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Signed Up July 22, 2013
Last Posted June 8, 2014 at 11:32 PM
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#118 Fat shaming in Off Topic

I ignore the genetics argument because to me it matters relatively little.

There are many reasons people are fat and "laziness" is just one of them. Society enforcing an unhealthy lifestyle (long workdays mean little time to cook or work out) is as culpable as genetics. The fact that poverty correlates so severely with obesity is as striking to me as the genetic correlates.

There are problems with fat shaming that have nothing to do with why people are fat, though. You don't get to be lawmaker in addition to judge, jury and executioner. Being fat isn't illegal - you've just determined that it's a negative societal trait in some way. Deciding society's rules for yourself (perhaps because you've felt some pressure in that respect yourself) and then enforcing them by shaming those you feel don't comply is pretty sick.

Also, it's hard to determine, in passing, how lazy someone is. You're all gamers - you spend hours everyday moving almost not at all (dat mouse arm workout). Seeing someone in a period of inactivity does not tell you about their lifestyle.

posted about 10 years ago
#111 Fat shaming in Off Topic

People won't change to match the expectations of a group of people that appear to hate them.

Telling someone "I hate/dislike you in some way, but if you work hard enough and do x, y and z, I won't anymore" ("I'm not attracted to you, but I would be if you just lost weight and dressed a little better") is offering someone a reward they have no reason to want for changes they should find their own motivation to make.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Demo/Roamer LFT LOW LOW OPEN in Recruitment (looking for team)

He talks a lot and requires some direction, but is actually a pretty nice guy. He knows how to work with a team and is very willing to take direction (even more micro-manage-y direction).

I'd try him out. You won't really know if he suits your team unless you do.

posted about 10 years ago
#51 Favorite Poets in Off Topic

I have to be in the right mood, but Robert Service.

posted about 10 years ago
#314 age in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#8 who wants to throw paint & money at strippers w/me in Off Topic

This is the best game I've seen on here yet.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 gls lft scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Chill dude, really good at clicking on things. I always feel safer with him on my team.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 help in Off Topic

If you routinely have stuff you have to write, put yourself on a writing diet - schedule times during your week where you'll focus on nothing but writing as long as you have writing to do. It helps avoid the mental block and procrastination phases.

posted about 10 years ago

Holy fuck you look exactly like you sound holy balls.

Here's a pick of me drunk, overly made up, and playing mix:

posted about 10 years ago
#36 GXL Resurrection 2013 in LAN Discussion

I'm paid but may end up not being able to go. October looks shaky.

posted about 10 years ago
#37 What did YOU do today? in Off Topic
HildrethI realised how I can realistically achieve my dream of moving to the US and how much actual hard work it will take to get there. A man needs a purpose.

I hope our engagement is still on. I'm only cheating on you a little.

posted about 10 years ago
#36 What did YOU do today? in Off Topic

Said goodbye to someone I miss more than I thought I did, took a few hours' break from reality to shake off the resulting incoherence and then settled back into my "fuck having emotions that aren't mild bemusement" trance by playing TF2 (rang for 2 HL scrims and played #tf2mix).

posted about 10 years ago
#357 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic

It's a bridge reference. Figured I'd reference the game I originally played semi-competitively...

posted about 10 years ago
#3 PDF Annotator in Off Topic

So, you probably know about it already and find that it doesn't do what you want, but Foxit has some features like that and is relatively free -

I've never used Grahl's....

posted about 10 years ago
#19 It never ends. in Off Topic

I too hit staggeringbeauty. Took me a while to figure out why I was on a website with a giant floppy penis that was trying to give me epilepsy. Then I closed the tab.

posted about 10 years ago
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