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Signed Up February 17, 2014
Last Posted July 25, 2024 at 7:33 PM
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#53 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

what reddit does to a mf

posted 1 day ago
#16 A very serious discussion about rainoflight in TF2 General Discussion

where did rol threaten to shoot anyone but themselves? the FBI is concerned with terrorist threats, ie. threats of violence against a civilian populace to coerce for some sort of ideology. i see someone desperate and alone lashing out (in a way i obviously don't condone). It's the same reason the average school shooters is explicitly not defined as a domestic terrorist.

the fact that people wanna use rol to jump in and say extreme shit they don't understand for upfrags (like what the fuck does the phrase "in some legal sense" even mean???) or even completely useless things like 'thoughts and prayer' equivalents tells me very few of you actually give a shit or even remembered who rol was until interesting drama came along. i've spent many hours of my time trying to talk people in this community who are not very popular out of suicide and it sucks hearing about the insanely fucked up shit they deal with from other tf2 people online on a regular basis. obviously none of them are perfect people, but they definitely don't deserve your callousness and uneducated virtue signalling.

i do want to say that i think funhaver is right that the average person who's just trying to enjoy the game can't on an individual level do much about this kind of thing and obviously isn't "at fault", but i think what dish and okya are getting at is that there is a palatable apathy against, and in some circles of the community, tacit approval, in the way those who are not considered socially standard are treated, and it is a contributing factor to results like this.

Again it's obvious that threats like this are not acceptable and that rol needs help of some kind, but I don't think this thread is going to accomplish anything except incite rol's chronic harassers, perhaps some new ones, and cement the persecution complex further. especially since I don't think rol has the money or irl support network to get the help you all seem to think will fall out of the sky for them.

posted 2 days ago
#17 Average time practicing? in TF2 General Discussion

type of confession that should normally only come out while being waterboarded

posted 3 days ago
#8 how do i get started with comp in Q/A Help

i've never seen a more ironic post in my life LMFAO

posted 2 weeks ago
#7 struggling with consistency in aim in TF2 General Discussion

Gaining consistency requires consistency in practice. You're not gonna get good by grinding 8 hours a day for a week, you'll probably just injure yourself. You'll get good by playing a consistent (and healthy) amount while focused on improving weaknesses you identify over the course of months.

Your daily habit could be as simple as playing for 30-60 minutes each day some aimlab/kovaaks scenarios that you hate doing because they're hard or mge against someone better than you. Whatever it is, if you never break your daily routine then you'll see results. of course your personal goals and regiment can change over time, so long as it's intentional.

I wanna address a few things I saw in this thread:

1. Sens:
Changing sens constantly is fine, it forces you to lean more on training actual hand eye coordination and often gets you to focus more, as well as (assuming you're using a decent variety of sens ranges) training muscles in your hand and arm you wouldn't normally use by sticking to one sens. I would however recommend trying to find a sens that balances being both low enough that you can actually control it and high enough that you don't move like someone maneuvering in molasses.

The myth that having multiple sensitivities across games, or even classes being bad, is just that: a myth. The best aim trainer players in the world change their sens between tasks to fit the task better, so pick a sens for you that accomplishes your goals or at least strikes the most comfortable balance. The rest is overcome with practice. If you wake up one day and find you play better lowering/raising your sens, then fuck it we ball.

2. Mouse accel
Software like raw accel, not windows accel is hit or miss for people, but it is just another tool in the box you can turn to while trying to find something comfortable. What's most important is practicing enough that you can control the mouse effectively. Your sens is probably considered higher than average among scout mains but it's nothing that can't be overcome if you insist on it. You get the obvious benefits of easier 180's etc. see if that cost benefit works out to you

3. Aiming mentality
I'd recommend the opposite of someone above and say that being focused on what you're aiming at, really looking at your target and trying to predict their movement is much better than trying to empty head it. Aim training scenarios will focus on training pure raw mechanics and reactions with random bot movement, which is useful to an extent, but in game against real people you shouldn't aim like that. Some of the best in game aimers I know have just average aim trainer scores because they're just that good at predicting player movement and using that to simplify the requirement on raw aim. Aim trainers also won't teach you to use your movement to aim and definitely won't teach you how to dodge.

Many people find themselves at a junction where it feels like you’re inconsistent because it's hard to tell if you're missing because you knew where the guy was gonna go but just mechanically failed the eye hand coordination check, or if you would have hit the guy in that moment if you had only decided better where he was gonna be when you clicked. Also some days maybe your diet or sleep was shit and you feel sluggish idk.

4. Aim trainers
My best analogy for aim trainers and other tools like jump maps are the drills and exercises that athletes do. Nobody is weaving between cones in a real game of (American)football, the whole point was to train a basic level of agility that you can then adapt to various situations in game, but there's so much more to think about in the game that is required to win.

Someone mentioned briefly above but if you're gonna use aim trainers, make sure you're actually doing scenarios that train your weaknesses. Read: don't play that gridshot scenario unless you accept that it's just for fun. Also remember that a lot of tf2 is more than aim beyond a certain level of aim being necessary for executing competently, so there's probably diminishing returns on your time compared to say, getting to a t3 jumper level.

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Everyone wanna get crazy aim but ain’t nobody wanna track the tiny brownian motion circles every day. - Ronnie Coleman or some shit idk

I'm basically the poster child for not being talented at fps games (I started off so bad it's actually unreal) so maybe this stuff is useless or obvious to people better than me but this stuff helped me to make considerable noticeable improvement in the course of several months last year before I got addicted to mmos again. Before that my hitscan ability had basically plateaued at a solid level of suckass for years because I was just playing with a sens I couldn't control and the wrong mentality for improvement.

posted 3 weeks ago
#12 i think i just bombed a job interview in Off Topic

of all the industries ur trying to get into as a chinese national you picked private defense contractors?


posted 4 weeks ago
#5 comfig quickplay in Projects

this has been really helpful trying to find pubs overseas since so many shitty servers lie about ping in the server browser

posted 1 month ago
#9 Dark and Darker in Other Games
ArchaeologyRahmedRahmedSell it to uswhy r u all down fragging this post I just want his opinion on the gameI dont Like you

meanwhile the whole website hates you

posted 1 month ago
#24 Save tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

uncletopia servers feel like shit

posted 1 month ago
#18 are there any fun games left guys? in Other Games

vermintide 2

posted 1 month ago
#15 Tf2center Discussion. in TF2 General Discussion

players on that site deliberately set up 15 minute 5-0's one after another and wonder why its not fulfilling

posted 1 month ago
#47 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

wtf you get fanart? maybe it's time to just upload videos shitstomping people who have 30 fps

posted 1 month ago
#26 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

posted 2 months ago
#50 HARD SCREENSHOTS in TF2 General Discussion

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posted 2 months ago
#22 new valve hero shooter in Off Topic

massive 3rd person player character covering up everything
not one but several snipers
slows and stuns
spy with a teleport (sombra)
what looks like a melee focused character
lads it's fucked

posted 2 months ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 152