Would it be possible for someone to update this HUD for Tough Break >?
fatswimdudeanyone have a fix for the item text being shifted to the right like so:
Show Content
as well as the inspect panel being in the far bottom left like so:
Show Content
still cant figure out how to fix this :<
as well as the inspect panel being in the far bottom left like so:
still cant figure out how to fix this :<
#2403 Just update the inspect panel's and the classloadoutpanel's "itempanel"with the default hud versions, keeping color ,font,border, etc. changes. At the very least you need to mess with the text_xpos and related values if you don't want to change the panel wide size.
Is it possible to give a 'low metal' warning by turning the metal counter red? (As happens when you're at low health/ammo)
ScatterbrainIs it possible to give a 'low metal' warning by turning the metal counter red? (As happens when you're at low health/ammo)
im surprised there isn't, but to my knowledge no.
ive been trying to figure out what the valid arguments are for the testhudanim cheat command. if a list of acceptable inputs existed it'd probably open up abilities, valve could have potentially added some code for animations they never used but who knows
im surprised there isn't, but to my knowledge no.
ive been trying to figure out what the valid arguments are for the testhudanim cheat command. if a list of acceptable inputs existed it'd probably open up abilities, valve could have potentially added some code for animations they never used but who knows
Where can I edit what shows up on the item drop screen? Don't have a screenshot but it's the screen where when you find an item it tells you what it is and lets you resume or go back to your backpack.
flameScatterbrainIs it possible to give a 'low metal' warning by turning the metal counter red? (As happens when you're at low health/ammo)
im surprised there isn't, but to my knowledge no.
ive been trying to figure out what the valid arguments are for the testhudanim cheat command. if a list of acceptable inputs existed it'd probably open up abilities, valve could have potentially added some code for animations they never used but who knows
The acceptable inputs for testhudanim are any animation you find inside the hudanimations files, including ones you make yourself. All the command does is run an event, and pretty much just makes scripting become a way to perform animations, so it can't be used to do anything automatically that scripts can't do automatically (which is very little). Making the metal turn red wouldn't be possible through animations, with or without testhudanim.
Because of it being sv_cheats limited (so mostly only usable on the mainmenu), and animations only working when the thing they're animating has been loaded, there's not a whole lot you can do with it. Hudlayout.res loads on startup so you could run "sv_cheats 1;testhudanim something" in autoexec.cfg to animate some panel you find in hudlayout or something, but there's really not a whole lot you can do with that. And trying to do anything more is a lot of ifs.
im surprised there isn't, but to my knowledge no.
ive been trying to figure out what the valid arguments are for the testhudanim cheat command. if a list of acceptable inputs existed it'd probably open up abilities, valve could have potentially added some code for animations they never used but who knows[/quote]
The acceptable inputs for testhudanim are any animation you find inside the hudanimations files, including ones you make yourself. All the command does is run an event, and pretty much just makes scripting become a way to perform animations, so it can't be used to do anything automatically that scripts can't do automatically (which is very little). Making the metal turn red wouldn't be possible through animations, with or without testhudanim.
Because of it being sv_cheats limited (so mostly only usable on the mainmenu), and animations only working when the thing they're animating has been loaded, there's not a whole lot you can do with it. Hudlayout.res loads on startup so you could run "sv_cheats 1;testhudanim something" in autoexec.cfg to animate some panel you find in hudlayout or something, but there's really not a whole lot you can do with that. And trying to do anything more is a lot of ifs.
is it possible to change the background color of the pause menu? no matter what i try, it stays the same transparent black color. perhaps theres a color entry in some scheme im missing?
if its anywhere, its probably in sourcescheme.res, where though I have no idea.
deetrWhere can I edit what shows up on the item drop screen? Don't have a screenshot but it's the screen where when you find an item it tells you what it is and lets you resume or go back to your backpack.
bind ` toggleconsole // open console in backpack/store/item panels
[code]bind ` toggleconsole // open console in backpack/store/item panels[/code]
I want to install the HUD crosshair like the one used in the first couple seconds of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN0rcpq-SW8
I downloaded grape's version of m0rehud, but this crosshair is not found within hudlayout.res file.
What should I do?
I downloaded grape's version of m0rehud, but this crosshair is not found within hudlayout.res file.
What should I do?
namassinI want to install the HUD crosshair like the one used in the first couple seconds of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN0rcpq-SW8
I downloaded grape's version of m0rehud, but this crosshair is not found within hudlayout.res file.
What should I do?
I downloaded grape's version of m0rehud, but this crosshair is not found within hudlayout.res file.
What should I do?[/quote]
I'm trying to make health bars appear in spectator mode my HUD, but for some reason, adding the "spectator_extras" section from the default HUD into spectator.res and spectatortournament.res doesn't make them appear. Also, my HUD apparently has the text needed for the text used for the names (SpectatorVerySmall if I'm right), yet those aren't showing up either. Are there any parts or console commands (other than tf_spec_xray_disable 0) that I'm missing?
I have a kind-of-custom hud that I wanted to use in a frag clip but my best clip has the taunt menu pop up and not disappear. How can I hide the entire taunt menu selection thing?
Things I tried are disabling and hiding every possible option in HudMenuTauntSelection.res and also hiding and disabling HudMenuTauntSelection in hudlayout.res but the best I got was this http://puu.sh/mqwWn/1356096790.png
I have also tried to move the entire panel out of view but it still makes the round timer / cap points on the bottom disappear when it shows up and it's incredibly infuriating.
I managed to hide the pictures too but the cap points and shit still disappears, any other way around it?
[s]Things I tried are disabling and hiding every possible option in HudMenuTauntSelection.res and also hiding and disabling HudMenuTauntSelection in hudlayout.res but the best I got was this http://puu.sh/mqwWn/1356096790.png
I have also tried to move the entire panel out of view but it still makes the round timer / cap points on the bottom disappear when it shows up and it's incredibly infuriating.[/s]
I managed to hide the pictures too but the cap points and shit still disappears, any other way around it?
Would it be possible for someone to update this HUD for Tough Break >?
GrinReaperWould it be possible for someone to update this HUD for Tough Break >?
3 days ago
GrinReaperWould it be possible for someone to update this HUD for Tough Break >?
7 minutes ago
I don't think anybody is going too
3 days ago
[quote=GrinReaper]Would it be possible for someone to update [url=https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e27fi3wvlhnfhr9/AAAxoSpZ_nxD-Dme8vr-rJP6a?dl=0]this[/url] HUD for Tough Break >?[/quote]
7 minutes ago
I don't think anybody is going too
explosivecakeI'm trying to make health bars appear in spectator mode my HUD, but for some reason, adding the "spectator_extras" section from the default HUD into spectator.res and spectatortournament.res doesn't make them appear. Also, my HUD apparently has the text needed for the text used for the names (SpectatorVerySmall if I'm right), yet those aren't showing up either. Are there any parts or console commands (other than tf_spec_xray_disable 0) that I'm missing?
Add to hudlayout.res as well, kaptain had this issue a while ago too.
Add to hudlayout.res as well, kaptain had this issue a while ago too.
I published my shitty guide from 2010 to steam. It doesn't go into expert level shit but itll definitely help the new people. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=598185371
_KermitAdd to hudlayout.res as well, kaptain had this issue a while ago too.
Thank you so much, it works perfectly now!
Thank you so much, it works perfectly now!
- I can't get #WelcomeBack to work, it always shows %playername% instead of the actual alias.
[*] I can't get #WelcomeBack to work, it always shows %playername% instead of the actual alias.
Was able to fix and find other fixes for the quake hud just that my only problem is that the
1). The Scoreboard is only showing the avatars of players and nothing else. Not even showing the name or ping.
2). The Eureka Effect screen is not working none at all
1). The Scoreboard is only showing the avatars of players and nothing else. Not even showing the name or ping.
2). The Eureka Effect screen is not working none at all
- I can't get #WelcomeBack to work, it always shows %playername% instead of the actual alias.
it has to be in the "TopleftDataPanel" panel, at least from what I've experienced.
"ControlName" "EditablePanel"
"fieldName" "TopLeftDataPanel"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"zpos" "6"
"wide" "450"
"tall" "30"
"visible" "1"
"PaintBackgroundType" "2"
"bgcolor_override" "0 0 0 0"
"pin_to_sibling" "StatusMenuFix"
"pin_corner_to_sibling" "1"
"pin_to_sibling_corner" "1"
"ControlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "WelcomeLabel"
"font" "Menu24"
"labelText" "#WelcomeBack"
"textAlignment" "center"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"wide" "450"
"tall" "30"
"autoResize" "0"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"fgcolor_override" "233 233 233 255"
and then you position it with the anchor trick because it's really fussy,
[*] I can't get #WelcomeBack to work, it always shows %playername% instead of the actual alias.
it has to be in the "TopleftDataPanel" panel, at least from what I've experienced.
"ControlName" "EditablePanel"
"fieldName" "TopLeftDataPanel"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"zpos" "6"
"wide" "450"
"tall" "30"
"visible" "1"
"PaintBackgroundType" "2"
"bgcolor_override" "0 0 0 0"
"pin_to_sibling" "StatusMenuFix"
"pin_corner_to_sibling" "1"
"pin_to_sibling_corner" "1"
"ControlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "WelcomeLabel"
"font" "Menu24"
"labelText" "#WelcomeBack"
"textAlignment" "center"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"wide" "450"
"tall" "30"
"autoResize" "0"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"fgcolor_override" "233 233 233 255"
} [/code]
and then you position it with the anchor trick because it's really fussy,
I've been trying for days to change the borders in those button background things in broeselhud from this: http://i.imgur.com/Rnhw5yR.jpg to this http://i.imgur.com/yHIQKgW.jpg. I changed every draw_corner height and width to 0 and the buttons remained the same.
Edit: Whoops.
Edit: Whoops.
knikI've been trying for days to change the borders in those button background things in broeselhud from this: http://i.imgur.com/Rnhw5yR.jpg to this http://i.imgur.com/Rnhw5yR.jpg. I changed every draw_corner height and width to 0 and the buttons remained the same.
You linked the same image twice
You linked the same image twice
knikI've been trying for days to change the borders in those button background things in broeselhud from this: http://i.imgur.com/Rnhw5yR.jpg to this http://i.imgur.com/yHIQKgW.jpg. I changed every draw_corner height and width to 0 and the buttons remained the same.
Edit: Whoops.
Try changing "backgroundtype" to 1 or 0
Edit: Whoops.[/quote]
Try changing "backgroundtype" to 1 or 0
thats not an image, its a border. you need to just remove the border, set paintbackgroundtype to 1 and do an image with corner width/height 0 or do a fillcolor to whatever color that is.
btw to fix the scoreboards just add "spacer" "5"
flamethats not an image, its a border. you need to just remove the border, set paintbackgroundtype to 1 and do an image with corner width/height 0 or do a fillcolor to whatever color that is.
Sorry for being stupid, but I don't really understand what to do.
Sorry for being stupid, but I don't really understand what to do.
is chatscheme.res used for anything but the chat window?
EDIT: to refrain from double-posting:
how do i get rid of the margin around the chat input box, and also get rid of the backgrounds of the chat input & chat history boxes? ive edited everything possible in chatscheme.res
picture for clarity:
EDIT: to refrain from double-posting:
how do i get rid of the margin around the chat input box, and also get rid of the backgrounds of the chat input & chat history boxes? ive edited everything possible in chatscheme.res
picture for clarity: