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Signed Up May 27, 2016
Last Posted May 2, 2024 at 6:23 PM
Posts 1599 (0.5 per day)
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Headphones Logitech G35
Monitor MG248Q
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 106
#28 The Final Thread / 05/01/24 in TF2 General Discussion

whos he talking to

posted 2 months ago
#12 I think it’s time for a new league in TF2 General Discussion


posted 2 months ago
#3 SWAGTOWN - Vanilla TF2 Community Server in TF2 General Discussion

mod me

posted 2 months ago
#12 why dont the youth like quake? in Off Topic

not enough shiny shit, harder barrier of entry to get good

posted 3 months ago
#6969 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

edit: figured it out myself! nvm

posted 3 months ago
#1447 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

hey fellas what hud is this?

edit: ty chitinlink 4 the help!

posted 3 months ago
#17 No girls ever in any tf2 games? in TF2 General Discussion

u were saying?

posted 3 months ago
#14 best frag movies? in TF2 General Discussion
SicariusAlways been PREM for me

prem might be /THE/ tf2 frag movie. its timeless

posted 3 months ago
#4 Songs you only associate with TF2 in Off Topic

propane nightmares

posted 3 months ago
#34 whats ur fav underrated TF2 map in TF2 General Discussion

been thinking and honestly arena_watchtower kinda fucks, its super underrated and is fun to play

i miss arena :(

posted 3 months ago
#30 whats ur fav underrated TF2 map in TF2 General Discussion

very happy to see some fellow hydro enjoyers :] 1 of my fav maps of all time

posted 3 months ago
#18 whats ur fav underrated TF2 map in TF2 General Discussion

Completely agree on Cactus Canyon, it was one of those maps where the fun of playing it completely overshadowed any of its balance issues. It's a real bummer it was never finished :(

posted 3 months ago
#3 whats ur fav underrated TF2 map in TF2 General Discussion
Wild_Rumpuskoth_nucleus is the best pub map and its not even that close
bananabay is also very fun i like divebombing the enemy spawn from the train

nucleus is up there for pub fun for sure but PLR_Pipeline is the best pub map IMO

posted 3 months ago
#1 whats ur fav underrated TF2 map in TF2 General Discussion

I'm an major map enjoyer, LOVER even but if I had to pick a single map thats underrated that i luv i'd have to pick CP_STANDIN

I think it's a really good looking map and fun to play, it's also really cozy I think.

wbu wats urs


posted 3 months ago
#20 RGL: Reiterating AC Policies in TF2 General Discussion

i like that this is only a problem in this game, in other games they ban u and if ur cleared ur unbanned and if ur not cleared u stay banned

i also like that its always people obviously cheating yet it still takes a decade for them to be banned (cukei is somehow still not banned)

posted 3 months ago
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