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Last Posted July 26, 2019 at 2:00 PM
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#217 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

I like how removing viewmodels is defined as an "exploit", as if it's some nefarious deed people are committing when they just want to play the game the same way they have been able to for ~8 years

posted about 7 years ago
#73 Heavy & Pyro: How could they be changed? in TF2 General Discussion

I still think changing the heavy for the better is actually a pretty easy task:

1) make visual indicators for his ramp-up shit (minigun heats up when firing for long enough, as an example)
2) drop overall bullet dmg, but heavily increase accuracy

the best thing that helped the heavy in the past while was when he got that tomislav buff, because it promoted better aim. more accuracy not only greatly benefits good players, but it makes it so when you miss with the miniguns, you actually miss rather than still get a stray bullet on them here and there

posted about 7 years ago
#45 Demoman Detonation Delay in TF2 General Discussion
Bucakethe detonate while taunting was fixed a long time ago (september 2014), way before this became an issue. but i guess it could still be linked through some new bug they created
maybe it has to do with the global weapon swap speed increase, but i can't recall when the bug first appeared

from one of the youtube comments:

This is probably an unintended result of the change that prevented demoman from detonating his stickies while taunting. They probably did it by preventing detonation of stickies while a delayed-repeat action is playing: taunts (which you cannot immediately cancel), attacking (there's a delay between firing), and switching weapons (again, delay before you can fire).

another quirk to add to the needlessly complex web of stickybomb launcher quirks, I guess?

posted about 7 years ago
#214 Stupid shit you've done in Off Topic

I lived in a dingy town in ontario that was nothing but hills, mixed in with me buying a used bike which had no brakes, which was not only useless most of the time (I was always horribly unhealthy with asthma, so I would end up walking the bike uphill), but when I did use it I would often crash

there were several times where I'd go down a hill full-speed in icy-road winter, assuming myself to have brakes, and then remembering otherwise just before I was about to hit traffic with my head. thank god for snow banks

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Frontline Community Update in Map Discussion

I still think an A/D map that builds off of gravelpit but just cuts off A (so a 2-point map based off of B and C) could work well. the biggest problem came from offclassing to engie and heavy becoming a sole requirement for defense, if you could tweak stuff in such a manner that the standard 6 can still play defensively it'd play much more nicely

posted about 7 years ago
#48 Valve to start shutting down gambling sites in TF2 General Discussion

keys for crates is, albeit in the least harmful of ways you could have one, a gambling service... but that's no more harmful than a card game booster pack, and last I checked you can make a pretty penny off of mint-condition rare MtG cards. I see the value in talking about that, but to directly compare them to services which were literally just any other adult gambling site that used items as a middle-man is a huge disregard for size of impact

posted about 7 years ago
#67 TF2 needs optimization in TF2 General Discussion

L4D gives you one, single model for your character, and then a model for your weapon. with TF2 you're getting up to 4 different models stuck to one character (character model, 3 cosmetics and then a visible action item like the canteen), and then your weapon model can also have dynamic skins, jigglebone-robot-heads and other pretty-looking shit which can cause optimization problems--and then in one competitive match, you're getting multiples of 12 of that total

the fact that it runs okay at all with that setup is a feat of god, though that doesn't change how it needs to be better for a competitive setting

posted about 7 years ago
#21 Valve to start shutting down gambling sites in TF2 General Discussion

yeah past the standard "don't enforce gambling addiction" laws idc about adults doing this stuff, but to that end I should point out: the legal argument on this for the longest time was always "well it's not technically currency so it's ok", so the arguments on ethics, while still valid, proves that this still ends up being a more roundabout way of playing with chance for money

I remember a lot of people on reddit thinking the related lawsuit couldn't possibly go anywhere, it was kinda funny considering how easy it seemed on the prosecution's end

posted about 7 years ago
#49 Pokemon GO released in AUS and NZ in Other Games

was just looking around in pokemon go before I went to bed, and someone is up at 2 in the goddamn morning at a nearby park, because I glance over and suddenly the gym switched colors

what is this game

posted about 7 years ago
#14 ***MESSAGE TO ALL DEMO MAINS*** in Off Topic

what if you have that one cosmetic that's just a photo of his eye taped over his eyepatch

posted about 7 years ago
#48 Pokemon GO released in AUS and NZ in Other Games

the entire point of this being fairly shallow to start off is because it really doesn't need to be complex for now. if it doesn't go anywhere a month from now then it's dying as hard a death as miitomo, but slowly rolling out features as a service-type thing isn't a bad idea when you know 99% of people playing for the first long while won't touch any of it

when you first do anything MMO-like (or, uh, whatever the fuck you call the giant pop culture sprawl that is pokemon go), one of the major problems you have with higher-level features is that if someone gets first past the gate, there's absolutely nobody to do it with. when you set it up like a week-by-week service, however, you can roll out features once you know for sure there's people who can all play with it

the actual big thing, to me, is safety and privacy concerns. this is way too big, and interacts way too hard with the real world for people to not get upset by it. niantic has a fucking treasure trove of location data involving where people are at all times, and given the privacy policy this game has they have free reign over it

also, the first day I was playing this game, I went to a local park I always go through and found like a dozen other people playing pokemon go. it was weird as fuck

posted about 7 years ago
#8 can we still use viewmodels now? in Q/A Help
fnmWhat was their reasoning for forcing players to use viewmodels?

because then you have to show off your skin to everyone

it's cynical, but very likely they want to push weapon skins as the money-maker, so welp

posted about 7 years ago
#21 Valve has no clue about weapon balance? in TF2 General Discussion
pop7upWhy nerf the loch-n-load? It's already dead and unusable, and you'd rather use stock.
Unless I'm missing something and the loch-n-load is actually good...

they technically do less damage, but with even passable DM you're hitting every single shot at fairly long ranges, something you can't do as well with other primaries with DM a dozen times better

up until each pipe does like 20 dmg, it's pretty much always going to be a problem weapon

posted about 7 years ago
#40 Is Valve overcomplicating weapon stats? in TF2 General Discussion

that would be a really easy way to kill the game, given that everyone not already into 6s would lose their shit over the change

there wouldn't be so much of an issue with so many weapons if each weapon was fairly basic at its core. instead you get weapons which wildly and fundamentally change a dozen different things about each class, and then you get at minimum three of those on any one class' loadout at any time

posted about 7 years ago
#38 Is Valve overcomplicating weapon stats? in TF2 General Discussion
HellbentWhat do think was gunna happen when one of the employees is a pyro main? Might as well let nutcases like uncle dane or sigafoo do balance changes. They probably would've come up with the same shit anyways

but even HL pyro mains know pyro is broken and messy

posted about 7 years ago
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