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Ban b4nny 2: Revised and Revisited
posted in The Dumpster
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Greetings friends.

You may remember about a year I made a proposition that we ban Grant "b4nny" Vincent from our wonderful little community. However receiving immense support, nothing has changed since then. In fact he has continued his reign of terror, if we want this to stop, we need to address this issue once again.

Here are just a few controversies around b4nny that have been relevant recently:

  • b4nny moving the pugging community to FACEIT has been an absolute cringefest. Nobody adds to pugs anymore because they're aids.
  • Picking up yomps to fuck over Ascent.
  • Scamming MyAnimeList after tricking them into playing invite.
  • No change in toxic behavior. Honestly yight is nicer LOL.
  • The legion of b4nny subs grows still.
  • He's the face and voice of our community, he's an arrogant, toxic, and whiny person, and he's what outsiders see when they look at our community.

We should have no hope in this man. So long as he is the best playing the game, and has an echo chamber of brainless zombie subs he will never change. The revolution is on us tf.tv. If you're not with us than you're with him.


Greetings friends.

You may remember about a year I made [url=http://www.teamfortress.tv/38910/ban-b4nny]a proposition[/url] that we ban Grant "b4nny" Vincent from our wonderful little community. However receiving [url=https://www.strawpoll.me/12133164/r]immense support[/url], nothing has changed since then. In fact he has continued his reign of terror, if we want this to stop, we need to address this issue once again.

Here are just a few controversies around b4nny that have been relevant recently:

[*] b4nny moving the pugging community to FACEIT has been an absolute cringefest. Nobody adds to pugs anymore because they're aids.
[*] Picking up yomps to fuck over Ascent.
[*] Scamming MyAnimeList after tricking them into playing invite.
[*] No change in [url=https://prnt.sc/hj9aan]toxic behavior[/url]. Honestly yight is nicer LOL.
[*] The legion of b4nny subs grows still.
[*] He's the face and voice of our community, he's an arrogant, toxic, and whiny person, and he's what outsiders see when they look at our community.

We should have no hope in this man. So long as he is the best playing the game, and has an echo chamber of brainless zombie subs he will never change. The revolution is on us tf.tv. If you're not with us than you're with him.

Stream Highlights
49 Frags +

hey i just got fortnite. where we droppin?

hey i just got fortnite. where we droppin?
136 Frags +

My next b4nny fanfic Will Address b4nny's Toxic Side.

My next b4nny fanfic Will Address b4nny's Toxic Side.
35 Frags +

I agree with banning this player. I don't really have a problem with him other than his ego is kind of big sometimes but his subs are fucking aids.

I agree with banning this player. I don't really have a problem with him other than his ego is kind of big sometimes but his subs are fucking aids.
19 Frags +

more like b4n b4nny

more like b4n b4nny
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105 Frags +
liasand has an echo chamber of brainless zombie subs he will never change.

Good thing TFTV isn't an echo chamber

[quote=lias]and has an echo chamber of brainless zombie subs he will never change.[/quote]
Good thing TFTV isn't an echo chamber
28 Frags +
rotidderliasand has an echo chamber of brainless zombie subs he will never change.Good thing TFTV isn't an echo chamber

The only echoes on tftv come from angry open players yelling at each other.

[quote=rotidder][quote=lias]and has an echo chamber of brainless zombie subs he will never change.[/quote]
Good thing TFTV isn't an echo chamber[/quote]
The only echoes on tftv come from angry open players yelling at each other.
185 Frags +


32 Frags +

You’re literally torturing this meme for upfrags

You’re literally torturing this meme for upfrags
69 Frags +

What the fuck did you just fucking post about me, you little idiot? I’ll have you know I've won over 10000 6's matches, and I’ve been involved in numerous Tournaments, and I have over 500 confirmed LAN Wins. I am trained in killing white girls and cutting teammates. You are nothing to me but just another idiot that I hate. I will wipe you the fuck out with meatshot and direct precision likes of which has never been seen before on this game, mark my fucking tweets. You think you can get away with typing that shit to me over the Twitch chat? Think again, casual idiot. As we type I am contacting my secret network of b4nny subs across TFTV and you are being keylogged right now so you better prepare for the DDoSing, you little bitch. The DDoSing that wipes out the pathetic server you rented for your open team. You’re fucking destroyed, idiot. I go deep anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my ever growing hatred of idiots. Not only am I extensively trained in killing white girls, but I have access to the entire arsenal of my Twitch subs and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your low open ass off the face of the game, you little bitch. If only you could have known what retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price you idiot. I will shit salt all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking l8red, bitch.

What the fuck did you just fucking post about me, you little idiot? I’ll have you know I've won over 10000 6's matches, and I’ve been involved in numerous Tournaments, and I have over 500 confirmed LAN Wins. I am trained in killing white girls and cutting teammates. You are nothing to me but just another idiot that I hate. I will wipe you the fuck out with meatshot and direct precision likes of which has never been seen before on this game, mark my fucking tweets. You think you can get away with typing that shit to me over the Twitch chat? Think again, casual idiot. As we type I am contacting my secret network of b4nny subs across TFTV and you are being keylogged right now so you better prepare for the DDoSing, you little bitch. The DDoSing that wipes out the pathetic server you rented for your open team. You’re fucking destroyed, idiot. I go deep anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my ever growing hatred of idiots. Not only am I extensively trained in killing white girls, but I have access to the entire arsenal of my Twitch subs and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your low open ass off the face of the game, you little bitch. If only you could have known what retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price you idiot. I will shit salt all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking l8red, bitch.
-9 Frags +
liasThe only echoes on tftv come from angry open players yelling at each other.


[quote=lias]The only echoes on tftv come from angry open players yelling at each other.[/quote]
86 Frags +


26 Frags +

grant "fucking" vincent is history's greatest monster; he's the reason i don't let my children on tftv after the streetlights come on

grant "fucking" vincent is history's greatest monster; he's the reason i don't let my children on tftv after the streetlights come on
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20 Frags +

can we just post clips of wonder b4nny quotes

can we just post clips of wonder b4nny quotes
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i personally Disagree.....

i personally Disagree.....
5 Frags +

banny needs to be more transparent about why he's doing this and stop making so many mistakes forsenCD

banny needs to be more transparent about why he's doing this and stop making so many mistakes forsenCD
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31 Frags +

website used to have interesting drama

website used to have interesting drama
35 Frags +

why doesnt b4nny spend alll his prize money on something useful like going to a therapist

why doesnt b4nny spend alll his prize money on something useful like going to a therapist
Stream Highlights
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resist b4nny
add to pugchamp

resist b4nny
add to pugchamp
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We Live In A Society.

We Live In A Society.
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