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hud fixing
posted in Customization
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can someone with superior computer science knowledge fix this hud, it has a purple error for the buffed health cross and i dont know how to fix it
also its 7am
download : https://mega.nz/folder/0YJVRTgb#RQSOnFszAJS2HqOVjc92Vg

can someone with superior computer science knowledge fix this hud, it has a [url=https://streamable.com/k271fb]purple error for the buffed health cross[/url] and i dont know how to fix it
also its 7am
download : https://mega.nz/folder/0YJVRTgb#RQSOnFszAJS2HqOVjc92Vg
2 Frags +

Change the x value of "PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage" to 9999 in "resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res" assuming you don't want the buffed cross. This will just move it off screen.

If you want to keep it this should now work - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KKw6e1PJMFFCQDO-XHWNA0l5vRzdNyiT/view?usp=sharing . The issue is that the image it was looking for was missing/broken so it just displayed an error.

Change the x value of "PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage" to 9999 in "resource/ui/hudplayerhealth.res" assuming you don't want the buffed cross. This will just move it off screen.

If you want to keep it this should now work - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KKw6e1PJMFFCQDO-XHWNA0l5vRzdNyiT/view?usp=sharing . The issue is that the image it was looking for was missing/broken so it just displayed an error.
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