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An Abrupt Farewell to You All
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Take care ghos7, good luck. I hope you find a way out of this.

Take care ghos7, good luck. I hope you find a way out of this.
28 Frags +

I wish all countries had free health care...

I wish all countries had free health care...
8 Frags +

Pretty crazy how someones life can change in the blink of an eye. I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope everything goes as well as possible. It's pretty cool to think that the people of TF2 have built a strong enough community where you could share this tragic life changing event and have people donate. Once again, I wish you the best of luck. Keep moving forward.

Pretty crazy how someones life can change in the blink of an eye. I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope everything goes as well as possible. It's pretty cool to think that the people of TF2 have built a strong enough community where you could share this tragic life changing event and have people donate. Once again, I wish you the best of luck. Keep moving forward.
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Always a place on badwater p.d. for you ghos7

Kryptic is still my favorite circlejerk to have been a part of even if killing was a faggot

Always a place on badwater p.d. for you ghos7

Kryptic is still my favorite circlejerk to have been a part of even if killing was a faggot
14 Frags +

Really hope things turn out well for you in the near future. This is not a goodbye, this is a see you later.

Good luck out there, wish you the best.

Really hope things turn out well for you in the near future. This is not a goodbye, this is a see you later.

Good luck out there, wish you the best.
4 Frags +

My heart sunk when I heard about this and it absolutely breaks my heart. I hope things work out for you and your family. Remember that you are in many of our thoughts and wishing the best.


My heart sunk when I heard about this and it absolutely breaks my heart. I hope things work out for you and your family. Remember that you are in many of our thoughts and wishing the best.

1 Frags +

So sorry to hear this, ghos7. I loved watching you (and the rest of the Mighty Ducks) a few seasons ago. Best of luck and I'll try to send a little something when I can.

So sorry to hear this, ghos7. I loved watching you (and the rest of the Mighty Ducks) a few seasons ago. Best of luck and I'll try to send a little something when I can.
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~edited to not derail thread, shouldn't have responded to troll post~

~edited to not derail thread, shouldn't have responded to troll post~
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Really sucks. Never forget #1 HoN queuing.

Also, I think if insurance doesn't cover everything hospitals might be willing to negotiate certain payments. I don't think you can necessarily do that for the rehab though, but maybe for her initial treatments. I hope for the best.

Really sucks. Never forget #1 HoN queuing.

Also, I think if insurance doesn't cover everything hospitals might be willing to negotiate certain payments. I don't think you can necessarily do that for the rehab though, but maybe for her initial treatments. I hope for the best.
3 Frags +

This breaks my heart to hear and I wish your family the best, despite the fucked up circumstances. And hey, ya never know, something really good could come out of all of this insanity so keep your head up as best as you can.

Check in with the TF.TV community whenever you get the chance because I know these guys would love to hear from you :)

This breaks my heart to hear and I wish your family the best, despite the fucked up circumstances. And hey, ya never know, something really good could come out of all of this insanity so keep your head up as best as you can.

Check in with the TF.TV community whenever you get the chance because I know these guys would love to hear from you :)
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Im so sorry to hear of this. I hope the best to your family, and good luck in the future. :(

Im so sorry to hear of this. I hope the best to your family, and good luck in the future. :(
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Ghost, you and me are still gonna make that goddamn juggalo island. I'll remember for both of us if need be.

Ghost, you and me are still gonna make that goddamn juggalo island. I'll remember for both of us if need be.
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26 Frags +

thanks for the moments ghos7



thanks for the moments ghos7


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Hope everything turns out good for you man. Take care. :(

Hope everything turns out good for you man. Take care. :(
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good luck in doing what you have to do

good luck in doing what you have to do
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Good luck ghost.

These things have a way of working out, even if no other entity steps in to pay for your sister. The hospital understands that if they ruin your family your parents will never pay them back. I had to have major back surgery when I was a kid - they charged outrageous sums, eventually we came to an agreement that was very manageable for everybody. And a person with Brad's skills (or a lawyer) could protect your family's personal belongings and properties from the hospital's collection agency.

The short-term will still be pretty gnarly, so I wish you, and all parties involved, the best.

Good luck ghost.

These things have a way of working out, even if no other entity steps in to pay for your sister. The hospital understands that if they ruin your family your parents will never pay them back. I had to have major back surgery when I was a kid - they charged outrageous sums, eventually we came to an agreement that was very manageable for everybody. And a person with Brad's skills (or a lawyer) could protect your family's personal belongings and properties from the hospital's collection agency.

The short-term will still be pretty gnarly, so I wish you, and all parties involved, the best.
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Even tho I don't really know you I'm really sorry to hear about what happened. I hope everything works out for you and your family.

Even tho I don't really know you I'm really sorry to hear about what happened. I hope everything works out for you and your family.
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8 Frags +

Even though I may not know you at all I just wanted to say I wish nothing but good luck for you and your family. This is a pretty sad thing to hear. I really hope things get better for you and your family. ;(

Even though I may not know you at all I just wanted to say I wish nothing but good luck for you and your family. This is a pretty sad thing to hear. I really hope things get better for you and your family. ;(
3 Frags +

Tragedies 99% of the time never last, you and your family will rise out of this. It's just
such an acherontic situation for anyone to be in, but you seem like a guy who can take problems like this head on, and work to a success and solve this for the better. Good luck Ghos7 and it's just ridiculously insane how this happened to you. Hope to see you on tf.tv again. :(

Tragedies 99% of the time never last, you and your family will rise out of this. It's just
such an acherontic situation for anyone to be in, but you seem like a guy who can take problems like this head on, and work to a success and solve this for the better. Good luck Ghos7 and it's just ridiculously insane how this happened to you. Hope to see you on tf.tv again. :(
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4 Frags +

I never got to properly thank you for helping out my open team after a scrim with positioning and everything, so thank you. I wish you a strong and happy future, and this community will not be the same without you.

I never got to properly thank you for helping out my open team after a scrim with positioning and everything, so thank you. I wish you a strong and happy future, and this community will not be the same without you.
5 Frags +
alfunksothanks for the moments ghos7

now he's going to jail :(

[quote=alfunkso]thanks for the moments ghos7
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4DOSjBbaOY#t=2m[/quote]now he's going to jail :(
3 Frags +

I'm sorry that happened man. I don't have a checkbook to make the problems go away, but if you ever need someone to talk to, about whatever, I'm good at listening. Always enjoyed listening to you on Sean/Lange's streams and the brief times you streamed.

I'm sorry that happened man. I don't have a checkbook to make the problems go away, but if you ever need someone to talk to, about whatever, I'm good at listening. Always enjoyed listening to you on Sean/Lange's streams and the brief times you streamed.
7 Frags +

DIRECT LINK TO THE DONATION DRIVE FOR GHOS7: http://imraising.com/lange/

DIRECT LINK TO THE DONATION DRIVE FOR GHOS7: http://imraising.com/lange/
1 Frags +

Best of luck to your sister. I'm sure the whole world has flipped upside down for your family right now, so I give my sincere wishes that you all get through this. Looking forward to seeing you return to TF2 when this will all be a thing of the past. Good luck and try to stay positive!

Best of luck to your sister. I'm sure the whole world has flipped upside down for your family right now, so I give my sincere wishes that you all get through this. Looking forward to seeing you return to TF2 when this will all be a thing of the past. Good luck and try to stay positive!
11 Frags +

I can't donate since I'm in a similar boat with bills but let me know if you want help figuring out where's the best place to go for your sis's rehab. I'm 3 years out with a spinal cord injury so I have a pretty good idea of what she's going through. If you don't want to share details about her injuries over the Internet shoot me a message on steam or something. If its a SCI I can give you some names of who to ask for at the Christopher Reeves foundation to give you a leg up so you don't have to waste as much time. Sorry that I can't do more but don't be afraid to ask whatever you want, if I don't know where's the places to go for her particular case I'll ask around with people who do and relay what I can.

I can't donate since I'm in a similar boat with bills but let me know if you want help figuring out where's the best place to go for your sis's rehab. I'm 3 years out with a spinal cord injury so I have a pretty good idea of what she's going through. If you don't want to share details about her injuries over the Internet shoot me a message on steam or something. If its a SCI I can give you some names of who to ask for at the Christopher Reeves foundation to give you a leg up so you don't have to waste as much time. Sorry that I can't do more but don't be afraid to ask whatever you want, if I don't know where's the places to go for her particular case I'll ask around with people who do and relay what I can.
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kyle i wish you the very best i've a very ruff year with alot of twist and turns keep you head up i may not have known you best of luck in life i hope everything goes as best as it can

kyle i wish you the very best i've a very ruff year with alot of twist and turns keep you head up i may not have known you best of luck in life i hope everything goes as best as it can
3 Frags +

Reddit is somewhat known for its generosity, I'm not sure who made this post but the attention can only help.


Best of luck ghos7, I know nothing beyond you being a cool dude on lange's team but no one deserves to suffer through this sort of thing alone.

edit: Mention of votes removed

Reddit is somewhat known for its generosity, I'm not sure who made this post but the attention can only help.


Best of luck ghos7, I know nothing beyond you being a cool dude on lange's team but no one deserves to suffer through this sort of thing alone.

edit: Mention of votes removed
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