Upvote Upvoted 35 Downvote Downvoted
1 2
the end of an era
1 Frags +

i need premium accounts and i forgot i had those nice

i need premium accounts and i forgot i had those nice
-7 Frags +

u caught me i secretly have a brother who plays tf2 sometimes

u caught me i secretly have a brother who plays tf2 sometimes
10 Frags +


3 Frags +

sorted by alt count to confirm/deny #20's shared ip guesses

sorted by alt count to confirm/deny #20's shared ip guesses
3 Frags +

heko no pls


heko no pls

24 Frags +

i think heko being topshot is the only interesting thing there is on this excel

i think heko being topshot is the only interesting thing there is on this excel
16 Frags +

Oh my god I had no idea that I had my roamer idol added.

Oh my god I had no idea that I had my roamer idol added.
3 Frags +

can we get a collection of people who don't use alts? it'll be short, but i'll start



Show Content
it's not like if i had one I could break my 2050 point plateau tho :(
can we get a collection of people who don't use alts? it'll be short, but i'll start


[spoiler]it's not like if i had one I could break my 2050 point plateau tho :([/spoiler]
10 Frags +

I always knew me and my roommate were the same person.

Quality list making however.

I always knew me and my roommate were the same person.

Quality list making however.
-4 Frags +

i think excel runs in a protected mode when you first open it so macros are not executed until you disable that, so it wouldnt matter what they were

i wasn't serious.


i think excel runs in a protected mode when you first open it so macros are not executed until you disable that, so it wouldnt matter what they were[/quote]

i wasn't serious.
20 Frags +


25 Frags +


[quote=bsc]HEKO WAS AN ALT?[/quote]
18 Frags +

How do people use so many different names?

Show Content
[code]3 MGE Okie, the man, filipino tan person, okiewaka, Sr.okiewaka, manmode, i'm bad, calibound, this is too ez, i love sherman, chainsmokers, suga suga, life is good, asdokie, Okiewakaa・€コ :o3, mge 2ez, king of the spire, king, brainmelters, okiewaka #heat, 12thman, boi, askhodgetwins, newday, okie, women weed n weather, oKieWaKa, okieee, okieee ringmeee, okiewaaaaaaaaka, fall baaaaack, it's okiewaka, okiewaka ringme, okiewaaaaaka, smokerchoker, okiewaka so happy, tuxedus, life :), <3, bigbluntz, no school fool, no school again fool, THE WHOLE ENCHILADA, happy :))), I love her, greezy relish, okieeewakaaa, svsm, electric pow wow drum, naisavni naisa, vertical line, akaweiko, daniel_fu, newhud, jokiewaka, switchback, okiedokie, awp god, dirty boy, dirty vibe, okiewaka ・・・, bushido ・・・, okesmalokes, papaoutai, terracotta, righteous spoon, jumper, okiemaka, yard ape, okieplaya, okiebae, carry the sun, reverend, bitches love sosa, plsezy, okie back :o, okiema|okie, tropic, okiema|okiesacomin, ok1ewaka, OKIESTALKA, okiemonster :3, ohkey, latorade, tacocat, okielahomia, bandit okiewaka, np, swagmonster, ezmoney, ques is a fucking fag, okiewaka_is_wet, weiko, burn the ships, wakaokie, cG`okiewaka RINGME, cG`okiewaka, aka weiko, striker, the champ is here, okkkkkie, Hold On, We're Going Home, guygi, ok|ewaka, best directs in the midwest, big chief tablet, Chuckles, wasabi warrior, trillstep, okiewakka meow! :33333, kawaii kittens :3, ・・・・・ウ:・ス。 okiewaka, rasta, kumusta, boreta, okiewAAka, waka, kwk, o(k)ie(w)a(k)a, ・・・ okiewaka, life, okie123455, newschool quake, ・・・ MGE Okie, ・・・ okiewaka ringme, based god, ・・・ okiewaker, brain melters, ・・・ bandit okiewaka, tea, okiewaker noschooltomorrow, okiewaker, the okiewaker special, okiewaka the kemstriker, timber, sweater weather, ghetto symphony, ezmoneyez, big okie, trillout, untouchable, mge king, in the a, manmode okie, okie-wan kenobi, fuck scrims :((([/code]

lol sorry okie but for real?

How do people use so many different names?

[spoiler][code]3 MGE Okie, the man, filipino tan person, okiewaka, Sr.okiewaka, manmode, i'm bad, calibound, this is too ez, i love sherman, chainsmokers, suga suga, life is good, asdokie, Okiewakaa・€コ :o3, mge 2ez, king of the spire, king, brainmelters, okiewaka #heat, 12thman, boi, askhodgetwins, newday, okie, women weed n weather, oKieWaKa, okieee, okieee ringmeee, okiewaaaaaaaaka, fall baaaaack, it's okiewaka, okiewaka ringme, okiewaaaaaka, smokerchoker, okiewaka so happy, tuxedus, life :), <3, bigbluntz, no school fool, no school again fool, THE WHOLE ENCHILADA, happy :))), I love her, greezy relish, okieeewakaaa, svsm, electric pow wow drum, naisavni naisa, vertical line, akaweiko, daniel_fu, newhud, jokiewaka, switchback, okiedokie, awp god, dirty boy, dirty vibe, okiewaka ・・・, bushido ・・・, okesmalokes, papaoutai, terracotta, righteous spoon, jumper, okiemaka, yard ape, okieplaya, okiebae, carry the sun, reverend, bitches love sosa, plsezy, okie back :o, okiema|okie, tropic, okiema|okiesacomin, ok1ewaka, OKIESTALKA, okiemonster :3, ohkey, latorade, tacocat, okielahomia, bandit okiewaka, np, swagmonster, ezmoney, ques is a fucking fag, okiewaka_is_wet, weiko, burn the ships, wakaokie, cG`okiewaka RINGME, cG`okiewaka, aka weiko, striker, the champ is here, okkkkkie, Hold On, We're Going Home, guygi, ok|ewaka, best directs in the midwest, big chief tablet, Chuckles, wasabi warrior, trillstep, okiewakka meow! :33333, kawaii kittens :3, ・・・・・ウ:・ス。 okiewaka, rasta, kumusta, boreta, okiewAAka, waka, kwk, o(k)ie(w)a(k)a, ・・・ okiewaka, life, okie123455, newschool quake, ・・・ MGE Okie, ・・・ okiewaka ringme, based god, ・・・ okiewaker, brain melters, ・・・ bandit okiewaka, tea, okiewaker noschooltomorrow, okiewaker, the okiewaker special, okiewaka the kemstriker, timber, sweater weather, ghetto symphony, ezmoneyez, big okie, trillout, untouchable, mge king, in the a, manmode okie, okie-wan kenobi, fuck scrims :((([/code][/spoiler]

lol sorry okie but for real?
3 Frags +

can't game without changing his name

damn looking at some my aliases
got classics

can't game without changing his name

damn looking at some my aliases
got classics
5 Frags +

stonechinaman... please...

stoned_youngchinkzzz, stoned_chinaMAAAN!, harlem_homeboy, young_swag$_baller, young_balla42, young_bbonkers, young_bboners, ricky_boy31, convicted, everyday normal guy, rich $ homie quan, young balla42, garbage internet, ball like kobe, stoned_c, S>Unus LF ClubPeng acc, LF CLUB PENGUIN FRDS!, Cpenguin_fan420, imma_gangster, imma_gangsta, im 12, young yoloz, ching ching, yung_lean42, s0lar_flar3s, younG DriZZY DraKE! YOLo!, fsdfsdfgh, y0unG deaG, y0unG y0l0z, young $ yoloz, RoyaleCharm, young YoLoZ, younG ratchetz, younG ratchet ngz, younG yoloZ, younG BagZ, im stoned as fuck, im young as fuck, younG GuCCi, younG GuCCi nGGa, younG yoLo, y0ung m0ney y0lozz, ・ア・stoned_chink・・。, ・ア・chienchan・・。, stoned_chinaman, lil tunechi, lil wayne, da stoned_chinaman, :3===3:, young dreadlockz, young sosa, young chief queef sosa, young fresh dreadlocks, <3 sosa, i hate being sob00ah, carnage_lover_69, D4NNY MUSIC, amazin person on my mind, d4nny, amazing person on my mind, big b, stoned_cmen, chienchanhanchi, my ngga quan, CHIENchanHANchi, DOHHHHH, amazingpersononymind, stoned_cmen, shit internet, SHIT INTERNET, big_baller42, young_baller42

stonechinaman... please...

stoned_youngchinkzzz, stoned_chinaMAAAN!, harlem_homeboy, young_swag$_baller, young_balla42, young_bbonkers, young_bboners, ricky_boy31, convicted, everyday normal guy, rich $ homie quan, young balla42, garbage internet, ball like kobe, stoned_c, S>Unus LF ClubPeng acc, LF CLUB PENGUIN FRDS!, Cpenguin_fan420, imma_gangster, imma_gangsta, im 12, young yoloz, ching ching, yung_lean42, s0lar_flar3s, younG DriZZY DraKE! YOLo!, fsdfsdfgh, y0unG deaG, y0unG y0l0z, young $ yoloz, RoyaleCharm, young YoLoZ, younG ratchetz, younG ratchet ngz, younG yoloZ, younG BagZ, im stoned as fuck, im young as fuck, younG GuCCi, younG GuCCi nGGa, younG yoLo, y0ung m0ney y0lozz, ・ア・stoned_chink・・。, ・ア・chienchan・・。, stoned_chinaman, lil tunechi, lil wayne, da stoned_chinaman, :3===3:, young dreadlockz, young sosa, young chief queef sosa, young fresh dreadlocks, <3 sosa, i hate being sob00ah, carnage_lover_69, D4NNY MUSIC, amazin person on my mind, d4nny, amazing person on my mind, big b, stoned_cmen, chienchanhanchi, my ngga quan, CHIENchanHANchi, DOHHHHH, amazingpersononymind, stoned_cmen, shit internet, SHIT INTERNET, big_baller42, young_baller42
11 Frags +
allen306 STEAM_0:0:5907035 | STEAM_0:1:72281331"" | LG | Reptile | the world's a scary place""




[quote=allen]306 STEAM_0:0:5907035 | STEAM_0:1:72281331"" | LG | Reptile | the world's a scary place""



17 Frags +

MerlTheSquirrel-Vac'ed 55 days ago-vac'ed 19 days ago.
STEAM_0:1:56464720 STEAM_0:1:80631116 STEAM_0:0:85174085 STEAM_0:0:66177246

Proto-vac'ed 63 days ago
STEAM_0:0:42256202 STEAM_0:0:81498892

5 accounts 3 vac bans 95/92/90 days ago
STEAM_0:1:64548553 STEAM_0:1:82595494 STEAM_0:0:82778785 STEAM_0:0:82983620 STEAM_0:1:26017518

Baruce- Vac'ed 133 days ago
STEAM_0:0:43241556 STEAM_0:1:78707077

Phazil- Vac'ed 119 days ago
STEAM_0:1:43044643 STEAM_0:0:58170955 STEAM_0:1:75630832""

2 accounts- 1 vac'ed 2 days
STEAM_0:0:64792074 STEAM_0:1:20013169

DK Karl- vac'ed 174 days ago
STEAM_0:1:54631093 STEAM_0:1:77358972

Scobra- vac'ed 264 days ago
STEAM_0:1:22496914 STEAM_0:0:42130546

b-vac'ed 199 days ago
STEAM_0:0:45142139 STEAM_0:0:7203320

Brenny2dope- vac'ed 49 days ago
STEAM_0:1:58469278 STEAM_0:1:74754980

knappsac-vac'ed 195 days ago
STEAM_0:0:57392499 STEAM_0:0:63484222

MerlTheSquirrel-Vac'ed 55 days ago-vac'ed 19 days ago.
STEAM_0:1:56464720 STEAM_0:1:80631116 STEAM_0:0:85174085 STEAM_0:0:66177246

Proto-vac'ed 63 days ago
STEAM_0:0:42256202 STEAM_0:0:81498892

5 accounts 3 vac bans 95/92/90 days ago
STEAM_0:1:64548553 STEAM_0:1:82595494 STEAM_0:0:82778785 STEAM_0:0:82983620 STEAM_0:1:26017518

Baruce- Vac'ed 133 days ago
STEAM_0:0:43241556 STEAM_0:1:78707077

Phazil- Vac'ed 119 days ago
STEAM_0:1:43044643 STEAM_0:0:58170955 STEAM_0:1:75630832""

2 accounts- 1 vac'ed 2 days
STEAM_0:0:64792074 STEAM_0:1:20013169

DK Karl- vac'ed 174 days ago
STEAM_0:1:54631093 STEAM_0:1:77358972

Scobra- vac'ed 264 days ago
STEAM_0:1:22496914 STEAM_0:0:42130546

b-vac'ed 199 days ago
STEAM_0:0:45142139 STEAM_0:0:7203320

Brenny2dope- vac'ed 49 days ago
STEAM_0:1:58469278 STEAM_0:1:74754980

knappsac-vac'ed 195 days ago
STEAM_0:0:57392499 STEAM_0:0:63484222
6 Frags +

bigwangslammer420, rick #4myaudi, ay maricon, misleadingmelon420, pr0posal, rick__, g00d_j0ck, crucial_marsupial, nestlebottle26, ya boy rick, @wafflebroski, mintpal, Bay Area Representative, nah_b, chic n stu, bury me a g, warmturtle534, canibeat, T6M rick, daddys lambo, rice is nice,
veelafan420, fender_liner, literally insane, simonbrett_fan_420, bigric420

lmao so classic

bigwangslammer420, rick #4myaudi, ay maricon, misleadingmelon420, pr0posal, rick__, g00d_j0ck, crucial_marsupial, nestlebottle26, ya boy rick, @wafflebroski, mintpal, Bay Area Representative, nah_b, chic n stu, bury me a g, warmturtle534, canibeat, T6M rick, daddys lambo, rice is nice,
veelafan420, fender_liner, literally insane, simonbrett_fan_420, bigric420

lmao so classic
15 Frags +

Good thing I couldnt play heavy on MGE iT. My alt remains safe in the reddit server.

Good thing I couldnt play heavy on MGE iT. My alt remains safe in the reddit server.
1 Frags +
Show Content
[spoiler] xXx_DAEMON_69_HUNTER_1999_xXx[/spoiler]
9 Frags +

so do we know who skyrimlord25 is yet.

so do we know who skyrimlord25 is yet.
10 Frags +

damn yo heko is probably the most well known alt that nobody thought was an alt. rick always wanted to get him on a team LOL. props topshot

damn yo heko is probably the most well known alt that nobody thought was an alt. rick always wanted to get him on a team LOL. props topshot
-4 Frags +
Rickbigwangslammer420, rick #4myaudi, ay maricon, misleadingmelon420, pr0posal, rick__, g00d_j0ck, crucial_marsupial, nestlebottle26, ya boy rick, @wafflebroski, mintpal, Bay Area Representative, nah_b, chic n stu, bury me a g, warmturtle534, canibeat, T6M rick, daddys lambo, rice is nice,
veelafan420, fender_liner, literally insane, simonbrett_fan_420, bigric420

lmao so classic

"bigwangslammer420"... REALLY NOW!?

[quote=Rick]bigwangslammer420, rick #4myaudi, ay maricon, misleadingmelon420, pr0posal, rick__, g00d_j0ck, crucial_marsupial, nestlebottle26, ya boy rick, @wafflebroski, mintpal, Bay Area Representative, nah_b, chic n stu, bury me a g, warmturtle534, canibeat, T6M rick, daddys lambo, rice is nice,
veelafan420, fender_liner, literally insane, simonbrett_fan_420, bigric420

lmao so classic[/quote]

"bigwangslammer420"... REALLY NOW!?
-8 Frags +

this is like the most important thing in my life

this is like the most important thing in my life
6 Frags +
snacksdamn yo heko is probably the most well known alt that nobody thought was an alt. rick always wanted to get him on a team LOL. props topshot

I always thought heko was just a dude that played a lot of DM and MGE and never played on a team

[quote=snacks]damn yo heko is probably the most well known alt that nobody thought was an alt. rick always wanted to get him on a team LOL. props topshot[/quote]
I always thought heko was just a dude that played a lot of DM and MGE and never played on a team
8 Frags +

im more surprised that "le ecksdee" isnt an alt

im more surprised that "le ecksdee" isnt an alt
2 Frags +

Wow, topshot. Nice work. Never had a clue.

Wow, topshot. Nice work. Never had a clue.
1 2
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