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Signed Up September 22, 2012
Last Posted July 26, 2019 at 2:00 PM
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#3 TF2 Stuttering in Q/A Help

open up TF2 in windowed mode, keep task manager to the side as you play and have it sort by CPU usage (so the most usage is at the top)

whenever it stutters, you should end up seeing the process fucking shit up

posted about 8 years ago
#40 milk in Off Topic

lactose intolerance, I prefer to not shit out my internal organs

I used to drink almost entirely milk as a kid, it makes me mad that the only thing I can drink now is "almond milk" which tastes like gross candy-fied milk

posted about 8 years ago
#35 If you could customise a mouse.. in Hardware

a g600:

with buttons that you don't accidentally press and a proper FPS sensor

it's tall enough to where my giant hand can still glide around with it perfectly, and an extra button for your ring finger is really great (I use it to crouch), but it's still very clearly an MMO mouse and considering how many times I accidentally hit a side button while shooting it's not one that's incredibly well designed

posted about 8 years ago
#20 Ronin cuts phorofor, poaches Nursey in News
BopperI wouldn't be surprised if nursey cuck shrugger before b4nny cuck lansky then cuck would fuck a cuck with cuck. But at the end of the cuck it's all a cuck.

someone pls translate to english

posted about 8 years ago
#46 Why do people bitch about tf2's hit reg? in TF2 General Discussion
yttriumactually no. While that part sucks, blizzard actually wrote their netcode with "favor the shooter" in mind. The server will fudge hits in favor of whoever is shooting, so that if the shooters client saw the hit even when the server shows the enemy behind a wall now, it still gives them the hit. Which is even worse on the client of the enemy.

is this why there's a lot of OW server-side replays involving widowmaker players seemingly snapping onto enemies?

posted about 8 years ago
#26 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News

there is no nice way of saying "these people who won a tournament are lazy and therefore awful" without the underlying text being "everyone who currently plays are significantly worse than these players who aren't really full-time in the slightest"

posted about 8 years ago
#11 insane round from publiclir vs comfortably spanked in TF2 General Discussion

EU players being really bad at detecting spies is just a thing now, right?

posted about 8 years ago
#10 safest rom sites and best emulators to use? in Other Games

keep in mind btw, the default gba core in bizhawk isn't actually accurate, because VBA-M runs at 60fps and the gba ran at a really weird 59.7fps, so VBA-M is slightly faster than the proper console as a result

the mGBA standalone emulator fixes this, presumably the mGBA core that's in bizhawk does too?

posted about 8 years ago
#13 FROYO BLACK uncorked in News

so if froyo black is nWo hollywood, that makes the other froyotech team wolfpac, right?

so when does clockwork fingerpoke of doom b4nny

posted about 8 years ago
#108 TF2 Players that went on to greater adventures. in TF2 General Discussion
wrua finnish player DraQu is a speedrunner and Reflex player, although I know that for a long time I remember about him now because at the moment he holds the world record for Devil Daggers with 500+ seconds so that's quite an accomplishment I suppose

updated to a better record, ty cryma

he currently has the WR for doom'16 any%

it also looks like he's getting another one for legendary any% right now:

e: fuck, I think I jinxed it

posted about 8 years ago
#1 M2K signed by Echo Fox in Esports

dude finally has a proper big-time sponsor worthy of what he's accomplished, good on him

posted about 8 years ago
#40 Make UGC Great Again in TF2 General Discussion

I still think ppl are severely overestimating how stable UGC would be, even assuming a perfect world of moderation

highlander's main draw has always been that, to newer players, it was as close to the main public server game as possible, and so it was easy to get into. with MM, that draw jumped right off a cliff, and everyone knows that, because now valve 6s is the main game for serious play. why would people try and join an alternate, unsupported format when valve's pushing 6v6 as the future?

you can see it with how many people are trying to get matchmaking passes (currently at ~173k, according to the steam group). new players aren't joining HL because most of them just end up thinking "matchmaking is coming soon, I'll go wait for that"

posted about 8 years ago
#29 Make UGC Great Again in TF2 General Discussion

there's too many examples of weird moderation in tf2's history for anyone to reasonably say it can kill a league on its own, much less become a major reason for its demise

at its core, HL was getting choked out the second everyone realized valve would be logistically out of their minds to attempt HL matchmaking, and HL is the one reason it's a popular league. beyond that, you have 4s, which is wildly considered a joke format, and 6s, which is wildly considered an easy way to never touch 6s relevancy in ESEA, which is the NA 6s league that actually matters

posted about 8 years ago
#5 AUTISMhud in The Dumpster

autism to modern low-effort comedy is what down's syndrome was in the 00's

posted about 8 years ago
#21 Talent, skill, and coordination in Q/A Help

the idea of "being gifted" within the context of mental competition like videogames basically boils down to "they figured out how to learn and adapt efficiently". you can lift the same weights over and over and gain physical advantages doing so, but if you want to enter a powerlifting competition you eventually need to go higher

I always throw out M2K when talking about this; if you ever saw that dude when he started melee, he was a total joke, but eventually he grew and cultivated a lot of that raw, natural talent required. what happened in-between '04 M2K and '16 M2K is a huge change of his mindset that he still struggles with to this day, though, and I think that's why people's first response is always "you either have it or you don't".

it's never impossible on a technical basis, no, but when you consider how difficult it is to rework how you handle everything even in a best-case scenario, it might as well be for people who don't intent to dedicate huge amounts of life to competitive

posted about 8 years ago
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