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London Calling - hurry up
9 Frags +

there's a really clear difference between being stuck-up about humor and your posts being fucking unfunny in-jokes that nobody else cares about

please retake high school english class Thank You.

there's a really clear difference between being stuck-up about humor and your posts being fucking unfunny in-jokes that nobody else cares about

please retake high school english class Thank You.
10 Frags +
MissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.

i quit tf2 for csgo also and am trying to get to esea level csgo.
seriously the tf2 community is nicer than the cs community by far.

[quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]
i quit tf2 for csgo also and am trying to get to esea level csgo.
seriously the tf2 community is nicer than the cs community by far.
14 Frags +

ahahaha nobody gets our unfunny inside not even jokes between eachother when we throw it in their faces this community is shit

go back to losing stacked lobbies i just checked and literally 0 people missed u

ahahaha nobody gets our unfunny inside not even jokes between eachother when we throw it in their faces this community is shit

go back to losing stacked lobbies i just checked and literally 0 people missed u
16 Frags +
MissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.

LOL that ":P" placement though

[quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]

LOL that ":P" placement though
5 Frags +


dummyMissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.

LOL that ":P" placement though

its godlike

the [quote=dummy][quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]

LOL that ":P" placement though[/quote]
its godlike
-19 Frags +

hahahaha I knew if I posted that shit you guys would get even MORE upset and respond back. Still haven't learned to ignore the trolls yet have you :)

relax guys. everything will be okay. i promise.

hahahaha I knew if I posted that shit you guys would get even MORE upset and respond back. Still haven't learned to ignore the trolls yet have you :)

relax guys. everything will be okay. i promise.
20 Frags +

You're a fucking idiot.

You're a fucking idiot.
11 Frags +


-12 Frags +
dummyMissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.

LOL that ":P" placement though

HAHAHA didn't even notice that. perfect.

[quote=dummy][quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]

LOL that ":P" placement though[/quote]

HAHAHA didn't even notice that. perfect.
4 Frags +

shit you got us

shit you got us
7 Frags +

wow i have been RUSED it was a RUSE ALL a Long. I Am So very Angry at this Being Rused of Myself! Wow I really beefeD it.

wow i have been RUSED it was a RUSE ALL a Long. I Am So very Angry at this Being Rused of Myself! Wow I really beefeD it.
5 Frags +

How about we just not have Open power rankings this week to spite the OP?

How about we just not have Open power rankings this week to spite the OP?
-22 Frags +

everyone sooo salty.

and btw on a serious note. any time i ever played tf2 with certain people, especially higher level, they were all assholes to me. everyone put me down and belittled me, called me bad, made me feel unwelcome and especially focused on the fact that girls suck at tf2 and shouldn't play. even though I was new to comp and didn't do it ever. I tried pug.na and people were just rude as fuck. I've met a lot of higher level players in csgo and played with invite players and they are the complete opposite. No one puts me down for my gameplay or singles me out or makes me feel different for being a girl. They actually encourage me and tell me I can be really good and have good aim, etc, whatever. They give me tips and try to help me NOT in a condescending way. That might be personal experience, sure, but I'm just pointing it out. They also don't get offended and angry as easily. Even if you guys didn't understand the joke or find it funny, you really didn't need to give your two cents about how its unfunny and rude. I feel like some of you just WAIT to pounce on someone and shit on them verbally. It's sad. Everyone needs to just back up and calm down a bit.

everyone sooo salty.

and btw on a serious note. any time i ever played tf2 with certain people, especially higher level, they were all assholes to me. everyone put me down and belittled me, called me bad, made me feel unwelcome and especially focused on the fact that girls suck at tf2 and shouldn't play. even though I was new to comp and didn't do it ever. I tried pug.na and people were just rude as fuck. I've met a lot of higher level players in csgo and played with invite players and they are the complete opposite. No one puts me down for my gameplay or singles me out or makes me feel different for being a girl. They actually encourage me and tell me I can be really good and have good aim, etc, whatever. They give me tips and try to help me NOT in a condescending way. That might be personal experience, sure, but I'm just pointing it out. They also don't get offended and angry as easily. Even if you guys didn't understand the joke or find it funny, you really didn't need to give your two cents about how its unfunny and rude. I feel like some of you just WAIT to pounce on someone and shit on them verbally. It's sad. Everyone needs to just back up and calm down a bit.
18 Frags +
MissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.

who are you?

[quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]
who are you?
-12 Frags +
ChaChiMissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.
who are you?

who are YOU?

[quote=ChaChi][quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]
who are you?[/quote]

who are YOU?
15 Frags +
MissMonaLisaeveryone sooo salty.

and btw on a serious note. any time i ever played tf2 with certain people, especially higher level, they were all assholes to me. everyone put me down and belittled me, called me bad, made me feel unwelcome and especially focused on the fact that girls suck at tf2 and shouldn't play. even though I was new to comp and didn't do it ever. I tried pug.na and people were just rude as fuck. I've met a lot of higher level players in csgo and played with invite players and they are the complete opposite. No one puts me down for my gameplay or singles me out or makes me feel different for being a girl. They actually encourage me and tell me I can be really good and have good aim, etc, whatever. They give me tips and try to help me NOT in a condescending way. That might be personal experience, sure, but I'm just pointing it out. They also don't get offended and angry as easily. Even if you guys didn't understand the joke or find it funny, you really didn't need to give your two cents about how its unfunny and rude. I feel like some of you just WAIT to pounce on someone and shit on them verbally. It's sad. Everyone needs to just back up and calm down a bit.

girls should stay away from tf2, they're gross and icky

[quote=MissMonaLisa]everyone sooo salty.

and btw on a serious note. any time i ever played tf2 with certain people, especially higher level, they were all assholes to me. everyone put me down and belittled me, called me bad, made me feel unwelcome and especially focused on the fact that girls suck at tf2 and shouldn't play. even though I was new to comp and didn't do it ever. I tried pug.na and people were just rude as fuck. I've met a lot of higher level players in csgo and played with invite players and they are the complete opposite. No one puts me down for my gameplay or singles me out or makes me feel different for being a girl. They actually encourage me and tell me I can be really good and have good aim, etc, whatever. They give me tips and try to help me NOT in a condescending way. That might be personal experience, sure, but I'm just pointing it out. They also don't get offended and angry as easily. Even if you guys didn't understand the joke or find it funny, you really didn't need to give your two cents about how its unfunny and rude. I feel like some of you just WAIT to pounce on someone and shit on them verbally. It's sad. Everyone needs to just back up and calm down a bit.[/quote]

girls should stay away from tf2, they're gross and icky
6 Frags +
jake_desMissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.
i quit tf2 for csgo also and am trying to get to esea level csgo.
seriously the tf2 community is nicer than the cs community by far.

I quit tf2 for csgo and havent run into many douche bags. Infact my team have some of the coolest dudes i ever met on it. Had good friends in tf2 too but csgo community is bigger which means more douche bags but i think the ratio is the same

[quote=jake_des][quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]
i quit tf2 for csgo also and am trying to get to esea level csgo.
seriously the tf2 community is nicer than the cs community by far.[/quote]

I quit tf2 for csgo and havent run into many douche bags. Infact my team have some of the coolest dudes i ever met on it. Had good friends in tf2 too but csgo community is bigger which means more douche bags but i think the ratio is the same
6 Frags +


5 Frags +
MissMonaLisaChaChiMissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.
who are you?

who are YOU?

i live in a upstairs basement and play video games in my free time

[quote=MissMonaLisa][quote=ChaChi][quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]
who are you?[/quote]

who are YOU?[/quote]
i live in a upstairs basement and play video games in my free time
-3 Frags +
pie_herojake_desMissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.
i quit tf2 for csgo also and am trying to get to esea level csgo.
seriously the tf2 community is nicer than the cs community by far.

I quit tf2 for csgo and havent run into many douche bags. Infact my team have some of the coolest dudes i ever met on it. Had good friends in tf2 too but csgo community is bigger which means more douche bags but i think the ratio is the same

yeah that's probably true. Like i said in my serious note, not my trolling lol, that in my personal experience they have treated me ten times better, since I am a different case for being a female.

[quote=pie_hero][quote=jake_des][quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]
i quit tf2 for csgo also and am trying to get to esea level csgo.
seriously the tf2 community is nicer than the cs community by far.[/quote]

I quit tf2 for csgo and havent run into many douche bags. Infact my team have some of the coolest dudes i ever met on it. Had good friends in tf2 too but csgo community is bigger which means more douche bags but i think the ratio is the same[/quote]

yeah that's probably true. Like i said in my serious note, not my trolling lol, that in my personal experience they have treated me ten times better, since I am a different case for being a female.
-3 Frags +
ChaChiMissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.
who are you?

Same who the fuck is this chick?

[quote=ChaChi][quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]
who are you?[/quote]
Same who the fuck is this chick?
6 Frags +
MissMonaLisapie_herojake_desMissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.
i quit tf2 for csgo also and am trying to get to esea level csgo.
seriously the tf2 community is nicer than the cs community by far.

I quit tf2 for csgo and havent run into many douche bags. Infact my team have some of the coolest dudes i ever met on it. Had good friends in tf2 too but csgo community is bigger which means more douche bags but i think the ratio is the same

yeah that's probably true. Like i said in my serious note, not my trolling lol, that in my personal experience they have treated me ten times better, since I am a different case for being a female.

Honestly, they have treated me better as well at least higher level players

[quote=MissMonaLisa][quote=pie_hero][quote=jake_des][quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]
i quit tf2 for csgo also and am trying to get to esea level csgo.
seriously the tf2 community is nicer than the cs community by far.[/quote]

I quit tf2 for csgo and havent run into many douche bags. Infact my team have some of the coolest dudes i ever met on it. Had good friends in tf2 too but csgo community is bigger which means more douche bags but i think the ratio is the same[/quote]

yeah that's probably true. Like i said in my serious note, not my trolling lol, that in my personal experience they have treated me ten times better, since I am a different case for being a female.[/quote]
Honestly, they have treated me better as well at least higher level players
-2 Frags +
pie_heroHonestly, they have treated me better as well at least higher level players

I like you. Where were you when I used to play TF2 lol :P

[quote=pie_hero]Honestly, they have treated me better as well at least higher level players[/quote]

I like you. Where were you when I used to play TF2 lol :P
2 Frags +

even my real life friends calls me Jopper :[

even my real life friends calls me Jopper :[
-4 Frags +
UltrazChaChiMissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.
who are you?
Same who the fuck is this chick?

I like how you thought this was supposed to be insulting. lolll. clever.

[quote=Ultraz][quote=ChaChi][quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]
who are you?[/quote]
Same who the fuck is this chick?[/quote]

I like how you thought this was supposed to be insulting. lolll. clever.
5 Frags +

ya London is a fag, keeps calling me fucking foreigner :<

ya London is a fag, keeps calling me fucking foreigner :<
2 Frags +
Jopperstalufeven my real life friends calls me Jopper :[

Jopper how could you remove me I thought we were bros

[quote=Jopperstaluf]even my real life friends calls me Jopper :[[/quote]
Jopper how could you remove me I thought we were bros
4 Frags +


4 Frags +


12 Frags +
MissMonaLisaUltrazChaChiMissMonaLisaohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.
who are you?
Same who the fuck is this chick?

I like how you thought this was supposed to be insulting. lolll. clever.


[quote=MissMonaLisa][quote=Ultraz][quote=ChaChi][quote=MissMonaLisa]ohhh yeah now I remember why I stopped playing TF2 and moved onto csgo. Because most of the people that play TF2 all have sticks up their bums and can't take a joke and are prickholes :P

Chris, you definitely need to get your shit together man. Seriously slacking at your job. Also, SUSHI MOFO, SOON.[/quote]
who are you?[/quote]
Same who the fuck is this chick?[/quote]

I like how you thought this was supposed to be insulting. lolll. clever.[/quote]
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This thread has been locked.