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Signed Up April 22, 2020
Last Posted July 26, 2024 at 4:51 PM
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#6 shitposter tier lsit in Off Topic

Where am I at?

posted 4 hours ago
#76 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

The cheater is still not banned I see

Apparently people forgot that he was forced to be cut last season in order for that team to still play in playoffs because he was considered a cheater, and then magically everyone forgot this season, which I don’t even know how this is possible, even young man brought it up lol.

Its so pathetic that people are teaming up with cheaters lol. Yen just carried a 5th seeded main team to be P6 reborn.
Before someone pulls up me defending eli let it be known I never played on a team with him(cause I suck).

posted 7 hours ago
#72 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Tristen needs to be tried for his war crimes that he has committed against the main division for the last 3 seasons.
Has made objectively poor decisions that have seriously impacted the integrity and overall competition of main
for seasons on end. I know its a volunteering job, but seriously what the fuck. I made a ticket at the beginning of the season and they restricted miperton off scout and fanta off demo, because we just made a top 3 appearance so its understandable. So tell me why when aimer joins cuake live with taz, and I make a ticket on them two he is like,"oh yeah fanta is unrestricted off demo" for no apparent reason, and it gets worse when you consider the second place demo also didn't get restricted this season. If this is all because they allowed 2 players in the div that shouldn't had been allowed, then its just another example of how Tristen's poor decisions have been seriously impacting the integrity of main. Now I wasn't gonna put fanta or mip on said classes, but I just needed to know what they were banned off of cause ya know TL things.

Do not let me remind you of the shit storm that was also last season with zbra and the playoff boycott(Boycott is an AC team thing, but we kept mentioning the cheater situation way before the Main Statement was made and we made constant dm's to him about it and as well in the team leader chat and nothing came from them). I picked up zbra for about a week on my team and tristen restricted him originally off demo for my team when he wasn't restricted on MEELO. Keep in mind my team was like the 9th seed and MEELO was 1st. They restricted him off demo for my team, but not for MEELO. They did decide to unban him off demo like 2 days later on match day which I find extremely stupid.

Now we come to the current season.
Tristen's atrocities are listed as:
Allowing Aimer in the div
Allowing Taz in the div because he is "Rusty"
(This is the same guy that was taking rounds off of froyotech at lan btw)

In my last 4 seasons of main never in my life have I ever seen such a large gap between the 1st and 2nd seed.

posted 1 day ago
#18 Prime Era 2.0 in Recruitment (looking for players)

got 6

posted 2 days ago
#12 Average time practicing? in TF2 General Discussion

Hahah, thank you all for your advice, but I do assure you that this level of work hasn't started to become counter productive yet, and I feel like I am using the time efficiently. What I do in order so I don't burn out is what I just go some shenanigan's with my friends for one of the pugs or I simply end stream and call it quits for the day.

eddiieeI would kill myself if I played any game 9 hours a day for 2 weeks

Took me the 3rd week to start hating my self and getting burnt out, but I slowly regained motivation.

sighYou still have time to delete this brodie.

Was just curious because anytime I would ask anyone else and tell them the amount of time I've been putting they would call me crazy or jobless. But it seems like I need to be resting more.

posted 3 days ago
#1 Average time practicing? in TF2 General Discussion

When you like practice what is your like hourly average in two weeks?
Mine was 129 hours

posted 3 days ago
#7 KIHBAE lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Strongest Mental I have seen in a minute. Would recommend.

posted 4 days ago
#389 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

*DEAD* FROYO b4nny: !pause

posted 5 days ago
#24 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion

How many more RGL is bad threads do we have to make before stuff happens.

posted 1 week ago
#15 Prime Era 2.0 in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted 1 week ago
#1 LF Emote Artist in Off Topic

I need an artist to make twitch emotes for my channel. I have alot of good ideas, but not the skill to execute it.
Dm on discord at youngsanity if you are interested and I can pay like any amount per emote as long as its not like overly priced.

posted 2 weeks ago
#17 who r the most yoked 6s players in TF2 General Discussion


posted 2 weeks ago
#2 how do i get started with comp in Q/A Help


To get into comp join TF2 Coaching Central they have a discord. Newbie Mixes helps alot as well.

posted 2 weeks ago
#9749 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 3 weeks ago
#7 2024-2025 NBA Season in Off Topic
rainyi haven't felt alive watching basketball since April 28th, 2012 but it's good to see the Bulls finally moving off the Lavine/Demar/Vooch core. excited for Matas/Williams/White to grow together

Love Matas he played for my pops aau program can't wait to see him become a star!

posted 3 weeks ago
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