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SteamID64 76561198093829623
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:66781947
Country Canada
Signed Up May 17, 2015
Last Posted October 4, 2024 at 9:49 PM
Posts 2583 (0.8 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.25
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
800, 6.3 inches/360
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Glorious Model D
Keyboard Durgod Taurus K320, silent reds
Mousepad Vaxee PA Black
Headphones Audio-technica ATH-AD500X
Monitor Dell Alienware 25 Gaming Monitor-AW2518H
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 172
#13 Horse Run Monthly - $500 Prize Pool: New Event in TF2 General Discussion
conniekinsReminder that our next Horse Run Monthly is this Sunday on Oct. 6th at 3 PM ET. There's still time to sign up!

We also had this really cool graphic made to promote the event:

u gotta right click image on imgur and open in new tab and then copy and paste it into tftv and then put image embed around it for it to work.

posted 5 days ago
#41 where r lan pics in TF2 General Discussion

happy belated one year

posted 6 days ago
#37 RGL S16 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


posted 1 week ago
#27 RGL S16 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

midst of pre-nut delusion : someone said eu music is trash and young man said 'wasnt beethoven european'

posted 3 weeks ago
#3 democall in Videos

POV + STV when possible :)

posted 3 weeks ago
#12 RGL S16 IM/AM/NEW Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
springrollsGJ3TLDR: on principle banning HL players from playing pyro heavy engi spy is objectively stupid because these classes have very little impact on 6s gameplay in the way that the standard 4 classes do. having a “good” vs “bad” heavy/pyro/engi player has very little bearing on the success of that class being used, what actually matters is understanding the context in which these classes are powerful.
Possible I'm misunderstanding your point here, but I agree with this sentiment if people were trying to play "optimal 6's" in which case yeah putting an invite pyro main to airblast on gully last barely matters. But if you are already resigned to playing perma heavy/pyro and understand that a lot of the time they are objectively the wrong choice surely having an invite hl main on those classes is better than random combat player from x div if the div is low.

of course, i wont undersell the fact that each class in the game has a lot of potential to squeeze out, and than an invite HL pyro can make much more of the class in 6s than an IM scout offclassing to pyro can. the point i’m making (and that im sure you already understand, just reiterating for clarity) is that by nature of running pyro in non-standard scenarios being so much worse than having the standard composition, that “potential to squeeze” has far less impact on the game therefore letting the invite heavy run perma pootis isnt a big deal/not worth class restricting in the slightest.

posted 3 weeks ago
#9 RGL S16 IM/AM/NEW Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

apparently kho is the medic so like in theory who cares but if it were a scout player it could be VERY consequential on a mid wipe-> last hold scenario where you want the gun up as soon as possible. if your engi-banned scout player is up like a whole respawn wave before the other scout then you’re way slower to have a gun up on last, making losing the round much more likely. (also if your medic player is on engi then u just like… dont have a medic..? or you have a non-medic player on medic to cover the spot which just sounds like a disaster if you want to swap back.)

restricting sniper players off of sniper (see: yosh in adv i believe) is fine because there are objectively much better defensive classes (engi, heavy) that should typically be prioritized first, and in an offensive position it is much easier to set up for a non-sniper-restricted player to be the one offclassing. a disproportionately good sniper player can rip an IM team to shreds and ruin the game for them. a disproportionately good engineer player in a 6s context is a scout player who recognizes that they need to be on engineer instead of scout. one of these things is not at all like the other.

the same logic applies for pyro/heavy. there are objectively powerful and standard usecases for these classes (holding last) where banning a player cuz theyre good at them in highlander is potentially round (and therefore match) losing for a team. this is not a healthy environment for learning the game if that’s the reason for restricting them. these classes are not game breaking 6s classes. teams playing these classes full-time will not benefit from having a good HL player on their team on these classes.

spy players should never be restricted.

TLDR: on principle banning HL players from playing pyro heavy engi spy is objectively stupid because these classes have very little impact on 6s gameplay in the way that the standard 4 classes do. having a “good” vs “bad” heavy/pyro/engi player has very little bearing on the success of that class being used, what actually matters is understanding the context in which these classes are powerful. banning sniper is fine as that class can actually break the game if the player is too good

posted 3 weeks ago
#3 RGL S16 IM/AM/NEW Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

class restricted off engi is insane levels of hating

posted 3 weeks ago
#4 team cozy fortress looking for GOOD HARD MEN in Recruitment (looking for players)

need subs

posted 4 weeks ago
#17 What's the hardest you've been rolled? in TF2 General Discussion

posted 4 weeks ago
#1 democall in Videos

heard a song and got inspired to make some art.

I have some clips in my head that i can scour for on my own but mainly looking for insane airshots (duh) but also PLEASE scout players out there if youve got some nice 2-or-3k clips where u give some people the beatdown or even an extended 5k or something i think you will be crucial. this goes for soldier or sniper clips too i guess but i think scout can provide that change of pace that can keeps the video engaging thru certain portions of the song

this is going to be more of a visual project but i wouldnt go so far as to call it an “edit”

i have my brain wrapped up in like 7 different videos across 3 youtube channels but this one makes my mind race at 1000000mph so i can guarantee you this will get made.

thanks guys

posted 4 weeks ago
#16 I'll give 100 dollars to the person who can... in Projects
YeeHawGrapeJuiceIIIwait ur telling me this shit just exists in the game and we decided we would continue to just let pyro completely immobilize airborne players by pressing mouse 2L + Touch ground

ok what now

posted 1 month ago
#1 discuss. in TF2 General Discussion

non-redacted RGL-era soldiers who have placed top 4 (+ a special guest who breaks the barriers), based on how athletic they are vs how much of a roleplayer they are vs how much of a powerlifter they are. do not ask me what that is supposed to mean i literally couldn't tell you.

based on the soil texture chart

posted 1 month ago
#10 PSA: Old Snakewater Versions in Videos

extremely niche bump, rivka has brought to my attention that there is no working version of the map for demos in 2017 and earlier in the archive, and he went through the effort to dig it up! the archive has been updated for all of your snakewater demo recording purposes.

everyone say thank you to rivka

posted 1 month ago
#15 shronk lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

this guy's so cool you should play with him

posted 1 month ago
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