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best pub quotes
-3 Frags +

kool_aid_man : blu team makes me wanna commit tide pod in mouth

kool_aid_man : blu team makes me wanna commit tide pod in mouth
1 Frags +


26 Frags +

EdgyRick : okay this game is broke
EdgyRick : no one has anime PFPs
EdgyRick : how am I supposed to tell which team will win

EdgyRick : okay this game is broke
EdgyRick : no one has anime PFPs
EdgyRick : how am I supposed to tell which team will win
14 Frags +


58 Frags +


2 Frags +

The Vindicator : as the top scorerer of red, let me say, we suck

The Vindicator : as the top scorerer of red, let me say, we suck
20 Frags +

{602} Kickballhead : if bitches aint shit
{602} Kickballhead : how they get rid of they poop

{602} Kickballhead : if bitches aint shit
{602} Kickballhead : how they get rid of they poop
4 Frags +

secret lab : you mare mean
secret lab : are
secret lab : and a cock sucker
Rattlesnake Jake : :D
secret lab : ahahahahaah
secret lab : hahahahah
secret lab : yeah
WiG-PuSHeR : yeah you sure showed him
secret lab : i killed your mom
secret lab : as well
secret lab : and ate her skin

secret lab : you mare mean
secret lab : are
secret lab : and a cock sucker
Rattlesnake Jake : :D
secret lab : ahahahahaah
secret lab : hahahahah
secret lab : yeah
WiG-PuSHeR : yeah you sure showed him
secret lab : i killed your mom
secret lab : as well
secret lab : and ate her skin
1 Frags +

wood : tf when we get to defend
Snorkzilla : rip
(Voice) DownByTheLiqourStore.: MEDIC!
dakotarolls has joined the game
jake the peg has joined the game
wood : o shiut
wood joined team RED
wood was moved to the other team for game balance
wood : FUCK
wood : lol

wood : tf when we get to defend
Snorkzilla : rip
(Voice) DownByTheLiqourStore.: MEDIC!
dakotarolls has joined the game
jake the peg has joined the game
wood : o shiut
wood joined team RED
wood was moved to the other team for game balance
wood : FUCK
wood : lol
10 Frags +

Maldoror : reyylin...a pathetic lifeless virgin scumbag

Maldoror : reyylin...a pathetic lifeless virgin scumbag
2 Frags +

*DEAD* Transitioning AH 6 Chopper : thanks volvo
Transitioning AH 6 Chopper : im stopping every 2 seconds
Transitioning AH 6 Chopper : Its like a fucking powerpoint

*DEAD* Transitioning AH 6 Chopper : thanks volvo
Transitioning AH 6 Chopper : im stopping every 2 seconds
Transitioning AH 6 Chopper : Its like a fucking powerpoint
19 Frags +

*DEAD* jbig : flat girls are nice cuz when u lick their tits it feels like licking a boy's tits

*DEAD* jbig : flat girls are nice cuz when u lick their tits it feels like licking a boy's tits
1 Frags +

*SPEC* Nett Maza : he has silent aimbot enabled with his outdated lmaobox stuff. so hes bad at the game in reality

*DEAD* Emperor Under Cover | : Look someone with some real Highlander material killing a friendly!

silver : spwan camping bitch

*SPEC* Nett Maza : he has silent aimbot enabled with his outdated lmaobox stuff. so hes bad at the game in reality

*DEAD* Emperor Under Cover | : Look someone with some real Highlander material killing a friendly!

silver : spwan camping bitch
35 Frags +


-6 Frags +

[TopHat] Miles : fucky oumedic you stuid peic eof bat shit]

[WALMART] Matt : Women should be in the kitchen
Stankey Dankey : implying women exist
sweaty nutsack : what about trans women
Stankey Dankey : implying thats a woman
[WALMART] Matt : Trans women should kill themselves

*DEAD* calamitycaleter : NICE HACKS
*DEAD* calamitycaleter : I WOULD KIL YOu

G4M3BØϔ : Why did we get match-made with the best players in the entirety of tf2

[TopHat] Miles : fucky oumedic you stuid peic eof bat shit]

[WALMART] Matt : Women should be in the kitchen
Stankey Dankey : implying women exist
sweaty nutsack : what about trans women
Stankey Dankey : implying thats a woman
[WALMART] Matt : Trans women should kill themselves

*DEAD* calamitycaleter : NICE HACKS
*DEAD* calamitycaleter : I WOULD KIL YOu

G4M3BØϔ : Why did we get match-made with the best players in the entirety of tf2
5 Frags +

don404071 : HOW DO I CHANGE HERO

don404071 : HOW DO I CHANGE HERO
-1 Frags +


3 Frags +

bad : surfs up dude
*DEAD* bad : dont pee on me

wheelerrr : i finally got my first kill
*DEAD* wheelerrr : nice

bad : surfs up dude
*DEAD* bad : dont pee on me

wheelerrr : i finally got my first kill
*DEAD* wheelerrr : nice
14 Frags +

wax : ok im gonna play a diff class
wax : what class should i play schmeat
packing schmeat : why dont you play a different game called 'in traffic'

wax : ok im gonna play a diff class
wax : what class should i play schmeat
packing schmeat : why dont you play a different game called 'in traffic'
44 Frags +

*DEAD*(TEAM) Techpriest #24462 : CART AT RISK

steven.minecraft.2013 : I've been maining Heavy for 18 months, I know when a Spy's after me

jamesczarny007 : got grenade guys and rocket guys up top

Muggsy : I wish afk players were autokicked. They're now using voting players off to make money

(TEAM) ☭-series : i hate to sound strategic but they are doing a pincer movement on b

*DEAD*(TEAM) Techpriest #24462 : CART AT RISK

steven.minecraft.2013 : I've been maining Heavy for 18 months, I know when a Spy's after me

jamesczarny007 : got grenade guys and rocket guys up top

Muggsy : I wish afk players were autokicked. They're now using voting players off to make money

(TEAM) ☭-series : i hate to sound strategic but they are doing a pincer movement on b
2 Frags +


21 Frags +

*SPEC* jakegamer123 : imagine how many balkan kids wouldnt populate tf2 if it was still 12 quid

*SPEC* jakegamer123 : imagine how many balkan kids wouldnt populate tf2 if it was still 12 quid
4 Frags +

H-Hobl [ ©Z : BIG NOOB donki go fuck - i reporting a send video to walve - bay stupid kid - go neu acount :)))))

H-Hobl [ ©Z : BIG NOOB donki go fuck - i reporting a send video to walve - bay stupid kid - go neu acount :)))))
23 Frags +

Sexlexia : the mod that changes soldier from saying maggots to faggots is a good one

Sexlexia : the mod that changes soldier from saying maggots to faggots is a good one
9 Frags +

I present to you: the nightmare, a very salty spy man I met in a dustbowl pub


I present to you: the nightmare, a very salty spy man I met in a dustbowl pub
5 Frags +

micetice12 : CHRIST IS GOOD
micetice12 : halejua

micetice12 : CHRIST IS GOOD
micetice12 : halejua
-2 Frags +

Technolate : put that sniper rifle up your ass you absolute human bean
Technolate : where did you earn your skill

Technolate : put that sniper rifle up your ass you absolute human bean
Technolate : where did you earn your skill
5 Frags +

gamer xxx : does the other have ugc players while we have afks

gamer xxx : does the other have ugc players while we have afks
2 Frags +

(TEAM) _Th3_XJIe6yLLIeK_ : Guys i am a good spy present i have a lags

(TEAM) _Th3_XJIe6yLLIeK_ : Guys i am a good spy present i have a lags
4 Frags +

Practice or Stagnate : How many pussys will be hiding in corners as Spy and behind sentries today?
(Voice) Bananameep: Thanks!
Practice or Stagnate : Lets find out who is bad at TF2!

Practice or Stagnate : How many pussys will be hiding in corners as Spy and behind sentries today?
(Voice) Bananameep: Thanks!
Practice or Stagnate : Lets find out who is bad at TF2!
1 ⋅⋅ 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ⋅⋅ 64
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