RTSx1How to I remove button backgrounds in the Main Menu? Can't seem to find them anywhere in MainMenuOverride.res
Not edited a main menu in a while but I'm 99% sure it's just "paintbackground" "0"
RTSx1How to I remove button backgrounds in the Main Menu? Can't seem to find them anywhere in MainMenuOverride.res
Not edited a main menu in a while but I'm 99% sure it's just "paintbackground" "0"
Still haven't seen anything on how to fix this
Been trying to fix an out-dated m0rehud and edit it for my preference, I fucked up and broke the spectator inspecting, it looks like this:
(Dark shadow right side)
I hope this isn't too obvious, I looked on http://doodlesstuff.com/?m=tutorials and couldn't find what I needed.
how can I remove this from the main menu?
Widespread_Panichow can I remove this from the main menu?
In resource/ui/mainmenuoverride.res, find "eventpromo" and change the xpos to something big like 99999
how would you take a taunt menu from one hud and copy it over to another one
markethow would you take a taunt menu from one hud and copy it over to another one
Copy and paste resource/ui/HudMenuTauntSelection.res
If it uses a non-stock font for the numbers, you'll have to move them + make clientscheme font entries.
Still haven't seen anything on how to fix this
I think you need to add the mouseoveritempanel added in this commit:
You should be able to use it on any main menu as I used the old yA HUD main menu with broeselhud and everything works fine for me:
So I am having trouble with an old version of KNHud
I am trying to edit the position of the number shadows for the ammo/health but doing so only changes them in the regular version of the hud, and not the minimal version.
I tried creating a "wide_minmode" and "tall_minmode" reference in the .res files but that didn't work, and editing the x and y values moves the shadows too far.
Any ideas?
AzazelSo I am having trouble with an old version of KNHud
I am trying to edit the position of the number shadows for the ammo/health but doing so only changes them in the regular version of the hud, and not the minimal version.
I tried creating a "wide_minmode" and "tall_minmode" reference in the .res files but that didn't work, and editing the x and y values moves the shadows too far.
Any ideas?
xpos_minmode and ypos_minmode are for changing the position in minmode.
EDIT: Oops, didn't read your full post. Where are you trying to move the shadows to?
Dan_xpos_minmode and ypos_minmode are for changing the position in minmode.
EDIT: Oops, didn't read your full post. Where are you trying to move the shadows to?
I am trying to move the health shadow just a bit to the right so it matches the ammo shadow.
AzazelDan_xpos_minmode and ypos_minmode are for changing the position in minmode.
EDIT: Oops, didn't read your full post. Where are you trying to move the shadows to?
I am trying to move the health shadow just a bit to the right so it matches the ammo shadow.
Sure the text alignment is the same for both?
I've recently installed a flatHUD, but decided to change some colours (ammo numbers to be exact). But whenever I run low on ammo and then refill it, the colours change back to HUD's original ones. Here are the screenshots.
Also wanted to know if how can I change Medic's Uber meter to two-color flashing instead of rainbow flashing.
rage1I've recently installed a flatHUD, but decided to change some colours (ammo numbers to be exact). But whenever I run low on ammo and then refill it, the colours change back to HUD's original ones. Here are the screenshots.
Also wanted to know if how can I change Medic's Uber meter to two-color flashing instead of rainbow flashing.
1) Not sure, sorry
2) scripts/hudanimations_tf.txt - it's a text file for whatever reason so it'll likely default to notepad unless you changed it, so just remember to open it in Notepad++ or something similar to keep formatting and such.
Comment out the rainbow charge section by putting // at the beginning of each line. The easiest way for you to do 2 colors would be to copy and paste the Orange Pulse section, uncomment it, and change "Flashing Uber Color" to any 2 colors you want. You can use either defined colors in clientscheme.res or any colors with the RGBA color scheme.
Basically need help finding where to edit these elements in the backpack/loadout area.
z4Basically need help
To remove borders from items, open clientscheme.res and find
// Standard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"bordertype" "scalable_image"
"backgroundtype" "2"
"image" "backpack_rect"
"src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
"src_corner_width" "24"
"draw_corner_width" "11" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
"draw_corner_height" "11"
"bordertype" "scalable_image"
"backgroundtype" "2"
"image" "backpack_rect_mouseover"
"src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
"src_corner_width" "24"
"draw_corner_width" "11" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
"draw_corner_height" "11"
"bordertype" "scalable_image"
"backgroundtype" "2"
"image" "backpack_rect_selected"
"src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
"src_corner_width" "24"
"draw_corner_width" "11" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
"draw_corner_height" "11"
"bordertype" "scalable_image"
"backgroundtype" "2"
"color" "Black"
"image" "backpack_rect_color"
"src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
"src_corner_width" "24"
"draw_corner_width" "11" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
"draw_corner_height" "11"
"bordertype" "scalable_image"
"backgroundtype" "2"
"color" "Black"
"image" "backpack_rect_selected"
"src_corner_height" "24" // pixels inside the image
"src_corner_width" "24"
"draw_corner_width" "11" // screen size of the corners ( and sides ), proportional
"draw_corner_height" "11"
and change draw_corner_width and height to 0. Then repeat this for every quality.
How do I remove the character model? (this: http://imgur.com/dQd8bVE)
I'm sure this has been solved somewhere else but I'm lazy and this thing is so distracting
liasHow do I remove the character model? (this: http://imgur.com/dQd8bVE)
I'm sure this has been solved somewhere else but I'm lazy and this thing is so distracting
cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0
rage1liasHow do I remove the character model? (this: http://imgur.com/dQd8bVE)cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0
I'm sure this has been solved somewhere else but I'm lazy and this thing is so distracting
It still has a still picture of whatever class I am playing
liasrage1It still has a still picture of whatever class I am playingliasHow do I remove the character model? (this: http://imgur.com/dQd8bVE)cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0
I'm sure this has been solved somewhere else but I'm lazy and this thing is so distracting
hudplayerclass.res, under the entry "PlayerStatusClassImage" change xpos to 9999 or something.
"Sort Backpack" font won't change for some reason.
And also the item quality color disappeared, if anyone knows how to get them back. Thanks!
"ControlName" "ComboBox"
"fieldName" "SortByComboBox"
"Font" "ComfortaaRegular14"
"xpos" "c137"
"ypos" "37"
"zpos" "1"
"wide" "150"
"tall" "15"
"autoResize" "0"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"tabPosition" "1"
"textHidden" "0"
"editable" "0"
"maxchars" "-1"
"NumericInputOnly" "0"
"unicode" "0"
"border" "NoBorder"
"fgcolor_override" "ZHUD_White"
"bgcolor_override" "0 0 0 0"
"disabledFgColor_override" "ZHUD_White"
"disabledBgColor_override" "0 0 0 0"
"selectionColor_override" "0 0 0 0"
"selectionTextColor_override" "ZHUD_White"
"defaultSelectionBG2Color_override" "0 0 0 0"
How do I remove the health from the readymode, without removing it in spectator tournament?
I've been working on this for a while but somehow my VM I add is always above my ammo and health. Anything I'm doing wrong?
My Hudachievementtracker.res
"visible" "1"
"ControlName" "CTFImagePanel"
"fieldName" "scatter"
"xpos" "c-422"
"ypos" "c-235"
"zpos" "-10"
"wide" "900"
"tall" "900"
"enabled" "1"
"image" "replay/thumbnails/scatter"
"scaleImage" "1"
"controlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "CrossHairKonr"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"zpos" "1"
"xpos" "c-16"
"ypos" "c-14"
"wide" "31"
"tall" "32"
"font" "CrossHairKonr"
"labelText" "A"
"textAlignment" "center"
"fgcolor" "255 255 255 255"
"ControlName" "EditablePanel"
"fieldName" "HudAchievementTrackerItem"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"zpos" "999"
"wide" "f0"
"tall" "480"
"visible" "0"
"enabled" "1"
"PaintBackgroundType" "2"
"ControlName" "Label"
"fieldName" "AchievementName"
"labeltext" ""
"xpos" "9999"
"ypos" "9999"
"wide" "170"
"tall" "10"
"zpos" "4"
"textinsetx" "5"
"font" "AchievementTracker_Name"
"textAlignment" "north-west"
"ControlName" "Label"
"fieldName" "AchievementNameGlow"
"labeltext" ""
"xpos" "9999"
"ypos" "9999"
"wide" "170"
"tall" "10"
"zpos" "4"
"fgcolor_override" "235 226 202 255"
"font" "AchievementTracker_NameGlow"
"textinsetx" "5"
"textAlignment" "north-west"
"ControlName" "Label"
"fieldName" "AchievementDesc"
"labeltext" ""
"xpos" "9999"
"ypos" "9999"
"wide" "120"
"tall" "18"
"zpos" "4"
"textinsetx" "5"
"fgcolor_override" "235 226 202 255"
"font" "AchievementTracker_Desc"
"wrap" "1"
"TextAlignment" "north-west"
"ControlName" "ImagePanel"
"fieldName" "ProgressBarBG"
"xpos" "9999"
"ypos" "9999"
"wide" "100"
"tall" "6"
"fillcolor" "250 234 201 51"
"zpos" "4"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"ProgressBar" // current completed
"ControlName" "ImagePanel"
"fieldName" "ProgressBar"
"xpos" "7"
"ypos" "19"
"wide" "0"
"tall" "6"
"fillcolor" "251 235 202 255"
"zpos" "5"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
How do I make health and ammo numbers smaller? The hud I am customizing is yayahud.
maelstromHow do I make health and ammo numbers smaller? The hud I am customizing is yayahud.
Take a look at HudAmmoWeapons.res and HudPlayerHealth.res and see what fonts are being used. Then go to clientscheme.res and search for them and adjust the size to your liking (! this may overwrite other stuff as well however, so creating new font entries may be a better idea.)
Now my question. I used the HudAchievementTracker method to toggle my hud crosshair for specific classes for a while now. I was wondering if it was possible to also toggle the Damage Indicators for specific classes using the same method.
Not sure if its a hud related thing, anyway, one of the last update added health bars (http://puu.sh/jA7wP/2b6752608a.jpg) over the head people when spectating them, for some reason I can't see them, does anybady know how to add that?
carnifexNot sure if its a hud related thing, anyway, one of the last update added health bars (http://puu.sh/jA7wP/2b6752608a.jpg) over the head people when spectating them, for some reason I can't see them, does anybady know how to add that?
If this is your question, I believe #7 should answer it - you either need to not have a custom HUD or have an updated one. Also, make sure tf_spec_xray is on.
STOGEI'd like to incorporate SlinsFire HUDs buff/low health cross animation into my own hud edit of noto, I already tried messing with a few files but I had no luck with it.
You'll be able to see what I'm talking about (hopefully) here http://www.twitch.tv/misterslin
Can anyone help me get it working?
Still not had any luck doing this, can someone help me a little more? The broesel health cross would suffice as well I guess if that's easier in any way.
STOGESTOGEI'd like to incorporate SlinsFire HUDs buff/low health cross animation into my own hud edit of noto, I already tried messing with a few files but I had no luck with it.
You'll be able to see what I'm talking about (hopefully) here http://www.twitch.tv/misterslin
Can anyone help me get it working?
Still not had any luck doing this, can someone help me a little more? The broesel health cross would suffice as well I guess if that's easier in any way.
I can help you, accept my friend request.