quote]
This is such a nothing argument.

There are, in fact, people belonging to marginalized groups who have expressed wanting those with privilege to speak up against slurs n shit, because many marginalized people are exhausted by having to do it all themselves. Of course, there are some belonging to marginalized groups who say they don't care, or to stfu, but they don't speak for their entire community. At a certain point you have to decide if it's more important to you that some guy who doesn't give a shit continues to be comfortable with the status quo, or that people who are asking to not be hurt anymore are heard and hurt less.

To the best of my ability, I don't say offensive shit in public. But I also have the ability to know my audience, so in private settings with friends who commiserate on queerness or neurodivergencies, I might say offcolor things.

Honestly, this shit really isn't that hard. It's really not hard to care about others a little bit, and not act like an unfiltered freak with no object permanence who forgets there's human beings on the other end.
5 Frags +
batemani hate women

Literally part of the problem. Stop normalizing mysogynistic "humor". Many people in the gaming community aren't as ironic about it as they try to play it off as. I don't fucking care if you mean it or not. I'm tired of seeing it and hearing it and experiencing it. Stop.

[quote=bateman]i hate women[/quote]
Literally part of the problem. Stop normalizing mysogynistic "humor". Many people in the gaming community aren't as ironic about it as they try to play it off as. I don't fucking care if you mean it or not. I'm tired of seeing it and hearing it and experiencing it. Stop.
-18 Frags +

Why don't you go and protest against your phone being made by child slaves instead of getting annoyed at rude people on internet forums.

Why don't you go and protest against your phone being made by child slaves instead of getting annoyed at rude people on internet forums.
24 Frags +
scrambledWhy don't you go and protest against your phone being made by child slaves instead of getting annoyed at rude people on internet forums.

Nice whataboutism.

Contrary to popular belief, the kind of billionaire that makes his fortune from human slavery is not going to be convinced to change his ways by some other peasant humans waving signs around and refusing to buy a few thousand of Brand 7's phones. Phones are a necessity in today's society, and you must own one in some capacity. It's not a fruitful protest.

I'm talking to average human beings in most online settings, and average human beings are far, far easier to have real meaningful conversations with.

[quote=scrambled]Why don't you go and protest against your phone being made by child slaves instead of getting annoyed at rude people on internet forums.[/quote]
Nice whataboutism.

Contrary to popular belief, the kind of billionaire that makes his fortune from human slavery is not going to be convinced to change his ways by some other peasant humans waving signs around and refusing to buy a few thousand of Brand 7's phones. Phones are a necessity in today's society, and you must own one in some capacity. It's not a fruitful protest.

I'm talking to average human beings in most online settings, and average human beings are far, far easier to have real meaningful conversations with.
34 Frags +

the slave labor gives it that extra joie de vivre you cant get from ethically made products

the slave labor gives it that extra joie de vivre you cant get from ethically made products
-35 Frags +
RendoasPhones are a necessity in today's society, and you must own one in some capacity.

gay retard tier take

I'm sorry that you're too autistic to understand my point, so I'll break it down for you:
do you actually believe that you're making a meaningful difference in the world by doing this?

[quote=Rendoas]Phones are a necessity in today's society, and you must own one in some capacity.[/quote]
gay retard tier take

I'm sorry that you're too autistic to understand my point, so I'll break it down for you:
do you actually believe that you're making a meaningful difference in the world by doing this?
32 Frags +

Scrambled it is time to log off
Preferably permanently

Scrambled it is time to log off
Preferably permanently
-35 Frags +
WandumScrambled it is time to log off
Preferably permanently

who are you and why do you respond to my posts and know what class I mained?

[quote=Wandum]Scrambled it is time to log off
Preferably permanently[/quote]
who are you and why do you respond to my posts and know what class I mained?
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