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Country Scotland
Signed Up February 2, 2013
Last Posted March 31, 2024 at 6:14 PM
Posts 543 (0.1 per day)
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#15 Your Perfect Gamemode in Map Discussion

5cp but the more recent your last death was the shorter your spawn time is
incentivize feeding

posted 3 months ago
#13 sickest intentional edgebugs in TF2 General Discussion
i think mine is the oldest, cementing my boomer status

posted 3 months ago
#16 Most influential/pioneering TF2 player in TF2 General Discussion
I believe this was mihaly’s flow, who also pioneered the renowned “double scout uber” among other things

mihaly's flow and pyyyour in particular were very ahead of their time - the iron man gpit defense was lit

I always thought that tri was the first top pocket to run gunboats but I guess I was wrong

posted 4 months ago
#29 lack of postive energry in the community in TF2 General Discussion

1. make thread about lack of positive energy in community
2. spew negativity in several posts back to back
3. ???
4. loss

posted 5 months ago
#47 2024 #winter in LAN Discussion

hi there gamers

posted 9 months ago
#35 Favorite activity/hobby besides Tf2? in Off Topic

Did a lot of yoga for a few years and it really improves the baseline of how you feel. No-gi bjj, muay thai and kickboxing moreso the last couple years - bjj is wonderful but hard to avoid injury, tried competing twice and got rolled both times, striking feels more natural and getting into a flow state in sparring is SUPER fun with the right sparring partner, hoping to try competing in kb in the next year

Would recommend trying martial arts to anyone with a hint of interest

posted about a year ago
#21 Best matches in tf2 history? in TF2 General Discussion
DreamboatThe last two maps from S15 LAN Finals between Mix^ and iT (B4nny Team) are what got me into following invite TF2. Also created the flocked by a seagull memes.
Badlands (Map 2), Process (Map 3)

These finals were also crazy given that Mix^ came from the lower bracket and at the time that meant a full Bo3 advantage so to win two Bo3s was crazy, can't think of another time that happened

PhnxRcadia 2022 grand finals was a nail biter until the end, a must watch

I couldn't find the vod when I searched and I hadn't seen it but here it is for anyone interested (ty kermit)

posted about a year ago
#24 Biggest clips of all time? [demo/suggestion-call] in Videos

posted about a year ago
#5 ProOF: A competitive Open Fortress server config in Other Games

quake -> quake mod -> tf2 -> tf2 mod -> quake
we have come full circle

posted about a year ago
#15 Insomnia69 viewer's guide in News

wtf this is the greatest production crew of all times holy POG

hope it all goes smoothly!

posted about a year ago
#6 girls sneezing vs boys sneezing in Videos

even if this being a meme and people laughing at me was the only thing my tf2 career ever amounted to I'd still take it over playing comp for 7 years and peaking at a grand total of 3 seasons in mid @drifta

posted about 2 years ago
#111 Who is the best tf2 caster of all time and why in TF2 General Discussion

sigma and yukari are the two best analysts to ever cast this game imo
i also think yukari/smithsonian is the most underrated duo 100%

posted about 3 years ago
#24 Favourite team core of all time? in TF2 General Discussion

Yuki sheep aporia

posted about 4 years ago
#13 KritzKast Podcast ft. Salamancer in Events

Abosolute fucking LEGEND of the game goddamn, if it wasn't for Sal I wouldnt have spent all this years with this game as I'm sure is true for many others, very much looking forward to this one!

For Sal:
What did you see as the future for TF2 when you started making your videos and ended up putting your own money forward so LG could attend i46?
How committed were you to that vision at that point in time and what changed that made you distance yourself from the game and the community?
Do you think there are still things unique to the TF2 community that haven't been captured by other larger esports and do you think these unique things will have a home in the future of esports?

I reckon there's never been anyone that provided content as suited to bringing casual players into competitive as what you could find on the fatmop channel, and it was a great thing to have when we did. Thanks for all you did Sal, hope you're keeping well :)

posted about 4 years ago
#2 reviving dm_superstore 24/7 in TF2 General Discussion

i have been waiting for this moment for so long

that was the best server

i love you

posted about 4 years ago
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