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Lange's thoughts on the state of competitive TF2
2 Frags +
nopePeople will move on all the time....Don't second guess these decisions, they were right to make and they will continue to be right.

New players have the right to investigate the decisions of the past and reverse them if they want. EU is experimenting seriously with no whitelist games and everyone knows they will be very different. If Valve matchmaking comes as it appears it is Valve won't be banning anything, even bugged items.

The scenery is changing, don't trap the next generation in the past just for the sake of it. Let them find their own way.

[quote=nope]People will move on all the time....Don't second guess these decisions, they were right to make and they will continue to be right. [/quote]
New players have the right to investigate the decisions of the past and reverse them if they want. EU is experimenting seriously with no whitelist games and everyone knows they will be very different. If Valve matchmaking comes as it appears it is Valve won't be banning anything, even bugged items.

The scenery is changing, don't trap the next generation in the past just for the sake of it. Let them find their own way.
-33 Frags +


3 Frags +

TF2 is 7 years old.
The game cannot live on forever, we can keep trying but the best we can do is maintain the current player base. As KevinIsPwn said, if you want to bring back TF2, you need to work for it.

I respect Lange's opinion and its quite sad to realize since we're starting a new league with TF2 in mind.

TF2 is 7 years old.
The game cannot live on forever, we can keep trying but the best we can do is maintain the current player base. As KevinIsPwn said, if you want to bring back TF2, you need to work for it.

I respect Lange's opinion and its quite sad to realize since we're starting a new league with TF2 in mind.
3 Frags +
GentlemanJonnopePeople will move on all the time....Don't second guess these decisions, they were right to make and they will continue to be right. New players have the right to investigate the decisions of the past and reverse them if they want. EU is experimenting seriously with no whitelist games and everyone knows they will be very different. If Valve matchmaking comes as it appears it is Valve won't be banning anything, even bugged items.

The scenery is changing, don't trap the next generation in the past just for the sake of it. Let them find their own way.

I agree with you, for the record. I also don't think that a (hopefully somewhat scientific) investigation into weapon balance is second-guessing, far from it. That's a great initiative, and it will be instructive to see how the 'meta' forms. I'm more just talking about the people who complain that keeping 6s balanced in the face of the stupid weapons is the reason that valve doesn't support comp tf2. Usually they offer no solution, but if they do suggest one it's basically just a blatant attempt to shoehorn another game's system into tf2, eg pick/ban. We all know that won't work, because it's been tested and yet people still keep suggesting it. Comp tf2 is great as it is, and perhaps a better system can be organised, in which case great, go ahead, but in the meantime don't fix what ain't broken, please.

[quote=GentlemanJon][quote=nope]People will move on all the time....Don't second guess these decisions, they were right to make and they will continue to be right. [/quote]
New players have the right to investigate the decisions of the past and reverse them if they want. EU is experimenting seriously with no whitelist games and everyone knows they will be very different. If Valve matchmaking comes as it appears it is Valve won't be banning anything, even bugged items.

The scenery is changing, don't trap the next generation in the past just for the sake of it. Let them find their own way.[/quote]
I agree with you, for the record. I also don't think that a (hopefully somewhat scientific) investigation into weapon balance is second-guessing, far from it. That's a great initiative, and it will be instructive to see how the 'meta' forms. I'm more just talking about the people who complain that keeping 6s balanced in the face of the stupid weapons is the reason that valve doesn't support comp tf2. Usually they offer no solution, but if they do suggest one it's basically just a blatant attempt to shoehorn another game's system into tf2, eg pick/ban. We all know that won't work, [i]because it's been tested[/i] and yet people still keep suggesting it. Comp tf2 is great as it is, and perhaps a better system can be organised, in which case great, go ahead, but in the meantime don't fix what ain't broken, please.
1 Frags +
obe_i think lange's camera and microphone are ridiculously high quality and he's prettier than ever in this vid

also he's pretty much right. hl is the only thing that seems to have much life left in it nowadays.

aha no kidding, I found this incredibly easy to listen to. pls upload bedtime stories.

i'm in the same boat, burnt out playing tf2. i still work on a couple plugins just because they're interesting and challenging, but I just can't stand to actually play the game for longer than half an hour which sucks because i'm craving to play some FPS competitively again. :/ only option right now is CS, but it's too boring to me.

[quote=obe_]i think lange's camera and microphone are ridiculously high quality and he's prettier than ever in this vid

also he's pretty much right. hl is the only thing that seems to have much life left in it nowadays.[/quote]

aha no kidding, I found this incredibly easy to listen to. pls upload bedtime stories.

i'm in the same boat, burnt out playing tf2. i still work on a couple plugins just because they're interesting and challenging, but I just can't stand to actually [i]play[/i] the game for longer than half an hour which sucks because i'm craving to play some FPS competitively again. :/ only option right now is CS, but it's too boring to me.
2 Frags +
nopeI agree with you, for the record. I also don't think that a (hopefully somewhat scientific) investigation into weapon balance is second-guessing, far from it. That's a great initiative, and it will be instructive to see how the 'meta' forms. I'm more just talking about the people who complain that keeping 6s balanced in the face of the stupid weapons is the reason that valve doesn't support comp tf2. Usually they offer no solution, but if they do suggest one it's basically just a blatant attempt to shoehorn another game's system into tf2, eg pick/ban. We all know that won't work, because it's been tested and yet people still keep suggesting it. Comp tf2 is great as it is, and perhaps a better system can be organised, in which case great, go ahead, but in the meantime don't fix what ain't broken, please.

To be honest I think pick/ban was the compromise to let competitive keep the format while potentially getting official support, and an ingenious one at that. Comp players get enough bans to keep the real meta changing stuff out - wrangler, GRU, etc, but it still relates to the wider game and allows Valve to implement something that appeals to everyone and helps their bottom line whilst keeping the 6v6 meta relatively stable as we like it.

In practice it was always going to be less fun for the established community than just controlling the whitelist to control the game mode, so without the obvious payoff of in-game support and a simple system for doing it (i.e. no plugin or anything) it just seems like a pointless barrier that doesn't change much. But not changing much was part of the point.

If Valve really want the ban data to identify and make changes to unpopular weapons it still might be part of whatever is coming, if and when it does come.

[quote=nope]I agree with you, for the record. I also don't think that a (hopefully somewhat scientific) investigation into weapon balance is second-guessing, far from it. That's a great initiative, and it will be instructive to see how the 'meta' forms. I'm more just talking about the people who complain that keeping 6s balanced in the face of the stupid weapons is the reason that valve doesn't support comp tf2. Usually they offer no solution, but if they do suggest one it's basically just a blatant attempt to shoehorn another game's system into tf2, eg pick/ban. We all know that won't work, [i]because it's been tested[/i] and yet people still keep suggesting it. Comp tf2 is great as it is, and perhaps a better system can be organised, in which case great, go ahead, but in the meantime don't fix what ain't broken, please.[/quote]
To be honest I think pick/ban was the compromise to let competitive keep the format while potentially getting official support, and an ingenious one at that. Comp players get enough bans to keep the real meta changing stuff out - wrangler, GRU, etc, but it still relates to the wider game and allows Valve to implement something that appeals to everyone and helps their bottom line whilst keeping the 6v6 meta relatively stable as we like it.

In practice it was always going to be less fun for the established community than just controlling the whitelist to control the game mode, so without the obvious payoff of in-game support and a simple system for doing it (i.e. no plugin or anything) it just seems like a pointless barrier that doesn't change much. But not changing much was part of the point.

If Valve really want the ban data to identify and make changes to unpopular weapons it still might be part of whatever is coming, if and when it does come.
-3 Frags +

I have never seen this many nerd essays. Just play the game. Ez. It's not gonna just disappear.

I have never seen this many nerd essays. Just play the game. Ez. It's not gonna just disappear.
4 Frags +
GentlemanJonTo be honest I think pick/ban was the compromise to let competitive keep the format while potentially getting official support, and an ingenious one at that. Comp players get enough bans to keep the real meta changing stuff out - wrangler, GRU, etc, but it still relates to the wider game and allows Valve to implement something that appeals to everyone and helps their bottom line whilst keeping the 6v6 meta relatively stable as we like it.

In practice it was always going to be less fun for the established community than just controlling the whitelist to control the game mode, so without the obvious payoff of in-game support and a simple system for doing it (i.e. no plugin or anything) it just seems like a pointless barrier that doesn't change much. But not changing much was part of the point.

If Valve really want the ban data to identify and make changes to unpopular weapons it still might be part of whatever is coming, if and when it does come.

Again, I have to agree with you. This is how I felt originally when I heard the idea and with support from valve it might actually work, although everything I've heard about it suggested it was basically just another delay to the start of the matches that is pretty much pointless if you just used a common whitelist in the first place. I'm just not even interested in 'ifs' about Valve support, if they annouce that they will sponsor comp then great, these things can change, but in the meantime given that it's unlikely pick/ban is pretty useless.

Perhaps if the ridiculous weapons actually ever got balanced...

To be honest I think pick/ban was the compromise to let competitive keep the format while potentially getting official support, and an ingenious one at that. Comp players get enough bans to keep the real meta changing stuff out - wrangler, GRU, etc, but it still relates to the wider game and allows Valve to implement something that appeals to everyone and helps their bottom line whilst keeping the 6v6 meta relatively stable as we like it.

In practice it was always going to be less fun for the established community than just controlling the whitelist to control the game mode, so without the obvious payoff of in-game support and a simple system for doing it (i.e. no plugin or anything) it just seems like a pointless barrier that doesn't change much. But not changing much was part of the point.

If Valve really want the ban data to identify and make changes to unpopular weapons it still might be part of whatever is coming, if and when it does come.[/quote]
Again, I have to agree with you. This is how I felt originally when I heard the idea and with support from valve it might actually work, although everything I've heard about it suggested it was basically just another delay to the start of the matches that is pretty much pointless if you just used a common whitelist in the first place. I'm just not even interested in 'ifs' about Valve support, if they annouce that they will sponsor comp then great, these things can change, but in the meantime given that it's unlikely pick/ban is pretty useless.

Perhaps if the ridiculous weapons actually ever got balanced...
1 Frags +
nopeAgain, I have to agree with you. This is how I felt originally when I heard the idea and with support from valve it might actually work, although everything I've heard about it suggested it was basically just another delay to the start of the matches that is pretty much pointless if you just used a common whitelist in the first place. I'm just not even interested in 'ifs' about Valve support, if they annouce that they will sponsor comp then great, these things can change, but in the meantime given that it's unlikely pick/ban is pretty useless.

Perhaps if the ridiculous weapons actually ever got balanced...

Yeah, it's actions that count. It's probably better if they just get on with it - either they think it has value or not and if it happens all the better. Although I've just had an evil idea, maybe they wanted to sell bans to monetise the format :D

[quote=nope]Again, I have to agree with you. This is how I felt originally when I heard the idea and with support from valve it might actually work, although everything I've heard about it suggested it was basically just another delay to the start of the matches that is pretty much pointless if you just used a common whitelist in the first place. I'm just not even interested in 'ifs' about Valve support, if they annouce that they will sponsor comp then great, these things can change, but in the meantime given that it's unlikely pick/ban is pretty useless.

Perhaps if the ridiculous weapons actually ever got balanced...[/quote]
Yeah, it's actions that count. It's probably better if they just get on with it - either they think it has value or not and if it happens all the better. Although I've just had an evil idea, maybe they wanted to sell bans to monetise the format :D
9 Frags +

While Lange's frustration is valid, his commitment in time and money can stop, but leaving the game as a whole doesn't have to happen and he said himself he'll be sticking around. Interviews of our invite players even responded to questions of competitive TF2 and the state it's in. None of them seemed concerned with that at all, they just wanted to play.

Making competitive TF2 happen is just about playing. Play the game. Because whether we have our veterans leave or not, as long as the player base grows, so will the chances of competitive TF2. And as far as exposure; Lang might of said it isn't about going to "shtty lans" but GXL made this happen;


and then it turned into;


We are growing, even if it is a small growth, it's still happening; just maybe not as fast as we hope it would. Sure if you're dropping money into production you're going to want your efforts be recognized. The thing is; it is. His opinion is the one we're talking about here. He might want a response back from Valve; and he might not get it. But we're listening. Fucking video games man.

While Lange's frustration is valid, his commitment in time and money can stop, but leaving the game as a whole doesn't have to happen and he said himself he'll be sticking around. Interviews of our invite players even responded to questions of competitive TF2 and the state it's in. None of them seemed concerned with that at all, they just wanted to play.

Making competitive TF2 happen is just about playing. Play the game. Because whether we have our veterans leave or not, as long as the player base grows, so will the chances of competitive TF2. And as far as exposure; Lang might of said it isn't about going to "shtty lans" but GXL made this happen;


and then it turned into;


We are growing, even if it is a small growth, it's still happening; just maybe not as fast as we hope it would. Sure if you're dropping money into production you're going to want your efforts be recognized. The thing is; it is. His opinion is the one we're talking about here. He might want a response back from Valve; and he might not get it. But we're listening. Fucking video games man.
10 Frags +

Did TF2 die when 4Kings (Relic), Epsilon or CanFo left? You'll be just ok Americanas :P

Did TF2 die when 4Kings (Relic), Epsilon or CanFo left? You'll be just ok Americanas :P
2 Frags +
GentlemanJonAlthough I've just had an evil idea, maybe they wanted to sell bans to monetise the format :D

Oh no...

[quote=GentlemanJon]Although I've just had an evil idea, maybe they wanted to sell bans to monetise the format :D[/quote]
Oh no...
8 Frags +

fuck cs go

fuck cs go
-2 Frags +

this thread is even better to read with this music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBk6228JekI

this thread is even better to read with this music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBk6228JekI
1 Frags +

I really feel for Lange. He's done so much for the community and trying to help it grow and it's not just him but a fairly large group of other community and streaming people. Lange did great work with MGE and all it's iterations. Lange has also worked a lot on his plugins and stream set up and broadcasting stuff so that comp tf2 can look more professional. If lange is behind it you can expect and trust quality work that he pours into the game. And he's just not able to see it come to fruition.

CEVO is out, ESEA is dwindling, and no one takes UGC seriously. NA tf2 is surely on the decline without a boost from Valve or more people just going out and playing the game. To add to that the letter surely included something on Matchmaking or something like that. Which both CSGO and Dota2 have. Just Valve doesn't want to port this over. Whether or not they have the time and resources for it, they just won't work together with the comp scene.

Also, it comes back to bite when Valve used to seem to support the comp scene by giving the "head nod" by giving a community item to the people who were making things happen. https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/List_of_Community_item_owners

Surely those community weapons were given as recognition during the earlier comp days and it was taken as support from Valve and now Valve doesn't want anything to do with the comp scene.

At the end of the day, the tf2 comp scene just needs to have people play the game.

I really feel for Lange. He's done so much for the community and trying to help it grow and it's not just him but a fairly large group of other community and streaming people. Lange did great work with MGE and all it's iterations. Lange has also worked a lot on his plugins and stream set up and broadcasting stuff so that comp tf2 can look more professional. If lange is behind it you can expect and trust quality work that he pours into the game. And he's just not able to see it come to fruition.

CEVO is out, ESEA is dwindling, and no one takes UGC seriously. NA tf2 is surely on the decline without a boost from Valve or more people just going out and playing the game. To add to that the letter surely included something on Matchmaking or something like that. Which both CSGO and Dota2 have. Just Valve doesn't want to port this over. Whether or not they have the time and resources for it, they just won't work together with the comp scene.

Also, it comes back to bite when Valve used to seem to support the comp scene by giving the "head nod" by giving a community item to the people who were making things happen. https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/List_of_Community_item_owners

Surely those community weapons were given as recognition during the earlier comp days and it was taken as support from Valve and now Valve doesn't want anything to do with the comp scene.

At the end of the day, the tf2 comp scene just needs to have people play the game.
79 Frags +

TF2 in 2015:

  • Legitimate chance of getting official competitive matchmaking
  • Saloon.tf will be released
  • Huge TF2Center update will be released
  • Huge Logs.tf update will be released
  • ETF2L Season 20 about to be most exciting one in years (lots of improvements)
  • ESEA Season 18 confirmed
  • i55 confirmed
  • A tournament with 2200+ completely NEW players just finished (Highlander Open)
  • Competitive player numbers still growing (Source: logs.tf monthly stats)
  • Concurrent players peaking in Steam lately
  • We have a proper professional streamer :p
  • EU pugging at all time high currently (TF2Pickup.net)
  • Stream viewer counts still growing
TF2 in 2015:

[*] Legitimate chance of getting official competitive matchmaking
[*] Saloon.tf will be released
[*] Huge TF2Center update will be released
[*] Huge Logs.tf update will be released
[*] ETF2L Season 20 about to be most exciting one in years (lots of improvements)
[*] ESEA Season 18 confirmed
[*] i55 confirmed
[*] A tournament with 2200+ completely NEW players just finished (Highlander Open)
[*] Competitive player numbers still growing (Source: logs.tf monthly stats)
[*] Concurrent players peaking in Steam lately
[*] We have a proper professional streamer :p
[*] EU pugging at all time high currently (TF2Pickup.net)
[*] Stream viewer counts still growing
14 Frags +


13 Frags +
zooobTF2 in 2015:
  • Legitimate chance of getting official competitive matchmaking
  • Saloon.tf will be released
  • Huge TF2Center update will be released
  • Huge Logs.tf update will be released
  • ETF2L Season 20 about to be most exciting one in years (lots of improvements)
  • ESEA Season 18 confirmed
  • i55 confirmed
  • A tournament with 2200+ completely NEW players just finished (Highlander Open)
  • Competitive player numbers still growing (Source: logs.tf monthly stats)
  • Concurrent players peaking in Steam lately
  • We have a proper professional streamer :p
  • EU pugging at all time high currently (TF2Pickup.net)
  • Stream viewer counts still growing

Seeing someone as enthusiastic as you warms my heart, as I feel I'm not the only one still hoping.
TF2 isn't close to die, we (the comp scene) have been on our own since the first ever official match of TF2, there's no reason for it to suddenly stop.

Keep it coming boyz

[quote=zooob]TF2 in 2015:

[*] Legitimate chance of getting official competitive matchmaking
[*] Saloon.tf will be released
[*] Huge TF2Center update will be released
[*] Huge Logs.tf update will be released
[*] ETF2L Season 20 about to be most exciting one in years (lots of improvements)
[*] ESEA Season 18 confirmed
[*] i55 confirmed
[*] A tournament with 2200+ completely NEW players just finished (Highlander Open)
[*] Competitive player numbers still growing (Source: logs.tf monthly stats)
[*] Concurrent players peaking in Steam lately
[*] We have a proper professional streamer :p
[*] EU pugging at all time high currently (TF2Pickup.net)
[*] Stream viewer counts still growing

Seeing someone as enthusiastic as you warms my heart, as I feel I'm not the only one still hoping.
TF2 isn't close to die, we (the comp scene) have been on our own since the first ever official match of TF2, there's no reason for it to suddenly stop.

Keep it coming boyz
21 Frags +
x3fuck cs go


[quote=x3]fuck cs go[/quote]

7 Frags +

did we ever consider source2 tf2?

valve could do something with tf2 in source2 and then maybe we could have a properly supported video game

did we ever consider source2 tf2?

valve could do something with tf2 in source2 and then maybe we could have a properly supported video game
9 Frags +

The hardest part of competitive tf2 to me is having a life. I've been trying to get into it for about a year now, but I just don't have the time to dedicate multiple evenings per week to tf2, courtesy of uni, gf and an active group of friends that already think I'm a gaming addict every now and then. Let alone enough time to practice my dm enough to actually hit someone. Tf2center is the furthest I've got so far.

So I'll have to stick to watching streams, vods and youtube and I just want to say: I love them!

Thank you Lange for your amazing production work, your amazing streams (probably the American stream I've watched most) and for your incredibly contagious enthusiasm! And while I'm at it, thanks to everyone creating this amazing viewer experience for fans like me: Admirable for being the greatest potato ever to grace this earth with their presence. Sideshow for being hilariously crazy. GentlemanJon (and indirectly Zoob) for the only statistics I've ever enjoyed (can you be my new statistics professor?). And all the people I can't even think of right now for their amazing contributions.

I don't see this community dieing soon, as long as we have gorgeous gamers like Admirable, Sideshow, Jon, Zoob, etc. I can only hope someone can fill in the enormous gap you leave behind Lange, you were the gorgeousest of gamers!

The hardest part of competitive tf2 to me is having a life. I've been trying to get into it for about a year now, but I just don't have the time to dedicate multiple evenings per week to tf2, courtesy of uni, gf and an active group of friends that already think I'm a gaming addict every now and then. Let alone enough time to practice my dm enough to actually hit someone. Tf2center is the furthest I've got so far.

So I'll have to stick to watching streams, vods and youtube and I just want to say: I love them!

Thank you Lange for your amazing production work, your amazing streams (probably the American stream I've watched most) and for your incredibly contagious enthusiasm! And while I'm at it, thanks to everyone creating this amazing viewer experience for fans like me: Admirable for being the greatest potato ever to grace this earth with their presence. Sideshow for being hilariously crazy. GentlemanJon (and indirectly Zoob) for the only statistics I've ever enjoyed (can you be my new statistics professor?). And all the people I can't even think of right now for their amazing contributions.

I don't see this community dieing soon, as long as we have gorgeous gamers like Admirable, Sideshow, Jon, Zoob, etc. I can only hope someone can fill in the enormous gap you leave behind Lange, you were the gorgeousest of gamers!
5 Frags +


30 Frags +

It's actually pretty simple, as one of the oldest gamers on this forum, and someone who played I'd estimate in over 300 matches in competitive TFC, I've seen this process before.

The game "dies" when a proper arena shooter can replace it. Not when legends retire. Gamers come and go, that's how it works. Perhaps the "height" of TF2 is well in the past, and maybe even TF2 ESEA dies off, but the comp scene will continue on.

Comp TFC died the week Fortress Forever and TF2 were released.

Comp TF2 will "die" the day a better multi class fast paced shooter is released. Brink wasn't good enough game. Perhaps Overwatch will be or a new Unreal Tournament. Perhaps it will be TF3 in 3 years. CSGO has certainly impacted the player base to some degree, but not enough to kill the comp scene, that will simply require a better game with rocket jumps.

It's actually pretty simple, as one of the oldest gamers on this forum, and someone who played I'd estimate in over 300 matches in competitive TFC, I've seen this process before.

The game "dies" when a proper arena shooter can replace it. Not when legends retire. Gamers come and go, that's how it works. Perhaps the "height" of TF2 is well in the past, and maybe even TF2 ESEA dies off, but the comp scene will continue on.

Comp TFC died the week Fortress Forever and TF2 were released.

Comp TF2 will "die" the day a better multi class fast paced shooter is released. Brink wasn't good enough game. Perhaps Overwatch will be or a new Unreal Tournament. Perhaps it will be TF3 in 3 years. CSGO has certainly impacted the player base to some degree, but not enough to kill the comp scene, that will simply require a better game with rocket jumps.
7 Frags +

Has anyone considered publishing the letter spoken of in the Lange's video and sending it repeatedly until Valve sends a response? I feel like seeing 100 messages titled 'Valve pls save our game' a day would produce some sort of statement from them.

Why was this not an open letter to begin with?

Has anyone considered publishing the letter spoken of in the Lange's video and sending it repeatedly until Valve sends a response? I feel like seeing 100 messages titled 'Valve pls save our game' a day would produce some sort of statement from them.

Why was this not an open letter to begin with?
0 Frags +

TF2 is pretty unique, though. I think a lot of the players like it and not other arena shooters. It makes me think it's unlikely people will switch games just because a new one came out

TF2 is pretty unique, though. I think a lot of the players like it and not other arena shooters. It makes me think it's unlikely people will switch games just because a new one came out
32 Frags +

I care about you, Lange <3

I care about you, Lange <3
2 Frags +
WormsHas anyone considered publishing the letter spoken of in the Lange's video and sending it repeatedly until Valve sends a response? I feel like seeing 100 messages titled 'Valve pls save our game' a day would produce some sort of statement from them.

Why was this not an open letter to begin with?

Way to land in a spam folder.

[quote=Worms]Has anyone considered publishing the letter spoken of in the Lange's video and sending it repeatedly until Valve sends a response? I feel like seeing 100 messages titled 'Valve pls save our game' a day would produce some sort of statement from them.

Why was this not an open letter to begin with?[/quote]
Way to land in a spam folder.
26 Frags +

I feel like a big thing limiting the influx of players to comp. TF2 is the elitism and toxic attitude players are met with by veterans.

-TF2center is the most popular medium between pubs and competitive
Everyone needs to stop stacking lobbies, stop screaming at the 0 lobby/500 hour medic for making your 30 minute experience worse.

How can we expect numbers to grow if people keep leaving the scene and we are ridiculing people for even ATTEMPTING to get into competitive?

I heavily go on /r/truetf2 and the amount of posts/comments made weekly about trying competitive after seeing a stream/video and getting shot down is ridiculous. The ONLY way this game can keep going is to have a great place for new players to join.

Events like the highlander open, EVL battle royale, etc, are things we should strive to have more of. Newbie mixes are great, I understand it's hard, but we have to put in the effort if we want this game to keep going.

The least anyone can do if you don't want to coach/advertise about comp. TF2 is not have a shitty attitude when it comes to new players in lobbies.

I feel like a big thing limiting the influx of players to comp. TF2 is the elitism and toxic attitude players are met with by veterans.

-TF2center is the most popular medium between pubs and competitive
Everyone needs to stop stacking lobbies, stop screaming at the 0 lobby/500 hour medic for making your 30 minute experience worse.

[b]How can we expect numbers to grow if people keep leaving the scene and we are ridiculing people for even ATTEMPTING to get into competitive? [/b]

I heavily go on /r/truetf2 and the amount of posts/comments made weekly about trying competitive after seeing a stream/video and getting shot down is ridiculous. The ONLY way this game can keep going is to have a great place for new players to join.

Events like the highlander open, EVL battle royale, etc, are things we should strive to have more of. Newbie mixes are great, I understand it's hard, but we have to put in the effort if we want this game to keep going.

The least anyone can do if you don't want to coach/advertise about comp. TF2 is not have a shitty attitude when it comes to new players in lobbies.
-1 Frags +
zooobTF2 in 2015:
  • Legitimate chance of getting official competitive matchmaking
  • Saloon.tf will be released
  • Huge TF2Center update will be released
  • Huge Logs.tf update will be released
  • ETF2L Season 20 about to be most exciting one in years (lots of improvements)
  • ESEA Season 18 confirmed
  • i55 confirmed
  • A tournament with 2200+ completely NEW players just finished (Highlander Open)
  • Competitive player numbers still growing (Source: logs.tf monthly stats)
  • Concurrent players peaking in Steam lately
  • We have a proper professional streamer :p
  • EU pugging at all time high currently (TF2Pickup.net)
  • Stream viewer counts still growing

Pretty much all of this is EU stuff or just general growth. ESEA S18 will only be confirmed if ESEA decides that there's enough players for a season. I think we'll get there, but we have to wait 20 or more days to find out. All this negativity is really caused by the barely-even-qualifies-as-an-update. I'll only be truly worried if ESEA gets less players than the last two seasons.

[quote=zooob]TF2 in 2015:

[*] Legitimate chance of getting official competitive matchmaking
[*] Saloon.tf will be released
[*] Huge TF2Center update will be released
[*] Huge Logs.tf update will be released
[*] ETF2L Season 20 about to be most exciting one in years (lots of improvements)
[*] ESEA Season 18 confirmed
[*] i55 confirmed
[*] A tournament with 2200+ completely NEW players just finished (Highlander Open)
[*] Competitive player numbers still growing (Source: logs.tf monthly stats)
[*] Concurrent players peaking in Steam lately
[*] We have a proper professional streamer :p
[*] EU pugging at all time high currently (TF2Pickup.net)
[*] Stream viewer counts still growing
Pretty much all of this is EU stuff or just general growth. ESEA S18 will only be confirmed if ESEA decides that there's enough players for a season. I think we'll get there, but we have to wait 20 or more days to find out. All this negativity is really caused by the barely-even-qualifies-as-an-update. I'll only be truly worried if ESEA gets less players than the last two seasons.
30 Frags +
tankmanYou know whats really really interesting. We split the community in half with cevo and esea. We all got upset with esea because it did all this stupid shit but in the end they provided a service and lan albeit a shitty service it was still a service that we needed and used. I feel like if we had never had that retarded cevo vs esea shitstorm that happend before the season began this game might have had atleast another year couple years or atleast would have made us a bit stronger as a community.

it's almost like everyone who wasn't a retard said that that would happen

[quote=tankman]You know whats really really interesting. We split the community in half with cevo and esea. We all got upset with esea because it did all this stupid shit but in the end they provided a service and lan albeit a shitty service it was still a service that we needed and used. I feel like if we had never had that retarded cevo vs esea shitstorm that happend before the season began this game might have had atleast another year couple years or atleast would have made us a bit stronger as a community.[/quote]

it's almost like everyone who wasn't a retard said that that would happen
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