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working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help!
posted in Projects
16 Frags +

gave me goosebumps
loved it
good job

gave me goosebumps
loved it
good job
1 Frags +

cool vid

cool vid
4 Frags +

incredible video, man now I have the itch to return and play again

incredible video, man now I have the itch to return and play again
7 Frags +

wow that ending holy crap, man these types of videos putting tears in my eyes like how tip of the hats always ends their events. so cool. thank you for this, no one can leave tf2 man it grabs me every 2-3 seasons no matter how many times i get involved with other stuff, as soon as i know i have free time im back with the same group(s) of friends and just game again.
i love the source engine
i love LANs
i love my friends

wow that ending holy crap, man these types of videos putting tears in my eyes like how tip of the hats always ends their events. so cool. thank you for this, no one can leave tf2 man it grabs me every 2-3 seasons no matter how many times i get involved with other stuff, as soon as i know i have free time im back with the same group(s) of friends and just game again.
i love the source engine
i love LANs
i love my friends
25 Frags +

i think this is my favorite tf2 documentary i've seen so far, mostly because it focused on why tf2 is fun and its not just an hour long thing about we dont get the support we deserve. My only critique is that I wish you went over what exactly the cool movement things are in tf2 like what a speedshot is and how airstrafing works

i think this is my favorite tf2 documentary i've seen so far, mostly because it focused on why tf2 is fun and its not just an hour long thing about we dont get the support we deserve. My only critique is that I wish you went over what exactly the cool movement things are in tf2 like what a speedshot is and how airstrafing works
25 Frags +
capnnofapni think this is my favorite tf2 documentary i've seen so far, mostly because it focused on why tf2 is fun and its not just an hour long thing about we dont get the support we deserve. My only critique is that I wish you went over what exactly the cool movement things are in tf2 like what a speedshot is and how airstrafing works

yeah i regret not talking more about how airstrafing works, i feel like that would've been an important foundation for ppl to work with.

i struggled a lot in the movement and strategy sections with how to demonstrate depth without it getting boring or overly explanatory for non-tf2 players, and settled on ideas that were more "show don't tell." but ur right, a section dissecting a speedshot or some other tech would've been so good and i wish i thought of it :((

but aside from that, i've been a spectator of the scene for so long and have been familiar with all these people/names in a sorta parasocial way, and it's so surreal to receive such heartfelt responses from you all. every comment i get from comp players puts a smile on my face

thank u for all the kind words, i'm glad i did a good enough job highlighting what makes this game so special

[quote=capnnofapn]i think this is my favorite tf2 documentary i've seen so far, mostly because it focused on why tf2 is fun and its not just an hour long thing about we dont get the support we deserve. My only critique is that I wish you went over what exactly the cool movement things are in tf2 like what a speedshot is and how airstrafing works[/quote]
yeah i regret not talking more about how airstrafing works, i feel like that would've been an important foundation for ppl to work with.

i struggled a lot in the movement and strategy sections with how to demonstrate depth without it getting boring or overly explanatory for non-tf2 players, and settled on ideas that were more "show don't tell." but ur right, a section dissecting a speedshot or some other tech would've been so good and i wish i thought of it :((

but aside from that, i've been a spectator of the scene for so long and have been familiar with all these people/names in a sorta parasocial way, and it's so surreal to receive such heartfelt responses from you all. every comment i get from comp players puts a smile on my face

thank u for all the kind words, i'm glad i did a good enough job highlighting what makes this game so special
10 Frags +

mane this shit fire

mane this shit fire
6 Frags +

beautiful video, congratulations

beautiful video, congratulations
5 Frags +

Beastly documentary, don't think it could be topped off. Congratulations!

Beastly documentary, don't think it could be topped off. Congratulations!
4 Frags +

one the best vids i've ever seen and I mean that

one the best vids i've ever seen and I mean that
3 Frags +

Watched it this morning, amazing video very well made. Glad to have been part of this games journey. And as another 10k'r i agree that it was my friends and the unique gameplay that kept me going that whole time. That was as a former player my favorite section of the video for sure.

Watched it this morning, amazing video very well made. Glad to have been part of this games journey. And as another 10k'r i agree that it was my friends and the unique gameplay that kept me going that whole time. That was as a former player my favorite section of the video for sure.
4 Frags +

I watched this on the toilet and it was the best shit I've ever taken.

I watched this on the toilet and it was the best shit I've ever taken.
13 Frags +

I really appreciated the way you displayed the contrast of skilled and intuitive movement against what people think is going on with just random a-d-a-d spam. Thank you for this entire video, it's wonderful.

I [b]really [/b]appreciated the way you displayed the contrast of skilled and intuitive movement against what people [i]think [/i]is going on with just random a-d-a-d spam. Thank you for this entire video, it's wonderful.
2 Frags +

vid was awesome dude, great work

vid was awesome dude, great work
4 Frags +

Who were the two scouts?

Who were the two scouts?
7 Frags +
lootWho were the two scouts?

scout 1 was a friend of mine who had like 600 hrs in tf2, scout 2 was cin

[quote=loot]Who were the two scouts?[/quote]
scout 1 was a friend of mine who had like 600 hrs in tf2, scout 2 was cin
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