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Last Posted July 26, 2019 at 2:00 PM
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#581 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

while there's a good point to the popular opinion of HL splitting competitive tf2, a large majority of 6s TF2 being in a stalemate for so long was entirely to do with how painfully difficult it is to get into

blaming HL for being able to accomplish getting new people in is brushing off that huge chunks of 6s' accessibility relied on a really small amount of community leaders, several of which left over the years as a result of becoming so exhausted. if 6s had the amount of people willing to constantly help out like HL did, 9v9 would've died years ago

posted about 7 years ago
#901 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe in The Dumpster

please do not hourshame, tftv

posted about 7 years ago
#281 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events
pine_beetleI don't understand your point. My experience has been that the more government gets involved and the bigger it is, the less effective it is overall.

yeah, just look at how stephen harper's government promoted as lean and small worked out for us!


posted about 7 years ago
#23 WINDOWS FUCKING 10 in Q/A Help

put it this way, when microsoft pulls their head out of their ass and makes w10 usable for basic gaming stuff (windowed TF2 is still laggy and basically unfixable after win7) you can switch later on with no cost

because by upgrading now you're reserving a free copy of w10 (which you can't do any longer after mid-july iirc) and it still counts even after you roll back to w7

also, you don't need to check each update manually, you can just use something like this to block out any w10 related stuff for you

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Stress Test #11 End of the Beta in TF2 General Discussion

every single time there's a stress test, there's always that one dude who doesn't realize what a stress test is

posted about 7 years ago
#4 TF2 Update for 6/25/2016 in TF2 General Discussion

will it be released before or after june ends

place ya bets, place ya bets

posted about 7 years ago
#244 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events

if mediocre food can stop terrorists, why is america still so afraid of terrorism

checkmate atheists

posted about 7 years ago
#107 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events
EmilioEstevezHowever the price of oil has taken a nose dive since they lost the independence referendum 62%/38%. They would be choosing poverty if they left unless the price of oil rebounds overnight.

and they're willing to deal with that. I don't think you realize here, the rest of EU is willing to deal with this, even if it hurts their bottom line. the UK, on the flipside, just set themselves up in such a manner where they can't, they need trade agreements eventually, and other countries will be more than willing to take advantage of this fact

this goes for just about every other argument you've made so far. it all relies on the assumption that other countries have to deal with the UK eventually, not realizing that they're always going to be taking a loss because of this, so it's far more effective for them to choke out resources until they get better agreements

posted about 7 years ago
#101 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events

except this is an issue that all of scotland is united on

they see themselves being shoehorned into a scenario they don't want, and the only reason they're still UK is because of the exact thing you tossed out. you're trying to argue like the UK suddenly has all this bargaining to work with, when even in best-case scenarios the UK's just about always getting the shorter end of the stick, even if that results in negatives for other countries

posted about 7 years ago
#99 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events

considering the choices are slightly shit EU connection and no EU connection at all, when the only reason they stayed beforehand was under the assumption the UK would always stick with them, then yes, most people of scotland are going to fuck off and seperate

posted about 7 years ago
#83 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events

I'm just going to assume you haven't actually clicked any link I've posted so far and end it at that

posted about 7 years ago
#81 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events
MelonTF>voters are only informed if they agree with what I deem acceptable

voters are informed when they actually know the facts, as in what these decisions will and won't do

you really do not have to look hard to figure out that a lot of people did not pass this test

posted about 7 years ago
#74 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events
"Totally depressing - and very frustrating. A lesson in protest voting"

...I don't understand "protest voting". like, I can't comprehend that people don't understand that it's still a vote that's going to be counted

posted about 7 years ago
#71 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events

it's like he's purposely styling himself on donald and boris

that hair looks like it was photoshopped in

posted about 7 years ago
#67 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events
EmilioEstevezWhat, the idea of democracy and the right to self-determination is not worth a potential few % of growth? I guess Brits just value their freedom more than Canadians.

democracy without informed voters is worthless as a way to make decisions, which, for the record, is what this was. you're not making decisions based on mass informed opinions by that point, you're making decisions based on bullshit and gut feelings

posted about 7 years ago
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