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MGE 2.0 release
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First. For those of you having trouble downloading the map, I've uploaded my copy: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104031378/mge_dueling_v1.bsp

Second. REALLY good job on the mod, Cprice. I sat down and played it for a few hours today and I noticed that:

1) The elevator glitch in ultiduo (widening the gap between the lip of the elevator and the upper platform might fix it)
2) On occasion, the countdown on ultiduo for the last 3 seconds goes REALLY fast. Not sure about what can be done for that.
3) On spireking the countdown for HP regen should be different from the 5 seconds to say, maybe 7. Also, if there's a way to set it to count down to 5 seconds after you took damage or 5 seconds after you spawned, instead of a constantly running clock counting down every 5 seconds for regen, that'd be nice. Maybe this could be implemented in different spireking arenas?

Either way, great job.

First. For those of you having trouble downloading the map, I've uploaded my copy: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/104031378/mge_dueling_v1.bsp

Second. REALLY good job on the mod, Cprice. I sat down and played it for a few hours today and I noticed that:

1) The elevator glitch in ultiduo (widening the gap between the lip of the elevator and the upper platform might fix it)
2) On occasion, the countdown on ultiduo for the last 3 seconds goes REALLY fast. Not sure about what can be done for that.
3) On spireking the countdown for HP regen should be different from the 5 seconds to say, maybe 7. Also, if there's a way to set it to count down to 5 seconds after you took damage or 5 seconds after you spawned, instead of a constantly running clock counting down every 5 seconds for regen, that'd be nice. Maybe this could be implemented in different spireking arenas?

Either way, great job.
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1. I'll tell JSTN since hes the one making the map
2. I've noticed this a bit, usually it just skips updating the hud with seconds, but I've never seen it actually speed up how fast it counts down. Are you sure the timer is going faster or is the hud just freezing, then playing through everything it was supposed to play through really quickly?
3. I changed the hp on spireking from 250 to 200 so that should help with the regen to fast (maybe) currently the way its set up is theres just a repetitive timer for the entire arena that counts down and regens everyone every 5 seconds so that isn't really do able with the current way it's set up. I know this isn't perfect but I figure this way you know exactly when you opponent got regen rather than having to guess/hope.

1. I'll tell JSTN since hes the one making the map
2. I've noticed this a bit, usually it just skips updating the hud with seconds, but I've never seen it actually speed up how fast it counts down. Are you sure the timer is going faster or is the hud just freezing, then playing through everything it was supposed to play through really quickly?
3. I changed the hp on spireking from 250 to 200 so that should help with the regen to fast (maybe) currently the way its set up is theres just a repetitive timer for the entire arena that counts down and regens everyone every 5 seconds so that isn't really do able with the current way it's set up. I know this isn't perfect but I figure this way you know exactly when you opponent got regen rather than having to guess/hope.
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Cprice-You will be killed at the end of every 2v2/koth round if you are still alive.
This is to prevent medics ubercharge from carrying over between rounds. Unfortunately
this also means that your k:d stats will be skewed, but its mge so why do you care about k:d?

This should be changeable such that the medic's UberCharge is simply reset, I'll get working on that fix soon.

Cprice-Paintrain doesn't let you cap at 2x speed, (scouts do) because I haven't been able to find a way to check if a player is using that specific
weapon with sourcemod, anyone knows a way please let me know.

I believe I fixed this (am on a roll today), but my fixes haven't been tested and may very well be broken since I completely redid the function. I opened up a pull request anyway.

[quote=Cprice]-You will be killed at the end of every 2v2/koth round if you are still alive.
This is to prevent medics ubercharge from carrying over between rounds. Unfortunately
this also means that your k:d stats will be skewed, but its mge so why do you care about k:d?[/QUOTE]
This should be changeable such that the medic's UberCharge is simply reset, I'll get working on that fix soon.

[QUOTE=Cprice]-Paintrain doesn't let you cap at 2x speed, (scouts do) because I haven't been able to find a way to check if a player is using that specific
weapon with sourcemod, anyone knows a way please let me know.[/QUOTE]
I believe I fixed this (am on a roll today), but my fixes haven't been tested and may very well be broken since I completely redid the function. I opened up a pull request anyway.
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are there any servers using this yet? i'd like to give it a try

are there any servers using this yet? i'd like to give it a try
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from the first post:

My server on duel_v1 -
\TG/ MGE on duel_v1 -
\TG/ MGE on beta4a -
Dragula's server -

from the first post:

My server on duel_v1 -
\TG/ MGE on duel_v1 -
\TG/ MGE on beta4a -
Dragula's server -
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Tiny Little Robots is now using the new version

Tiny Little Robots is now using the new version
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SO EXCITED. Any ideas if the popular mge servers will update to 2.0?

SO EXCITED. Any ideas if the popular mge servers will update to 2.0?
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there is a small edge bug on top of spireking arena:


if you walk up and quickly want to turn right it kinda blocks you even though it's a very small step

there is a small edge bug on top of spireking arena:

if you walk up and quickly want to turn right it kinda blocks you even though it's a very small step
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Dave_ was kind enough to approach me about the Ultiduo elevator clipping bug last night, and I allowed him to fix the problem and test it. I expect to have a bugfix version available possibly today, if not by the end of the week. I am also going to add player clip on top of the "2fort roofs" in Spireking as they are "sticky" when crossing over the center of them, and possibly investigate a solution to the problem in the post above. As usual, I'm incredibly busy at work, but I'll try to fix these things as soon as possible.

MightyMethere is a small edge bug on top of spireking arena:

if you walk up and quickly want to turn right it kinda blocks you even though it's a very small step

I'm fairly sure that the spire in its entirety is a model. I'm not absolutely sure if I can correct that, maybe with a player clip brush or something in the shape of a ramp. Is this the same problem that people have with the spire on MGE Training V7/V8?

Dave_ was kind enough to approach me about the Ultiduo elevator clipping bug last night, and I allowed him to fix the problem and test it. I expect to have a bugfix version available possibly today, if not by the end of the week. I am also going to add player clip on top of the "2fort roofs" in Spireking as they are "sticky" when crossing over the center of them, and possibly investigate a solution to the problem in the post above. As usual, I'm incredibly busy at work, but I'll try to fix these things as soon as possible.

[quote=MightyMe]there is a small edge bug on top of spireking arena:

if you walk up and quickly want to turn right it kinda blocks you even though it's a very small step[/quote]

I'm fairly sure that the spire in its entirety is a model. I'm not absolutely sure if I can correct that, maybe with a player clip brush or something in the shape of a ramp. Is this the same problem that people have with the spire on MGE Training V7/V8?
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Jstn7477I'm fairly sure that the spire in its entirety is a model. I'm not absolutely sure if I can correct that, maybe with a player clip brush or something in the shape of a ramp. Is this the same problem that people have with the spire on MGE Training V7/V8?

I think I only have that problem on v8 and not v7

I'm fairly sure that the spire in its entirety is a model. I'm not absolutely sure if I can correct that, maybe with a player clip brush or something in the shape of a ramp. Is this the same problem that people have with the spire on MGE Training V7/V8?[/quote]

I think I only have that problem on v8 and not v7
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KanecoJstn7477I'm fairly sure that the spire in its entirety is a model. I'm not absolutely sure if I can correct that, maybe with a player clip brush or something in the shape of a ramp. Is this the same problem that people have with the spire on MGE Training V7/V8?
I think I only have that problem on v8 and not v7

Are there any other spots on the spire that cause this and need to be investigated?

I'm fairly sure that the spire in its entirety is a model. I'm not absolutely sure if I can correct that, maybe with a player clip brush or something in the shape of a ramp. Is this the same problem that people have with the spire on MGE Training V7/V8?[/quote]

I think I only have that problem on v8 and not v7[/quote]

Are there any other spots on the spire that cause this and need to be investigated?
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Hey folks, I have finished my first bugfix release for MGE Dueling V1.

-Corrected Ultiduo elevator clipping issues, players will no longer clip through the elevator when they stand on the edge. (Thank you Dave_ for identifying and correcting this issue)
-Created a fix for the spire model clipping issue (identified by MightyMe) by using a player clip brush. Players should no longer become stuck on the area of the spire identified in post #69 when they are brushed up against the wall. I will also implement this fix in MGE Training V8 if it has been proven to correct the issue.
-Created player clip brushes to overlay the 2fort "shack" model on Spireking. Players should no longer get "stuck" on the roof peak anymore.
-Raised the skybox in bball by over 100% to please the people who apparently enjoy hitting the ceiling more than playing MGE (just kidding). I plan on carrying this over to the next MGE V8 release as well.

UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS FOR MGE 2.0.x USERS (until GitHub release is updated):
Open your existing mgemod_spawns.cfg located in tf/addons/sourcemod/configs in a text editor. Use CTRL+F or scroll down to the KeyValue that says "mge_dueling_v1" (should be the last set) and replace that map name with "mge_dueling_v1_fix1" and save/upload. Upload the new map (obviously), change your server configs to load the new map and restart your server. MGEMod should load properly with all the spawns since you updated the map name in mgemod_spawns.cfg to the new one.

Temporary download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zs3evcbzvqko7kj/mge_dueling_v1_fix1.bsp

Thank you for the problem reports!

Hey folks, I have finished my first bugfix release for MGE Dueling V1.

-Corrected Ultiduo elevator clipping issues, players will no longer clip through the elevator when they stand on the edge. (Thank you Dave_ for identifying and correcting this issue)
-Created a fix for the spire model clipping issue (identified by MightyMe) by using a player clip brush. Players should no longer become stuck on the area of the spire identified in post #69 when they are brushed up against the wall. I will also implement this fix in MGE Training V8 if it has been proven to correct the issue.
-Created player clip brushes to overlay the 2fort "shack" model on Spireking. Players should no longer get "stuck" on the roof peak anymore.
-Raised the skybox in bball by over 100% to please the people who apparently enjoy hitting the ceiling more than playing MGE (just kidding). I plan on carrying this over to the next MGE V8 release as well.

[b]UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS FOR MGE 2.0.x USERS (until GitHub release is updated):[/b]
Open your existing mgemod_spawns.cfg located in tf/addons/sourcemod/configs in a text editor. Use CTRL+F or scroll down to the KeyValue that says "mge_dueling_v1" (should be the last set) and replace that map name with "mge_dueling_v1_fix1" and save/upload. Upload the new map (obviously), change your server configs to load the new map and restart your server. MGEMod should load properly with all the spawns since you updated the map name in mgemod_spawns.cfg to the new one.

Temporary download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zs3evcbzvqko7kj/mge_dueling_v1_fix1.bsp

Thank you for the problem reports!
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It would be fantastic if you can make grenades explode on impact so that you can play bball as demo.

It would be fantastic if you can make grenades explode on impact so that you can play bball as demo.
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new map is up on git, make sure you dl and replace mge_spawns.cfg as well or the map won't work.

new map is up on git, make sure you dl and replace mge_spawns.cfg as well or the map won't work.
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hooliIt would be fantastic if you can make grenades explode on impact so that you can play bball as demo.

Make hooli's dream come true!

[quote=hooli]It would be fantastic if you can make grenades explode on impact so that you can play bball as demo.[/quote]

Make hooli's dream come true!
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PLEASE make turris unlimited health and ammo. it's really boring and slow atm.

PLEASE make turris unlimited health and ammo. it's really boring and slow atm.
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I might be starting some work on MGE Training V8 beta4a today. I plan on implementing the little fix I made for the spire, and raising the ceiling height of the bball arena.

I'm on the fence about whether or not I should get rid of one of the Turris arenas in favor of a Spireking arena, now that actual turris support is implemented by the plugin. Obviously it will take some work considering I had made a special "conjoined" pair of Turris arenas specifically for this map, but it would add slightly more variety to the map, I suppose. I know I have been changing arenas around since Beta3, but I'm curious to know if players want such a change or not. Please don't ask me to put Ultiduo on MGE V8 either because it is at its limits already.

Does anyone know of any other outstanding issues I need to correct? I know that the development of this map has been slow going, but I really want to get MGE V8 polished up soon and push it as the successor to MGE V7. The only way I can fix problems you're having is if I am made aware of them. I hardly have time to game as it is.

I might be starting some work on MGE Training V8 beta4a today. I plan on implementing the little fix I made for the spire, and raising the ceiling height of the bball arena.

I'm on the fence about whether or not I should get rid of one of the Turris arenas in favor of a Spireking arena, now that actual turris support is implemented by the plugin. Obviously it will take some work considering I had made a special "conjoined" pair of Turris arenas specifically for this map, but it would add slightly more variety to the map, I suppose. I know I have been changing arenas around since Beta3, but I'm curious to know if players want such a change or not. Please don't ask me to put Ultiduo on MGE V8 either because it is at its limits already.

Does anyone know of any other outstanding issues I need to correct? I know that the development of this map has been slow going, but I really want to get MGE V8 polished up soon and push it as the successor to MGE V7. The only way I can fix problems you're having is if I am made aware of them. I hardly have time to game as it is.
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I installed everything on to my server and everything is dark and you can't see anything but hats O.o

I installed everything on to my server and everything is dark and you can't see anything but hats O.o
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how about adding the new ultiduo that we had so much fun in into MGE Dueling.


how about adding the new ultiduo that we had so much fun in into MGE Dueling.

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dont know if this has been reported but i have a tendancy to crash when I win a round of spireking/ultiduo

should I post my specs/config so we can figure out what's the problem?

edit: i gotta say ultiduo with bad pub medics is a test of the soul holy shit

dont know if this has been reported but i have a tendancy to crash when I win a round of spireking/ultiduo

should I post my specs/config so we can figure out what's the problem?

edit: i gotta say ultiduo with bad pub medics is a test of the soul holy shit
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#79 are you sure you have sorucemod and metamod properly installed? try updating/reinstalling them.

#80 Unfortunately because baloo has a 2-tiered cap point it doesn't work with the way mge koth works. Currently mge creates an invisible cap point model on top of the actual cap point model and hooks that for people to touch. Which is also why you actually have to touch the point model in the mod to cap, rather than stand near it like in real ultiduo/spireking/turris ect.

#81 I've never heard of that happening, does it only happen in spireking/ultiduo but not turris? And does it happen only when you win or when you lose too?

I have no idea what could cause the user to crash, and I've never seen that happen but I'll look into it.

Sorry I haven't been very active the past few days with fixing things, I've been sick with the flu and haven't felt like doing much besides sleeping all day. Hopefully this weekend I'll have some time to get these things fixed.

#79 are you sure you have sorucemod and metamod properly installed? try updating/reinstalling them.

#80 Unfortunately because baloo has a 2-tiered cap point it doesn't work with the way mge koth works. Currently mge creates an invisible cap point model on top of the actual cap point model and hooks that for people to touch. Which is also why you actually have to touch the point model in the mod to cap, rather than stand near it like in real ultiduo/spireking/turris ect.

#81 I've never heard of that happening, does it only happen in spireking/ultiduo but not turris? And does it happen only when you win or when you lose too?

I have no idea what could cause the user to crash, and I've never seen that happen but I'll look into it.

Sorry I haven't been very active the past few days with fixing things, I've been sick with the flu and haven't felt like doing much besides sleeping all day. Hopefully this weekend I'll have some time to get these things fixed.
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so IDK if this is an MGE bug, Sourcemod bug, or a Sizzling Stats bug, but on the server for New Map Pugs, configs do not fully apply after changing the map. Not only is this an inconvenience, but it also (from what I've heard) breaks STVs.

so IDK if this is an MGE bug, Sourcemod bug, or a Sizzling Stats bug, but on the server for New Map Pugs, configs do not fully apply after changing the map. Not only is this an inconvenience, but it also (from what I've heard) breaks STVs.
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Cprice#79 are you sure you have sorucemod and metamod properly installed? try updating/reinstalling them.

yeah I reinstalled them; same thing happening :S

[quote=Cprice]#79 are you sure you have sorucemod and metamod properly installed? try updating/reinstalling them.
yeah I reinstalled them; same thing happening :S
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try reinstalling/re-copying over the addons folder for mge from git. Also what map are you trying to play on?

try reinstalling/re-copying over the addons folder for mge from git. Also what map are you trying to play on?
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Cpricetry reinstalling/re-copying over the addons folder for mge from git. Also what map are you trying to play on?

Turns out the new metamod version is made for steampipe, so I went back to an older version, and now it works (ty tragic)

[quote=Cprice]try reinstalling/re-copying over the addons folder for mge from git. Also what map are you trying to play on?[/quote]
Turns out the new metamod version is made for steampipe, so I went back to an older version, and now it works (ty tragic)
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IndimanCpricetry reinstalling/re-copying over the addons folder for mge from git. Also what map are you trying to play on?mge_training_v8_beta4a
Turns out the new metamod version is made for steampipe, so I went back to an older version, and now it works (ty tragic)

Yeah, I think Metamod 1.10.0-hg829 is the last version that works with the soon to be traditional TF2 servers. Unfortunately, the Alliedmodders symbol/snapshot server had a piece of hardware fail at a rather inconvenient time, so only the latest (and incompatible) snapshot is available. I do have the latest Linux one that works, but not the Windows one. :(

Has anyone who mentioned the spire issue tried out the Spireking arenas on mge_dueling_v1_fix1 at all? I need to know if the fix works/if it's the only needed fix before I implement it on MGE Training V8.

[quote=Indiman][quote=Cprice]try reinstalling/re-copying over the addons folder for mge from git. Also what map are you trying to play on?[/quote]
Turns out the new metamod version is made for steampipe, so I went back to an older version, and now it works (ty tragic)[/quote]

Yeah, I think Metamod 1.10.0-hg829 is the last version that works with the soon to be traditional TF2 servers. Unfortunately, the Alliedmodders symbol/snapshot server had a piece of hardware fail at a rather inconvenient time, so only the latest (and incompatible) snapshot is available. I do have the latest Linux one that works, but not the Windows one. :(

Has anyone who mentioned the spire issue tried out the Spireking arenas on mge_dueling_v1_fix1 at all? I need to know if the fix works/if it's the only needed fix before I implement it on MGE Training V8.
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2.0.3 is now up

Change log:

2.0.3 - April 19th, 2013
Bug Fixes:
-Medics ubercharge will now be properly reset on round end (Thanks to
-Fxied dark room spawn bug (again)
-Improved cap point functionality to better match real cap points
-Paintrain now caps at 2x speed (thesupremecommander)

2.0.3 is now up

Change log:

2.0.3 - April 19th, 2013
Bug Fixes:
-Medics ubercharge will now be properly reset on round end (Thanks to
-Fxied dark room spawn bug (again)
-Improved cap point functionality to better match real cap points
-Paintrain now caps at 2x speed (thesupremecommander)
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you always respawn at the cliff on blands spire unless both players are spawning at the same time.

you always respawn at the cliff on blands spire unless both players are spawning at the same time.
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Might just be me but whenever I press "0" to remove nothing happens, the only way to get out of the selection area is to go to last page and hit Remove from queue

Might just be me but whenever I press "0" to remove nothing happens, the only way to get out of the selection area is to go to last page and hit Remove from queue
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vileyou always respawn at the cliff on blands spire unless both players are spawning at the same time.

I'll look into this. I have a hunch that the changes I made to the Badlands displacements (the terrain) last year may have changed the general height of the terrain by a few units, causing the original spawn points to become invalid. The number of triangles had to be reduced in the terrain because Valve designed Badlands with "Power 4" displacements that aren't supported properly in Hammer/Source SDK, causing unusually large map file sizes and preventing terrain physics calculations from being computed. I had to reduce the displacements to "Power 3" which reduced their "resolution" due to the reduced triangle count.

I'm a bit surprised nobody noticed/mentioned this sooner.

[quote=vile]you always respawn at the cliff on blands spire unless both players are spawning at the same time.[/quote]

I'll look into this. I have a hunch that the changes I made to the Badlands displacements (the terrain) last year may have changed the general height of the terrain by a few units, causing the original spawn points to become invalid. The number of triangles had to be reduced in the terrain because Valve designed Badlands with "Power 4" displacements that aren't supported properly in Hammer/Source SDK, causing unusually large map file sizes and preventing terrain physics calculations from being computed. I had to reduce the displacements to "Power 3" which reduced their "resolution" due to the reduced triangle count.

I'm a bit surprised nobody noticed/mentioned this sooner.
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