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Signed Up November 28, 2012
Last Posted November 11, 2021 at 5:36 AM
Posts 61 (0 per day)
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#7 someone fix logs.tf in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#253 Logs.tf match stats in Projects

It should be fine now. Those logs are unfortunately unfixable because server didn't have enough space to actually save full logs files into a disk.

posted about 5 years ago
#251 Logs.tf match stats in Projects

This happened few days ago, right? Found this from serveme.tf, it should be fixed:

"Thanks for reporting the problems with the logs, the BolusBrigade machine ran out of disk space, causing the errors. Fixed now."

posted about 5 years ago
#244 Logs.tf match stats in Projects

"Early access" of log filters is now available:


Filter by title, map, gamemode or multiple players (for mutual logs) at the same time.

posted about 5 years ago
#243 Logs.tf match stats in Projects
VisHow to search for mutual logs/map names though?

Example query, latest Se7en logs:

Latest cp_cardinal logs:

API docs are also updated for new features. Next step would be to make everything accessible from the web GUI as well.

posted about 5 years ago
#240 Logs.tf match stats in Projects

August 2018 Update #1

  • Style & UX updates.
  • Fixed missing log titles.
  • Improved performance.


Note: Non-breaking changes only.

  • Enabled CORS for log data & search API.
  • Log data API: Added log title, map and uploader information.
  • Log search API: Map search added.
  • Log search API: Returns up to 10000 logs now. Default is still 1000.
  • Log search API: Added offset parameter.
  • Log search API: Added map names to results.
  • Log search API: Search for shared/mutual logs of multiple players.
  • Added new /api/v1/ endpoint URLs. Legacy URLs are still accessible.
  • Errors return proper HTTP status codes.

Known issues

  • Avatars are not currently updated.
posted about 5 years ago
#238 Logs.tf match stats in Projects
malyToday I had a couple of issues uploading logs after matches. The game plugin reported server error 500 and manual upload also failed with undefined error. I failed to upload 2 out of 3 logs I wanted to upload.

Thanks for the report. The site has received a large (mostly backend) update today which introduced some upload-related bugs. Most of them should be fixed by now.

N3voI've always thought it would be a nice addition to the website to be able to cross-search for multiple players (ie player x wants to know what logs player y and player z are both in). Now that this thread is getting bumped I'm just posting this as a suggestion, I'm not quite sure how useful of a feature it might be.

There is a hidden API for this actually, but it is too resource-intensive for public use. I might optimize it better at some point.


I didn't test dark theme myself - table borders should look better with darker themes now.

posted about 5 years ago
#145 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News

In other games, pretty much any cups bigger than Go4 are 8/16 team invitationals, so biggest cups in TF2 probably should be solid 8 team invitationals (signups should not matter then). League format has always been the main way to play for non-professional teams in esports.

If maximizing signups for sponsors is high priority, one way is to add skill tiers and involve ETF2L more heavily. Their preseason cup with Open/Mid/High/Prem tiers got 90+ signups easily.

Edit: My point is that guilting players that don't participate in these cups is a bit scummy. There are multiple valid reasons for teams deciding not to participate (that may not seem obvious for prem players). If you want high numbers for sponsors, a single huge open cup probably isn't the way to do it. Don't hate the player, hate the game etc.

This is why I said signups do not matter for this tournament, because if that's your #1 metric for success, making the cup tierless, winner-takes-it-all qualifier for a LAN does not make ANY sense. It was almost tailor-made for low signups.

posted about 8 years ago
#143 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News

Talking about other esports, these kinds of cups are almost never popular. Only a few games like CSGO, LoL and WoT seem to get respectable numbers.

Some examples:
ESL Go4SC2, 31 players
ESL Go4Dota2, 28 teams
ESL Go4Heroes, 27 teams
ESL Go4Halo, 11 teams
Zotac HotS Cup, 10 teams

posted about 8 years ago
#136 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News
kosWhat are the reasons to play ETF2L exactly? And how do they trump the reasons you just listed?

Most prestigious tournament in EU. Convenience of one match a week. Clear progression Open->Mid->High->Prem. Guaranteed high signups and an active community.

Only ESL could offer something similar, but ETF2L did everything better when it mattered. (Yes, ESL website was actually way way worse than ETF2L).

Edit: ESL has improved a lot lately though, would be nice to make something happen when the matchmaking update is released.

posted about 8 years ago
#133 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News
kosYes signups matter, as Sideshow said, do you remember those razer tournaments that they ran twice a week? I wonder why they stopped.

Frag Fest: No skill tiers. No prestige (especially with so many cups). 5 hours spent for potentially winning $12. Full Tilt taking all the money in the end anyway. Only reason to play was for supporting the game, which is why many teams signed up initially, but it's hard to sustain something on passion only (some could, but I don't blame people for giving up).

Monthly Mayhem: Mostly same issues. Confusing format. Winner-takes-it-all.

Both competitions pretty much failed in CS:GO as well.

All these organizers failed because only thing they had going for them was a (very uncertain) promise of something better. Relying on pure passion is fine, but don't expect huge signups.

posted about 8 years ago
#121 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News
kosWe missed out on ESL because...?

Because they offered inferior product. There was no reason for non-top8 teams to play because their website and AC client were absolutely terrible to use. Their prize pools were also quite low.

kosESEA also had a lack of open signups because there was only one skill division

Why play in a league that is inferior in every way compared to ETF2L, and costs money to play in? If they wanted EU division to be successful, they could have launched it with high prize pool because that's their only strength.

kosNow we are struggling to fill 32 slot cups that have bigger prize money than ETF2L prem.

Do signups really matter in a winner-takes-it-all tournament? Only top 1-3 teams can realistically win it each tournament. There are better ways to use time for lower teams.

posted about 8 years ago
#35 Mirelin is Retiring. in TF2 General Discussion
drosoMaybe a few people will come back for i55 but the season before LAN is usually the most competitive with a lot of people coming back, not the other way around.

I think next season could still be slightly better than Season 18, which was also pre-LAN. We might need another rockit again though..

posted about 9 years ago
#2919 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 9 years ago
#8 tf_matchmaking cvars in TF2 General Discussion

I'm pretty sure that these are old cvars that have been around for years and affect quickplay only.

posted about 9 years ago
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