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SteamID64 76561198056871257
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:48302764
Country Fiji
Signed Up September 12, 2013
Last Posted May 24, 2024 at 7:22 PM
Posts 1367 (0.3 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 90
#39 lft season 4 scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

looking for a team for rgl lan

posted 4 months ago
#11 best frag movies? in TF2 General Discussion

posted 5 months ago
#42 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion
trippai dont trust even invite players’ eye test. there have been some hackused players in invite over the last few years (none ever found cheating/banned), i’ve seen the reports, there might be some truth to it all but i’ve also seen some of the same people prove themselves later on lan, people are very quick to assume any fast improving player is cheating

who other than howard

posted 6 months ago
#38 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion

Just force people to upload pov demos on request the guy who's about to win advanced has this as his 3rd log ever LOL

posted 6 months ago
#8 pabwo scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

pabwo in the server ?

posted 6 months ago
#13 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

how do cheating balls taste

posted 6 months ago
#24 where r lan pics in TF2 General Discussion

guys I'm pretty sure they're lost lol. consistent procrastination without any proof of the photos existing, that shit gone and they don't want to admit it

posted 7 months ago
#103 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion

imagine announcing to a forum you're a pedo LOL

posted 8 months ago
#51 rasta ronald LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted 8 months ago
#15 Divine :3 LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

is rgl going backwards? I felt like roster restrictions were way better 3-4 seasons ago. I think this is actually what happens when admins have legit never played in upper divs so they don't know how good people are. no disrespect but is a team with raygun scout divine soldier and weeb demo really going to steamroll the entire div

posted 8 months ago
#16 RGL 6s Season 14 - Invite Qualifiers in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordthere's also the unrelated issue of the missed promotion opportunity. like, they could've had a pre-season podcast going through the rosters of all the returning teams, and synergized it with an article on each for tftv. then they could've announced qualifiers way earlier, figured out the teams in advance, and previewed those two. that sort of thing, yknow?

let's get some hype back here, man. (says the guy who hasn't played in almost 2 years at this point, but just my .02)

that would require people that actually care and want to do that. it really feels like rgl barely even cares about their own league, at least esea had community members write articles for them. I remember soapy and lolguy kinda did this for a season but even they stopped. it feels like we've lost most of the people willing to do stuff like this

posted 8 months ago
#15 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion

wtf lol. Guess i was wrong TY.

posted 8 months ago
#10 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
TholeI think banning people for cheating should be a higher priority than banning players for smurfing tbh

Not to defend rgl in any way but the people that ban you for telling people to kill themselves are not the same people that ban you for cheating (which iirc is still only 1 person)

posted 8 months ago
#30 what does pocket soldier DO? in TF2 General Discussion
highvoltageBrockGod I miss shotgun pocket. It was interesting having that variation in dm mechanic with that class. I mean yes you got punished for jumping more and meds had to heal that class more, but it was also a 3rd handle on hitscan and took a little control away from scouts in fights that felt like, “well unless I hit this perfect direct or airshot, I’m fucked because this scout knows how to dodge and dance around the splash effective areas of the map I’m fighting in!”. The argument is also two sided, it in fact forced soldiers to get to that point to do in fact that, but now they are so good in those situations, I’m just even more curious to see shotgun come back with that level of improvement on hand at the expense of certain standard format mechanics.zoomers continue to downvote this post because shotgun soldiers mean the game goes slower and their attention span doesnt allow for that

why would you want the game that already deals with constant stalemates to be even slower ? also sign up date 2020 you didn't even play in that meta Mate

posted 9 months ago
#5 twitch in Off Topic
BACTERIAmmrarktewho cares mateI fail to see how this is any different to exposing a bunch of minors, and not just barely, to a bunch of explicit content

because you have to actively go out of your way to a stream that's marked as explicit? do you think the type of 14 year olds on twitch don't know porn exists

posted 9 months ago
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