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Corruption in South American TF2
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14 Frags +
Skyline42asdFun Fact: Ninjax played in pepito's team in UGC~

Fun fact :


[quote=Skyline42asd]Fun Fact: Ninjax played in pepito's team in UGC~[/quote]

Fun fact : [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668840599788584977/668870898257756199/0b5451623d.png[/img]
14 Frags +
wanderlustninjaxaratinga Also, it should be noted Brazil is not the only country in South America with stupid assholes. Recently, a lot of players from Argentina and even Chile have started acting like they live in some sort of white supremacist european utopia, resulting in actions as deplorable as pepito's.
As a (somewhat authorized?) voice of sa tf2 I'd like to talk about something that people are overlooking here. Everything in that post (or at least pepito's part) is 100% true, now they're only showing you one side of the coin.
I'm just playing devil's advocate here, while these things are indeed true and it's good to see them come out to light I think it's best to show both sides to make you realize no one's good at all here and everyone does the same fucked up shit besides special actions like ddosing.
While we're at it you should tell everyone here you got banned for making fun of someone's dead friend in a grand final match, and even thought what you said was justified because the other guy tried to bm you. It's okay though, not like no one here doesn't already know you're a retard that lives off doxxing and harassing other people whenever you get the chance to.

I'm honestly sorry I have to call out other people on this but I don't think it's fair for the people these guys have harassed to have the rest of tftv see them as what they're not. South american tf2 is fucked up everywhere and sadly I don't think there's anything that can be done to turn it back.

Before playing devil's advocate try to remember that this isn't showing one side of the coin, it's just exposing a guy, if you and others want to expose people from the argentinian community, do it. But I am not involved in any league, I didn't write the doc, I didn't involve myself in any of this, so your claims that I did the same are out of line. Nobody that worked in this post did anything to legit's tf wiki. Your claims are out of line and have nothing to do with anything that is being discussed, you are just throwing accusations around that have nothing to do with what is being discussed, so before you do anything, just think a bit and then comment. Nobody that worked on this has anything to do with what you exposed and I, as one of the people that did this, have no power whatsoever in any league or anything related to TF2 in South America.

And by the way, don't go around calling yourself a voice from the south american community if you don't involve yourself in it because you think that you yourself are too high up there to participate in it, shut your mouth before you try to sound all condescending and mature about this subject. You are no part of the community, you play in North America, you don't engage in pugs, you don't talk to anyone outside your inner circle of friends, you just come around whenever something important happens and wave around your "I AM THE VOICE OF TF2" claims when you clearly have nothing to do with anyone related to this post or this community. Evaluate yourself and who you are before you try to be the devil's advocate and a voice of reason, you are nothing like that.

He's not denying anything that pepito did, he is just showing to outsiders of the community that you and your circlejerk have been harassing him and his friends constantly throughout the years and this is one the main reasons he doesnt want to play here anymore. We've been teammates for quite a while now and i can back up on a lot of things he is saying.

Skyline42asdFun Fact: Ninjax played in pepito's team in UGC~

Even though ninjax and pepito played on the same team i'm pretty sure they wouldnt really chat outside matches and scrims, just because they were on the same roster doesnt mean he agrees or likes pepito. Its more the lack of teams that force a situation like that. Yosh and bo4r are also rostered on the same team but im pretty sure they have no clue of who pepito really is.

[quote=wanderlust][quote=ninjax][quote=aratinga] Also, it should be noted Brazil is not the only country in South America with stupid assholes. Recently, a lot of players from Argentina and even Chile have started acting like they live in some sort of white supremacist european utopia, resulting in actions as deplorable as pepito's.[/quote]

As a (somewhat authorized?) voice of sa tf2 I'd like to talk about something that people are overlooking here. Everything in that post (or at least pepito's part) is 100% true, now they're only showing you one side of the coin.
I'm just playing devil's advocate here, while these things are indeed true and it's good to see them come out to light I think it's best to show both sides to make you realize no one's good at all here and everyone does the same fucked up shit besides special actions like ddosing.


While we're at it you should tell everyone here you got banned for [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668840599788584977/668846788484005898/Screenshot_20200120-125813_Discord.jpg]making fun of someone's dead friend in a grand final match[/url], and [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668840599788584977/668858612147421196/Screenshot_20200120_125806_com.discord.jpg]even thought what you said was justified because the other guy tried to bm you[/url]. It's okay though, not like no one here doesn't already know you're a retard that [url=http://logs.tf/2373292#76561198072041995]lives off doxxing and harassing other people whenever you get the chance to[/url].

I'm honestly sorry I have to call out other people on this but I don't think it's fair for the people these guys have harassed to have the rest of tftv see them as what they're not. South american tf2 is fucked up everywhere and sadly I don't think there's anything that can be done to turn it back.[/quote]

Before playing devil's advocate try to remember that this isn't showing one side of the coin, it's just exposing a guy, if you and others want to expose people from the argentinian community, do it. But I am not involved in any league, I didn't write the doc, I didn't involve myself in any of this, so your claims that I did the same are out of line. Nobody that worked in this post did anything to legit's tf wiki. Your claims are out of line and have nothing to do with anything that is being discussed, you are just throwing accusations around that have nothing to do with what is being discussed, so before you do anything, just think a bit and then comment. Nobody that worked on this has anything to do with what you exposed and I, as one of the people that did this, have no power whatsoever in any league or anything related to TF2 in South America.

And by the way, don't go around calling yourself a voice from the south american community if you don't involve yourself in it because you think that you yourself are too high up there to participate in it, shut your mouth before you try to sound all condescending and mature about this subject. You are no part of the community, you play in North America, you don't engage in pugs, you don't talk to anyone outside your inner circle of friends, you just come around whenever something important happens and wave around your "I AM THE VOICE OF TF2" claims when you clearly have nothing to do with anyone related to this post or this community. Evaluate yourself and who you are before you try to be the devil's advocate and a voice of reason, you are nothing like that.[/quote]

He's not denying anything that pepito did, he is just showing to outsiders of the community that you and your circlejerk have been harassing him and his friends constantly throughout the years and this is one the main reasons he doesnt want to play here anymore. We've been teammates for quite a while now and i can back up on a lot of things he is saying.

[quote=Skyline42asd]Fun Fact: Ninjax played in pepito's team in UGC~[/quote]

Even though ninjax and pepito played on the same team i'm pretty sure they wouldnt really chat outside matches and scrims, just because they were on the same roster doesnt mean he agrees or likes pepito. Its more the lack of teams that force a situation like that. Yosh and bo4r are also rostered on the same team but im pretty sure they have no clue of who pepito really is.
-14 Frags +
Fun fact : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668840599788584977/668870898257756199/0b5451623d.png

Oooh yeah, that was fun.
But I've only posted words used by him, he literally described himself as that and I made some wholesome memes out of that. (Hell, even legit laughed at them and proceeded to use them even more)
It was later changed to something else, and (even I know you won't believe me) I had nothing to do with that.
Also I wasn't trying to hide any of this so why are you making it sound like a "gotcha" moment, my account is literally logged in there, you can even get my IP probably if you'd be a little smarter...


Fun fact : [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668840599788584977/668870898257756199/0b5451623d.png[/img][/quote]

Oooh yeah, that was fun.
But I've only posted words used by him, he literally described himself as that and I made some wholesome memes out of that. (Hell, even legit laughed at them and proceeded to use them even more)
It was later changed to something else, and (even I know you won't believe me) I had nothing to do with that.
Also I wasn't trying to hide any of this so why are you making it sound like a "gotcha" moment, my account is literally logged in there, you can even get my IP probably if you'd be a little smarter...
0 Frags +
Skyline42asdobamersYeah but ninjax isnt hitler and he didnt get banned for making fun of a death person
Amazing, you've missed my point by a wide margin. I never called him Hitler, I just used that "Do" guy's logic against him. Also banned for making fun of a death person is a whole other issue that doesn't make any points claimed here invalid, so stick that argument up your ass because it holds no grounds.

Yeah like you guys should check who you are and what you did before even giving an opinion, its kinda funny people that did the same racist and xenophobic stuff keep giving opinions

Yeah but ninjax isnt hitler and he didnt get banned for making fun of a death person[/quote]

Amazing, you've missed my point by a wide margin. I never called him Hitler, I just used that "Do" guy's logic against him. Also banned for making fun of a death person is a whole other issue that doesn't make any points claimed here invalid, so stick that argument up your ass because it holds no grounds.[/quote]

Yeah like you guys should check who you are and what you did before even giving an opinion, its kinda funny people that did the same racist and xenophobic stuff keep giving opinions
-6 Frags +
Yeah like you guys should check who you are and what you did before even giving an opinion, its kinda funny people that did the same racist and xenophobic stuff keep giving opinions

Well, I've never actually had a breakdown on the internet to "not know myself" so I wouldn't know, would you care to explain it to me? I'm sure you've got lots of experience in that area.
I've never claimed to be a saint, but when you've been smelling garbage all your life you know when something is rotten and need to point it out.
What else you got?


Yeah like you guys should check who you are and what you did before even giving an opinion, its kinda funny people that did the same racist and xenophobic stuff keep giving opinions[/quote]

Well, I've never actually had a breakdown on the internet to "not know myself" so I wouldn't know, would you care to explain it to me? I'm sure you've got lots of experience in that area.
I've never claimed to be a saint, but when you've been smelling garbage all your life you know when something is rotten and need to point it out.
What else you got?
2 Frags +
Yeah like you guys should check who you are and what you did before even giving an opinion, its kinda funny people that did the same racist and xenophobic stuff keep giving opinions

Well, I've never actually had a breakdown on the internet to "not know myself" so I wouldn't know, would you care to explain it to me? I'm sure you've got lots of experience in that area.
I've never claimed to be a saint, but when you've been smelling garbage all your life you know when something is rotten and need to point it out.
What else you got?

Im repeating it, first check who you are and what you did before giving opinions, im not going to talk with a racist and xenophobic person


Yeah like you guys should check who you are and what you did before even giving an opinion, its kinda funny people that did the same racist and xenophobic stuff keep giving opinions[/quote]

Well, I've never actually had a breakdown on the internet to "not know myself" so I wouldn't know, would you care to explain it to me? I'm sure you've got lots of experience in that area.
I've never claimed to be a saint, but when you've been smelling garbage all your life you know when something is rotten and need to point it out.
What else you got?[/quote]

Im repeating it, first check who you are and what you did before giving opinions, im not going to talk with a racist and xenophobic person
28 Frags +

can't believe godwin's law was fulfilled by page 2

can't believe godwin's law was fulfilled by page 2
10 Frags +

1st: http://comp.tf/w/index.php?title=Legit&oldid=59655 this is my biggest prize of tf2. This is a prove how big is my influential in their minds. This is not harrasment, its awesome look at that.

2nd: All of us in SA have some dirty thing on the past, even the players who think they are the holy knights. We grow up playing this videogame, pls let it go, keep your lives... and don't have any bad feelings with anyone. When i think about all the things we did on SA tf2 their are all good memories even the loses or the mistakes, because we learned!

3rd: Internet/tf2 is not your real life, you can just go away!

4th: I think ratawar should ban the players and make his own league.

5th: Manu/"wanderlust" is so mad, it's funny!

6th:The only problem with pepito was loving too much, the tf2 Lula! Poor Innocent, Free Pepito! https://imgur.com/a/T9r90Zu

1st: http://comp.tf/w/index.php?title=Legit&oldid=59655 this is my biggest prize of tf2. This is a prove how big is my influential in their minds. This is not harrasment, its awesome look at that.

2nd: All of us in SA have some dirty thing on the past, even the players who think they are the holy knights. We grow up playing this videogame, pls let it go, keep your lives... and don't have any bad feelings with anyone. When i think about all the things we did on SA tf2 their are all good memories even the loses or the mistakes, because we learned!

3rd: Internet/tf2 is not your real life, you can just go away!

4th: I think ratawar should ban the players and make his own league.

5th: Manu/"wanderlust" is so mad, it's funny!

6th:The only problem with pepito was loving too much, [u]the tf2 Lula! Poor Innocent, Free Pepito![/u] https://imgur.com/a/T9r90Zu
9 Frags +


6 Frags +
smokioalso, if you wanna try and have a valid statement, read what this lil kid posted. it's not bad at all and if your brain cells lock together for the first time ever, you will understand the background message (kiddos from both "sides" that move in small non significant groups arguing about who's better @ the game and behaving like dying fetuses who lack normal human interaction skills. main reasons of why s.a scene is non existent). im argentinian and i don't fuck w none of them (arg, brasil, chile) i stand by myself. before anyone tries to claim that i'm biased towards X side

Before addressing the rest of the topics that have arised I would like to express my confusion as to why this (Argentinian) guy has randomly decided to take an out-of-context screenshot from the Legacy Hub Discord server and attack me from there without showing what it took to get there and what happened afterwards. I would try to reason with you but just by reading that you try to disqualify a member's opinion just by his nationality I am certain that discussing with you will be an utter joke. Whoever is interested in seeing how this same guy tried to insult me calling me "Peruvian" through Discord, hit me up. And for you, Smokio, whenever you decide to set your facts and your mind straight, you can hit me up on Discord as well. ratawar#5292


I will definitely agree with Aratinga and ninjax, Brazil isn't the only country that has people capable of commiting such pathetic actions, it's something widely known, there are people who did shitty actions in Argentina and Chile as well. That is why I made a post asking to avoid insulting an entire country, because there is good people and bad people in all of them.

Now the key difference here is the relevance, weight, of their actions. As ninjax is dennouncing, Argentina had players who mocked Brazilian players during a match with a deceased friend of them, and they had consequences. Legacy Hub did not tolerate any more discussion regarding the subject nor supported any negative attitude of that magnitude towards anyone. Brazilian leagues did their part: Brasil Fortress suspended both players for 6 months edit: 1 year and FBTF denied them the right to earn the last LBTF-HL season tournament medals. It's the same case with your friend: pictures of him started circulating in a bullying attitude due to him dennouncing their attitudes and those were immediately cut off and prohibited from the Discord. Your friend can corroborate that himself.

On the other hand I would have to agree with what wanderlust says: everything you say, ninjax, is perfectly fine except for the part where you explicitly claim yourself as an important voice of South American TF2, when it has been years since the last time you got involved with anything relevant that has been happening here. We do not see you participate nor play here, despite having a top-tier career in SA very long ago. I would also like to (re)clarify that none of the people you are accusing in your response had indeed any participation in the creation of this document.

To follow up on my previous point, the purpose of this document was to simply expose people who haven't yet received punishment for the things they did. And this shouldn't be even necessary to add: they occupied positions of power within the community, one of them being UGC admin. Apart from their actions being much worse than what the Argentinians did (if we count DDoSing, profit, medal selling, etc), their said positions aggravates everything.


I would like to ask you two to stop shitposting this thread with your personal issues. It's already enough for us to highlight for this shitty topic and you just make it worse. Try to keep things civilized and actually contribute with something useful for everyone.

also, if you wanna try and have a valid statement, read what this lil kid posted. it's not bad at all and if your brain cells lock together for the first time ever, you will understand the background message (kiddos from both "sides" that move in small non significant groups arguing about who's better @ the game and behaving like dying fetuses who lack normal human interaction skills. main reasons of why s.a scene is non existent). im argentinian and i don't fuck w none of them (arg, brasil, chile) i stand by myself. before anyone tries to claim that i'm biased towards X side[/quote]

Before addressing the rest of the topics that have arised I would like to express my confusion as to why this (Argentinian) guy has randomly decided to take an out-of-context screenshot from the Legacy Hub Discord server and attack me from there without showing what it took to get there and what happened afterwards. I would try to reason with you but just by reading that you try to disqualify a member's opinion just by his nationality I am certain that discussing with you will be an utter joke. Whoever is interested in seeing how this same guy tried to insult me calling me "Peruvian" through Discord, hit me up. And for you, Smokio, whenever you decide to set your facts and your mind straight, you can hit me up on Discord as well. [b]ratawar#5292[/b]


I will definitely agree with Aratinga and ninjax, Brazil isn't the only country that has people capable of commiting such pathetic actions, it's something widely known, there are people who did shitty actions in Argentina and Chile as well. That is why I made a post asking to avoid insulting an entire country, because there is good people and bad people in all of them.

Now the key difference here is the relevance, weight, of their actions. As ninjax is dennouncing, Argentina had players who mocked Brazilian players during a match with a deceased friend of them, and they[u] had consequences.[/u] Legacy Hub did not tolerate any more discussion regarding the subject nor supported any negative attitude [b]of that magnitude[/b] towards anyone. Brazilian leagues did their part: Brasil Fortress suspended both players for [s]6 months[/s] edit: 1 year and FBTF denied them the right to earn the last LBTF-HL season tournament medals. It's the same case with your friend: pictures of him started circulating in a bullying attitude due to him dennouncing their attitudes and those were immediately cut off and prohibited from the Discord. Your friend can corroborate that himself.

On the other hand I would have to agree with what wanderlust says: everything you say, ninjax, is perfectly fine except for the part where you explicitly claim yourself as an important voice of South American TF2, when it has been years since the last time you got involved with anything relevant that has been happening here. We do not see you participate nor play here, despite having a top-tier career in SA very long ago. I would also like to (re)clarify that none of the people you are accusing in your response had indeed any participation in the creation of this document.

To follow up on my previous point, the purpose of this document was to simply expose people who haven't yet received punishment for the things they did. And this shouldn't be even necessary to add: they occupied positions of power within the community, one of them being UGC admin. Apart from their actions being much worse than what the Argentinians did (if we count DDoSing, profit, medal selling, etc), their said positions aggravates everything.


I would like to ask you two to stop shitposting this thread with your personal issues. It's already enough for us to highlight for this shitty topic and you just make it worse. Try to keep things civilized and actually contribute with something useful for everyone.
0 Frags +

Alguém reanima o Bagual pra ele aparecer aqui

Alguém reanima o Bagual pra ele aparecer aqui
2 Frags +

lmao, this guy thinks anyone gave him free license to share personal information, phone numbers, facebook profiles and everything else just to do "justice with his own hands" and post it in a worldwide forum.

everything you've showed can REALLY be some kind of proof, but for what? are you going to ban flawless and pepito from RGL? ay no...

welcome to Banana's Republic, Maxi Jabase.

lmao, this guy thinks anyone gave him free license to share personal information, phone numbers, facebook profiles and everything else just to do "justice with his own hands" and post it in a worldwide forum.

everything you've showed can REALLY be some kind of proof, but for what? are you going to ban flawless and pepito from RGL? ay no...

welcome to Banana's Republic, Maxi Jabase.
-6 Frags +
ratawarsmokioalso, if you wanna try and have a valid statement, read what this lil kid posted. it's not bad at all and if your brain cells lock together for the first time ever, you will understand the background message (kiddos from both "sides" that move in small non significant groups arguing about who's better @ the game and behaving like dying fetuses who lack normal human interaction skills. main reasons of why s.a scene is non existent). im argentinian and i don't fuck w none of them (arg, brasil, chile) i stand by myself. before anyone tries to claim that i'm biased towards X side
Before addressing the rest of the topics that have arised I would like to express my confusion as to why this (Argentinian) guy has randomly decided to take an out-of-context screenshot from the Legacy Hub Discord server and attack me from there without showing what it took to get there and what happened afterwards. I would try to reason with you but just by reading that you try to disqualify a member's opinion just by his nationality I am certain that discussing with you will be an utter joke. Whoever is interested in seeing how this same guy tried to insult me calling me "Peruvian" through Discord, hit me up. And for you, Smokio, whenever you decide to set your facts and your mind straight, you can hit me up on Discord as well. ratawar#5292ratawarsmokio
a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe, or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time".

if you wanna be neo superman and step up for the "weak", face the aftermath, you got exposed too. also, if you wanna be a streamer/public figure you should try n be a bit more rational, i thought that by writing this "article" you had already figured it out, but it seems like you didn't. and finally, don't try and lie about it being out of context cause it wasn't, and you know you stepped out of nowhere, the screenshot is there to prove it. i couldn't care less if it was serious or not (cause who would be scared LOL) it's a threat, you did the exact same thing. hipócritas no.
also, if you wanna try and have a valid statement, read what this lil kid posted. it's not bad at all and if your brain cells lock together for the first time ever, you will understand the background message (kiddos from both "sides" that move in small non significant groups arguing about who's better @ the game and behaving like dying fetuses who lack normal human interaction skills. main reasons of why s.a scene is non existent). im argentinian and i don't fuck w none of them (arg, brasil, chile) i stand by myself. before anyone tries to claim that i'm biased towards X side[/quote]

Before addressing the rest of the topics that have arised I would like to express my confusion as to why this (Argentinian) guy has randomly decided to take an out-of-context screenshot from the Legacy Hub Discord server and attack me from there without showing what it took to get there and what happened afterwards. I would try to reason with you but just by reading that you try to disqualify a member's opinion just by his nationality I am certain that discussing with you will be an utter joke. Whoever is interested in seeing how this same guy tried to insult me calling me "Peruvian" through Discord, hit me up. And for you, Smokio, whenever you decide to set your facts and your mind straight, you can hit me up on Discord as well. [b]ratawar#5292[/b]

a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe, or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time".

if you wanna be neo superman and step up for the "weak", face the aftermath, you got exposed too. also, if you wanna be a streamer/public figure you should try n be a bit more rational, i thought that by writing this "article" you had already figured it out, but it seems like you didn't. and finally, don't try and lie about it being out of context cause it wasn't, and you know you stepped out of nowhere, the screenshot is there to prove it. i couldn't care less if it was serious or not (cause who would be scared LOL) it's a threat, you did the exact same thing. hipócritas no.
-2 Frags +
wanderlustsmokiohttps://imgur.com/a/lCENf1p said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
im sure that's the same ddosing, selling medals, and generally being a prick in the south american community. as well, im not sure what country you're from, and honestly don't care, but in Argentina saying that really doesn't mean anything, as we take it with comedy. If ratawar, or anyone in this country, wanted to "reventarte el culo a patadas", we wouldn't say it in that manner.

you can take it as whatever u "nekos kawaiiissss" want to, but don't be pointing out at people when you've been doing the exact same thing, after all (serious or not) it was a threat. don't try n step up for kiddies that wouldn't do the same for you if things were different, maybe you'll regret it one day. s2

[quote=wanderlust][quote=smokio]https://imgur.com/a/lCENf1p said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-[/quote]
im sure that's the same ddosing, selling medals, and generally being a prick in the south american community. as well, im not sure what country you're from, and honestly don't care, but in Argentina saying that really doesn't mean anything, as we take it with comedy. If ratawar, or anyone in this country, wanted to "reventarte el culo a patadas", we wouldn't say it in that manner.[/quote]

you can take it as whatever u "nekos kawaiiissss" want to, but don't be pointing out at people when you've been doing the exact same thing, after all (serious or not) it was a threat. don't try n step up for kiddies that wouldn't do the same for you if things were different, maybe you'll regret it one day. s2
0 Frags +
crg5nd: Manu/"wanderlust" is so mad, it's funny!


5nd: Manu/"wanderlust" is so mad, it's funny!
23 Frags +

Holy shit. I left the the SA scene like 4 years ago (5 or more if you add the year I stopped following everything closely and playing frequently), and at the time I thought your behavior was mostly due to being a kid. But years have passed and you don't change, Pepito.

Normally I don't call people names, mainly in online discussion, but you are definitely a piece of shit, dude. A terrible human being that seems time has given up on making you change. Seriously, you had half a decade to grow up, and you didn't. I am really glad me and Jota never fell for your good guy act while we were in the FBTF staff.

Holy shit. I left the the SA scene like 4 years ago (5 or more if you add the year I stopped following everything closely and playing frequently), and at the time I thought your behavior was mostly due to being a kid. But years have passed and you don't change, Pepito.

Normally I don't call people names, mainly in online discussion, but you are definitely a piece of shit, dude. A terrible human being that seems time has given up on making you change. Seriously, you had half a decade to grow up, and you didn't. I am really glad me and Jota never fell for your good guy act while we were in the FBTF staff.
1 Frags +
ninjaxI'm just playing devil's advocate here, while these things are indeed true and it's good to see them come out to light I think it's best to show both sides to make you realize no one's good at all here and everyone does the same fucked up shit besides special actions like ddosing.

Feel free to show other people's baddoings, but doing that with the idea of "advocating" for someone else's shit behavior is just a simple whataboutism that doesn't disqualify on any matter all the stuff Pepito and friends have done. Also you are totally normalizing DDOSing and using his "status" (and also taking advantage of one of the only things Valve has been doing to help the tourneys a bit) for personal gain.

[quote=ninjax]I'm just playing devil's advocate here, while these things are indeed true and it's good to see them come out to light I think it's best to show both sides to make you realize no one's good at all here and everyone does the same fucked up shit besides special actions like ddosing.[/quote]

Feel free to show other people's baddoings, but doing that with the idea of "advocating" for someone else's shit behavior is just a simple [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism]whataboutism[/url] that doesn't disqualify on any matter all the stuff Pepito and friends have done. Also you are totally normalizing DDOSing and using his "status" (and also taking advantage of one of the only things Valve has been doing to help the tourneys a bit) for personal gain.
22 Frags +


-11 Frags +
crg1st: http://comp.tf/w/index.php?title=Legit&oldid=59655 this is my biggest prize of tf2. This is a prove how big is my influential in their minds. This is not harrasment, its awesome look at that.

2nd: All of us in SA have some dirty thing on the past, even the players who think they are the holy knights. We grow up playing this videogame, pls let it go, keep your lives... and don't have any bad feelings with anyone. When i think about all the things we did on SA tf2 their are all good memories even the loses or the mistakes, because we learned!

3rd: Internet/tf2 is not your real life, you can just go away!

4rd: I think ratawar should ban the players and make his own league.

5nd: Manu/"wanderlust" is so mad, it's funny!

6th:The only problem with pepito was loving too much, the tf2 Lula! Poor Innocent, Free Pepito! https://imgur.com/a/T9r90Zu

Achei que perder a ESEA IM 4 vezes e perder com 3 Invites de verdade pro ss Assombração Assombrosa na BF S3 era seu maior legado...

[quote=crg]1st: http://comp.tf/w/index.php?title=Legit&oldid=59655 this is my biggest prize of tf2. This is a prove how big is my influential in their minds. This is not harrasment, its awesome look at that.

2nd: All of us in SA have some dirty thing on the past, even the players who think they are the holy knights. We grow up playing this videogame, pls let it go, keep your lives... and don't have any bad feelings with anyone. When i think about all the things we did on SA tf2 their are all good memories even the loses or the mistakes, because we learned!

3rd: Internet/tf2 is not your real life, you can just go away!

4rd: I think ratawar should ban the players and make his own league.

5nd: Manu/"wanderlust" is so mad, it's funny!

6th:The only problem with pepito was loving too much, [u]the tf2 Lula! Poor Innocent, Free Pepito![/u] https://imgur.com/a/T9r90Zu[/quote]

Achei que perder a ESEA IM 4 vezes e perder com 3 Invites de verdade pro ss Assombração Assombrosa na BF S3 era seu maior legado...
13 Frags +


-6 Frags +

Bagual pf paga pensao eu e meus irmaos tamo passando fome

Bagual pf paga pensao eu e meus irmaos tamo passando fome
23 Frags +

Godspeed to whoever has the patience of being admin in a league full of brazilians

Godspeed to whoever has the patience of being admin in a league full of brazilians
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4 Frags +

As much as this is getting out of hand, I want to ask something to get this back on track. I know this has been stated already in the original document and the previous comments, is Brasil Fortress = LBTF? Where do they currently stand/what's their current situation and administration (besides Aratinga whom I know) amidst all this mess? I'm genuinely curious.

I'm also reading back through the doc again.

As much as this is getting out of hand, I want to ask something to get this back on track. I know this has been stated already in the original document and the previous comments, is Brasil Fortress = LBTF? Where do they currently stand/what's their current situation and administration (besides Aratinga whom I know) amidst all this mess? I'm genuinely curious.

[i]I'm also reading back through the doc again.[/i]
5 Frags +
concordeAs much as this is getting out of hand, I want to ask something to get this back on track. I know this has been stated already in the original document and the previous comments, is Brasil Fortress = LBTF? Where do they currently stand/what's their current situation and administration (besides Aratinga whom I know) amidst all this mess? I'm genuinely curious.

I'm also reading back through the doc again.

Brasil Fortress has nothing to do with FBTF, it's a completely separated league with its own admins and medals.

[quote=concorde]As much as this is getting out of hand, I want to ask something to get this back on track. I know this has been stated already in the original document and the previous comments, is Brasil Fortress = LBTF? Where do they currently stand/what's their current situation and administration (besides Aratinga whom I know) amidst all this mess? I'm genuinely curious.

[i]I'm also reading back through the doc again.[/i][/quote]
Brasil Fortress has nothing to do with FBTF, it's a completely separated league with its own admins and medals.
12 Frags +
smokioconcordesmokioconcordesmokiohttps://imgur.com/a/lCENf1p said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
And your point is?

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite
Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now.

sa community never existed and it will continue that way until these neo caporegimes can lower their "kawaii" internet ego (why are you even trying to front, you're from indonesia lol xd xd xd). my screenshot is less than a month old (A.K.A RECENTLY) and as i told you, hypocrisy shouldn't be tolerated. it could be a random threat by anyone in this community and if that person did the same, i would be exposing him too...

Smokio my son you go around being toxic to everyone and then get mad when they call you out for it, this thread is about corruption not your personal issues with someone online.

[quote=smokio][quote=concorde][quote=smokio][quote=concorde][quote=smokio]https://imgur.com/a/lCENf1p said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-[/quote]
And your point is?[/quote]

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite[/quote]
Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now.[/quote]

sa community never existed and it will continue that way until these neo caporegimes can lower their "kawaii" internet ego (why are you even trying to front, you're from indonesia lol xd xd xd). my screenshot is less than a month old (A.K.A RECENTLY) and as i told you, hypocrisy shouldn't be tolerated. it could be a random threat by anyone in this community and if that person did the same, i would be exposing him too...[/quote]

Smokio my son you go around being toxic to everyone and then get mad when they call you out for it, this thread is about corruption not your personal issues with someone online.
-11 Frags +
stroggsmokioconcordesmokioconcordesmokiohttps://imgur.com/a/lCENf1p said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
And your point is?

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite
Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now.

sa community never existed and it will continue that way until these neo caporegimes can lower their "kawaii" internet ego (why are you even trying to front, you're from indonesia lol xd xd xd). my screenshot is less than a month old (A.K.A RECENTLY) and as i told you, hypocrisy shouldn't be tolerated. it could be a random threat by anyone in this community and if that person did the same, i would be exposing him too...

Smokio my son you go around being toxic to everyone and then get mad when they call you out for it, this thread is about corruption not your personal issues with someone online.

strogg i don't even know if you're a girl or a little kid in the first place so it's impossible for me to take you seriously. when you grow up and your hormones stop messing w your "im a bad ass" attitude, maybe you'll understand why i'm exposing your "leader" too. from what i see, all hypocrites roll together....

[quote=strogg][quote=smokio][quote=concorde][quote=smokio][quote=concorde][quote=smokio]https://imgur.com/a/lCENf1p said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-[/quote]
And your point is?[/quote]

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite[/quote]
Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now.[/quote]

sa community never existed and it will continue that way until these neo caporegimes can lower their "kawaii" internet ego (why are you even trying to front, you're from indonesia lol xd xd xd). my screenshot is less than a month old (A.K.A RECENTLY) and as i told you, hypocrisy shouldn't be tolerated. it could be a random threat by anyone in this community and if that person did the same, i would be exposing him too...[/quote]

Smokio my son you go around being toxic to everyone and then get mad when they call you out for it, this thread is about corruption not your personal issues with someone online.[/quote]

strogg i don't even know if you're a girl or a little kid in the first place so it's impossible for me to take you seriously. when you grow up and your hormones stop messing w your "im a bad ass" attitude, maybe you'll understand why i'm exposing your "leader" too. from what i see, all hypocrites roll together....
7 Frags +

UGC is saved :D

UGC is saved :D
2 Frags +
GeneralNickUGC is saved :D

God Bless.

[quote=GeneralNick]UGC is saved :D[/quote]
God Bless.
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