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Last Posted January 4, 2022 at 7:26 PM
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#45 yulin dog eating festival in Off Topic
hooliclckwrkWe might react as unreasonably as creating a petition on change.orga petition to stop the islamic faith?

We wouldn't actually create a petition. The point of my post was to highlight how innocuous a petition on is. Humans should be lucky that people actually use this function. Being able to share popular ideas and harness a driving force behind an idea is a great thing. I guess to you that might be an overreaction? But I'd say petitions and their support are very par for the course in the year 2015. You're lucky I didn't highlight how different your example was. I let that slide.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 yulin dog eating festival in Off Topic
DrPloxoclckwrkomnificStealing anybody's pet animal and then burning them alive is fucked up no questions askedI don't think anyone, from anywhere or any background enjoys having their pet stolen from them to murder..While this statement is 100% true. I think the majority of the disgust comes from the idea that they're eating dogs, which wasn't uncommon at all for a lot of the world until recently.
Formally, the country has not banned the eating of dog, but has banned similar festivals. The townspeople seemed to have barely known about the festival at all, meaning it is definitely a minority. There IS a cultural meaning to the eating of dog during this specific time (something about staving off a shitty winter). While I really love the nonchalance put into your post and the sarcastic, clearly intelligent because I can make a mediocre counterpoint vibe throughout all of it, the final sentence seems to miss that the crime and the festival are separate. The theft of the dog from a household is separate from the cultural aspect of that. While the festival may spark the theft, similar to the holidays increasing theft in America, that is no reason to ban the event as a whole.
Similarly, assuming we're pro-dog torture simply because we don't see the point in intervening in every countries business is pretty retarded. While I don't think this festival is a good idea, and don't support the act in general, I'm not gonna sit there and expect China to enforce this solely because a bunch of people don't want it to happen while it is not against their laws. If they want to enforce it, they can change their laws, however, we are being imperialistic in expecting this to change, we are forcing some sort of cultural force upon an country that is struggling to figure out it's own moral code. If you think that's a good thing, that's fantastic, but I don't believe it will warrant anything other than issues in the future.

I very much appreciate the support you've given my diction and tone in my post. I too love the similar vibe you've given off and, much like I have before, I will relish in the amazing opinions you've posted here and in stream chats. Nevertheless, I agree with a lot of what you're saying so I'm not really sure what the point is? I don't expect China to enforce this either. Personally, I think it's fucked up. I see this solely from the philosophy that we as humans should behave as humanely as possible. I think it's important to strive to be as humane as possible, and I don't place burning dogs alive in the spectrum of behaving humanely. I don't expect everyone to agree, and I don't expect my opinion to shake the Chinese government. But I do think it's perfectly fair that there is a petition being created, and I do think it's perfectly fair for high profile people to push their opinions over Twitter.

And the ending of my post was not an assumption that everyone supports dog torture at all. In fact, to think that I sincerely think you want to burn dogs alive is you being retarded. It really is as it reads; anyone who does not want to support something like this need not say anything, because you're already doing what you can by not putting your name into a petition. It's fine if you don't see the point. To be honest, I didn't sign any petition and I'm not on Twitter spreading the word. But to not see how this is clearly something that would spark human interest is being blind. I do see "a point." I do think that in the year 2015, the internet and popular belief should be able to fix things worth fixing.

posted about 8 years ago
#36 yulin dog eating festival in Off Topic

We might react as unreasonably as creating a petition on

Some men just want to watch the world burn bro

posted about 8 years ago
#33 yulin dog eating festival in Off Topic
omnificStealing anybody's pet animal and then burning them alive is fucked up no questions asked

But the cultural differences!!!

This isn't even entirely a western idea. I know it's hard to believe, but there are in fact human beings in China who do own dogs as pets, even if it's very "unpopular" politically speaking. From an article I used the website to attain:

"In a video posted on YouTube, Gung said an estimated 90 percent of the dogs killed at the festival each year are stolen from urban households and farmers by thieves who then turn around and sell them. “Stealing and selling a dog is easy money,” she said."

Obviously, everyone jumps on westerners trying to "change their culture" because it's very niche and edgy to go against the cultural beliefs of your acquaintances, but the idea very much stems from people having their pets (and to some dog owners, best friends) stolen from their households to burn alive and torture. I don't think anyone, from anywhere or any background enjoys having their pet stolen from them to murder.

However, much like many of the epic debates on TFTV, there is a simple solution. If you don't want to support saving pets from being tortured, merely shut the fuck up! If you do, however, there is ample opportunity to help.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 TFTV Twitch Emotes in TF2 General Discussion

I think emotes that are universal is a necessity. Stupid inside-jokes and memes are funny and useful for community members, but growth is just as important as retention. I think both types of emotes should be included, but TFTV should prioritize universal emotes revolving around significant aspects of the game (eg airshots, uber drops, meatshots, etc.). These universal emotes could also be used in other chats. Someone subscribed to TFTV could post a sticky bomb emote in summit's chat, viewers would recognize it and hopefully be intrigued, and do some research on TFTV and find there's a competitive scene for TF2. Someone posting TFTVDankSeanbud in summit's chat does not have the same effect. It's not funny to anyone and they'd likely ignore it.

Honestly, this seems very obvious to me so I'm not sure why everyone is talking about memes, but maybe it's just a meme in itself.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Raja Trimp's While Eating Shrimp in The Dumpster

This Is The Last We Have Seen Of Skippy..

Please Reply With Information Regarding SMOrc..

posted about 9 years ago
#12 ESEA Invite: cafe monster vs. Street Hoops eSports in Events


posted about 9 years ago
#203 ESEA Client Update - Always On??? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#142 ESEA Client Update - Always On??? in TF2 General Discussion

if having me by the balls means keeping tf2 afloat until matchmaking's inception, he can swallow my nuts whole

posted about 9 years ago
#139 ESEA Client Update - Always On??? in TF2 General Discussion
bowswer5kevScrewballThat 99% of the community will never see.
not a good point

if you play any competitive game you always risk a chance of getting nothing in return

the prize pool does help fuel competition and is a factor in some people's choice to play the game

I've been confused by this thinking for awhile now and I hope someone could clarify it for me.

I don't understand why our scene has to justify sticking with ESEA because it has prize pools or 'professional' organization or that it had a LAN. If you truly find TF2 competitively appealing and enjoyable the prize money that barely covers the cost of league fees and Premium should not even be a major consideration for playing.

With how obvious it is that TF2 is an after-thought to ESEA maybe it's time to consider that there's a likely possibility that the ESEA client for CS:GO is a much higher quality anti-cheat than what could very well be an anti-cheat for TF2 that hasn't actually been updated for years. At this point even the UGC admins have caught and banned more cheaters than the client has and that's a very important fact to me.

I don't have anything against ESEA, but I don't understand where this sense of dependency on them comes from. I have enough of a passion for this game and the level of teamwork it requires to play at a top level that I don't need any other incentive to continue being a part of the competition. I have a great time playing TF2 competitively in Highlander and 6's while taking it very seriously because they both boil down to the same rewarding experience for me. I don't need a pocket change prize pool or an outdated client to take this game seriously or justify my passion for playing.

We do have the capability as a community to run our own servers, hunt down cheaters, and create our own league. I'm not even going to mention CEVO at this point. I've played in UGC Highlander for two years and while the admins have definitely made mistakes and questionable decisions, they have made a lot of efforts lately catering to more competition in Platinum, more cheaters being caught, and more growth for the league. I don't see how the 6's community is incapable of achieving the same thing with some independence of their own for once.

It's nice of you to be as committed as you are, as I feel most players who are improving and are new should be. But you have to understand players like myself, most of my team, mix^, even much of elevate, have been playing this game for FUCKING AGES. The game will always be "fun" to me. It's fun to click on things and it's definitely pleasing when you get some money out of it. But for older players, to keep them around you need some real competition.

When there's no money involved, competition is generally less intense. There's less incentive to improve, and there's less aspirations to which you can start building. ESEA did a great job over the years of offering money to the winners. I'm sorry, I don't care how much money you make, but a $900 check or so is always going to look nice when you had fun doing it. And we stuck around for the small amount of money and competition it generated, hoping that at some point in the future, things would change. It seems it was a good idea to wait around and keep playing, because now matchmaking is confirmed, and it could propel TF2 and its players to new heights.

But if there was never any money? I seriously would not be still playing this game. When I first started, it was never about the money. Much like any hobby you start, you want to get better at it, and you dedicate time to it. But after a while, they get old if there's not much you can aspire to have. My friends and I used to play ultimate frisbee once or twice every week when I was 18. Do we still do it? Not really. My friends that were really serious about it started playing it in college, where there's some money involved and thus greater competition. When you look at CS, players have been playing for 15 years. Because it was fun when it started as a hobby, and because of competition, money, and leagues, they were able to keep playing by improving themselves. More money, more competition, more reason to be better.

The honeymoon period of TF2 doesn't last 7 years.

posted about 9 years ago
#195 Fantasy TF2: Let’s do this! in Projects

Cut shade some slack he has himself on his fantasy team

posted about 9 years ago
#191 Fantasy TF2: Let’s do this! in Projects

Trust me I -fragged every post by lansky so far

posted about 9 years ago
#182 Fantasy TF2: Let’s do this! in Projects

I also can't help but laugh that anyone thinks fantasy is the root of any of this. If this were a serious match, we'd obviously be playing much more properly. But to be honest, if potential competitive players are really turned off by this, the only way to make sure it's noticed is to post a deluded comment about it on the forum and start a shitshow, because this was neither streamed nor cast.

Maybe it's just my viewpoint as a competitor, but the only people who deserve to be upset is the team we played against. But that's how competition is. Sometimes there's a little bad manner involved. What this should do is make any competitive fire they have burn brighter so they can come back and beat us next time and punish us for "fucking around." And as I've argued on my stream many times, is only "fucking around" if it's unsuccessful and you lose for it. Pyro isn't a "fuck around" class if it's actually beating a team. But if you're behind and you keep losing rounds because you're on pyro, then it's pretty clear you're fucking around. "Fucking around" implies I didn't actually want to win the match, which isn't the truth because I did wind up switching back to scout in order to push the game forward.

posted about 9 years ago
#173 Fantasy TF2: Let’s do this! in Projects

Reasonable discussion is not required to denounce unreasonable ideas

posted about 9 years ago
#72 draw your favorite invite player in Off Topic

Wow thalash what'd you do for the hair? Looks awesome!

posted about 9 years ago
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