apparently kho is the medic so like in theory who cares but if it were a scout player it could be VERY consequential on a mid wipe-> last hold scenario where you want the gun up as soon as possible. if your engi-banned scout player is up like a whole respawn wave before the other scout then you’re way slower to have a gun up on last, making losing the round much more likely. (also if your medic player is on engi then u just like… dont have a medic..? or you have a non-medic player on medic to cover the spot which just sounds like a disaster if you want to swap back.)
restricting sniper players off of sniper (see: yosh in adv i believe) is fine because there are objectively much better defensive classes (engi, heavy) that should typically be prioritized first, and in an offensive position it is much easier to set up for a non-sniper-restricted player to be the one offclassing. a disproportionately good sniper player can rip an IM team to shreds and ruin the game for them. a disproportionately good engineer player in a 6s context is a scout player who recognizes that they need to be on engineer instead of scout. one of these things is not at all like the other.
the same logic applies for pyro/heavy. there are objectively powerful and standard usecases for these classes (holding last) where banning a player cuz theyre good at them in highlander is potentially round (and therefore match) losing for a team. this is not a healthy environment for learning the game if that’s the reason for restricting them. these classes are not game breaking 6s classes. teams playing these classes full-time will not benefit from having a good HL player on their team on these classes.
spy players should never be restricted.
TLDR: on principle banning HL players from playing pyro heavy engi spy is objectively stupid because these classes have very little impact on 6s gameplay in the way that the standard 4 classes do. having a “good” vs “bad” heavy/pyro/engi player has very little bearing on the success of that class being used, what actually matters is understanding the context in which these classes are powerful. banning sniper is fine as that class can actually break the game if the player is too good