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roamer LF mentor
posted in Mentoring
0 Frags +

hi i'm oihguv

i'm playing roamer this season for the first time and playing a new class is a difficult thing to tackle
i play on a moderately decent cevo team in the open division, i've been on a bunch of teams that have rarely worked out but i played medic then

just looking for someone to review demos with and maybe give some overall team tips as well, or just anything you think will help
really anyone who i can bounce ideas off of too


hi i'm oihguv

i'm playing roamer this season for the first time and playing a new class is a difficult thing to tackle
i play on a moderately decent cevo team in the open division, i've been on a bunch of teams that have rarely worked out but i played medic then

just looking for someone to review demos with and maybe give some overall team tips as well, or just anything you think will help
really anyone who i can bounce ideas off of too

3 Frags +

all he wants in the world is to be the best he can be
will most likely smother you with unconditional love if you help him
he's a nice guy too

all he wants in the world is to be the best he can be
will most likely smother you with unconditional love if you help him
he's a nice guy too
5 Frags +

Listens really well and actually doesn't suck

Listens really well and actually doesn't suck
3 Frags +

oihguv is a great guy who deserves a gr8 mentor

oihguv is a great guy who deserves a gr8 mentor
2 Frags +

oihguv would be a great person to mentor.

he's attentive and always tries his hardest at everything he does, he does well at adopting a professional attitude towards the game when it's needed and can go far with the right help.

I would recommend him to anybody looking to be made proud

oihguv would be a great person to mentor.

he's attentive and always tries his hardest at everything he does, he does well at adopting a professional attitude towards the game when it's needed and can go far with the right help.

I would recommend him to anybody looking to be made proud
10 Frags +

Help me rename the map mge_oihguv_rocks

Help me rename the map mge_oihguv_rocks
2 Frags +

I'm regularly impressed by his dedication and passion for the game
I'm certain he would give any mentor a fulfilling, fruitful and worthwhile teaching experience.

I'm regularly impressed by his dedication and passion for the game
I'm certain he would give any mentor a fulfilling, fruitful and worthwhile teaching experience.
1 Frags +

He takes any advice very seriously and always does his best to improve.
With good guidance he could go far

He takes any advice very seriously and always does his best to improve.
With good guidance he could go far
-1 Frags +

"good dude/soldier
he's like macaroni pasta art
he's a bit childish but whimsical and you can mould him and create beautiful things"

"good dude/soldier
he's like macaroni pasta art
he's a bit childish but whimsical and you can mould him and create beautiful things"
1 Frags +

I can help out a bit if you haven't found anyone yet.

I can help out a bit if you haven't found anyone yet.
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