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SteamID64 76561198134899613
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Signed Up January 27, 2015
Last Posted August 13, 2021 at 8:30 AM
Posts 393 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 3.37
Windows Sensitivity 3/11
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1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
74.5Hz (Overclocked)
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK1
Keyboard Ducky DK2108 Shine (Cherry MX Red)
Mousepad Steelseries QcK Mass
Headphones HyperX Cloud I
Monitor ASUS VS238H
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#581 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
DisquseBug? https://youtu.be/rTboA0us2Ew

I laughed so f**king hard at that.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Petition to fix Rocket/Sticky jumping in TF2 General Discussion
gargleburrydid it ruin the demo process rollout as well or am i just bad?

I heard someone complaining about many demo rollouts now being undoable.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Petition to fix Rocket/Sticky jumping in TF2 General Discussion
GliderThey ruined rocket jumping. Its so fucking easy now its stupid.

Market gardening at close range is near impossible because you're shot a thousand feet farther than you should've been shot. This mechanic of no damage falloff w/ rocket jumping is unnatural and takes away a lot of precision. "S" tapping is unreliable, especially for new players. I haven't tried a lobby with this yet, but I believe that people would feel similarly about bombing in certain situations.

GliderThey ruined rocket jumping. Its so fucking easy now its stupid.

Thats not what matters. Making something more accessible and simple to learn is a good thing. Taking away mechanics thoroughly developed and evolutionized by a community or changing these developed mechanics to the point of 'breakage' is the real sin valve committed here.

posted about 8 years ago
#520 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
Paladin_IMSmy frames went from 60+ and now im getting sub 30. anyone getting the same?

my game feels incredibly smooth compared to before.

posted about 8 years ago
#518 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion

My apologies, I forgot that the issue of rocket jumping being broken is linked to the changes in stickybomb explosions.

posted about 8 years ago
#516 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
BonafideHas anyone gotten any of the new crates yet?


posted about 8 years ago
#512 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyare you drunk or something?


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posted about 8 years ago
#507 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
SideshowIt's an awesome update but as usual they did it VALVE STYLE and broke everything. As soon as they fix all the stuff they broke this will be an excellent change to the game.

To be honest, I don't know if valve will 'fix' this at all. After all, Valve wants this game to be noob-friendly. So that means making the game simpler. Wouldn't it be simpler if you had never had to have learned c-tap, basher jumping, speedshots, or learn how far away to shoot a rocket for the desired effect?

This is why I think Valve should ask the competitive community for their opinions. Veterans with 2,000 Hrs+ know a lot more about TF2 than computer programmers that probably have around 100 Hours in the game.

Also, the Loch-n'-Load is still fucked. No matter how much you nerf it, its always going to be dumb until you remove the increased projectile speed that makes the weapon a crutch for people with cancerous projectile prediction. Nobody is going to stop using it in pubs... Ever...

Don't get me wrong, I love Valve as a company.
But I just hate change, especially when I've just become accustomed to it. I think all of us would hate it if they ever released a TF3... because we'd have to grasp completely foreign concepts and forget those we've been using for years.

A realistic comparison but an extreme one at that, is when Valve nerfed bhopping from every 'modern' valve game ever.

posted about 8 years ago
#466 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
EXC0Rocketjumping has been changed entirely, the minimum push and maximum push are now exactly the same, (27 hops are max distance), walljumps are nowhere near as efficient as floorjumps. Speedshots, ctaps, and static jumps are removed from the game entirely. Pogo jump physics are changed due to the radius change, surfing rockets however is minimally changed.

wtf man I fucking learned ctap LAST WEEK.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Does anyone notice how much smoother it feels? in TF2 General Discussion
BumFreezelol if we were on source 2 im pretty sure we would know about it. that would be valves main advertising point for the update

I really don't know wats going on, but it feels INFINITELY smoother. Rocket jumps also feel weird to me. Is it just me?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Does anyone notice how much smoother it feels? in TF2 General Discussion

This feels 10x smoother than before the update. I think we may be running source 2 or something, and the UI changes support the theory.

posted about 8 years ago
#84 No explosion smoke script in Customization

spark_electric01_embers is beautifully simplistic for the rocket launcher. The flash for me when using electrocuted_blue_flash and electrocuted_red_flash was a bit too much...

posted about 8 years ago
#64 Hater Callout Thread (OFFICIAL) in The Dumpster
PankeymanThis is a thread for all of the people who make fun of me and countless others for being an anime liker. I am speaking for those who are silent and suffering through abuse. I do NOT appreciate being bullied for my hobbies and interests.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong about liking anime! I genuinely enjoy anime because it has interesting stories, cool characters and it has done nothing but good for me. Almost all of my most important and dear friends I made were through our common and shared enjoyment of anime. Anime has saved my life!

Just because our moralities don’t perfectly align does not mean I am an evil or bad person. In fact, if anything, it seems like a lot of you guys are projecting your own insecurities onto me just because you are frustrated about me having the confidence to publicly date an anime character! Throughout history, shallow minds have sought to condemn that which they do not understand. Decades ago, gay marriage was considered immoral, now waifu are under the same assault. Am I not then a pioneer in this brave new world? Should my endeavors not thus be applauded instead of met with derision and contempt?

I have been bottling these feelings up for a long time, but my bag of pardons cannot hold any more. I am making this thread on behalf of all the otaku and anime fans on TF2tv who are wrongly persecuted. I think that this kind of irrational bullying needs to stop and that we should learn to look past our differences in order to thrive as a healthy community. I hope that everyone who has read this is able to reflect on my words and take them to heart. TF2 and TF2tv are my favorite communities and it would be a real damn shame if they were soured by people who aren't willing to empathize or think about others.

Thanks for reading, and remember to always love and respect your waifu. Peace, negevs~ I'm done with TF2tv...


ew anime lol what a freaking loser. all animes are the same, just some spiky haired douche and some girl with enormous watermelons that the guy is scared of when she gets mad. wow so interesting, many story, definetely original.

if you watch anime, stop watching it its f%^king dumb. lol every single thing is the same.... sometimes even down to the details.

posted about 8 years ago
#1443 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
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Does anybody know how to edit the colour of the background (back pannel, whatever it is) of the News Header in MOTD. I could find it in neither ClientScheme.res nor MainMenuOverride.res?

And is there any special trick to how to get the buttons on the bottom to work? Because I checked them with like 2 different custom HUDs and most of the definitons were the same, though they still don't want to work.

MightyDoes anyone actually know where the meter positioning is for the Shields? I tried to use HUDDemomanCharge inside the hudlayout.res, but it doesn't do anything at all.

I really can NOT get over the fact that its in the bottom right corner.

Should be in HudDemomanPipes.res. Under ChargeMeter, change xpos and ypos.
It had no effect.

Strange. It does for me. Make sure you have "ControlName" "ContinuousProgressBar" and "fieldName" "ChargeMeter". Probably don't have to remind visible, enabled, wide and tall. Other than that, I dunno.

That did the trick. The names were off. Right now, when I try and set it to how I desire it to be, it goes way off the screen. The vgui_drawtree shows that the box/panel for huddemomanpipes.res is too small, and it'll get cut off even if I move it an inch up. How do I enlargen it?

posted about 8 years ago
#53 Things you wish you saw more often in HUDs. in Customization
N1ghTShort charge meters like in broeselhud. It's my #1 pet peeve with HUDs when the meter just runs across the screen. Every HUD I have ever used, I needed to shorten the meters because they're too damn long.

Also, better 4:3 support.

This is another one I just tried out and love to death. 4 Days later after temporarily switching to broeselhud_blue, I think the meters I'm using are disgustingly large. Some of these seem pretty opinionated, but I've grown to love every single thing here I've implemented.

posted about 8 years ago
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