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2 Frags +
eXtineVTv has been a bit inactive, but i52 is their cornerstone and I'm sure Byte is gonna be organizing coverage again with Arx/Beta casting it. They have a long lasting relationship with Multiplay and came through huge with their coverage last year.

They'd have to have a pretty compelling reason to switch to TF.tv and I can't think of anything that actually would convince them to do so. Yes TF.tv is doing a lot for the scene and cbear and Sal are great, but you're talking about them working with someone across the Atlantic Ocean vs working with someone in their own back yard who has been doing their coverage for years.

Yeah, you make great point there, well, I was just wondering anyway :D.
Although TFTV is across the Atlantic, I still think they deserve it more than VTV, I don't think it's very fair to be inactive for a long while, yet another group puts a ton of work, money, time in to it, and I think after they've showed us so much, and helped so much, it'll only be right to go with TFTV.
But I guess the economical issue would be the deciding factor for them, however I don't get how Multiplay will be losing money here, unless they fund their trip over there.
Thanks anyway extine <3!

[quote=eXtine]VTv has been a bit inactive, but i52 is their cornerstone and I'm sure Byte is gonna be organizing coverage again with Arx/Beta casting it. They have a long lasting relationship with Multiplay and came through huge with their coverage last year.

They'd have to have a pretty compelling reason to switch to TF.tv and I can't think of anything that actually would convince them to do so. Yes TF.tv is doing a lot for the scene and cbear and Sal are great, but you're talking about them working with someone across the Atlantic Ocean vs working with someone in their own back yard who has been doing their coverage for years.[/quote]
Yeah, you make great point there, well, I was just wondering anyway :D.
Although TFTV is across the Atlantic, I still think they deserve it more than VTV, I don't think it's very fair to be inactive for a long while, yet another group puts a ton of work, money, time in to it, and I think after they've showed us so much, and helped so much, it'll only be right to go with TFTV.
But I guess the economical issue would be the deciding factor for them, however I don't get how Multiplay will be losing money here, unless they fund their trip over there.
Thanks anyway extine <3!
12 Frags +
eXtineI'm not entirely sure what our plans are tbh. I've done some pre-writing on the documentary and the scope of covering the game as a whole is actually much grander than just going to i52... Also, while we have Patreon money about to come (1st month just sitting in balance, 2nd month otw), we've spent a large chunk of eXtv's bank on gear in recent months as well as funding my trip to FITES.

A plane ticket for just me was looking at around $1500, we'd also have to fund Luc and Airon to be in attendance, as well as housing for the event (we'd show up early and leave late). My work and my wife okay'd the trip, but I'm not sure if that's really the best way to spend our money, or if we'd actually be able to accomplish our goals in that time.

Considering that America's team in i49 was screwed by the Quick Fix Fiasco, it'd be awesome if we could take another shot.

sorry how were you screwed by the quick fix fiasco?

[quote=eXtine]I'm not entirely sure what our plans are tbh. I've done some pre-writing on the documentary and the scope of covering the game as a whole is actually much grander than just going to i52... Also, while we have Patreon money about to come (1st month just sitting in balance, 2nd month otw), we've spent a large chunk of eXtv's bank on gear in recent months as well as funding my trip to FITES.

A plane ticket for just me was looking at around $1500, we'd also have to fund Luc and Airon to be in attendance, as well as housing for the event (we'd show up early and leave late). My work and my wife okay'd the trip, but I'm not sure if that's really the best way to spend our money, or if we'd actually be able to accomplish our goals in that time.

Considering that America's team in i49 was screwed by the Quick Fix Fiasco, it'd be awesome if we could take another shot.[/quote]

sorry how were you screwed by the quick fix fiasco?
6 Frags +

Yeah the Quick Fix caused the NA team to lose, okay.

Yeah the Quick Fix caused the NA team to lose, okay.
-6 Frags +

It's my opinion that HRG having to play ESEA LAN with QuickFix, not the one they won to get crowdfunded but the one right before i49, really threw their game off. They had to practice for a month with Quickfix, then they had 4-5 days in between that and i49.

It's not an eXcuse as much as it is as an attempt to eXplain why they didn't play as strong as they could have. WP by Europe I'm not trying to take anything away from their victory, but as a NA community member it was sad to see HRG have to switch between two very different metas in the course of a week. The change was even more significant than going from ESEA whitelist -> Vanilla at i46.

It's my opinion that HRG having to play ESEA LAN with QuickFix, not the one they won to get crowdfunded but the one right before i49, really threw their game off. They had to practice for a month with Quickfix, then they had 4-5 days in between that and i49.

It's not an eXcuse as much as it is as an attempt to eXplain why they didn't play as strong as they could have. WP by Europe I'm not trying to take anything away from their victory, but as a NA community member it was sad to see HRG have to switch between two very different metas in the course of a week. The change was even more significant than going from ESEA whitelist -> Vanilla at i46.
3 Frags +

It seemed more like the Quickfix/Winlimit 5 suited HRG's style of play rather than caused it. Perhaps another team would have fared better.

It seemed more like the Quickfix/Winlimit 5 suited HRG's style of play rather than caused it. Perhaps another team would have fared better.
6 Frags +
eXtineIt's my opinion that HRG having to play ESEA LAN with QuickFix, not the one they won to get crowdfunded but the one right before i49, really threw their game off. They had to practice for a month with Quickfix, then they had 4-5 days in between that and i49.

It's not an eXcuse as much as it is as an attempt to eXplain why they didn't play as strong as they could have. WP by Europe I'm not trying to take anything away from their victory, but as a NA community member it was sad to see HRG have to switch between two very different metas in the course of a week. The change was even more significant than going from ESEA whitelist -> Vanilla at i46.

On the contrary I think Broder and Epsilon were better teams - http://www.vanillatf2.org/2013/08/10-reasons-why-europeans-will-dominate-i49/

[quote=eXtine]It's my opinion that HRG having to play ESEA LAN with QuickFix, not the one they won to get crowdfunded but the one right before i49, really threw their game off. They had to practice for a month with Quickfix, then they had 4-5 days in between that and i49.

It's not an eXcuse as much as it is as an attempt to eXplain why they didn't play as strong as they could have. WP by Europe I'm not trying to take anything away from their victory, but as a NA community member it was sad to see HRG have to switch between two very different metas in the course of a week. The change was even more significant than going from ESEA whitelist -> Vanilla at i46.[/quote]

On the contrary I think Broder and Epsilon were better teams - http://www.vanillatf2.org/2013/08/10-reasons-why-europeans-will-dominate-i49/
1 Frags +

Broder/Epsilon could still have dominated em, but the Quick Fix in NA was definitely a fiasco. ESEA had previously banned the battalion's backup mid-season because it was "broken", but they allowed the QF's drastic changes to impact the season.

*shrug* It's all hypothetical, but HRG having to utilize the QF for months before i49 definitely screwed with their mentality imo.

Broder/Epsilon could still have dominated em, but the Quick Fix in NA was definitely a fiasco. ESEA had previously banned the battalion's backup mid-season because it was "broken", but they allowed the QF's drastic changes to impact the season.

*shrug* It's all hypothetical, but HRG having to utilize the QF for months before i49 definitely screwed with their mentality imo.
2 Frags +

i49 was the end for a good number of people at VTV, with a lot of obligations getting in the way. We've been pretty much "hibernating" the past two seasons since the remaining staff have been occupied in other areas e.g. Byte playing in Prem, myself not having internet capable of streaming, other people just generally having other things that needed doing. Personally I'd say that TFTV branded coverage would probably be better at this point, but I definitely think that the remaining members of VTV would and should be there to help out. It's one thing casting a LAN from STVs, quite another to be on-site with all the opportunities for extra coverage such as live player interviews, crowd reactions, player cams during games etc, which is something that VTV has proven itself to be very capable of at i49. I think if TFTV were to try on their own they'd do a fantastic job, but the experience and resources that VTV can bring to the table can't be ignored. I should be there and I'll be willing to help out.

i49 was the end for a good number of people at VTV, with a lot of obligations getting in the way. We've been pretty much "hibernating" the past two seasons since the remaining staff have been occupied in other areas e.g. Byte playing in Prem, myself not having internet capable of streaming, other people just generally having other things that needed doing. Personally I'd say that TFTV branded coverage would probably be better at this point, but I definitely think that the remaining members of VTV would and should be there to help out. It's one thing casting a LAN from STVs, quite another to be on-site with all the opportunities for extra coverage such as live player interviews, crowd reactions, player cams during games etc, which is something that VTV has proven itself to be very capable of at i49. I think if TFTV were to try on their own they'd do a fantastic job, but the experience and resources that VTV can bring to the table can't be ignored. I should be there and I'll be willing to help out.
2 Frags +

Yeah VTV did an awesome job at i49, along with assorted friends like Lange and BoneS who did a tonne of work, would be best to have a joint effort. Doesn't matter what banner it's under.

Yeah VTV did an awesome job at i49, along with assorted friends like Lange and BoneS who did a tonne of work, would be best to have a joint effort. Doesn't matter what banner it's under.
10 Frags +

every time I see extines lowercase letter then capital X I fucking cringe so hard

every time I see extines lowercase letter then capital X I fucking cringe so hard
25 Frags +

I hope it's eXcruciating.

I hope it's eXcruciating.
3 Frags +

If there's another Highlander event, I will sell my cat and car in order to buy a plane ticket to cast it. Unrelated, anyone want to buy a cat?

If there's another Highlander event, I will sell my cat and car in order to buy a plane ticket to cast it. Unrelated, anyone want to buy a cat?
-1 Frags +
atmoIt seemed more like the Quickfix/Winlimit 5 suited HRG's style of play rather than caused it. Perhaps another team would have fared better.

you must be thinking of mix^ -- QF suited mix^'s style of play much more than HRG's style of play imho

[quote=atmo]It seemed more like the Quickfix/Winlimit 5 suited HRG's style of play rather than caused it. Perhaps another team would have fared better.[/quote]

you must be thinking of mix^ -- QF suited mix^'s style of play much more than HRG's style of play imho
4 Frags +
eXtineConsidering that America's team in i49 was screwed by the Quick Fix Fiasco
[quote=eXtine]Considering that America's team in i49 was screwed by the Quick Fix Fiasco[/quote]
11 Frags +

The depth of the NA teams at i46 were much better than HRG's at i49. That's not to say that Europe didn't prepare better with rosters and game-plans.

Sure, I think HRG was thrown off just a little bit by going from QF to the traditional style in less than a week, but the former reason I mentioned had much more to do with it. In fact, I still think the result would have been the same even if the QF never existed.

The depth of the NA teams at i46 were much better than HRG's at i49. That's not to say that Europe didn't prepare better with rosters and game-plans.

Sure, I think HRG was thrown off just a little bit by going from QF to the traditional style in less than a week, but the former reason I mentioned had much more to do with it. In fact, I still think the result would have been the same even if the QF never existed.
2 Frags +

strong wordage by me but I still think it fucked with em :P

strong wordage by me but I still think it fucked with em :P
0 Frags +
TheFragileThe depth of the NA teams at i46 were much better than HRG's at i49. That's not to say that Europe didn't prepare better with rosters and game-plans.

Sure, I think HRG was thrown off just a little bit by going from QF to the traditional style in less than a week, but the former reason I mentioned had much more to do with it. In fact, I still think the result would have been the same even if the QF never existed.

What do you mean by depth?

[quote=TheFragile]The depth of the NA teams at i46 were much better than HRG's at i49. That's not to say that Europe didn't prepare better with rosters and game-plans.

Sure, I think HRG was thrown off just a little bit by going from QF to the traditional style in less than a week, but the former reason I mentioned had much more to do with it. In fact, I still think the result would have been the same even if the QF never existed.[/quote]

What do you mean by depth?
5 Frags +

To see the community raise as much money and they did for i49, i49.tf was great to see last year

To see the community raise as much money and they did for i49, i49.tf was great to see last year
8 Frags +
HallowTheFragileThe depth of the NA teams at i46 were much better than HRG's at i49. That's not to say that Europe didn't prepare better with rosters and game-plans.

Sure, I think HRG was thrown off just a little bit by going from QF to the traditional style in less than a week, but the former reason I mentioned had much more to do with it. In fact, I still think the result would have been the same even if the QF never existed.

What do you mean by depth?

A mixture of versatility, skill, and fluency. Less weak areas, etc.

[quote=Hallow][quote=TheFragile]The depth of the NA teams at i46 were much better than HRG's at i49. That's not to say that Europe didn't prepare better with rosters and game-plans.

Sure, I think HRG was thrown off just a little bit by going from QF to the traditional style in less than a week, but the former reason I mentioned had much more to do with it. In fact, I still think the result would have been the same even if the QF never existed.[/quote]

What do you mean by depth?[/quote]

A mixture of versatility, skill, and fluency. Less weak areas, etc.
7 Frags +
TheFragileHallowTheFragileThe depth of the NA teams at i46 were much better than HRG's at i49. That's not to say that Europe didn't prepare better with rosters and game-plans.

Sure, I think HRG was thrown off just a little bit by going from QF to the traditional style in less than a week, but the former reason I mentioned had much more to do with it. In fact, I still think the result would have been the same even if the QF never existed.

What do you mean by depth?

A mixture of versatility, skill, and fluency. Less weak areas, etc.

yeah i46 mix^ and LG was kickass

[quote=TheFragile][quote=Hallow][quote=TheFragile]The depth of the NA teams at i46 were much better than HRG's at i49. That's not to say that Europe didn't prepare better with rosters and game-plans.

Sure, I think HRG was thrown off just a little bit by going from QF to the traditional style in less than a week, but the former reason I mentioned had much more to do with it. In fact, I still think the result would have been the same even if the QF never existed.[/quote]

What do you mean by depth?[/quote]

A mixture of versatility, skill, and fluency. Less weak areas, etc.[/quote]

yeah i46 mix^ and LG was kickass
16 Frags +

i46, NA formed a super team to take on top Euro teams and stomped them.
i49, EU formed a super team to take on the top NA team that came over and stomped them.

Well, actually LG did most of the Euro stomping at i46, but it's safe to say we never got to see each scene play the other at it's best (i46 Mix^ vs i49 Epsilon).

Maybe we will now that the scores are tied at 1-1.

The whole Quickfix thing is a poor excuse. The European teams were just better. They would of got stomped regardless.

i46, NA formed a super team to take on top Euro teams and stomped them.
i49, EU formed a super team to take on the top NA team that came over and stomped them.

Well, actually LG did most of the Euro stomping at i46, but it's safe to say we never got to see each scene play the other at it's best (i46 Mix^ vs i49 Epsilon).

Maybe we will now that the scores are tied at 1-1.

The whole Quickfix thing is a poor excuse. The European teams were just better. They would of got stomped regardless.
4 Frags +

It's really unfortunate that we couldn't get the absolute best of all the continents together at the same time. I still think i46 mix^ is the best team in the history of TF2, but the fact that we'll never see them against i49 Epsilon really saddens me :(. I hope that i52 gives us at least the closest to that (+ more Aussies too!) that we can get.

It's really unfortunate that we couldn't get the absolute best of all the continents together at the same time. I still think i46 mix^ is the best team in the history of TF2, but the fact that we'll never see them against i49 Epsilon really saddens me :(. I hope that i52 gives us at least the closest to that (+ more Aussies too!) that we can get.
2 Frags +

Good time here to mention that I've been considering making the trip across the pond for i52 and have been kicking the idea around for about 3 months.

For me it was either fly to the next ESEA LAN, or fly to the UK for i52. I guess we'll see what happens.

Good time here to mention that I've been considering making the trip across the pond for i52 and have been kicking the idea around for about 3 months.

For me it was either fly to the next ESEA LAN, or fly to the UK for i52. I guess we'll see what happens.
2 Frags +

Dude, I'd donate like 200$ to see i46 Mix^ vs i49 Epsilon.
Actually, this is just a dream, and will probably never happen, but who said dreaming is wrong?
i49 Epsilon, most likely, are going to re-form for i49,
i46 Mix^ have almost all the players still actively play (not together but still), and I'd bet TLR would come back to kick some Euro ass.

Dude, I'd donate like 200$ to see i46 Mix^ vs i49 Epsilon.
Actually, this is just a dream, and will probably never happen, but who said dreaming is wrong?
i49 Epsilon, most likely, are going to re-form for i49,
i46 Mix^ have almost all the players still actively play (not together but still), and I'd bet TLR would come back to kick some Euro ass.
15 Frags +

sure, because 8 seasons and LANs of gunboats, boston basher, regular uber and kritz all go away with one LAN of quickfix. But 3 european seasons of gunboats, boston basher, regular uber and kritz aparently were enough to catch up.

sure, because 8 seasons and LANs of gunboats, boston basher, regular uber and kritz all go away with one LAN of quickfix. But 3 european seasons of gunboats, boston basher, regular uber and kritz aparently were enough to catch up.
21 Frags +

I'd like to see A_Seagull at i52.

and broder ;_;

I'd like to see A_Seagull at i52.

and broder ;_;
6 Frags +

I thought VTV did an amazing job with the coverage. I was seriously impressed with all the casters and also the camera work by Lange, he managed to capture pretty much all of the huge plays.

Arx was my favourite caster he really took an impartial look at every game.

I thought VTV did an amazing job with the coverage. I was seriously impressed with all the casters and also the camera work by Lange, he managed to capture pretty much all of the huge plays.

Arx was my favourite caster he really took an impartial look at every game.
9 Frags +

There's no reason to worry about another i49 coverage war clusterfuck. That was the result of 2 overambitious/vindictive people that no longer seem to be an active part of TF2 coverage. VTV is in hibernation or dead and there's no animosity at all. In fact, tf.tv EU is now using VTV's resources in their casts. Relays, live stats, streamer 20 second cheat feed and atmo's on screen graphics.

I think we set the bar pretty high at i49 and I'll gladly be part of any effort to raise it even higher at i52, preferbly with the same international team presence.

There's no reason to worry about another i49 coverage war clusterfuck. That was the result of 2 overambitious/vindictive people that no longer seem to be an active part of TF2 coverage. VTV is in hibernation or dead and there's no animosity at all. In fact, tf.tv EU is now using VTV's resources in their casts. Relays, live stats, streamer 20 second cheat feed and atmo's on screen graphics.

I think we set the bar pretty high at i49 and I'll gladly be part of any effort to raise it even higher at i52, preferbly with the same international team presence.
4 Frags +

I don't really care if people think it's a dumb excuse, from my team's perspective we were definitely effected by quick fix. We didn't think it would matter either, but after scrimming for esea LAN our team dynamic changed a lot. I mean, cyzer went from the biggest pocket scout in the game to... taking as much or less heals than me, lol. Looking back, I think we all wish we just blew off esea and focused on europe.

edit: This doesn't mean I think we would have won, it is more than that. We played completely different than how we always played.

I don't really care if people think it's a dumb excuse, from my team's perspective we were definitely effected by quick fix. We didn't think it would matter either, but after scrimming for esea LAN our team dynamic changed a lot. I mean, cyzer went from the biggest pocket scout in the game to... taking as much or less heals than me, lol. Looking back, I think we all wish we just blew off esea and focused on europe.

edit: This doesn't mean I think we would have won, it is more than that. We played completely different than how we always played.
7 Frags +

pretty sure a lot of the top euro teams (if not all) are planning on attending i52 so with american or australian teams it'll probably be i49 2.0

pretty sure a lot of the top euro teams (if not all) are planning on attending i52 so with american or australian teams it'll probably be i49 2.0
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