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SteamID64 76561198095238642
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Country Germany
Signed Up May 23, 2014
Last Posted June 1, 2016 at 2:06 AM
Posts 257 (0.1 per day)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 17
#8 i55 LRo6 – The Last Resort vs. Ascent in Matches

posted about 9 years ago
#192 Insomnia55 General Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Mercyless-It's clear why Ascent are not very strong. Enigma is under-performing.

nuke incoming

posted about 9 years ago
#175 Insomnia55 General Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
DavidTheWinspringrollsplease use cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff, these botkillers are ridiculous.
Any recommendations on what to set it to?

cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff 0 makes jigglebones disappear completely, as I understand it the number determines the fps number at which jigglebones stop being animated, thus 0 would stop botkillers etc. from moving all over the screen

Also look at these view numbers fucking HYPE huge probs to everyone involved I love all of you <3

posted about 9 years ago
#59 i55 Viewer's Guide in News
LuckyLukeYao vlog:

I messed up the letters in my head and thought I was about to watch sideshow do an ayo vlog :(

posted about 9 years ago
#40 Top 10 TF2 plays - June 2015 in News
Twilitlordalmost feels more like another A:R push by extv, the only people i ever seem to see in support of this mode

tbh that #1 clip made me never ever want to play arena:respawn ever in my life ever. honestly thought that was a pub at first

Firetbf if youre the last one alive on ar, and then kill the whole enemy Team alone it seems like a pretty good play to me...

people are saying "1v5" but he's a fighting a medic, sniper, spy, pyro and heavy. 3 of these classes are nearly useless in that situation anyways and the other two can't aim. plus minicrits

posted about 9 years ago
#6 I need a really basic script. in Q/A Help
Firei didnt try it, but afaik you need to define chcyan before you can make chcoulour to chcyan

I'm pretty sure you don't need to define it first, but it certainly doesn't hurt to be save and do it your way

It works the same way with binds, actually:

bind KEY "whatever"
alias whatever "hud_reloadscheme"

You can bind the key without having defined the alias. Otherwise you'd have to always start the script from the end.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 I need a really basic script. in Q/A Help
bind - "chtoggle"
alias chtoggle "ch7" //starts with crosshair7
alias ch7 "cl_crosshair_file crosshair7; alias chtoggle ch5"
alias ch5 "cl_crosshair_file crosshair5; alias chtoggle ch7"
bind KEY "chcolour" //change to whatever key you want
alias chcolour "chcyan" //starts with cyan
alias chcyan "cl_crosshair_red 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_blue 255; alias chcolour chgreen"
alias chgreen "cl_crosshair_red 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_blue 0; alias chcolour chwhite"
alias chwhite "cl_crosshair_red 255; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_blue 255; alias chcolour chcyan"

those should work I think, add me if they don't
also scripting is pretty easy and a nice skill to have, here's a simple guide to get started: Link

posted about 9 years ago
#3 mousepad and humidity in Hardware

The problem is probably your arm/wrist being more sweaty than usual so it sticks to your mousepad more and thus makes moving your mouse around harder, especially if you're playing with a low sens. Having something like a piece of cloth between your arm and the mousepad would most likely help decrease the friction and make moving the mouse easier. Alternatively, wear a longsleeve shirt and sweat your ass off

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Scout Guide/Tips in TF2 General Discussion

Lots of scout guides/tutorials + povs can be found here
Whoops didn't read properly, this is hl

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Enemy Medic Ubercharge Timer (I want one) in Customization

The uber timer doesn't work properly because the animation stops when you respawn (and when you die I think, not sure). So overall it's pretty useless and you shouldn't really rely on it. Counting Ubers isn't too hard, just try focusing on it for a few days and you won't even have to think about it anymore. However, I would go with something like 50 (40 for kritz) seconds, 60 is putting you at a lot if risk

posted about 9 years ago
#33 Map location nicknames in TF2 General Discussion

What did that area between mid and second on sunshine end up being called? I've heard people call it flank, valley, flowers and market

posted about 9 years ago
#128 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
anyone know how to fix the kill cam being so small?

Is it just the kill cam that does that?

if it is just the kill cam, I'm not so sure

if it is everything in TF2; smvn is correct
mat_viewportscale 1 should fix that

mat_viewportscale does that in the kill cam, it depends on your viewportscale ratio, eg if you're using 0.05 it's gonna be small af

posted about 9 years ago
#139 ESEA-I S20 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

corsa/cozen team confirmed?

posted about 9 years ago
#3 ooooooooOOOOOOOOOH in Videos

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Ash Vs The Evil Dead in Music, Movies, TV

thought this was gonna be more froyotech drama tbh

posted about 9 years ago
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