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SteamID64 76561198374045865
SteamID3 [U:1:413780137]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:206890068
Country Pirate
Signed Up March 20, 2020
Last Posted August 22, 2024 at 1:24 PM
Posts 309 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 5.2
Windows Sensitivity no
Raw Input yes
1024 768
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse no
Keyboard yes
Mousepad no
Headphones no
Monitor yes
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#2 TF2 update for 12/19/23 (12/20/23 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

thank god they patched this, I was getting worried that they might just wait for a bigger update to include it in

posted 11 months ago
#3 PSA: Tf2 Colorblind Filters in TF2 General Discussion

Btw they aren't meant for colorblind people, rather they're intended to simulate colorblindness for non-colorblind people, probably most useful for mappers

posted about a year ago
#13 msi bios/HDD help in Hardware
RahmedMobo = B450-A pro max
Usb = 64gb (56gb shown on file explorer) exFat (only option to format besides NTFS)

This is probably your issue, the filesystem almost definitely has to be FAT32, and you'll want to use an MBR not GPT. Most people recommend a 16GB or smaller drive, but 64 will probably be fine and you could always try making the partition smaller than 16GB if it still doesn't work. Google should be able to walk you through how to get it formatted correctly. It's also worth trying a USB 2.0 drive if you're using a USB 3 one.

RahmedMobo = B450-A pro max
If worse comes to worst and I find it's bricked, is there a recommended better motherboard I can buy?

You'll never need to buy a new motherboard in the case of a corrupted bios, in the absolute worst case you can use an external SPI programmer to flash a working bios firmware onto the chip, it's a quick and easy process if you have the tools available or know someone who does. If not, any repair shop will also be able to do it for you.

posted about a year ago
#3 help is my pc dying? in Q/A Help

If you do a fresh windows install on a spare drive and can reproduce it there, probably. If it can't be reproduced there, probably not. If that's too much hassle, at least try a full clean reinstall of gpu drivers. There are also tools you can download that can perform an integrity test of your system ram or gpu's vram.

posted about a year ago
#4 DX8 type visibility in DX9? in TF2 General Discussion

Funnily enough on linux/mac tf2 (which uses dxlevel 90) you can entirely disable fog by using the -nops2b launch option, seemingly because pixel fog mode is forced regardless of if there's support for it or not, which there apparently isn't with 2.0b disabled.


Unfortunately that's exactly zero help for windows, and obviously not likely to be rgl legal anyways.

In theory you could modify shaders (which aren't ever included in or considered by sv_pure, for whatever reason) to disable some or all fog, but of course that too should be illegal in rgl.

posted about a year ago
#9 Most of old visuals pack (works on serveme) in Customization

the modding community presents valve with yet another reason to change 1 LOC and take away everyone's vtf crosshairs

posted about a year ago
#10 Why use P-REC over integrated demo support? in TF2 General Discussion
NoNoeWayNope, it works perfectly fine. Many people in low divs (including myself) use it.

I think Mr. billw's saying it additionally records valve casual games (not necessarily desired) since they also use mp_tournament, not that it doesn't work at all.

posted about a year ago
#2 cant load in demos in Q/A Help

Seems as though the july 25th update broke playback of most or all demos recorded prior to it, so far the workarounds are to use an earlier version of the game or to use the pre_07_25_23_demos branch which can be selected under the betas tab in game properties

posted about a year ago
#5 can someone explain what happened here? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#12 Is windows 7 still worth it in Hardware
TwiggyVac conflict = vac ban or inability to join vac servers ?

whichever it is, it's likely a drawback specific to that windows re-distribution he mentioned, as the spectre and meltdown mitigations can be disabled just fine (eg. using inspectre or manually changing the settings yourself) without any relation to or impact on VAC.

posted about a year ago
#6 Looking for Hoppípolla by siN in Videos


posted about a year ago
#5 TF2 lag in TF2 General Discussion

you can check which gpu tf2 is using with mat_info in console

posted about a year ago
#3 TF2 lag in TF2 General Discussion

Chances are you're using Optimus/MSHybrid which means the internal display is connected to the Vega iGP, games are running on the NVIDIA gpu, and each frame has to be copied from one gpu to the other in order to be displayed (incurring some potentially significant overhead).

If your laptop has a 'mux switch', you can connect the internal display directly to the 1660 Ti and alleviate this. If not, you could try using an external monitor if you have one, as the display outs on most dual gpu laptops are connected to the discrete gpu (this can be verified in NVIDIA Control Panel). If neither of those things are an option, it could be worth a shot to try running tf2 on the AMD iGP instead of NVIDIA, as it may actually run better that way due to no copy overhead.

Of course your cpu is on the weaker side like doiku said, so make sure nothing's using much cpu time apart from tf2, verify it's not being thermal throttled into the ground, and if HP provides any settings relating to cTDP or other power limits, set them to the highest available.

posted about a year ago
#30 biggest valve fuckups in TF2 General Discussion

Shipping a 3 year old chromium framework version (85.0.4183.121) in current 2023 steam

posted about a year ago
#10 PSA: Imgur to purge old anonymous & NSFW uploads in Off Topic

Finally got around to getting these uploaded, google disabled my account for automated behavior part way through so mega it is

imgur images from posts (hopefully some 99% of them or so, impractical to get literally everything)

gallery imgur images from the galleries section

posted about a year ago
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