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tftv safe space (no harassment plz)
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i saw the thread for venting your anger but i thought there might be better use for a thread where, a user can post something they want to get off their chest or open up about, not necessarily relating to anger, but any feeling at all. please use this thread as a platform for speaking your mind, but do so in a non-threatening way. im doing this because A) i think most of the people here could benefit from a form of "open therapy" if you will and B) im taking bets on how long itll be until somebody who cannot contain themselves bursts in and slings some rude words. that being said please refrain from playing devils advocate and starting some shit for no reason in this thread, you will be -'d plenty and will only succeed in embarrassing yourself in front of your peers. by all means, do try and offer some good advice to your fellow tftv posters.
i guess i will start by repenting on my previous actions in this community, and bringing myself to light. ive played tf2 since the beginning of 2009 and found out about competitive in 2010. i was 14 when i got into it and im 22 now. i remember playing leagues such as TWL and saw the first ever seasons of TF2 in CEVO and UGC. during my entire competitive career i have amounted to literally shit. whether it be a team i tried to throw together with friends or teams ive joined, ive kind of always stayed around a low/mid level at best. given how long i have played the game, how low my skill level is, and my fabulous zero achievements anywhere competitive, i would argue that i am actually the worst player competitive TF2 has seen, and im not saying that so someone will come along and go "youre not that bad!" no no... its a joke that i played this game for as long as i did. some of you might remember me briefly playing in IM with WuTang Club, however i managed that spot was by pure luck, because they desperately needed a player and for one reason or another i took that spot. i genuinely wanted to give it my all, its just that i was not good enough and not prepared. i left on the worst of terms with them making myself a fool in the process, and i dont have any qualms about people hating my guts right now, but i sincerely wish to alleviate any of those hard feelings however i can. the truth is, through the entirety of me playing this game i have witnessed so much negativity between players in this community. its prevalent in any gaming community but this is the one ive associated with for the longest and it kind of bothers me that people would cut others down when in reality, the forums are here for people to learn about the game and get better. the discussion part is just for fun. so why would you turn on your peers and be a toxic asshole? well, i should know, because i was one for the most part. ive been banned from a few of the websites this community has hosted itself on, including this one, simply because i am a lowbrow troll looking to make myself relevant since my skill (or lack of it) would never get me noticed. ive undergone a lot of change in the past few months and its making me sick to look back on who ive been, despite resenting people like ive described. i guess there is some lesson to be learned about becoming what you hate. why am i bringing this up, well, maybe someone out there on this forum was curious about my background, ive always been kind of shady in the sense that i have never stuck with a single alias since i installed steam way back when. i like to think of myself as some faceless drifter that collects garbage everywhere i go and tries to make friends, usually doing the opposite. the other reason is because i havent really had much interest in this game since the stint with IM a few seasons ago (also whoever paid for my league fees if you want your money back i will return it) and im thinking of calling it quits on video games for good. i still look at this forum sometimes because im a lonely individual trying to cling to a place ive never belonged anyway, and i think thats sad, so im going to give it a rest. im not trying to make this thread about me, if you have anything to take up with me please PM it or contact me on steam, and sorry for the essay but i guess this thread is meant for people to write lots, right?
okay tftv, your turn.

i saw the thread for venting your anger but i thought there might be better use for a thread where, a user can post something they want to get off their chest or open up about, not necessarily relating to anger, but any feeling at all. please use this thread as a platform for speaking your mind, but do so in a non-threatening way. im doing this because A) i think most of the people here could benefit from a form of "open therapy" if you will and B) im taking bets on how long itll be until somebody who cannot contain themselves bursts in and slings some rude words. that being said please refrain from playing devils advocate and starting some shit for no reason in this thread, you will be -'d plenty and will only succeed in embarrassing yourself in front of your peers. by all means, do try and offer some good advice to your fellow tftv posters.
i guess i will start by repenting on my previous actions in this community, and bringing myself to light. ive played tf2 since the beginning of 2009 and found out about competitive in 2010. i was 14 when i got into it and im 22 now. i remember playing leagues such as TWL and saw the first ever seasons of TF2 in CEVO and UGC. during my entire competitive career i have amounted to literally shit. whether it be a team i tried to throw together with friends or teams ive joined, ive kind of always stayed around a low/mid level at best. given how long i have played the game, how low my skill level is, and my fabulous zero achievements anywhere competitive, i would argue that i am actually the worst player competitive TF2 has seen, and im not saying that so someone will come along and go "youre not that bad!" no no... its a joke that i played this game for as long as i did. some of you might remember me briefly playing in IM with WuTang Club, however i managed that spot was by pure luck, because they desperately needed a player and for one reason or another i took that spot. i genuinely wanted to give it my all, its just that i was not good enough and not prepared. i left on the worst of terms with them making myself a fool in the process, and i dont have any qualms about people hating my guts right now, but i sincerely wish to alleviate any of those hard feelings however i can. the truth is, through the entirety of me playing this game i have witnessed so much negativity between players in this community. its prevalent in any gaming community but this is the one ive associated with for the longest and it kind of bothers me that people would cut others down when in reality, the forums are here for people to learn about the game and get better. the discussion part is just for fun. so why would you turn on your peers and be a toxic asshole? well, i should know, because i was one for the most part. ive been banned from a few of the websites this community has hosted itself on, including this one, simply because i am a lowbrow troll looking to make myself relevant since my skill (or lack of it) would never get me noticed. ive undergone a lot of change in the past few months and its making me sick to look back on who ive been, despite resenting people like ive described. i guess there is some lesson to be learned about becoming what you hate. why am i bringing this up, well, maybe someone out there on this forum was curious about my background, ive always been kind of shady in the sense that i have never stuck with a single alias since i installed steam way back when. i like to think of myself as some faceless drifter that collects garbage everywhere i go and tries to make friends, usually doing the opposite. the other reason is because i havent really had much interest in this game since the stint with IM a few seasons ago (also whoever paid for my league fees if you want your money back i will return it) and im thinking of calling it quits on video games for good. i still look at this forum sometimes because im a lonely individual trying to cling to a place ive never belonged anyway, and i think thats sad, so im going to give it a rest. im not trying to make this thread about me, if you have anything to take up with me please PM it or contact me on steam, and sorry for the essay but i guess this thread is meant for people to write lots, right?
okay tftv, your turn.
177 Frags +

im gay and i watch anime

im gay and i watch anime
14 Frags +

also, i know my existence is pathetic, you dont have to tell me, lets just not derail this thread and turn it into every other cesspool of profanities this forum already has, ok? the community is dwindling and i am trying to do something good here that will keep people together. if you have any shit to fling at me please direct it to my inbox or on steam.

also, i know my existence is pathetic, you dont have to tell me, lets just not derail this thread and turn it into every other cesspool of profanities this forum already has, ok? the community is dwindling and i am trying to do something good here that will keep people together. if you have any shit to fling at me please direct it to my inbox or on steam.
6 Frags +
fen_im gay and i watch anime

theres nothing wrong with that

[quote=fen_]im gay and i watch anime[/quote]
theres nothing wrong with that
53 Frags +

i play pyro

i play pyro
23 Frags +

i think everyone i know secretly hates me

i think everyone i know secretly hates me
35 Frags +

i miss harambe...

i miss harambe...
56 Frags +

dating makes me wish i was gay

dating makes me wish i was gay
3 Frags +

Hey guys, I think all of the posts suit the vent your anger thread more tbh u just need to phrase it negatively

Hey guys, I think all of the posts suit the vent your anger thread more tbh u just need to phrase it negatively
-58 Frags +

harambe deserved to die, my only wish is that it was more painful

harambe deserved to die, my only wish is that it was more painful
4 Frags +

well its not exactly what i expected but no one is throwing shade yet so thats good...

well its not exactly what i expected but no one is throwing shade yet so thats good...
8 Frags +

Pankeyman is actually my alt

Pankeyman is actually my alt
24 Frags +

i hate Liberals

i hate Liberals
8 Frags +

i don't know why exactly but people just hate me, like i used to be really fucking annoying back in my ugc days but right now i'm completly fine and somewhat mature and i only meme when i'm with people i know.

i've been banned in 2 pug groups that i have never played in because of "bad rep" and i got denied a tryout because of the same thing, people used to call me toxic and shit but imo i'm only toxic when everyone else is toxic, if i could be everyone's friend i would be completlly fine with that.

i don't know why exactly but people just hate me, like i used to be really fucking annoying back in my ugc days but right now i'm completly fine and somewhat mature and i only meme when i'm with people i know.

i've been banned in 2 pug groups that i have never played in because of "bad rep" and i got denied a tryout because of the same thing, people used to call me toxic and shit but imo i'm only toxic when everyone else is toxic, if i could be everyone's friend i would be completlly fine with that.
-20 Frags +

why did I write this cringe

why did I write this cringe
1 Frags +
BazingaBarry82i hate Liberals
[quote=BazingaBarry82]i hate Liberals[/quote]
-18 Frags +

im a gay furry

im a gay furry
-2 Frags +

suicide feels like The Only Option

suicide feels like The Only Option
13 Frags +

I am one of someone's 4 alts because I don't like shitposting on my main

I am one of someone's 4 alts because I don't like shitposting on my main
1 Frags +
wtzHey guys, I think all of the posts suit the vent your anger thread more tbh u just need to phrase it negatively

isnt this and the vent ur anger thread basically unpopular opinions only its more than just tf2

[quote=wtz]Hey guys, I think all of the posts suit the vent your anger thread more tbh u just need to phrase it negatively[/quote]

isnt this and the vent ur anger thread basically unpopular opinions only its more than just tf2
11 Frags +

honestly dude looking back on it cheating was fucking retarded and i sucked with cheats too

it also makes the game boring as fuck when ur not cheating, i haven't played any games in like two months bc i just sort of stopped finding enjoyment in games whatsoever + irl reasons (i mean i could buy a mouse and play on my macbook but i really don't care enough to tbh) maybe it'll be interesting again after a long time when i go back home and try playing again but honestly i'm so fucking bored all the time and idk

honestly dude looking back on it cheating was fucking retarded and i sucked with cheats too

it also makes the game boring as fuck when ur not cheating, i haven't played any games in like two months bc i just sort of stopped finding enjoyment in games whatsoever + irl reasons (i mean i could buy a mouse and play on my macbook but i really don't care enough to tbh) maybe it'll be interesting again after a long time when i go back home and try playing again but honestly i'm so fucking bored all the time and idk
50 Frags +

I have awful grades and i feel like i might fail high school due to a huge lack of interest and i feel bad for my family because they know i am capable of doing very well.

I have awful grades and i feel like i might fail high school due to a huge lack of interest and i feel bad for my family because they know i am capable of doing very well.
-126 Frags +
gabbysuicide feels like The Only Option

you should do it my friend :-)

[quote=gabby]suicide feels like The Only Option[/quote]

you should do it my friend :-)
-87 Frags +
yahoogabbysuicide feels like The Only Option
you should do it my friend :-)


[quote=yahoo][quote=gabby]suicide feels like The Only Option[/quote]

you should do it my friend :-)[/quote]

66 Frags +


anime is superior to furries

anime is superior to furries
0 Frags +

i'm retarded

i'm retarded
-10 Frags +
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUNdo try and offer some good advice to your fellow tftv postersyahoogabbysuicide feels like The Only Option
you should do it my friend :-)

he did it

[quote=ILLEGALELEPHANTGUN]do try and offer some good advice to your fellow tftv posters[/quote]

[quote=yahoo][quote=gabby]suicide feels like The Only Option[/quote]

you should do it my friend :-)[/quote]

he did it
19 Frags +

It doesn't matter what i do; I just can't seem to improve. I've tried just about anything I can to do better but I still feel like i'm a lost cause. I've watched my peers from many years ago get so far in this game while I can't even get tryouts on a team. I've tried to be the best person i could in any pug I play in, anyone i hang out with, etc. and even though I sometimes lose my temper I still can't even fucking get a tryout, while there's people with awful reputation/attitude getting on amazing teams. For season 23, I've had only two tryouts. I've asked multiple people to see if I could try out just to be told "uhh yea we'll get u a tryout" and then never talk to me again. It really just makes me wonder why i'm still playing this game because it seems like i'm just wasting my time. I've had people i hang out with make teams with other friends from the same group but never ask me because i'm not good and even though i've spent the last ~year trying to improve i still feel like i'm shit. and to top all of this off i have a douchebag brother who has literally fucked my internet over on purpose when i played an ESEA match, and there isn't any way that i can pay for myself on ESEA due to my father believing that i'm stupid for trying to play this game still. I've had the community of the game pay for me for the two seasons i have played, and because i'm 14 there really isn't a lot of ways for me to get money. oh and i fucking suck at school so i got that going for me

It doesn't matter what i do; I just can't seem to improve. I've tried just about anything I can to do better but I still feel like i'm a lost cause. I've watched my peers from many years ago get so far in this game while I can't even get tryouts on a team. I've tried to be the best person i could in any pug I play in, anyone i hang out with, etc. and even though I sometimes lose my temper I still can't even fucking get a tryout, while there's people with awful reputation/attitude getting on amazing teams. For season 23, I've had only two tryouts. I've asked multiple people to see if I could try out just to be told "uhh yea we'll get u a tryout" and then never talk to me again. It really just makes me wonder why i'm still playing this game because it seems like i'm just wasting my time. I've had people i hang out with make teams with other friends from the same group but never ask me because i'm not good and even though i've spent the last ~year trying to improve i still feel like i'm shit. and to top all of this off i have a douchebag brother who has literally fucked my internet over [b]on purpose[/b] when i played an ESEA match, and there isn't any way that i can pay for myself on ESEA due to my father believing that i'm stupid for trying to play this game still. I've had the community of the game pay for me for the two seasons i have played, and because i'm 14 there really isn't a lot of ways for me to get money. oh and i fucking suck at school so i got that going for me
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im not asian

im not asian
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 18
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