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Signed Up November 6, 2012
Last Posted February 10, 2024 at 7:12 AM
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#399 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetWouldn't the quality of the pugs increase once more people actually play and gain levels with the faceit rankings? [..]

Of course they would.
One of the problems I think the FACEIT system faces right now is the fact that player skills are fluctuating a lot.
By that I mean that a lot of people are trying the system for a few games, most are not staying, but those people are not all of equal skill level (invite to newbie), making some games unbalanced, but out of reach for FACEIT MM/ELO to fix it.
I don't really think there's a definite fix for that, maybe a bigger impact on ELO in case of stomps (5-0, under 20 minute games, etc) for people who just started playing.
Skill partitioning should be a lot quicker for such a small playerbase, i.e. b4nny shouldn't only be lvl 7 after 80 games won at 80% winrate, etc.

But then again, TF2 is proving to raise a lot of problems from their platform that probably doesn't exist for CS:GO, which might beg them the question "is TF2 actually fitting our platform?"

EDIT: This is b4nny's ELO after every match he played

SpaceCadet[ about voice ]

FACEIT are definitely not rolling out a system that requires you third party software to communicate with teammates, having to deal with all that breaks the whole "click a few buttons and get a proper match" catch of the website. Sure, the entire comp community has mumble installed, but it might not be the case for the newer players.
In-game voice is good enough for comms, just take a few moments to set it up properly.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Discord Notifications for TF2 Blog Updates in TF2 General Discussion
mitchcliff123Well done, I like it, could you make it so you can do more than just TF2, and can like do any rss feed?

Thanks! Indeed I can, I'll work on it during my Christmas break.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Discord Notifications for TF2 Blog Updates in TF2 General Discussion


I spent the night making some script letting me know whenever the TF2 Blog got updated through Discord, so I decided to make it available to public. It's pretty easy to use I'd say. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Good night

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Face-it in TF2 General Discussion

I have no clue, they confirmed that they acknowledged the MM flaw 1.5/2 weeks ago, and the code is more than 20 days old. Apparently there was no update yet.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Face-it in TF2 General Discussion

That's a page I made using the FACEIT API to display skill levels in games currently being played, showcasing that their matching algorithm was flawed. Turns out it also tells you what ranks before you have to accept match.

posted about 7 years ago
#353 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

[6:51 PM] Lulu: we are looking into our MM algorithm and improvements are on the way

posted about 7 years ago
#12 FACEIT $2500 Open Tournament - FINALS in Events

Now that we know FACEIT want to do these regularly (from what casters said during last games), please actually play on it, there's barely any problems with it, and those problems could be solved by having more people play.
Team communication was recently fixed with the codec update.
The matchmaking algorithm seem to not handle low player count in the queue, meaning it could be stumped by having more people queue daily.
The 2-player limit on stacks could also be lifted if more players queued.
As for class/role picks, they don't seem to be interested yet, this could be implemented in the future by convincing them once we've proven ourselves on their website.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 TF2 update for 11/18/16 (11/19/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

I set up a temporary server to test the CELT codecs, use voice_loopback 1 to try it on yourself: connect

Discord quality:
TF2 CELT quality:

Delay difference (default voice_delay_ms):

Thanks ahud N0kk

posted about 7 years ago
#38 FACEIT 6v6 Opening Tournament announced in News

30 minutes before the event start, a queue is opened for people who don't have a full roster and still want to participate, this queue will try to make new teams are people tag along, so yes it will be random players.
If you want to play with your friends but you don't have a roster, remember to create a party (top left), add your friends, and then add to the queue as a party to find remaining players for your roster.

Have fun

posted about 7 years ago
#33 who was the best player at pointless gamemodes? in TF2 General Discussion

i was pretty good at ready steady pan

posted about 7 years ago
#52 help me with my coding hw in Off Topic

I dont know C++, but someone's done Haskell already so I'll port my Haskell solution to Elm

   import System.IO (hSetBuffering, hSetEcho, stdin, BufferMode(..))
   import Data.Char (toLower, isLower)

   main :: IO ()
   main = do hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
             hSetEcho stdin False
             hangman "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" 7 ""

   hangman :: String -> Int -> String -> IO ()
   hangman secret tries gs =
       let hasLost = misses > tries
           -- read: all are (element of guesses) inside secret
           hasWon = all (`elem` gs) secret
           -- read: how many are (not element of secret) inside guesses
           misses = length $ filter (`notElem` secret) gs
           showGuesses = gs ++ replicate (tries - misses) '.'
           showSecret = map (\c -> if c `elem` gs then c else '_') secret
           showState =
               if hasWon then "You won! Word was " ++ secret
               else if hasLost then "You lost!"
               else showSecret ++ " " ++ showGuesses
           validateInput c = gs ++ (if isLower c && notElem c gs then [c] else [])
       in do -- all IO is done below
           putStrLn showState
           if hasLost || hasWon
               then return ()
               else hangman secret tries . validateInput . toLower =<< getChar

module Main exposing (..)

{- elm-package install elm-lang/html elm-lang/keyboard && elm-reactor -}

import Html
import Html.App as Html
import Keyboard
import Char
import List
import String

secret =
    String.toList "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"

tries =

hasLost model =
    misses model > tries

hasWon model =
    List.all (\c -> List.member c model) secret

misses model =
    List.length <| List.filter (\c -> not <| List.member c secret) model

showGuesses model =
    String.fromList model ++ String.repeat (tries - misses model) "."

showSecret model =
    String.fromList <|
            (\c ->
                if List.member c model then

showState model =
    if hasWon model then
        "You won! Word was " ++ String.fromList secret
    else if hasLost model then
        "You lost!"
        showSecret model ++ " " ++ showGuesses model

main =
        { init = [] ! []
, view =
            \model ->
                Html.text <| showState model
        , update =
            \msg model ->
                if Char.isLower msg && not (List.member msg model) then
                    (model ++ [ msg ]) ! []
                    model ! []
, subscriptions =
            \model ->
                if hasWon model || hasLost model then
                    (Keyboard.downs (Char.toLower << Char.fromCode))

I was gonna try Prolog but I forgot I never bothered learning IO/user input in it :(

posted about 7 years ago
#349 The Side Porn Show in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#36 Insomnia58 highlight movie released in News

That was legendary, thanks.

I embedded it on, I'll make and redirect to the dropbox link, if you dont mind :)

EDIT: Apparently, Dropbox has (temporarily) disabled downloads to the movie, do you want me to host it on

posted about 7 years ago
#22 Twitch Prime in TF2 General Discussion
mathsadshame because i just renewed my turbo yesterday ROFL

I'm 90% sure you can get your money back if you send them an email and explain you renewed before Turbo was announced.
Amazon are always really lenient on charge-backs for prime, worst case you pay the percentage of the subscription you used.

posted about 7 years ago
#71 NA TF2 LAN at Esports Arena in January in LAN Discussion

WOW air (icelandic company) seem to have considerably cheap flights at appropriate dates, I can find 450EUR for Jan 20-24 (cheapest I could find from Paris to LAX), with a stopover in Iceland.

posted about 7 years ago
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