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Signed Up December 29, 2015
Last Posted February 27, 2024 at 2:52 AM
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#1879 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

Delu : how much is an awp off the market?
drive : a strange awper hand or a IRL one?
[DEAD] Delu : a normal awper hand
drive : like 3-4 ref
Delu : ref?
drive : a strange one is like 30 - 40 keys
[DEAD] BigSlurp : refined metal
Delu : oh.
Milkman : how many keys for a real one
The Fairy Love Sniper : To get headshots with that gun, you need an... AWPERtunity
Delu : so every 2 guns scrapped is 1 scrap metal, right?

posted 4 months ago
#5 TF2 has a 64bit and Vulkan update in testing in TF2 General Discussion

posted 5 months ago
#11 Bring over one weapon from other game in tf2 but m in TF2 General Discussion

the pyro jetpack from Fortress Forever (free 2007 source engine remake of Team Fortress Classic) and some others

posted 6 months ago
#82 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
DolphInNWe will likely not be running PUGs until item servers are back up, but rest assured we are making great progress with fixing all the bugs!

skial's custom item server mod is able to bypass item servers being down but idk how that works

posted 6 months ago
#138 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

its crazy to think about how Palestinians are genetically more "Jewish" than the people who practice Judaism

posted 6 months ago
#38 Returning back after a year. in TF2 General Discussion
AimIsADickdelete_my_accountwhat did you do during your year long break?Learnt Esperanto and Common Lisp. I stopped programming in C++ completely, and am currently replacing any leftover scripts with common lisp.

why did you stop programming in C++ completely? and why did you switch to common lisp?

posted 7 months ago
#122 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickdelete_my_accountWhy did you learn Esperanto since you live in the U.S., Esperanto will never replace English in America.
I never said it would replace English in the U.S; you made that up. It will exist alongside English.

And learned it because I live on the fucking internet, where there are lots of multilingual players; and it's was the easiest language around. at the very least that time spend learning it wasn't as big as when I tried to learn Spanish or English.
delete_my_accountSeems like you wasted a year learning language that will never benefit you.
Don't state shit about my life, that you don't even know about! and you don't know shit about our language; you haven't read any of our works; and you make arrogant claims like that, without any evidence. cite evidence, or shut up!
^ thats my evidence

in Sam & Max save the world, there is an esperanto bookstore out of business, therefore I can't read any of your works. This also proves Esperanto and English can't coexist in America. You seem obsessed with optimization and saving time but you can't seem to realize you wasted a year (31,556,952,000 milliseconds) of your life learning a language that will never rise to global prominence

posted 7 months ago
#117 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster

Why did you learn Esperanto since you live in the U.S., Esperanto will never replace English in America.

And you will never live outside this country since you're unwilling to get a job unless your parents move. Seems like you wasted a year learning language that will never benefit you.

posted 7 months ago
#95 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickIn the description: Language Simphyperpolyglot gigachad alphaRed flags already from calling himself an "alpha male", lol. Same dude claimed mandarin is "eAsY tO lEaRn", so I already know dude's arrogant.

You seem to not understand satire. The entire description is a light hearted joke. The "5 Reasons Chinese is the Easiest Language" is a satirical video, if you read the comment section you would have realized quickly he made the video as joke.

posted 7 months ago
#92 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster

what are your thoughts on this video

posted 7 months ago
#47 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
AimIsADickIt doesn't make sense for me indeed; but I just thought it would make sense for European competitive players.

you should ask EU comp players if they think learning a new language could help them win more games instead of just thinking it could help them win more games.

make an online poll/survey asking EU players if its worth learning Esperanto, preferably in new thread since this thread is in the dumpster and won't attract much attention.

posted 7 months ago
#42 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster

the title of the thread doesn't make sense, you don't even play or watch comp tf2, so why would you even care in the first place

posted 7 months ago
#38 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster

posted 7 months ago
#23 Returning back after a year. in TF2 General Discussion

what did you do during your year long break?

posted 7 months ago
#65 Attack on Titan in Off Topic

i don't watch anime but this show was popular 10 years ago

anyway the animation, fight scenes, music and voice acting is really good but the overall story seems kinda dumb. Did they ever really explain what that worm like creature is and how transforms creatures into titans that have abilities that defy physics? The time travel made the story hard to follow and the goofy looking ass titans (like the one with a human body but labrador dog head titan) made the show hard to take seriously at times.

posted 8 months ago
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