Account Details
SteamID64 76561198134899613
SteamID3 [U:1:174633885]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:87316942
Country United States
Signed Up January 27, 2015
Last Posted August 13, 2021 at 8:30 AM
Posts 393 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.37
Windows Sensitivity 3/11
Raw Input  
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
74.5Hz (Overclocked)
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK1
Keyboard Ducky DK2108 Shine (Cherry MX Red)
Mousepad Steelseries QcK Mass
Headphones HyperX Cloud I
Monitor ASUS VS238H
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#24 What mumble overlay skin do you use? in Customization
STOGEMightyNo. Its because for the normal method, you have to replace the original mumble_ol.dll with a custom one.
I just made a mumble overlay guide for DirtyBomb so I have all this useless knowledge about them stuck in my head.

What you're realistically doing when you install a Mumble overlay crosshair is
    * Making Mumble use the default overlay

    * Removing the names of people talking and centering the default smiley face thingy in the center of the screen.

    * Replacing said smiley face with a crosshair of your choosing and adding the functionality of pressing "Insert" to turn it on/off

So, if you really wanted to you could have the smiley face as a crosshair and it'd serve the exact same purpose and be completely fine as all you're using is a mumble overlay that removes the names - Not replacing any files.

Even then the file replacing you're doing is for Mumble anyway, how can a game detect that? Not to mention Mumble is white listed by pretty much every game ever as it's a voice communications program.

Furthermore some gaming monitors (including the one I have) come with a crosshair function built in, I just don't like any of the crosshairs provided to use the function, so I turn to mumble overlays.

In the end though, I don't think mumble overlay crosshairs are really that viable for TF2, I mean your choice of crosshair is pretty vast, the reason I targeted DirtyBomb with my guide was because it has literally two crosshair options ingame, one of which isn't even static.

Thats the second method.
Thanks for showing us.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 What mumble overlay skin do you use? in Customization
EncreMightyEDIT: After searching around a bit, I've found out that people have actually been VAC'd for using Mumble Crosshairs, probably because its a third party program. THANKS VALVE.Couldn't you be VAC'd for using mumble normally then?

No. Its because for the normal method, you have to replace the original mumble_ol.dll with a custom one.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 What mumble overlay skin do you use? in Customization
wonderlandI use mumble overlay to make a crosshair.

Why didn't I ever think of that?
Is there a tutorial or something around??

EDIT: After searching around a bit, I've found out that people have actually been VAC'd for using Mumble Crosshairs, probably because its a third party program. THANKS VALVE.

posted about 8 years ago
#1439 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
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Does anybody know how to edit the colour of the background (back pannel, whatever it is) of the News Header in MOTD. I could find it in neither ClientScheme.res nor MainMenuOverride.res?

And is there any special trick to how to get the buttons on the bottom to work? Because I checked them with like 2 different custom HUDs and most of the definitons were the same, though they still don't want to work.

MightyDoes anyone actually know where the meter positioning is for the Shields? I tried to use HUDDemomanCharge inside the hudlayout.res, but it doesn't do anything at all.

I really can NOT get over the fact that its in the bottom right corner.

Should be in HudDemomanPipes.res. Under ChargeMeter, change xpos and ypos.
It had no effect.

Strange. It does for me. Make sure you have "ControlName" "ContinuousProgressBar" and "fieldName" "ChargeMeter". Probably don't have to remind visible, enabled, wide and tall. Other than that, I dunno.

That did the trick. The names were off. Right now, when I try and set it to how I desire it to be, it goes way off the screen. The vgui_drawtree shows that the box/panel for huddemomanpipes.res is too small, and it'll get cut off even if I move it an inch up. How do I enlargen it?

I swear, this charge meter is going to be THE DEATH of my HUD.

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Things you wish you saw more often in HUDs. in Customization

I also wish more HUDs had all Crosshair selections pre-centered. Its amazing how much time this saves me.

posted about 8 years ago
#1434 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
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Does anybody know how to edit the colour of the background (back pannel, whatever it is) of the News Header in MOTD. I could find it in neither ClientScheme.res nor MainMenuOverride.res?

And is there any special trick to how to get the buttons on the bottom to work? Because I checked them with like 2 different custom HUDs and most of the definitons were the same, though they still don't want to work.

MightyDoes anyone actually know where the meter positioning is for the Shields? I tried to use HUDDemomanCharge inside the hudlayout.res, but it doesn't do anything at all.

I really can NOT get over the fact that its in the bottom right corner.

Should be in HudDemomanPipes.res. Under ChargeMeter, change xpos and ypos.
It had no effect.

Strange. It does for me. Make sure you have "ControlName" "ContinuousProgressBar" and "fieldName" "ChargeMeter". Probably don't have to remind visible, enabled, wide and tall. Other than that, I dunno.

That did the trick. The names were off. Right now, when I try and set it to how I desire it to be, it goes way off the screen. The vgui_drawtree shows that the box/panel for huddemomanpipes.res is too small, and it'll get cut off even if I move it an inch up. How do I enlargen it?
posted about 8 years ago
#34 todsay is my mum's birthday in The Dumpster
Woogiebugi got her car tinted because shes wanted that forever some flower and a lobster dinner

also mana can u remove this from the dumpster i intended for this to be a serious thread

xd ur mom is trash thts why its in the dumpster with -25 frags

posted about 8 years ago
#14 . in The Dumpster
radeonEoNomnificPowerful story, i don't understand why everyone here is treating it like a memeYou must be new to this website.+1 omni, good bait

master bait xd

posted about 8 years ago
#15 How to improve gamesense? in Q/A Help
KhanYou mentioned that you're not improving with lobbies. Try out tf2pug.me (although you might get fatkidded at first) and inhouse pugs, those generally have a higher level of skill and tend to be taken more seriously. As others have said though, the best way to improve your gamesense is to search for and find a team and scrim with them

I am a fat kid.
I really think a lot of this isn't really a complete gamesense issue, but its also a confidence issue. I've never had any confidence in myself, and the one time I did have confidence I was a decent pocket. This is why I a lot of the time play roamer, because having a team on your back makes you need even more confidence. I don't think I should go to tf2pug.me at this stage, because being fatkidded in a place with better players is probably the worst thing for me. Some of the people in lobbies that dominate me on leveled playing fields are people that I can go 20-10 with consistently with in MGE, which is another reason I think my mentality is my problem.

owlget a mentor

I think this is what I really need.

aieraMightyhttp://www.teamfortress.tv/thread/25877/bash-my-mgewhy did that server have damage spread?

lol idk. At least now I have something to laugh at after that thread...

posted about 8 years ago
#43 Things you wish you saw more often in HUDs. in Customization
m0nkeiparallaxismhuds that are simple as m0re
This. I can't handle huds that are way too eye-candy and cover up 90% of my screen with transparent boxes and shit. That's why broeselhud and m0rehud are my all-time favourites and for many people as well. I wish there were more huds as simple as broeselhud/m0rehud.

That reminds me of another thing I wish more TF2 Huds had:

Main Menus that have a layout similar to the default one. A DemoUI Button is still very much appreciated, but I've never liked CS:GO-Styled menus. The Default TF2 Menu seems much more simplistic in comparison.

posted about 8 years ago
#1409 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
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Does anybody know how to edit the colour of the background (back pannel, whatever it is) of the News Header in MOTD. I could find it in neither ClientScheme.res nor MainMenuOverride.res?

And is there any special trick to how to get the buttons on the bottom to work? Because I checked them with like 2 different custom HUDs and most of the definitons were the same, though they still don't want to work.

MightyDoes anyone actually know where the meter positioning is for the Shields? I tried to use HUDDemomanCharge inside the hudlayout.res, but it doesn't do anything at all.

I really can NOT get over the fact that its in the bottom right corner.

Should be in HudDemomanPipes.res. Under ChargeMeter, change xpos and ypos.
It had no effect.

Strange. It does for me. Make sure you have "ControlName" "ContinuousProgressBar" and "fieldName" "ChargeMeter". Probably don't have to remind visible, enabled, wide and tall. Other than that, I dunno.

That did the trick. The names were off. Right now, when I try and set it to how I desire it to be, it goes way off the screen. The vgui_drawtree shows that the box/panel for huddemomanpipes.res is too small, and it'll get cut off even if I move it an inch up. How do I enlargen it?
posted about 9 years ago
#1 How to improve gamesense? in Q/A Help

First off, I've renamed myself MGE Mighty in memory of this: http://www.teamfortress.tv/thread/25877/bash-my-mge . Now thats out of the way, I feel like my gamesense isn't improving at all with TF2C. I've watched a few Pocket and Roamer PoVs, and I feel like the people in lobbies are way more aggressive and think less. I'm looking for a way to improve my gamesense and actually make use of any skill I will obtain through MGE. I've tried to put off learning to pocket for a long time because of my sh** gamesense, but now that I actually play pocket, I think it would be really good for me to get better at it.

posted about 9 years ago
#1402 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
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Does anybody know how to edit the colour of the background (back pannel, whatever it is) of the News Header in MOTD. I could find it in neither ClientScheme.res nor MainMenuOverride.res?

And is there any special trick to how to get the buttons on the bottom to work? Because I checked them with like 2 different custom HUDs and most of the definitons were the same, though they still don't want to work.

MightyDoes anyone actually know where the meter positioning is for the Shields? I tried to use HUDDemomanCharge inside the hudlayout.res, but it doesn't do anything at all.

I really can NOT get over the fact that its in the bottom right corner.

Should be in HudDemomanPipes.res. Under ChargeMeter, change xpos and ypos.
It had no effect.

Strange. It does for me. Make sure you have "ControlName" "ContinuousProgressBar" and "fieldName" "ChargeMeter". Probably don't have to remind visible, enabled, wide and tall. Other than that, I dunno.

That did the trick. The names were off. Right now, when I try and set it to how I desire it to be, it goes way off the screen. The vgui_drawtree shows that the box/panel for huddemomanpipes.res is too small, and it'll get cut off even if I move it an inch up. How do I enlargen it?

posted about 9 years ago
#37 Things you wish you saw more often in HUDs. in Customization
Digi4:3 support

How many people actually use 4:3? I'm seeing more people say it that I thought.

posted about 9 years ago
#1390 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
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Does anybody know how to edit the colour of the background (back pannel, whatever it is) of the News Header in MOTD. I could find it in neither ClientScheme.res nor MainMenuOverride.res?

And is there any special trick to how to get the buttons on the bottom to work? Because I checked them with like 2 different custom HUDs and most of the definitons were the same, though they still don't want to work.

MightyDoes anyone actually know where the meter positioning is for the Shields? I tried to use HUDDemomanCharge inside the hudlayout.res, but it doesn't do anything at all.

I really can NOT get over the fact that its in the bottom right corner.

Should be in HudDemomanPipes.res. Under ChargeMeter, change xpos and ypos.

It had no effect.

posted about 9 years ago
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